Highlights from Dr. David Jeremiah’s series FORWARD
Highlights from Dr. David Jeremiah’s series FORWARD
Message Description: Discover David Jeremiah’s ten straightforward steps for finding God’s purpose in your tomorrow.
His will for you is not earthly comfort, but divine courage.
Curriage the face of opposition, courage in the face of cultural change, courage when confronted with the unknown.
God will never choose safety for us if it will cost significance.
God created us to count and not to be counted.
There is a little space I do have some control up, and it’s the space of my heart and mind.
And the Bible tells me that if I feel my heart and my mind with god’s truth, That gives me the greatest advantage to come through whatever stress I’m going through and stay positive with my hands up high.
In this life, we’re either moving away from our treasure, or we’re moving toward it.
If we’ve invested everything in the things of this earth, little little. We’re moving away from it.
One day, we’ll leave it entirely.
But if we’ve invested in the things of heaven, we’re not moving away from it.
We’re moving the reward for what we’ve done here will be so palpable. Nobody will miss it.
When you give, you give to the eternal word of god, you give to the eternal souls of men and women, you’re investing in a way that can never ever be taken for you, and your reward and your investment is waiting for you when you arrive in heaven.
Are you ready for god to use you?
You may think, well, I finally got to the end. Now I can no.
If you’re You may discover that god will do the greatest things in your life at the end, and all the things he’s ever done your life up until that point.
Keep pressing forward, trusting god to make a way. Stay committed to what’s best.
The lord takes things from there, and he will take them to places you never dream.
As you focus on his purpose, his perspective, his plan, and his prize.
He will guide you on the journey forward. Commit yourself to following the lord to the of your ability.
Soon, you will enjoy the adventure of discovering and living for one thing, step by step, and day by day.
Good Christians are positive. We need positive Christian optimists.
We need people who walk around looking like Jesus really is everything that they say he is and that he’s making a in their lives.
Curriage the face of opposition, courage in the face of cultural change, courage when confronted with the unknown.
God will never choose safety for us if it will cost significance.
God created us to count and not to be counted.
There is a little space I do have some control up, and it’s the space of my heart and mind.
And the Bible tells me that if I feel my heart and my mind with god’s truth, That gives me the greatest advantage to come through whatever stress I’m going through and stay positive with my hands up high.
In this life, we’re either moving away from our treasure, or we’re moving toward it.
If we’ve invested everything in the things of this earth, little little. We’re moving away from it.
One day, we’ll leave it entirely.
But if we’ve invested in the things of heaven, we’re not moving away from it.
We’re moving the reward for what we’ve done here will be so palpable. Nobody will miss it.
When you give, you give to the eternal word of god, you give to the eternal souls of men and women, you’re investing in a way that can never ever be taken for you, and your reward and your investment is waiting for you when you arrive in heaven.
Are you ready for god to use you?
You may think, well, I finally got to the end. Now I can no.
If you’re You may discover that god will do the greatest things in your life at the end, and all the things he’s ever done your life up until that point.
Keep pressing forward, trusting god to make a way. Stay committed to what’s best.
The lord takes things from there, and he will take them to places you never dream.
As you focus on his purpose, his perspective, his plan, and his prize.
He will guide you on the journey forward. Commit yourself to following the lord to the of your ability.
Soon, you will enjoy the adventure of discovering and living for one thing, step by step, and day by day.
Good Christians are positive. We need positive Christian optimists.
We need people who walk around looking like Jesus really is everything that they say he is and that he’s making a in their lives.
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