Ask Me Anything: Episode 01 – Jack Hibbs

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Ask Me Anything: Episode 01 – Jack Hibbs

Join us as we begin an intermittent series called, “Ask Me Anything”, where Pastor Jack will devote an entire episode to answering questions from listeners. Today’s questions include how should we handle our feelings when our heart says one thing but God’s Word suggests another? How should we handle adult children that are living in sin? What does it mean “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”?

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hey crazy podcast today I think you’re going to like it maybe not super practical kind of personal but we’re going to reach into the mail bag many of you have responded with some questions to us and we’re going to try to answer a few of those from the Bible yes and some of the answers from the Bible plus well stay tuned real life presents the Jack hibs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today hey if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled

life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five star ratings to us that’s like saying amen or yes then that rating will encourage others to listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs well everybody Welcome to the Jack Hibbs podcast and we’re going to have some fun today we are going to grab from our mailbag uh responses from people questions from people so we’re going to Dive Right In we’re going to try to get as many as we can within about a 25

minute uh period of time and um allow me if you would with your generosity uh to be honest with my answers when I say honest with my answers I may or may not be correct uh but I’ll be honest with my answer um of course I believe I’m I’m correct but I will absolutely be correct when I happen to either hit science on the nail head or on T Target right and I will definitely absolutely be correct if I am citing scripture so we’ll do our best to bring you everything accurately and right as is possible and then ultimately you be

the judge as long as you understand the word of God judges us and so listen we’re going to go to the mailbag I think that’s a popular uh term to use we should use that we’re going to go to the mailbag and these mailbag questions have come to us obviously uh by listeners that have reached out to us uh and have emailed us or have written to us so mailbag question number one from our producers behind this microphone and screens is what explain what it means to be absent from the body present with the

the judge as long as you understand the word of God judges us and so listen we’re going to go to the mailbag I think that’s a popular uh term to use we should use that we’re going to go to the mailbag and these mailbag questions have come to us obviously uh by listeners that have reached out to us uh and have emailed us or have written to us so mailbag question number one from our producers behind this microphone and screens is what explain what it means to be absent from the body present with the

device a biod designed apparatus to be a tool whereby it’s animated by the mind and by the spirit of who we are okay that’s very important uh to be absent from the bodies to be present with Christ the believer immediately dies in this world and is immediately with Christ in his presence instantaneously there’s no such thing as Soul sleep there is no such thing as Purgatory there is no such thing as um the the believer floating around in some sea of souls awaiting uh some form of intervention nope if I have

a heart attack right now and drop dead I will immediately be with be with the Lord Jesus Christ um the Bible tells us that in this life while we were at home in the body Paul said to the Corinthians if we’re at home in our bodies we are obviously absent from Christ but for the reverse to take place death sets the believer free we need to remember that Jesus has made death The Great Escape for the believer you see Jack did you get that right yeah yeah yeah he took away the power and the sting of death turned it right around and made it for

us the believer a door that we walk through into the presence of God so so the believer is set free by death we’re not terrorized by death the Bible says to the Believers who come to Christ they’re no longer held captive by the fear of death so remember that I think I’m missing did I answer that or did I miss something else um the dead in Christ oh the dead in Christ who rise first at the moment of the Rapture 1 Thessalonians chap 4: 13 through 18 the Bible says that those who have died in Christ will rise first we’re talking

about the body the bodies are dead either cremated burned alive buried at in a graveyard eaten by a shark and eliminated doesn’t matter the molecular structure the molecules of who you are exist if you’ve been cremated or not okay that’s very important to remember that must be resurrected but remember now follow this if the believer dies right now we bury your body at Forest Lawn over here or Rose Hills you’re with the Lord we’re hosting your service you’re not there you’re in heaven the dead those who have died in

Christ when Christ returns in John chapter 14 veres 1 2 and 3 and again 1 Thessalonians 4:1 13-18 when Christ returns in the atmosphere he doesn’t he doesn’t physically arrive he appears in the atmosphere the trumpet blast is blown the the shout is given the voice of the Archangel the trumpet of God the dead in Christ shall rise first what does that mean it says that their bodies will rise up he brings with them those who once inhabited those bodies they’re in heaven my mom for example if Christ were to come today for the church

he would come and he would bring my mom with him in the atmosphere her body would come up out of the ground in Resurrection and it says that they will be United she will be United with her glorified body I you will immediately be metamorph we will be changed in an instant in the twinkling of an eye our bodies will go from this body that is subject to sin our bodies will be reconstituted in the twinkling of an eye and we will go up to meet them in the air again read 1 Thessalonians 4:13 18 carefully when a Believer dies their body goes to the

ground their Spirit goes to the presence of the Lord when Christ comes back he raises their new body and they receive that new body and they have that resurrected body you see well what kind of body are they wearing right now Scholars call it the intermediate body uh our moms our dads our friends our children the aborted babies they are wearing something but it’s not their resurrected bodies the ultimate fulfillment and goal of course in God’s Redemption will be the day that you obtain your resurrected

body I hope that helps next one from our producers it is what explain the biblical point of view of decision making people say my heart says one thing God says another so explain the biblical uh worldview the biblical um way of making decisions in light of the fact that my I want one thing my emotions want this thing uh this is what I feel to be right I would really like to do this but the Bible says this in other words I think the way that the question was put is that I feel I should go left but the Bible says I should go right um you do

understand right correctly do you do you do understand that to be a disciple this is what this is the definition of a disciple a disciple does what the master what the uh the Journeymen right if those of you in in construction there’s the journeyman and there’s The Apprentice we go with what the Bible says absolutely against what our feelings say you know our thoughts that we have we have them all the time what do we do with them we wash our thoughts through the filter of the word of God this is what’s called a disciple a


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