A Life Beyond Amazing | Dr. David Jeremiah

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The Bible teaches that the reason we aren’t making a greater impact in the world, or shining God’s light, is because we haven’t fully embraced the opportunity to use what God has given us for His glory and our good. We’re not meant to passively wait for God to shape us into who He has called us to be; the Bible doesn’t allow for that mindset. There are countless scriptures urging us to put on the new life, shed the old life, and walk in holiness. These aren’t just suggestions—they are commands.

So, what does character look like? People with strong character tend to be disciplined, resilient, and possess integrity. These qualities distinguish them, making them shine as a light in the darkness. Character is something everyone, young, middle-aged, or elderly, should cultivate.

Character is returning extra change at the grocery store. It’s honoring your commitments and your word. It’s choosing the harder right over the easier wrong. It’s setting priorities that honor God, family, and country. In marriage, character is working through tough times instead of seeking divorce. It’s being committed to the well-being of family, friends, and even associates, even when it’s personally costly. Character is setting a good example.

In today’s culture, which is often confusing and unpredictable, we are called to be people who embody the Holy Spirit’s influence in our lives. The Bible describes the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is God’s ideal for us. Despite the challenges, we can become this kind of person, as we were meant to. Christ died so that we could be transformed into that person. Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

However, there are roadblocks preventing us from fully experiencing this abundant life. If there seems to be a gap between the life Jesus promised and our current experience, what is causing it? I believe there are a few things to consider. First, many of us misunderstand salvation. Most Christians view salvation as a past event—something that happened long ago. But the Bible views salvation in three phases: past, present, and future.

The Bible says, “I have been saved” if you have trusted Jesus as your Savior. This marks the beginning of your Christian journey. But salvation doesn’t end there. You are also “being saved” in the present—gradually freed from the power of sin. One day, you will be “ultimately saved” when you stand before God and are completely free from the presence of sin. If we only focus on the past tense of salvation, we miss out on experiencing the abundant life that Jesus died to give us. Salvation is not just a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process that leads to transformation.

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