Becoming a Partner – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Becoming a Partner – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
When it comes to our purpose, we often wonder: “What am I supposed to do?” But the question we should be asking ourselves is: “Who am I supposed to become?” Before you collide with destiny, a process must take place, and it happens on the threshing floor. It’s where you become somebody. It’s where you recognize you and God want the same victory, and you make a decision to partner with Him. The moment you come into alignment with what He wants to do in your life, you’ll understand why it had to be YOU!
anybody glad to be in the house of the lord on a Wednesday night.
That sounded good, but I wanna know, is anybody
to be in the house of the lord on a Wednesday night.
You could be anywhere else in the world, but for some reason, god did something in your life that made you crazy enough to say he’s been too good.
I gotta make sure that I’m logged in.
I gotta make sure that I’m in the building because I know that god is speaking to me.
I am so, so grateful for the opportunity to serve
you all tonight. I don’t know about you, but, um, I kinda feel like I’m
gonna special treatment tonight. Worship was extra oily. Can you help me thank god for our incredible worship team?
Thank you so much for not just singing the song and knowing the words and playing the notes, but staying before god so that you usher us into the presence of the lord.
what an atmosphere you’ve created here. I honor you, and thank you so much for the way that you serve.
Come on y’all. Let’s give it up.
If you know that worship sets the atmosphere, if you knew what I knew about worship, you would be playing it in your house all of a time because you recognize it sets an atmosphere.
Doesn’t matter what the bank says. Doesn’t matter what the teacher says.
What matters is what my worship is saying. My worship is saying something different than my circumstance.
I play worship in my house because I don’t know what’s happening in the world, but what I do know is what’s gonna happen in this house.
As for me and my house. Forget a recession.
What’s gonna happen in this house is we’re gonna serve the lord. God’s gonna bless us. He’s gonna sustain us.
The plague is gonna pass over that’s what happens when we choose to make our homes, our houses, our bodies a place of worship.
Family, I’ve been praying. You know? It’s a Wednesday night Bible study.
You don’t just come to Wednesday night Bible study without praying, child, because the word that goes forth from this place with our pastors and our team and our bishop not to be trifled with.
I’ve been thinking a lot about, um, what I sense god is doing in this season of culture, in this season of our communities and our families.
And I feel based off of what I’ve been witnessing in prayer is that god is getting ready to shift.
He’s getting ready to reveal himself in a fresh wind, a fresh wave of god’s glory, a fresh movement of the spirit of god.
I sense it happening. I sense it happening for generation. where they said that they were leaving away from church.
I don’t believe they were leaving away from church.
I believe that they were going to have genuine encounters with the lord so that they could become disciples and witnesses.
I see a generation passing on wisdom for the next generation. I see it coming together like never before.
And I’ve been praying about how we partner with god when god is doing something new.
And my studying took me to judges. I’m gonna be in judges
This is not unfamiliar. It’s the story of Gideon.
But as I was praying, I believe that god showed me something worth sharing with you.
My subject is becoming a partner, but we’ll see what god does.
I’m gonna be in judges 7 verse
Of course, my notes disappeared because that’s what the devil does.
When the devil does, what the devil does, that ain’t no problem. Became ready to fight.
Judge 7 and 9, it happened on the same night that the lord said to him, this him is Gideon.
And Gideon’s gone through a process in judges 6.
And now when we find him in the text and judges 79, And as he’s gone through this process, the moment we see him standing in is the moment when he is going to realize what god always knew about him from the very beginning.
Gideon didn’t know it about himself, but god knew it.
And this is the moment where Gideon and god have finally gotten on the same page about who he is and what he’s called to do in the earth.
The partnership is realized. It solidified And it says, and it happened on the same night that the lord said to him that him is getting a rise, go down against the camp.
for I have delivered it into your hand.
But if you are afraid to go down, go down to the camp with PURA, your servant, and you shall hear what they say and afterward your hand shall be strengthened to go down against the camp.
Then he went down with pure, his servants the outpost of the armed men who were in the camp.
Now, the median nights in the amalakhites, all the people of the east were lying in the valley as numerous as locusts, and their camels were without number as the sand by the seashore and multitude.
And when Gideon had come, there was a man telling a dream to his companion.
He said, I have had a dream.
To my surprise, a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the camp of Midian.
It came to a tent and struck it so that it fell and overturned in the tent collapse, then his companion answered and said, This is nothing else, but the sword of Gideon, the son of Joash, a man of Israel, into his hand, god has delivered Median and the whole camp.
And so it was when Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation that he worshiped.
No victory dance. No. I told you so. He worshiped.
And when he gets finished worshiping, he moves down back into the camp. He worshiped.
He returned to the camp of Israel And he said arise for the lord has delivered the camp of midian into your hand, and he divided the 300 men into 3 com companies and he put a trumpet in every man’s hand with empty pictures and torches inside the pictures.
And he said to them, look at me and do likewise watch.
And when I come to the edge of the camp, you shall do as I do.
When I blow the trumpet, I and all who are with me, then you also blow the trumpets on every side of the whole camp.
and say the sword of the lord end of Gideon.
The sword of the lord end of getting. Oh, god. Help me.
Spirit of the living god fallenless places only you can do.
Lord, you know exactly who was in this room.
Small and insignificant as they sometimes feel God, you call them holy.
You call them worthy of partnership.
God, you have a vision for their lives that only you know when only we are trying to seek out.
So god, I pray that this would be a moment of intimate encounter.
First, god, let us see you, let us behold your presence.
And as we behold you, god, help us to understand why you preserved us.
why you kept us, why you protected us, and help us, god, to show up in this season of our lives, of our generation of our ministry of in our family and our marriage, not as one who knows it all, not as one who has seen it all, But as one who partners with you, I think you got that it’s already done.
May this be a partnership on display? in Jesus’ name. Amen.
And, man, y’all turn to your neighbor and say something real churchy while I try and find my notes.
Real churchy, just God is good all the time. Just say something real.
If you wanna catch the holy ghost, now would be the time to go on and grab that holy ghost for me.
If you wanted, Terry, what happened to, uh, testimony service?
We used to have maybe we oh, I found my notes. Testament over. We hear about it on Facebook.
Look at your testimony. Been going down the road.
We had this moment at woman that were at loose, where my dad unbeknownst to me, um, playing this passing of the baton.
wasn’t thank you. I didn’t really know what to do with that, to be honest.
I felt dragged. I didn’t know what to expect um, it was a lot happening in that moment.
I wanna stay on subject, but I just want y’all know there’s a lot happening in that moment.
because first of all, and secondly, what.
And I don’t understand how we have a torch it has slung over my shoulders, Abraham.
He told me, when I go watch this video, there’s a lot of emotes. Then he walked off the stage.
I ain’t been able to talk to y’all about this.
Did y’all see Bishop Jake’s walk off the stage of woman that were loose, like, drop don’t drop the mic and then walk off the stage.
You grabbed my mother’s hand and left me abandon me. Where is Doctor Natasha?
I got abandoned at stage, have abandonment issues right now because of what happened at Woman Dawa loose.
Then after one minute I lose, now y’all wanna post y’all story telling me how proud you are.
That’s too much. It’s too less of that. less of that. No. Don’t do that.
Don’t do that because I’m trying to don’t do that. Stop. Hey, girl. Stop.
people kept asking me over and over again, what are you gonna do now?
What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? And I was like, child. I don’t know.
you know, I’m gonna, like, not wash this wig.
That’s what I do know for sure, because it’s anointed. And, I kept Alright.
I kept praying.
You know, god, what am
I supposed to do with this? What am I supposed to do with this exposure?
What am I supposed to do with this influence? What am I supposed to do?
And I heard god say you’re asking the wrong question. Got it.
What you need to be asking is who do I need to become?
We often experience change and transition in our lives.
And if we’re honest, our immediate response is what am I supposed to do now?
Not just the passing of the baton.
I mean, the passing of the job, you didn’t get it.
The passing of tragedy in our marriages and relationships, we moved to a new city We change our friendship circle.
The ministry isn’t doing what we thought the ministry is supposed to do when we begin to ask ourselves What am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
And I heard god say, if you’re only focused on doing you will not recognize what of becoming with God.
You’ll start doing things you never thought you could do, not because you planned it, but because you started becoming someone And as I became the natural organic byproduct of me becoming was I started producing.
If you align with who you are supposed to be in god, then producing becomes automatic.
And so often we want to do before we become, and that’s why we are frustrated because you cannot hustle yourself into purpose.
You cannot do what you see someone else doing unless you become who that person became And if you’re gonna become who I became, you have to do the undoing that allowed me to become.
You see, I didn’t just become it was easy. I had to do some undoing first.
I had to shed some skin. I had to go through some heartbreaks.
I had to lose some things along the way.
Some people had to betray me before I could become some people had to walk away before I could become the bank had to tell me no.
before I could become. You wanna do what I do, but, baby, do you wanna become who I became?
Do you wanna go through what I went through that told me we’re not supposed deprecian here, but if we could just take a minute at Wednesday night Bible study and thank god that he didn’t just let me be a doer, He let me be a becommer before I became a doer.
I know you wanna do, but if you’re gonna be sustained, you’re gonna have to become first.
I hear god say If you would become, you won’t have to worry about rumors.
If you would become, you won’t have to worry about who’s gonna tear you down.
If you would become, you would see that who I am making you was shakable, who I am making you as unbreakable, who I am making you as unswatable, who I am making you who I am making you, who you are becoming is more important than what you’re doing.
Who am I gonna have to become to raise this child?
Not what am I gonna do with this child?
God, it you gave me this child, if you anointed me to be this child’s mother, then I am not lost.
I don’t know what I’m gonna do. What I know is who I am gonna be come.
God, I’m not gonna lose them on my watch.
God, if you put me in this position, I’m not gonna try and do something different.
I’m gonna become something different. They’ll wonder how I did it. They’ll be focused on the results.
They don’t know the results happened in me before they came through me.
they won’t understand that the work took place within. I became. That’s how I got it. I became.
That’s how I saved it. I became. That’s why God breathed on it.
I became what’s gonna blow the what’s gonna grow the ministry?
You’re gonna become, and then the ministry’s gonna grow as you grow. I don’t know who’s in this room.
but I feel like there was ministry in this room. I feel like there’s ministry in foreign places.
There’s ministry in marketplace. There’s ministry in awkward places, and it’s gonna happen, not through the doing, but through the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming.
That’s what this season is. This isn’t season of becoming. I’m becoming someone who could stand in that position.
I’m becoming someone who could be someone’s wife. I’m becoming someone who could raise this child.
I thought I was going through hell. I was in a womb. I was becoming.
I thought the enemy was trying to take me out.
God was trying to show me how to walk through the fire and not get burned. I was becoming.
that’s how I got it done.
I’m in the city and I don’t have friends, but I’m becoming somebody in the process.
I don’t know what I’m gonna do on this new stage, but do know I’m gonna become in the process.
I’m becoming. I’m becoming. I’m becoming. I’m becoming, and I got an audience.
I’m becoming and I got some people connected to me. I’m becoming and I can’t go back.
I’m becoming and I’m too far out. I’m becoming and I can’t go backwards.
be coming and I don’t know what’s ahead.
I don’t know who’s in this room, but I hear god saying that you’re gonna keep on becoming.
You’re gonna on evolving. And when you get finish evolving, they wanna look at you and say it was only the creaks of god.
There was no way that anybody with their crowd and their family, and their connections could have ever became what they became.
And they’re gonna say, oh, what grace of god made it possible.
The grace made it Oh, but for the grace of god, there shall I go too, but the grace made me become something different It’s not that I did everything the right way, but for some reason, the gay said, no.
You’re gonna become something different. I know you see it in your family, but you’re gonna become something different.
I gave you vision so you could become.
I gave you prophecy so you could become I gave you that friend so you could become.
I gave you that on so you could become. You’re in that church to become.
You’re not here to be a spectator. You’re not here to see what got on. You’re here to become.
God, who am I becoming in this season? God, what are you doing on the inside of me.
It’s not what am I gonna do?
Who am I? Who am I gonna become?
Who am I? gonna become.
God gives vision for the becoming The vision is to help you understand not what you can do, but who you can become.
That’s why I love being in this church.
That’s why I love seeing not just the bishop, but there are so many prolific people in this church.
And every time I see someone prolific, I realize that god has highlighted them to me as prolific because god’s trying to show me what I can become.
And when we talk about partnering with god, especially at this time in our culture, at this time in our society, we are partnering with god because the more that we partner with God, the more that we become, the more that we are able to win over new souls.
That’s why we need a fresh win.
That’s why we need a fresh development of the spirit of god on the inside of us.
We need a new demonstration to show up through us, in us, and then through us.
I was studying what happens in judges with Israel, in chapter after chapter after chapter, We see just how y’all know I only know how to be me.
And there’s ones in that Bible study and JDS is here, and I wanna know big words, but I got what I got.
Israel is just raggedy chapter after chapter after chapter, He’d imparted the red sea.
They didn’t gone back to doing what they was doing before.
Chapter after chapter, we see Israel Raze, hang up a judge, coming back to god, then falling away from god.
chapter after chapter. We see them with a fresh revelation of who god is, a fresh dedication to being set apart.
And then later on in the chapter, we see that after that judge dies, they eventually go back to the way they used to be.
So when we find them and judges sit, and I’m studying Gideon for a better understanding of how god partners with his creation.
Israel is in that same cycle.
They fallen away from god, and god has delivered them into the hands of the media nights for 7 years.
There’s 7 years into oppression.
There’s 7 years into every harvest that they produce, the midianites, and all of their friends come, and they tramble that harvest.
They take the harvest, not just what grows from the ground, but their sheep and their oxen over and over again.
They can’t keep anything no matter how hard they work, it just slips through their hands. They are oppressed.
The only problem with this oppression though it has only lasted for 7 years is that that 7 years of oppression feels like a lifetime for Israel.
So much of a lifetime that they have forgotten the faithful god from the previous chapters.
I studied over and over again because I wanted to understand unless Gideon was seven years old.
He was alive at some point when the faithfulness of god was being was close to the people of Israel.
But when he first has an encounter with the angel of the lord and judges 6, the angel of the lord comes to him as bible study.
So let’s go to it. Right?
In judges 6, the angel of the lord comes to him, and the angel of the lord says to him, in judges 6, He says, the lord is with you.
You mighty man a valor. And Gideon’s like, how was the lord with me?
and I am oppressed. How was the lord with me? And my people are suffering.
How was the lord with me? And I cannot keep my own harvest.
He doesn’t understand how god can be with him, and he’d be losing at the same time.
Gideon doesn’t realize that the fact that he has this appearance from god, this theophany, this moment in which god makes himself present and available to him is an indication that god is going to take those 7 years of oppression, and he’s about to flip it.
When god begins to call him, a mighty man of valor. He’s giving him a new vision.
I know you once saw yourself as oppressed, but now I wanna give you a new vision of who you are I call you a mighty man of valor.
How can I be a mighty man of valor when I’m hiding from the enemy?
When I’m hiding from my oppressor, but god says you’re still a mighty man of no matter who you are hiding from.
Oh, god. I gotta get this right. Cause if I get this right, we gonna set it off in here.
When the angel of the lord comes to get in, he’s threshing wheat and a winepress.
A wine press looks like the only way I can explain is it looks like a giant well.
that a person can fit inside of.
And the well is so large and so deep that Gideon could get in there with the wheat, and he can begin to thresh the wheat without anyone seeing it.
So when god calls him a mighty man of valor, even though he is going through an oppression.
The reason he calls him a mighty man of valor is because he has not allowed the oppression to steal his harvest.
Gosh. When god finds this mighty man of valor Gideon, he is engaged in an act of resistance against his oppression.
If his oppressor says whatever you grow, we’re gonna take He says you cannot have my harvest, so I’m gonna find a way to make sure my harvest is protected.
I’m still oppressed. Nothing has changed, but I still have faith that there is something about what god is producing through me that is worth protecting regardless of what’s happening around me.
I wanna talk to some people in this room who have been engaged in acts of resistance.
You have not gotten the breakthrough that you think you need to have yet, You don’t have the freedom that you wanna walk in yet, but the very fact that you are in this room on a Wednesday night is an act of resistance against your oppression.
The reason why god chooses Gideon is because Gideon engages in an act of resistance against his oppression.
I may not know god where god is in the midst of it all, but I feel like I got just a little bit of something worth protecting.
I know that may have taken almost everything from it, but I still feel like I got a little something worth protecting.
I know they walked away from me, and I don’t have the resources.
but I feel like I got a little something worth protecting.
And because you are engaged in an act of resistance against your opposition, I hear god saying that we can partner together because we have the same enemy.
We’ve got to see there’s nothing like having the same enemy that god has.
When you and god have the same enemy.
I can take your resistance, and we can work up the faith on the background, but we got the same target We’ve got the same opponent.
We’ve got the same devil we wanna slay. You wanna break that generational curse. Guess what?
God wants to break it too.
You don’t know how you’re gonna do it, and you don’t know if god is with you,
but you’re acting like god
is with you anyway. You’re moving like you got harvests anyway.
You’re moving like you got some in the work with in spite of the fact that you’re not sure if it’s enough to produce breakthrough, but I hear because I’m saying if you keep working like you’re working, I gonna take what you’re working with, and I’m gonna add what I’m working with, and I’m gonna partner with you to take that opposition down I wish I had some people in this room.
And I know we’re not supposed to be having church. What’s supposed to be having Bible study.
But when you lift your hands and worship, It is an act of resistance against the enemy.
When you lift your hands and declare that it is well in
your soul, It’s an act
of resistance against the enemy.
I will not let oppression have
the final say. Not in
fact, depression can’t have it either. Matter of fact, heartbreak can’t have it either. You can’t have the final say.
My worship
is an act of resistance. My writing is an act of justice. My prayer is an active resistance.
It’s not that it’s working out, but I’m gonna work like it’s already working out. gonna work.
Like I still got harvests, I’m gonna work like the enemy mission for evil, but god admit it for good.
I’m gonna work even if I gotta work at night, even if I gotta work in, hide it.
So times you can’t let your enemy know what your god’s got protected in your harvest?
That says That says to get in.
You wanna protect your harvest. I wanna protect my harvest too. you are the harvests of god.
You’re trying to protect your gift and your talent. You’re trying to protect your future. God says you are harvest.
You are the thing that I put in the earth to sustain what I wanna do through the kingdom of heaven.
And while you’re trying to protect it, god trying to protect you.
Gideon and god can get on the same page because they both got harpists to protect.
to know that I still had harvest, but maybe my life could be a reminder to somebody that you still got harvest.
I know you’ve through hell. I know they tried to take it from you, but, baby, your faith is harvest.
Baby, your worship is still harvest. Not. Still got it. I still got it.
I dare you did nuts on and said, you still got it.
I dare you to push somebody and let them know you can still got it. You still got it.
You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You’re still anointed.
You’re still talented. You’re still kissing. You still got power. You still got anointing. You still strategy.
You still got creativity. You still got innovation.
I don’t know where you are, Fiper,
but your ministry not seen.
It’s best days yet. I hear god saying there’s gonna be a fresh wind that blows in your city, a fresh wind that blows in your house.
You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You still got it.
You still got for this marriage. You still got it for this child.
You still got it. Don’t get tired. Don’t quit. Don’t give up.
You may have to change the way you move, but don’t stop moving.
You may have to change the way you function, but don’t stop functioning. You still got it.
Still got it. Still got it. Still got it.
Never left you still got it.
still got harvest, still carry breakthrough, still carry creativity, still carry innovation, still got wonder work and power, available to you still one touch away.
You still one song away. You still one prayer away. You still got it. You still got it.
You still got it. And You’re gonna partner with God.
you and god have to have the same enemy.
We got the same enemy.
God gives Gideon a vision of who he can become, but they gotta work out the fact that we gotta get on this same page about who the enemy is.
Gideon is upset that god wasn’t there for him. God says I’m not your enemy.
I’m not your enemy. I’m not your enemy. Oh, that’s breakthrough for somebody.
I don’t know who you had to bury.
I don’t know what you needed god to do that you felt like he didn’t do, but I hear god saying we’re still on the same team.
I’m not enemy. I’m not your enemy. I still got plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
I still got plans to give you a future and a hope.
still got plans to give you a future and a hope.
I still got plans to give you a future and a hope.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Not your enemy. You know what? I found so interesting.
When Israel cries out to the lord and judges
God answers them, but he doesn’t say that I’m gonna deliver you.
doesn’t say that.
Instead, he tells them how they got in this situation in the first place.
He doesn’t say I’m a come get you.
He doesn’t say I’m gonna deliver you. He doesn’t even let them know what the plan is.
It’s a Bible study, so let’s go.
Judge 7 says that when Israel cries out, he sends a prophet to them.
And this prophet tells them and judges 6, rather.
He says that the lord of god says to them, I brought you up from Egypt and brought you out of the house of bondage.
And I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all who oppressed you and drove them out before you and gave you their land.
Also, I said to you, I am the lord your god.
Do not fear the god of the amorites in whose land you dwell, but you have not obeyed my voice.
Period. period.
He doesn’t say I’m gonna deliver you.
Instead, he gives them the coordinates of how they got lost in the first place.
Sometimes we’re praying that god would just deliver us.
But what I wanted to know is god, how did I get in this mess in the first place?
Because there are some moments where you can get so far off course, that you need a profit to tell you how you got off track in the first place, a profit we think is supposed to tell you your future, but some times you need a prophet to help you understand your present.
I need a prophet to help me understand the coordinates for how I ended up in this place Some people can ask for deliverance and need to be delivered again because they never got the coordinates.
But, god, if you deliver me out of this, don’t just deliver me.
Give me the coordinates so I can make sure I never end up in this position again.
Help me to understand where I lost my way. Help me to understand where I started doubting you.
Help me to understand where the vision got blurry. Help me to understand where I stopped moving in faith.
God helped me to understand. So can watch myself against myself.
Scott gives Israel the coordinates why he also works on the deliverance.
Put a pen in that.
marinate on the fact that this is how you got off track.
We don’t serve and I told you so god.
We serve a god who wants you to understand fully what’s in you so that when I bring you out of it, you have no doubt that it was me and me alone We serve a god who wants you to understand what your triggers are, what your weaknesses are.
How when you get into certain communities, you lose the vision.
The vision didn’t lose you, the vision got diluted because of the community you were you were in.
And it’s important for you to understand it because god’s gonna send you back into that community, he’s gonna send you back into that environment.
And because god’s gonna send you back into the environment, god wants you equipped with the of how you got off track in the first place.
So when you go into it, as my husband said, on Sunday, you move differently.
I move differently now because I understand what and last time I was here, I lost my faith.
Last time I was here, I lost my power. Last time I was here, I lost my vision.
You know a woman who moves differently because when she gets in a relationship, she ain’t got time.
She ain’t got time. She ain’t got time. don’t have time for the games.
I move differently now because I understand what I got off track.
When you see someone moving in business who has decided I’m not gonna the same mistakes that I made before.
It’s not because they have so much wisdom that came innately, but they have so many wounds that turn into wisdom that they make a decision that God, if you send me back into that environment, I may mess up, but it won’t be that thing again because you gave me the coordinates.
God help me to go back in time and understand where I got lost so I can understand how to move forward before you release me, God, me to understand where I am before you position me again and establish me.
help me to understand where I lost myself.
Help me to understand where the pursuit became more important than family.
Help me to understand where the pursuit became more important than my faith god helped me to understand where I lost myself.
God is gonna use Gideon to help raise up a nation.
I’m gonna say this. Three points we out of here. I promise.
When we find get in, he’s threshing wheat.
In between judges 6 and judges 7, I was praying.
And I was asking god, why was it that you were willing to engage with Gideon’s doubt.
I’m of the philosophy. I don’t know if it’s just because I’ve been raised in church.
I’ve heard so many things that, like, god can use anybody.
And I think that that is true, but it also makes me feel like if I don’t get on board immediately, I may miss god.
because sometimes I have questions.
It’s not that I’m not going, but I just What time you think we’re gonna be home?
What do you think I should wear? You know what I mean?
Like, should I have on boots or should I, like, is this gonna be a long journey, or can I wear my sandals?
Like, I have questions about the journey we’re going after this building.
And I’m a tell you, while I’m involved, is happening.
And I was fine to keep it at the potter’s house, because, baby, listen, if it’s still here, uh, you’re in advanced, that’s fine.
And my husband, he cold blooded.
He asked me, he said, um, if Jesus comes back the day after conference, Would you have wanted to play it safe or make enough room for as many people as possible?
Yeah. And I said, well, maybe we could have it at American Airlines then.
American Airlines holds 18,000. We was, like, at 12,007 days in.
And he was like, uh, I think that’s too small. And I was like, well, look.
Now I didn’t moved it.
I didn’t I didn’t done what you told me
to do. You know what I mean?
because everything from American Airlines is up is like, I had three thousand people at this conference last year, which was huge for me.
But god will accelerate the vision in 1 year’s time.
And what you thought was will actually be a seed when god gets finished with it.
And then you have to be willing to allow yourself to be stretched and allow yourself to be threshed until you can become the person who can say, well, I think we’ll go after a stadium I didn’t know what God was doing with me this year, y’all, but I almost lost it.
I had a season from about February to June where I started thinking to myself I could never preach again, and I would be just fine.
I didn’t realize that I wasn’t being held back by the enemy, but that god was taking me through a threshing season.
See, it’s one thing to have harvest, but everything you gather in harvest isn’t what’s gonna sustain you.
I’m gonna preach this point, and then we go in home.
Sometimes we’re praying that god would give us harvest, but we don’t realize that gathering harvest is just half of the battle.
Once you have the harvest, You gotta separate the hole from the grain.
You gotta separate the covering from the grain. Somebody’s been gathering thing after thing. Memory your memory, idea, after idea.
And I hear god saying that you wanna implement, but first, I gotta get what you do need out of you.
so that you can get what you don’t need away from you.
I gotta make sure that this harvest is not just a bunch of hole.
Put the picture on the screen so that they can see that when weed is first formed and we pull it from the ground, the grain is what’s on the inside, but what’s on the side has to be beaten so that what’s on the inside can come forward.
When we find Gideon in the text, he’s threshing, but he has no idea that god is getting ready to thresh him.
I’m about to take your down I’m about to take your fear.
this wait until all I have left is glory, until all I have left is a warrior, this season of your life, is the thrashing season.
You think you’re being beat? God says, no, this is what it means to be harvest.
This is what it means to be fruit full. This is what it means to be productive.
It feels like you’re getting beat up.
It feels like some things are coming at you from every angle, but, baby, when I get finished flushing you out.
You’re gonna be a warrior. You won’t need 20,000. You won’t need
all you need is a few good men who don’t mind riding dirty with you.
All you need is a few good men who don’t mind taken territory.
The threshing. The threshing.
the threshing is when your doubt is separated so that your faith can come up.
The threshing is when you become somebody who god can put weight on.
The threshing is when you become someone who god can build a marriage on.
The threshing is when your childhood trauma says enough is enough. I’m gonna have to grow up.
They couldn’t get it to me, but I’m gonna move forward anyway.
The threshing is when you decide that though he’s claiming, yet shall I trust in him?
The threshing is when you decide that God, if you kept me live in this season.
If you kept this ministry on my heart, then, god, I’m gonna release it by any means necessary.
How did it happen? It had happened in the threshing. It happened in the breakthrough.
The threshing made the difference.
Just because you gathered it, doesn’t mean you’re supposed to keep it.
Just because you collected it along the way, Oh, there’s gonna be breakthrough in this room.
I hear god saying it could be the potter’s house, or it could be the threshing floor.
I hear god say that if you start worshiping right now, that we could begin breaking some of that hole off of you.
We could begin breaking some of that seed out of you. We could begin breaking shell.
I hear god saying somebody needs to come out of their shell.
I hear god saying we got the same enemy.
We got the same victory, but we don’t have the same energy.
But if we ever got the same energy that hell would be put on nervous, you gotta be careful when we get together in a room like this, because the Holy Spirit is contagious.
You’ll walk out of this place and see us the boss can’t find you.
You’ll be watching this video, and depression will have to let you go because you messed around and hit the threshing floor.
The thrusting floor. The threshing floor. God, get
it out of me. God break it off of me. God, I’m tired of being afraid.
I’m tired of being ashamed. I’m tired
of wondering who you are and where you are. And it’s
a could ever beat me I’m tired of feeling like I’m damned to my last.
I’m tired of feeling like I lost it all. Take me to the freshen floor. Take me
to the place where your glory is evident. Take me to the place where breakthrough is the only option.
Beat it out of me, god. Get the pain off of me. Get the trouble.
You know how I know?
that god was about to do with Gideon.
The very thing that Gideon was doing in the wine press Because in judges 7, when his enemy has a dream, He says I see a loaf of bread.
says I see a loaf of bread coming for the 10.
Come on, JDS. I see a loaf of bread.
In judges 7, he says, that he has this vision of how to dream.
And to my surprise, a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the camp.
a loaf of barley bread. The barley bread is what’s left after the threshing.
It looks like one small insignificant piece of bread, but this man has a vision that this one piece of bread, when it got finished with the threshing, was gonna be enough to destroy every tent that the MITianites had.
It was gonna be enough to destroy every piece of utility and armor that they had.
This one piece of bread, this one man named Gideon.
God is finished.
With this process we see in judges
Where he says, if you’re really god, then set this alter on fire.
If you’re really god, then dry this out. He wasn’t questioning god.
He was going through the threshing process so that god could show him who he really is so that when he hears that this man sees a piece of bread.
He recognized the power of being a piece of bread and god’s strategic plan.
If we had time, we could go on over into the new testament and we could talk about being the bread of life and how the bread of life would ultimately be what redeems us all, but we don’t have time to talk about So what I will say instead is that, yes, Gideon and god have the same enemy.
And, yes, they have the same victory in mind.
but their weapons were not able to be fully manifested until Gideon and god had the same sword.
And I want somebody in this room to understand that the last piece that you have been waiting for is the sword of the spirit to go up against your enemy.
I love this text so much.
because when we start with Gideon, he doesn’t even believe that god could really be talking to him.
But when it’s time for him to overtake the cam, He says to tell your enemies that the sword of the lord and, uh, Gideon, the sword of the lord, that means I have become a full partner with god.
That means that I have come a little alignment with what god wants to do in my life.
And now I’m ready to use the sword that god gave me. You think your sword is a metal piece.
No. No. No. The sword that god gave Kitty.
was not the kind of sword that we have in mind.
Jesus tells Peter when he cuts the ear off of the Roman soldier.
he says, put your sword away.
Because if you use your sword, then I won’t be able to get my sword into the picture.
until you and god have the same sword, you may mess up the very strategy that god has in mind for your life.
you have the same enemy. You want the same victory, but have you been using the same sword?
I hear god saying that it’s not gonna be by might.
and it’s not gonna be by power, but by my spirit says the lord, my spirit is gonna get it done.
The sword of the spirit is gonna make the difference God, how are we gonna take a conference from 3000 women to 50,000 women?
God says you’re worried about the wrong things. just worry about becoming and let your sword do the rest.
The sword of the spirit says there’s a generation of women who are gonna fill up that stadium and they will wonder, is it Beyonce?
And they will wonder, is it the Super Bowl? And they will wonder, is it the world series? No, baby.
It the glory series, and as women coming together to declare war on hell, they will wonder how did it happen in your business?
How did it happen in your family, and it will be the sword of the spirit.
the sword of the spirit.
We done when finished.
Gideon tells them Get the trumpet, an empty picture, and a torch.
He tells them, when you get there, tell them the sword of the lord of god and of getting but he never gives them instructions to get an actual zord.
He says, get a trumpet an empty picture, and a torch.
If you read all of Judge 7, you’ll see that they never even go for a sword.
As a matter of fact, the midianites start turning their swords on one another.
All they do is release a sound from the trumpet.
Uh-oh. Be careful who you sitting next to. Somebody just blew a trumpet.
Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Wait a minute. wait a minute.
Somebody just released a sound over their enemy. Somebody just released a sound over their oppressor.
Somebody just released a sound over their oppression the sword of the lord, end of Sarah, Chase Roberts, the sword of the lord, end of taven, the sword of the lord, end of Marcus, the sword of the lord, and of Tanya, the sword of the lord, and of Jessica, has come about your camp.
The enemy tried to take everything I ever had, but the sword of the lord is upon me, and it has declared victory over everything the enemy tried to take from my camp, not enough harvest.
Not another season of loss. Not another season of grief.
I waged war on every spirit of depression in this room.
I wish war on every spirit of inadequacy in this room. Is this Bible study, or is it wartime?
Is it will study, or is it time for us to raise up a sword and say I come into agreement with god, I’ll be coming to partner ship with god.
I’ve got the same enemy. I’ve got the same vision.
I’ve got the same victory, and I messed around and got the same spirit.
The spirit that says, my gosh shall supply all of my knees, my gosh supply, everything that I need for this moment in my life, it may not look like enough, but when the trumpet the trumpet sounds.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus, for the threshing floor. Thank you, Jesus, for the breaking apart.
Thank you, Jesus, that you’re getting me down the drain.
I got so many, so many thoughts, so many revelations about this text.
We know. You can stay, and I’m finished.
We know. I’m sure we know.
We know that get in has come to a stage where the threshing is over because god is ready to present him to his enemies.
There’s this process in getting to the grain, in which it goes through a threshing process.
That’s when you beat it with the stick. That’s what they did then.
You’d beat it with a stick until the hole separated from the grain.
And then they would pick up the hole and the grain.
and put it in front of a fan.
They put it in front of a fan because the hole doesn’t have any weight That’s why it’s gotta go.
But if I put it into a fan, the hole will blow away.
And the grain will hit the ground. It’s the winnowing fan.
It’s the space where you throw it into the air.
and only what has weight can hit the ground.
This moment in the text, is when god is threshed giddy into such a point that now he can throw them at something, because only his weight will shake up the camp.
Family, I got one thing to say to you.
The whole point of this message He said god wants to throw you at something.
Your life is not random.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you were not crazy.
That vision that god gave you, it’s real. Otobushi.
That vision that god gave you, it is anointed to shake the earth.
that vision that god gave you, maybe you’re over here, that vision that god gave you, it’s gotta wait on it.
That vision that god gave you, god wants to throw it at something.
because when god throws it at something, the weight of what it is will hit the ground and shake the earth.
And I hear god saying that the earth is in need of a shaking.
and god just needs a few partners who are willing to say, god, I’ll get in the threshing floor if I have to.
You can break that mentality off of me.
You can change my old way of being in my old way of thinking until I’ve got nothing but grain left.
So I have the weight necessary for the journey.
Viber, JDS, online, Wednesday night Bible study, Telegation.
We need you.
We don’t need you to just play church.
We don’t need you
to just quote the scriptures. We need you to throw yourself as something.
that will reclaim territory for the kingdom of heaven.
I wanna pray.
somebody in this room, and it’s gonna require some transparency and some vulnerability.
It’s gonna require you to throw yourself into it and hit the threshing floor.
Wanna pray for somebody in this room. I don’t know who you are.
But you don’t think you have any weight left.
You feel like You’ve just been blowing in the wind.
You’ve lost vision.
You’ve lost power, and you’ve lost the momentum necessary.
to be who god needs you to be in this season.
But I want you to understand that you still got harvest.
There’s some separating that needs to take place.
There’s some hole that needs to be some to be removed, and there’s some grain that needs to be separated.
But you don’t think you have any weight in you.
that you can’t change it. You can’t shake it. You can’t break it.
And if you’re honest, you’re thinking about giving up.
I want you to meet me at the altar. And
giving up doesn’t necessarily mean that you quit doing what you’re doing.
Giving up can simply mean I just don’t do it with passion.
I just don’t do it and believe that it is can be effective.
You lost the ability to think that you can be effective.
You’re still doing it, but you’re not doing it with faith.
You’re still showing up, but you’re not doing it with hunger. You’re not doing it with creativity.
You’re not doing it with strategy. you’re no longer partnering with God, you’re just on autopilot. Let’s be honest.
Let’s be honest.
Israel doesn’t just forget about god.
Israel gets in community with other people.
And when Israel’s in community with other people, they just start dabbling with other people’s gods and dabbling with other people’s religions, and dabbling in other people’s faith.
The only problem with dabbling is that you dabble and look up one day and you’re drowning and you don’t know who you are, and you don’t know what the vision is, and you don’t know what’s gonna make you effective anymore.
And so god has to show them this is where things shifted.
This is where things changed. This is where the vision began to lose its strength and its potency.
You’re in this room.
And maybe you weren’t dabbling with other gods. Maybe you were.
But she dabbled with doubt.
Somebody dabbled with an affair dabbled with unbelief.
Lost alcohol. Now I got a problem.
That dabbling turned into drowning, and now I don’t even know.
I can’t even see anymore. That’s okay.
because time, after time, after time, and judges.
We see god still responding when his people cry out.
we see god still responding.
When they cry out for him, god, I was just crying out because I wanted to be delivered.
I was just crying out because I wanted the bill paid.
I was just crying out because I wanted this thing to go away, but there comes a point where you just cry out for the presence of the lord where you’re like, god, if you would just get in it with me, god, if you would just allow your presence to permeate this atmosphere, god, I need your presence more than I need your presence.
God, I need your presence more than I need another thing. God, I need your presence because I’m drowning.
And if I have your presence, maybe I’ll have light again.
If I have your presence, maybe I’ll have power again. If I have your presence, maybe I’ll feel loved again.
If I have your presence, maybe I won’t feel so broken.
If I have your presence, maybe I’ll feel that innovation
That sounded good, but I wanna know, is anybody
to be in the house of the lord on a Wednesday night.
You could be anywhere else in the world, but for some reason, god did something in your life that made you crazy enough to say he’s been too good.
I gotta make sure that I’m logged in.
I gotta make sure that I’m in the building because I know that god is speaking to me.
I am so, so grateful for the opportunity to serve
you all tonight. I don’t know about you, but, um, I kinda feel like I’m
gonna special treatment tonight. Worship was extra oily. Can you help me thank god for our incredible worship team?
Thank you so much for not just singing the song and knowing the words and playing the notes, but staying before god so that you usher us into the presence of the lord.
what an atmosphere you’ve created here. I honor you, and thank you so much for the way that you serve.
Come on y’all. Let’s give it up.
If you know that worship sets the atmosphere, if you knew what I knew about worship, you would be playing it in your house all of a time because you recognize it sets an atmosphere.
Doesn’t matter what the bank says. Doesn’t matter what the teacher says.
What matters is what my worship is saying. My worship is saying something different than my circumstance.
I play worship in my house because I don’t know what’s happening in the world, but what I do know is what’s gonna happen in this house.
As for me and my house. Forget a recession.
What’s gonna happen in this house is we’re gonna serve the lord. God’s gonna bless us. He’s gonna sustain us.
The plague is gonna pass over that’s what happens when we choose to make our homes, our houses, our bodies a place of worship.
Family, I’ve been praying. You know? It’s a Wednesday night Bible study.
You don’t just come to Wednesday night Bible study without praying, child, because the word that goes forth from this place with our pastors and our team and our bishop not to be trifled with.
I’ve been thinking a lot about, um, what I sense god is doing in this season of culture, in this season of our communities and our families.
And I feel based off of what I’ve been witnessing in prayer is that god is getting ready to shift.
He’s getting ready to reveal himself in a fresh wind, a fresh wave of god’s glory, a fresh movement of the spirit of god.
I sense it happening. I sense it happening for generation. where they said that they were leaving away from church.
I don’t believe they were leaving away from church.
I believe that they were going to have genuine encounters with the lord so that they could become disciples and witnesses.
I see a generation passing on wisdom for the next generation. I see it coming together like never before.
And I’ve been praying about how we partner with god when god is doing something new.
And my studying took me to judges. I’m gonna be in judges
This is not unfamiliar. It’s the story of Gideon.
But as I was praying, I believe that god showed me something worth sharing with you.
My subject is becoming a partner, but we’ll see what god does.
I’m gonna be in judges 7 verse
Of course, my notes disappeared because that’s what the devil does.
When the devil does, what the devil does, that ain’t no problem. Became ready to fight.
Judge 7 and 9, it happened on the same night that the lord said to him, this him is Gideon.
And Gideon’s gone through a process in judges 6.
And now when we find him in the text and judges 79, And as he’s gone through this process, the moment we see him standing in is the moment when he is going to realize what god always knew about him from the very beginning.
Gideon didn’t know it about himself, but god knew it.
And this is the moment where Gideon and god have finally gotten on the same page about who he is and what he’s called to do in the earth.
The partnership is realized. It solidified And it says, and it happened on the same night that the lord said to him that him is getting a rise, go down against the camp.
for I have delivered it into your hand.
But if you are afraid to go down, go down to the camp with PURA, your servant, and you shall hear what they say and afterward your hand shall be strengthened to go down against the camp.
Then he went down with pure, his servants the outpost of the armed men who were in the camp.
Now, the median nights in the amalakhites, all the people of the east were lying in the valley as numerous as locusts, and their camels were without number as the sand by the seashore and multitude.
And when Gideon had come, there was a man telling a dream to his companion.
He said, I have had a dream.
To my surprise, a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the camp of Midian.
It came to a tent and struck it so that it fell and overturned in the tent collapse, then his companion answered and said, This is nothing else, but the sword of Gideon, the son of Joash, a man of Israel, into his hand, god has delivered Median and the whole camp.
And so it was when Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation that he worshiped.
No victory dance. No. I told you so. He worshiped.
And when he gets finished worshiping, he moves down back into the camp. He worshiped.
He returned to the camp of Israel And he said arise for the lord has delivered the camp of midian into your hand, and he divided the 300 men into 3 com companies and he put a trumpet in every man’s hand with empty pictures and torches inside the pictures.
And he said to them, look at me and do likewise watch.
And when I come to the edge of the camp, you shall do as I do.
When I blow the trumpet, I and all who are with me, then you also blow the trumpets on every side of the whole camp.
and say the sword of the lord end of Gideon.
The sword of the lord end of getting. Oh, god. Help me.
Spirit of the living god fallenless places only you can do.
Lord, you know exactly who was in this room.
Small and insignificant as they sometimes feel God, you call them holy.
You call them worthy of partnership.
God, you have a vision for their lives that only you know when only we are trying to seek out.
So god, I pray that this would be a moment of intimate encounter.
First, god, let us see you, let us behold your presence.
And as we behold you, god, help us to understand why you preserved us.
why you kept us, why you protected us, and help us, god, to show up in this season of our lives, of our generation of our ministry of in our family and our marriage, not as one who knows it all, not as one who has seen it all, But as one who partners with you, I think you got that it’s already done.
May this be a partnership on display? in Jesus’ name. Amen.
And, man, y’all turn to your neighbor and say something real churchy while I try and find my notes.
Real churchy, just God is good all the time. Just say something real.
If you wanna catch the holy ghost, now would be the time to go on and grab that holy ghost for me.
If you wanted, Terry, what happened to, uh, testimony service?
We used to have maybe we oh, I found my notes. Testament over. We hear about it on Facebook.
Look at your testimony. Been going down the road.
We had this moment at woman that were at loose, where my dad unbeknownst to me, um, playing this passing of the baton.
wasn’t thank you. I didn’t really know what to do with that, to be honest.
I felt dragged. I didn’t know what to expect um, it was a lot happening in that moment.
I wanna stay on subject, but I just want y’all know there’s a lot happening in that moment.
because first of all, and secondly, what.
And I don’t understand how we have a torch it has slung over my shoulders, Abraham.
He told me, when I go watch this video, there’s a lot of emotes. Then he walked off the stage.
I ain’t been able to talk to y’all about this.
Did y’all see Bishop Jake’s walk off the stage of woman that were loose, like, drop don’t drop the mic and then walk off the stage.
You grabbed my mother’s hand and left me abandon me. Where is Doctor Natasha?
I got abandoned at stage, have abandonment issues right now because of what happened at Woman Dawa loose.
Then after one minute I lose, now y’all wanna post y’all story telling me how proud you are.
That’s too much. It’s too less of that. less of that. No. Don’t do that.
Don’t do that because I’m trying to don’t do that. Stop. Hey, girl. Stop.
people kept asking me over and over again, what are you gonna do now?
What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? And I was like, child. I don’t know.
you know, I’m gonna, like, not wash this wig.
That’s what I do know for sure, because it’s anointed. And, I kept Alright.
I kept praying.
You know, god, what am
I supposed to do with this? What am I supposed to do with this exposure?
What am I supposed to do with this influence? What am I supposed to do?
And I heard god say you’re asking the wrong question. Got it.
What you need to be asking is who do I need to become?
We often experience change and transition in our lives.
And if we’re honest, our immediate response is what am I supposed to do now?
Not just the passing of the baton.
I mean, the passing of the job, you didn’t get it.
The passing of tragedy in our marriages and relationships, we moved to a new city We change our friendship circle.
The ministry isn’t doing what we thought the ministry is supposed to do when we begin to ask ourselves What am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
And I heard god say, if you’re only focused on doing you will not recognize what of becoming with God.
You’ll start doing things you never thought you could do, not because you planned it, but because you started becoming someone And as I became the natural organic byproduct of me becoming was I started producing.
If you align with who you are supposed to be in god, then producing becomes automatic.
And so often we want to do before we become, and that’s why we are frustrated because you cannot hustle yourself into purpose.
You cannot do what you see someone else doing unless you become who that person became And if you’re gonna become who I became, you have to do the undoing that allowed me to become.
You see, I didn’t just become it was easy. I had to do some undoing first.
I had to shed some skin. I had to go through some heartbreaks.
I had to lose some things along the way.
Some people had to betray me before I could become some people had to walk away before I could become the bank had to tell me no.
before I could become. You wanna do what I do, but, baby, do you wanna become who I became?
Do you wanna go through what I went through that told me we’re not supposed deprecian here, but if we could just take a minute at Wednesday night Bible study and thank god that he didn’t just let me be a doer, He let me be a becommer before I became a doer.
I know you wanna do, but if you’re gonna be sustained, you’re gonna have to become first.
I hear god say If you would become, you won’t have to worry about rumors.
If you would become, you won’t have to worry about who’s gonna tear you down.
If you would become, you would see that who I am making you was shakable, who I am making you as unbreakable, who I am making you as unswatable, who I am making you who I am making you, who you are becoming is more important than what you’re doing.
Who am I gonna have to become to raise this child?
Not what am I gonna do with this child?
God, it you gave me this child, if you anointed me to be this child’s mother, then I am not lost.
I don’t know what I’m gonna do. What I know is who I am gonna be come.
God, I’m not gonna lose them on my watch.
God, if you put me in this position, I’m not gonna try and do something different.
I’m gonna become something different. They’ll wonder how I did it. They’ll be focused on the results.
They don’t know the results happened in me before they came through me.
they won’t understand that the work took place within. I became. That’s how I got it. I became.
That’s how I saved it. I became. That’s why God breathed on it.
I became what’s gonna blow the what’s gonna grow the ministry?
You’re gonna become, and then the ministry’s gonna grow as you grow. I don’t know who’s in this room.
but I feel like there was ministry in this room. I feel like there’s ministry in foreign places.
There’s ministry in marketplace. There’s ministry in awkward places, and it’s gonna happen, not through the doing, but through the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming the becoming.
That’s what this season is. This isn’t season of becoming. I’m becoming someone who could stand in that position.
I’m becoming someone who could be someone’s wife. I’m becoming someone who could raise this child.
I thought I was going through hell. I was in a womb. I was becoming.
I thought the enemy was trying to take me out.
God was trying to show me how to walk through the fire and not get burned. I was becoming.
that’s how I got it done.
I’m in the city and I don’t have friends, but I’m becoming somebody in the process.
I don’t know what I’m gonna do on this new stage, but do know I’m gonna become in the process.
I’m becoming. I’m becoming. I’m becoming. I’m becoming, and I got an audience.
I’m becoming and I got some people connected to me. I’m becoming and I can’t go back.
I’m becoming and I’m too far out. I’m becoming and I can’t go backwards.
be coming and I don’t know what’s ahead.
I don’t know who’s in this room, but I hear god saying that you’re gonna keep on becoming.
You’re gonna on evolving. And when you get finish evolving, they wanna look at you and say it was only the creaks of god.
There was no way that anybody with their crowd and their family, and their connections could have ever became what they became.
And they’re gonna say, oh, what grace of god made it possible.
The grace made it Oh, but for the grace of god, there shall I go too, but the grace made me become something different It’s not that I did everything the right way, but for some reason, the gay said, no.
You’re gonna become something different. I know you see it in your family, but you’re gonna become something different.
I gave you vision so you could become.
I gave you prophecy so you could become I gave you that friend so you could become.
I gave you that on so you could become. You’re in that church to become.
You’re not here to be a spectator. You’re not here to see what got on. You’re here to become.
God, who am I becoming in this season? God, what are you doing on the inside of me.
It’s not what am I gonna do?
Who am I? Who am I gonna become?
Who am I? gonna become.
God gives vision for the becoming The vision is to help you understand not what you can do, but who you can become.
That’s why I love being in this church.
That’s why I love seeing not just the bishop, but there are so many prolific people in this church.
And every time I see someone prolific, I realize that god has highlighted them to me as prolific because god’s trying to show me what I can become.
And when we talk about partnering with god, especially at this time in our culture, at this time in our society, we are partnering with god because the more that we partner with God, the more that we become, the more that we are able to win over new souls.
That’s why we need a fresh win.
That’s why we need a fresh development of the spirit of god on the inside of us.
We need a new demonstration to show up through us, in us, and then through us.
I was studying what happens in judges with Israel, in chapter after chapter after chapter, We see just how y’all know I only know how to be me.
And there’s ones in that Bible study and JDS is here, and I wanna know big words, but I got what I got.
Israel is just raggedy chapter after chapter after chapter, He’d imparted the red sea.
They didn’t gone back to doing what they was doing before.
Chapter after chapter, we see Israel Raze, hang up a judge, coming back to god, then falling away from god.
chapter after chapter. We see them with a fresh revelation of who god is, a fresh dedication to being set apart.
And then later on in the chapter, we see that after that judge dies, they eventually go back to the way they used to be.
So when we find them and judges sit, and I’m studying Gideon for a better understanding of how god partners with his creation.
Israel is in that same cycle.
They fallen away from god, and god has delivered them into the hands of the media nights for 7 years.
There’s 7 years into oppression.
There’s 7 years into every harvest that they produce, the midianites, and all of their friends come, and they tramble that harvest.
They take the harvest, not just what grows from the ground, but their sheep and their oxen over and over again.
They can’t keep anything no matter how hard they work, it just slips through their hands. They are oppressed.
The only problem with this oppression though it has only lasted for 7 years is that that 7 years of oppression feels like a lifetime for Israel.
So much of a lifetime that they have forgotten the faithful god from the previous chapters.
I studied over and over again because I wanted to understand unless Gideon was seven years old.
He was alive at some point when the faithfulness of god was being was close to the people of Israel.
But when he first has an encounter with the angel of the lord and judges 6, the angel of the lord comes to him as bible study.
So let’s go to it. Right?
In judges 6, the angel of the lord comes to him, and the angel of the lord says to him, in judges 6, He says, the lord is with you.
You mighty man a valor. And Gideon’s like, how was the lord with me?
and I am oppressed. How was the lord with me? And my people are suffering.
How was the lord with me? And I cannot keep my own harvest.
He doesn’t understand how god can be with him, and he’d be losing at the same time.
Gideon doesn’t realize that the fact that he has this appearance from god, this theophany, this moment in which god makes himself present and available to him is an indication that god is going to take those 7 years of oppression, and he’s about to flip it.
When god begins to call him, a mighty man of valor. He’s giving him a new vision.
I know you once saw yourself as oppressed, but now I wanna give you a new vision of who you are I call you a mighty man of valor.
How can I be a mighty man of valor when I’m hiding from the enemy?
When I’m hiding from my oppressor, but god says you’re still a mighty man of no matter who you are hiding from.
Oh, god. I gotta get this right. Cause if I get this right, we gonna set it off in here.
When the angel of the lord comes to get in, he’s threshing wheat and a winepress.
A wine press looks like the only way I can explain is it looks like a giant well.
that a person can fit inside of.
And the well is so large and so deep that Gideon could get in there with the wheat, and he can begin to thresh the wheat without anyone seeing it.
So when god calls him a mighty man of valor, even though he is going through an oppression.
The reason he calls him a mighty man of valor is because he has not allowed the oppression to steal his harvest.
Gosh. When god finds this mighty man of valor Gideon, he is engaged in an act of resistance against his oppression.
If his oppressor says whatever you grow, we’re gonna take He says you cannot have my harvest, so I’m gonna find a way to make sure my harvest is protected.
I’m still oppressed. Nothing has changed, but I still have faith that there is something about what god is producing through me that is worth protecting regardless of what’s happening around me.
I wanna talk to some people in this room who have been engaged in acts of resistance.
You have not gotten the breakthrough that you think you need to have yet, You don’t have the freedom that you wanna walk in yet, but the very fact that you are in this room on a Wednesday night is an act of resistance against your oppression.
The reason why god chooses Gideon is because Gideon engages in an act of resistance against his oppression.
I may not know god where god is in the midst of it all, but I feel like I got just a little bit of something worth protecting.
I know that may have taken almost everything from it, but I still feel like I got a little something worth protecting.
I know they walked away from me, and I don’t have the resources.
but I feel like I got a little something worth protecting.
And because you are engaged in an act of resistance against your opposition, I hear god saying that we can partner together because we have the same enemy.
We’ve got to see there’s nothing like having the same enemy that god has.
When you and god have the same enemy.
I can take your resistance, and we can work up the faith on the background, but we got the same target We’ve got the same opponent.
We’ve got the same devil we wanna slay. You wanna break that generational curse. Guess what?
God wants to break it too.
You don’t know how you’re gonna do it, and you don’t know if god is with you,
but you’re acting like god
is with you anyway. You’re moving like you got harvests anyway.
You’re moving like you got some in the work with in spite of the fact that you’re not sure if it’s enough to produce breakthrough, but I hear because I’m saying if you keep working like you’re working, I gonna take what you’re working with, and I’m gonna add what I’m working with, and I’m gonna partner with you to take that opposition down I wish I had some people in this room.
And I know we’re not supposed to be having church. What’s supposed to be having Bible study.
But when you lift your hands and worship, It is an act of resistance against the enemy.
When you lift your hands and declare that it is well in
your soul, It’s an act
of resistance against the enemy.
I will not let oppression have
the final say. Not in
fact, depression can’t have it either. Matter of fact, heartbreak can’t have it either. You can’t have the final say.
My worship
is an act of resistance. My writing is an act of justice. My prayer is an active resistance.
It’s not that it’s working out, but I’m gonna work like it’s already working out. gonna work.
Like I still got harvests, I’m gonna work like the enemy mission for evil, but god admit it for good.
I’m gonna work even if I gotta work at night, even if I gotta work in, hide it.
So times you can’t let your enemy know what your god’s got protected in your harvest?
That says That says to get in.
You wanna protect your harvest. I wanna protect my harvest too. you are the harvests of god.
You’re trying to protect your gift and your talent. You’re trying to protect your future. God says you are harvest.
You are the thing that I put in the earth to sustain what I wanna do through the kingdom of heaven.
And while you’re trying to protect it, god trying to protect you.
Gideon and god can get on the same page because they both got harpists to protect.
to know that I still had harvest, but maybe my life could be a reminder to somebody that you still got harvest.
I know you’ve through hell. I know they tried to take it from you, but, baby, your faith is harvest.
Baby, your worship is still harvest. Not. Still got it. I still got it.
I dare you did nuts on and said, you still got it.
I dare you to push somebody and let them know you can still got it. You still got it.
You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You’re still anointed.
You’re still talented. You’re still kissing. You still got power. You still got anointing. You still strategy.
You still got creativity. You still got innovation.
I don’t know where you are, Fiper,
but your ministry not seen.
It’s best days yet. I hear god saying there’s gonna be a fresh wind that blows in your city, a fresh wind that blows in your house.
You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You still got it. You still got it.
You still got for this marriage. You still got it for this child.
You still got it. Don’t get tired. Don’t quit. Don’t give up.
You may have to change the way you move, but don’t stop moving.
You may have to change the way you function, but don’t stop functioning. You still got it.
Still got it. Still got it. Still got it.
Never left you still got it.
still got harvest, still carry breakthrough, still carry creativity, still carry innovation, still got wonder work and power, available to you still one touch away.
You still one song away. You still one prayer away. You still got it. You still got it.
You still got it. And You’re gonna partner with God.
you and god have to have the same enemy.
We got the same enemy.
God gives Gideon a vision of who he can become, but they gotta work out the fact that we gotta get on this same page about who the enemy is.
Gideon is upset that god wasn’t there for him. God says I’m not your enemy.
I’m not your enemy. I’m not your enemy. Oh, that’s breakthrough for somebody.
I don’t know who you had to bury.
I don’t know what you needed god to do that you felt like he didn’t do, but I hear god saying we’re still on the same team.
I’m not enemy. I’m not your enemy. I still got plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
I still got plans to give you a future and a hope.
still got plans to give you a future and a hope.
I still got plans to give you a future and a hope.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Not your enemy. You know what? I found so interesting.
When Israel cries out to the lord and judges
God answers them, but he doesn’t say that I’m gonna deliver you.
doesn’t say that.
Instead, he tells them how they got in this situation in the first place.
He doesn’t say I’m a come get you.
He doesn’t say I’m gonna deliver you. He doesn’t even let them know what the plan is.
It’s a Bible study, so let’s go.
Judge 7 says that when Israel cries out, he sends a prophet to them.
And this prophet tells them and judges 6, rather.
He says that the lord of god says to them, I brought you up from Egypt and brought you out of the house of bondage.
And I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of all who oppressed you and drove them out before you and gave you their land.
Also, I said to you, I am the lord your god.
Do not fear the god of the amorites in whose land you dwell, but you have not obeyed my voice.
Period. period.
He doesn’t say I’m gonna deliver you.
Instead, he gives them the coordinates of how they got lost in the first place.
Sometimes we’re praying that god would just deliver us.
But what I wanted to know is god, how did I get in this mess in the first place?
Because there are some moments where you can get so far off course, that you need a profit to tell you how you got off track in the first place, a profit we think is supposed to tell you your future, but some times you need a prophet to help you understand your present.
I need a prophet to help me understand the coordinates for how I ended up in this place Some people can ask for deliverance and need to be delivered again because they never got the coordinates.
But, god, if you deliver me out of this, don’t just deliver me.
Give me the coordinates so I can make sure I never end up in this position again.
Help me to understand where I lost my way. Help me to understand where I started doubting you.
Help me to understand where the vision got blurry. Help me to understand where I stopped moving in faith.
God helped me to understand. So can watch myself against myself.
Scott gives Israel the coordinates why he also works on the deliverance.
Put a pen in that.
marinate on the fact that this is how you got off track.
We don’t serve and I told you so god.
We serve a god who wants you to understand fully what’s in you so that when I bring you out of it, you have no doubt that it was me and me alone We serve a god who wants you to understand what your triggers are, what your weaknesses are.
How when you get into certain communities, you lose the vision.
The vision didn’t lose you, the vision got diluted because of the community you were you were in.
And it’s important for you to understand it because god’s gonna send you back into that community, he’s gonna send you back into that environment.
And because god’s gonna send you back into the environment, god wants you equipped with the of how you got off track in the first place.
So when you go into it, as my husband said, on Sunday, you move differently.
I move differently now because I understand what and last time I was here, I lost my faith.
Last time I was here, I lost my power. Last time I was here, I lost my vision.
You know a woman who moves differently because when she gets in a relationship, she ain’t got time.
She ain’t got time. She ain’t got time. don’t have time for the games.
I move differently now because I understand what I got off track.
When you see someone moving in business who has decided I’m not gonna the same mistakes that I made before.
It’s not because they have so much wisdom that came innately, but they have so many wounds that turn into wisdom that they make a decision that God, if you send me back into that environment, I may mess up, but it won’t be that thing again because you gave me the coordinates.
God help me to go back in time and understand where I got lost so I can understand how to move forward before you release me, God, me to understand where I am before you position me again and establish me.
help me to understand where I lost myself.
Help me to understand where the pursuit became more important than family.
Help me to understand where the pursuit became more important than my faith god helped me to understand where I lost myself.
God is gonna use Gideon to help raise up a nation.
I’m gonna say this. Three points we out of here. I promise.
When we find get in, he’s threshing wheat.
In between judges 6 and judges 7, I was praying.
And I was asking god, why was it that you were willing to engage with Gideon’s doubt.
I’m of the philosophy. I don’t know if it’s just because I’ve been raised in church.
I’ve heard so many things that, like, god can use anybody.
And I think that that is true, but it also makes me feel like if I don’t get on board immediately, I may miss god.
because sometimes I have questions.
It’s not that I’m not going, but I just What time you think we’re gonna be home?
What do you think I should wear? You know what I mean?
Like, should I have on boots or should I, like, is this gonna be a long journey, or can I wear my sandals?
Like, I have questions about the journey we’re going after this building.
And I’m a tell you, while I’m involved, is happening.
And I was fine to keep it at the potter’s house, because, baby, listen, if it’s still here, uh, you’re in advanced, that’s fine.
And my husband, he cold blooded.
He asked me, he said, um, if Jesus comes back the day after conference, Would you have wanted to play it safe or make enough room for as many people as possible?
Yeah. And I said, well, maybe we could have it at American Airlines then.
American Airlines holds 18,000. We was, like, at 12,007 days in.
And he was like, uh, I think that’s too small. And I was like, well, look.
Now I didn’t moved it.
I didn’t I didn’t done what you told me
to do. You know what I mean?
because everything from American Airlines is up is like, I had three thousand people at this conference last year, which was huge for me.
But god will accelerate the vision in 1 year’s time.
And what you thought was will actually be a seed when god gets finished with it.
And then you have to be willing to allow yourself to be stretched and allow yourself to be threshed until you can become the person who can say, well, I think we’ll go after a stadium I didn’t know what God was doing with me this year, y’all, but I almost lost it.
I had a season from about February to June where I started thinking to myself I could never preach again, and I would be just fine.
I didn’t realize that I wasn’t being held back by the enemy, but that god was taking me through a threshing season.
See, it’s one thing to have harvest, but everything you gather in harvest isn’t what’s gonna sustain you.
I’m gonna preach this point, and then we go in home.
Sometimes we’re praying that god would give us harvest, but we don’t realize that gathering harvest is just half of the battle.
Once you have the harvest, You gotta separate the hole from the grain.
You gotta separate the covering from the grain. Somebody’s been gathering thing after thing. Memory your memory, idea, after idea.
And I hear god saying that you wanna implement, but first, I gotta get what you do need out of you.
so that you can get what you don’t need away from you.
I gotta make sure that this harvest is not just a bunch of hole.
Put the picture on the screen so that they can see that when weed is first formed and we pull it from the ground, the grain is what’s on the inside, but what’s on the side has to be beaten so that what’s on the inside can come forward.
When we find Gideon in the text, he’s threshing, but he has no idea that god is getting ready to thresh him.
I’m about to take your down I’m about to take your fear.
this wait until all I have left is glory, until all I have left is a warrior, this season of your life, is the thrashing season.
You think you’re being beat? God says, no, this is what it means to be harvest.
This is what it means to be fruit full. This is what it means to be productive.
It feels like you’re getting beat up.
It feels like some things are coming at you from every angle, but, baby, when I get finished flushing you out.
You’re gonna be a warrior. You won’t need 20,000. You won’t need
all you need is a few good men who don’t mind riding dirty with you.
All you need is a few good men who don’t mind taken territory.
The threshing. The threshing.
the threshing is when your doubt is separated so that your faith can come up.
The threshing is when you become somebody who god can put weight on.
The threshing is when you become someone who god can build a marriage on.
The threshing is when your childhood trauma says enough is enough. I’m gonna have to grow up.
They couldn’t get it to me, but I’m gonna move forward anyway.
The threshing is when you decide that though he’s claiming, yet shall I trust in him?
The threshing is when you decide that God, if you kept me live in this season.
If you kept this ministry on my heart, then, god, I’m gonna release it by any means necessary.
How did it happen? It had happened in the threshing. It happened in the breakthrough.
The threshing made the difference.
Just because you gathered it, doesn’t mean you’re supposed to keep it.
Just because you collected it along the way, Oh, there’s gonna be breakthrough in this room.
I hear god saying it could be the potter’s house, or it could be the threshing floor.
I hear god say that if you start worshiping right now, that we could begin breaking some of that hole off of you.
We could begin breaking some of that seed out of you. We could begin breaking shell.
I hear god saying somebody needs to come out of their shell.
I hear god saying we got the same enemy.
We got the same victory, but we don’t have the same energy.
But if we ever got the same energy that hell would be put on nervous, you gotta be careful when we get together in a room like this, because the Holy Spirit is contagious.
You’ll walk out of this place and see us the boss can’t find you.
You’ll be watching this video, and depression will have to let you go because you messed around and hit the threshing floor.
The thrusting floor. The threshing floor. God, get
it out of me. God break it off of me. God, I’m tired of being afraid.
I’m tired of being ashamed. I’m tired
of wondering who you are and where you are. And it’s
a could ever beat me I’m tired of feeling like I’m damned to my last.
I’m tired of feeling like I lost it all. Take me to the freshen floor. Take me
to the place where your glory is evident. Take me to the place where breakthrough is the only option.
Beat it out of me, god. Get the pain off of me. Get the trouble.
You know how I know?
that god was about to do with Gideon.
The very thing that Gideon was doing in the wine press Because in judges 7, when his enemy has a dream, He says I see a loaf of bread.
says I see a loaf of bread coming for the 10.
Come on, JDS. I see a loaf of bread.
In judges 7, he says, that he has this vision of how to dream.
And to my surprise, a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the camp.
a loaf of barley bread. The barley bread is what’s left after the threshing.
It looks like one small insignificant piece of bread, but this man has a vision that this one piece of bread, when it got finished with the threshing, was gonna be enough to destroy every tent that the MITianites had.
It was gonna be enough to destroy every piece of utility and armor that they had.
This one piece of bread, this one man named Gideon.
God is finished.
With this process we see in judges
Where he says, if you’re really god, then set this alter on fire.
If you’re really god, then dry this out. He wasn’t questioning god.
He was going through the threshing process so that god could show him who he really is so that when he hears that this man sees a piece of bread.
He recognized the power of being a piece of bread and god’s strategic plan.
If we had time, we could go on over into the new testament and we could talk about being the bread of life and how the bread of life would ultimately be what redeems us all, but we don’t have time to talk about So what I will say instead is that, yes, Gideon and god have the same enemy.
And, yes, they have the same victory in mind.
but their weapons were not able to be fully manifested until Gideon and god had the same sword.
And I want somebody in this room to understand that the last piece that you have been waiting for is the sword of the spirit to go up against your enemy.
I love this text so much.
because when we start with Gideon, he doesn’t even believe that god could really be talking to him.
But when it’s time for him to overtake the cam, He says to tell your enemies that the sword of the lord and, uh, Gideon, the sword of the lord, that means I have become a full partner with god.
That means that I have come a little alignment with what god wants to do in my life.
And now I’m ready to use the sword that god gave me. You think your sword is a metal piece.
No. No. No. The sword that god gave Kitty.
was not the kind of sword that we have in mind.
Jesus tells Peter when he cuts the ear off of the Roman soldier.
he says, put your sword away.
Because if you use your sword, then I won’t be able to get my sword into the picture.
until you and god have the same sword, you may mess up the very strategy that god has in mind for your life.
you have the same enemy. You want the same victory, but have you been using the same sword?
I hear god saying that it’s not gonna be by might.
and it’s not gonna be by power, but by my spirit says the lord, my spirit is gonna get it done.
The sword of the spirit is gonna make the difference God, how are we gonna take a conference from 3000 women to 50,000 women?
God says you’re worried about the wrong things. just worry about becoming and let your sword do the rest.
The sword of the spirit says there’s a generation of women who are gonna fill up that stadium and they will wonder, is it Beyonce?
And they will wonder, is it the Super Bowl? And they will wonder, is it the world series? No, baby.
It the glory series, and as women coming together to declare war on hell, they will wonder how did it happen in your business?
How did it happen in your family, and it will be the sword of the spirit.
the sword of the spirit.
We done when finished.
Gideon tells them Get the trumpet, an empty picture, and a torch.
He tells them, when you get there, tell them the sword of the lord of god and of getting but he never gives them instructions to get an actual zord.
He says, get a trumpet an empty picture, and a torch.
If you read all of Judge 7, you’ll see that they never even go for a sword.
As a matter of fact, the midianites start turning their swords on one another.
All they do is release a sound from the trumpet.
Uh-oh. Be careful who you sitting next to. Somebody just blew a trumpet.
Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Wait a minute. wait a minute.
Somebody just released a sound over their enemy. Somebody just released a sound over their oppressor.
Somebody just released a sound over their oppression the sword of the lord, end of Sarah, Chase Roberts, the sword of the lord, end of taven, the sword of the lord, end of Marcus, the sword of the lord, and of Tanya, the sword of the lord, and of Jessica, has come about your camp.
The enemy tried to take everything I ever had, but the sword of the lord is upon me, and it has declared victory over everything the enemy tried to take from my camp, not enough harvest.
Not another season of loss. Not another season of grief.
I waged war on every spirit of depression in this room.
I wish war on every spirit of inadequacy in this room. Is this Bible study, or is it wartime?
Is it will study, or is it time for us to raise up a sword and say I come into agreement with god, I’ll be coming to partner ship with god.
I’ve got the same enemy. I’ve got the same vision.
I’ve got the same victory, and I messed around and got the same spirit.
The spirit that says, my gosh shall supply all of my knees, my gosh supply, everything that I need for this moment in my life, it may not look like enough, but when the trumpet the trumpet sounds.
Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus, for the threshing floor. Thank you, Jesus, for the breaking apart.
Thank you, Jesus, that you’re getting me down the drain.
I got so many, so many thoughts, so many revelations about this text.
We know. You can stay, and I’m finished.
We know. I’m sure we know.
We know that get in has come to a stage where the threshing is over because god is ready to present him to his enemies.
There’s this process in getting to the grain, in which it goes through a threshing process.
That’s when you beat it with the stick. That’s what they did then.
You’d beat it with a stick until the hole separated from the grain.
And then they would pick up the hole and the grain.
and put it in front of a fan.
They put it in front of a fan because the hole doesn’t have any weight That’s why it’s gotta go.
But if I put it into a fan, the hole will blow away.
And the grain will hit the ground. It’s the winnowing fan.
It’s the space where you throw it into the air.
and only what has weight can hit the ground.
This moment in the text, is when god is threshed giddy into such a point that now he can throw them at something, because only his weight will shake up the camp.
Family, I got one thing to say to you.
The whole point of this message He said god wants to throw you at something.
Your life is not random.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you were not crazy.
That vision that god gave you, it’s real. Otobushi.
That vision that god gave you, it is anointed to shake the earth.
that vision that god gave you, maybe you’re over here, that vision that god gave you, it’s gotta wait on it.
That vision that god gave you, god wants to throw it at something.
because when god throws it at something, the weight of what it is will hit the ground and shake the earth.
And I hear god saying that the earth is in need of a shaking.
and god just needs a few partners who are willing to say, god, I’ll get in the threshing floor if I have to.
You can break that mentality off of me.
You can change my old way of being in my old way of thinking until I’ve got nothing but grain left.
So I have the weight necessary for the journey.
Viber, JDS, online, Wednesday night Bible study, Telegation.
We need you.
We don’t need you to just play church.
We don’t need you
to just quote the scriptures. We need you to throw yourself as something.
that will reclaim territory for the kingdom of heaven.
I wanna pray.
somebody in this room, and it’s gonna require some transparency and some vulnerability.
It’s gonna require you to throw yourself into it and hit the threshing floor.
Wanna pray for somebody in this room. I don’t know who you are.
But you don’t think you have any weight left.
You feel like You’ve just been blowing in the wind.
You’ve lost vision.
You’ve lost power, and you’ve lost the momentum necessary.
to be who god needs you to be in this season.
But I want you to understand that you still got harvest.
There’s some separating that needs to take place.
There’s some hole that needs to be some to be removed, and there’s some grain that needs to be separated.
But you don’t think you have any weight in you.
that you can’t change it. You can’t shake it. You can’t break it.
And if you’re honest, you’re thinking about giving up.
I want you to meet me at the altar. And
giving up doesn’t necessarily mean that you quit doing what you’re doing.
Giving up can simply mean I just don’t do it with passion.
I just don’t do it and believe that it is can be effective.
You lost the ability to think that you can be effective.
You’re still doing it, but you’re not doing it with faith.
You’re still showing up, but you’re not doing it with hunger. You’re not doing it with creativity.
You’re not doing it with strategy. you’re no longer partnering with God, you’re just on autopilot. Let’s be honest.
Let’s be honest.
Israel doesn’t just forget about god.
Israel gets in community with other people.
And when Israel’s in community with other people, they just start dabbling with other people’s gods and dabbling with other people’s religions, and dabbling in other people’s faith.
The only problem with dabbling is that you dabble and look up one day and you’re drowning and you don’t know who you are, and you don’t know what the vision is, and you don’t know what’s gonna make you effective anymore.
And so god has to show them this is where things shifted.
This is where things changed. This is where the vision began to lose its strength and its potency.
You’re in this room.
And maybe you weren’t dabbling with other gods. Maybe you were.
But she dabbled with doubt.
Somebody dabbled with an affair dabbled with unbelief.
Lost alcohol. Now I got a problem.
That dabbling turned into drowning, and now I don’t even know.
I can’t even see anymore. That’s okay.
because time, after time, after time, and judges.
We see god still responding when his people cry out.
we see god still responding.
When they cry out for him, god, I was just crying out because I wanted to be delivered.
I was just crying out because I wanted the bill paid.
I was just crying out because I wanted this thing to go away, but there comes a point where you just cry out for the presence of the lord where you’re like, god, if you would just get in it with me, god, if you would just allow your presence to permeate this atmosphere, god, I need your presence more than I need your presence.
God, I need your presence more than I need another thing. God, I need your presence because I’m drowning.
And if I have your presence, maybe I’ll have light again.
If I have your presence, maybe I’ll have power again. If I have your presence, maybe I’ll feel loved again.
If I have your presence, maybe I won’t feel so broken.
If I have your presence, maybe I’ll feel that innovation
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