Adrian Rogers: Joshua 7 – Unbroken Victory and Christian Living

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Adrian Rogers: Joshua 7 – Unbroken Victory and Christian Living

God has planned a life of victory for each one of us, yet many Christians live in defeat. They have saved souls and lost lives. Defeat is possible, but not necessary. In this message from Joshua 7, Adrian Rogers reveals the pitfalls of unconfessed sin, and the key to unbroken victory.

I want to talk to you today about the key to unbroken Victory now the Bible the Bible always admits the possibility of defeat but the Bible never teaches the necessity to the contrary the Bible says thanks be unto God who causeth us always always always to Triumph in Christ Jesus profound truth simply States This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers would you take God’s word this morning and turn to Joshua uh chapter 7 and when you found it look up here and let me tell you something about

you God has planned God has programmed for you A life of victory un broken Victory however many Christians are not living in unbroken Victory many Christians are saved but they’re being defeated day by day they have a saved soul and a lost life I want to talk to you today about the key to unbroken Victory read with me Jos Joshua chapter 7 and beginning in verse one now this chapter takes place right after the defeat of Mighty Jericho you remember the story the children of Israel marched around the city of Jericho for seven

days on the seventh day seven times they gave a shout and the walls came tumbling down they have come into the land the promised land to conquer it and they have won a mighty mighty mighty victory now this episode takes place it begins with a conjunction in the negative but but the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing for aen the son of car the son of zabdi the son of zarra of the tribe of Judah took of the accursed thing and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of

Israel and Joshua sent men from Jericho to AI which is beside bethaven on the east side of bethl and spake unto them saying go up and view the country and the men went up and viewed Ai and they returned to Joshua and said unto him let not all the people go up but let about two or 3 th000 men go up and smite Ai and make not all the people to labor thither for they are but few it’s a small City Ai and uh small name small City and so they went up thither about of the people about 3,000 men now watch this and they

fled before the men of AI they had conquered Mighty Jericho and now this insignificant little city sends them running like whipped puppies they had failed now why had they failed why was Israel defeated what is the key to constant and Perpetual Victory how did they miss it what happened well use your imagination I can imagine a scene like this it’s it’s midnight now over the ruins of Jericho uh the city lies in rubble they broken columns and crumbled walls disarray outside Jericho the camp of Israel is pitched and here is each tribe

in its place and the tents are there the Moon is looking down on that uh that scene of desolation as the walls came tumbling down everybody is asleep it’s quiet did I say everybody was asleep there’s one man who’s not asleep he’s a man whose name is aen I see him as he comes to the door of his tent and opens it and quietly stealthily makes his way from that tent and out of the place where his tribe is encamped he makes his way over those Fallen brick and rock over that Fallen wall he makes his way into the city there

into the the marketplace and he begins to look around and the Moonlight shines down on something that is silvery and he notices that there’s a bag there and the mouth of that bag is open he picks up the bag and looks and there are 200 200 shekels of silver he is a soldier he’s never held that much money in his hand at one time he picks it up and it runs through his fingers like like water he puts it back in the bag and holds it in his trembling hand and there he sees something now flashing like fire is it a piece of

cheese no it’s a wedge of gold pure gold he picks it up shines it holds it he’s never seen that much gold at one time he’s got the silver he’s got the gold and then there’s something else flashing sparkling it’s an ornament a beautiful ornament it it it’s on a garment he picks it up shakes the dust off it why that came from Babylon why that’s that’s beautiful he holds it up oh his heart is beating wildly he says this I want this I will have and he he takes the silver and the gold wraps

it up in the Babylonian garment makes his way back over the rubble back to his tent looks around nobody has seen him yet he thinks he goes into his tent and rolls back his sleeping mat and Scoops out the dirt and he puts the Babylonian garment in there and he puts the 200 shekels of silver and he puts the wedge of gold and he covers it then rolls out his sleeping mat and lies down and goes to sleep at least he tries to sleep there’s a smile on his face he says I have done it and nobody has seen me and he was

right almost there was one who had seen the whole thing almighty God watching from Heaven what had he done he had committed a trespass and a terrible trespass you say well Pastor Rogers after all it was a victory and to the victory go the spoils that’s right it was God’s Victory and to God was to go the spoils go back to look if you will in chapter 6 veres 18 and 19 and God gave command concerning Jericho and he said this and ye in any wise keep yourself from the cursed thing lest you make yourself a cursed when you take of



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