Dr. Bill Winston: You are Royalty – Joint Heirs
You are Royalty – Joint Heirs
When you were born again, you became an heir to the wealthiest family ever known to mankind, with an inheritance beyond measure. In Joint Heirs, Dr. Bill Winston teaches how consistent meditation of God’s Word brings revelation knowledge and opens your spiritual eyes to the inheritance of power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing that Jesus Christ died to provide you.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, Ministries, partners and viewers.
The best was made for you.
Don’t you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth.
Jesus said, I’m come that you might have life and heaven house.
God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who we is.
Don’t let them talk you out of your property, don’t let them talk you out of your battle.
Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you. Your portion is big.
God is in me.
If he’s in me, he wants me to act like him because I’m technically part of his family.
Am I right about this and whatever Jesus got, I go and he says over in Psalm, I think 24 in verse one, he said that the earth is the whose lord and the what full is there and they, the world and they that dwell there in.
He said over in Psalm chapter two and verse eight, ask of me and I’ll give you the heathen for your inheritance and the out of most parts of the earth for your possession.
John Chapter eight and verse 32 here he is speaking to us and he says, and you shall know the truth and what will the truth do make you free?
So it’s interesting here that this is the truth. What is the truth?
The truth is the highest realm of reality.
After you leave truth, you come down to facts.
And when they came back from spying out the land of Canaan, here was the facts.
There are giants in the land, the walls are great.
Hey, we’re in our own side as grasshoppers. So are we in their side?
That’s a fact that all came from a natural mind.
The enemy wants you to reason not with God with what you’ve learned.
And that’s why he’s planted the spirit as far as our university.
Many of our universities or many of our colleges are concerned because he wanted to take that out.
But Harvard was started by ministers That that platform was over there.
It it wasn’t until something like the 1870, late, late 1700-1800.
Did they move economics out from under theology and moved it over here, under science. Look it up.
Princeton was started by ministers because they had the book in there this way.
They, they, this way Yale was started by ministers because they had, they knew without the blessing, they knew that.
But over time that enemy has tried to root out the word of God from every place and every industry.
Why? Because He wants to take over.
But God has sent the church watch this to take back every industry.
Praise God to take back the education system. Was this not to negotiate?
Come on now, come on. There ain’t no negotiating.
We going gangster. Do you hear what I’m saying?
We gonna be spiritual selves. Now this is the way it is gonna be that she shall live and not die, you know.
Thank you. Thank you that, yeah, you know, you don’t see it like that but I see it like this when, when, when, when, when uh Mordecai told us and I said, you got to go before the king.
I can’t go before the king, king hadn’t invited me.
If I go before the king and he’s not inviting me, I get my head cut off so forth and so on whatever.
And so he said, well, if you don’t go, God is gonna pick somebody up in, in your household is gonna be, you know, whatever and she get it fast in three dates, whatever.
And, and, and then put on her royal apparel that’s over in uh in, in to five and one through three and put on her royal peril.
And when we bought a royal throne, you, you follow what I’m saying?
She put on that robe, that royalty because that royalty is where the power flows it, it doesn’t, it doesn’t flow through a slave, it flows through royalty and God, I mean, each time he’s painting a picture, that’s why many times you see a uh a lion with a crown on because he’s bold.
He’s he, he, he’s not afraid of anybody. He, he, he can think for himself. Come on that.
I’m preaching on Wednesday nights and I went into this area called meditation and I said something.
I said, you don’t attract what you want. You are track.
Come on, help me what you are please. You are made that way.
See the enemy knows that he can work this system whereby he can put a certain belief inside of you and you just attract that stuff.
He didn’t have to manage it. You can manage it.
You get a woman.
I use the example that she thinks all men are jerks.
Guess what she gonna end up with? Jerk.
He told you don’t think that way.
He said, here’s the way you think Philippians chapter three of four and verse eight.
Here, here’s the way you think. Finally my brother and what sort of things are.
What true is it true that all men are jerks.
See, you’re not supposed to think that because he knows as a man thinketh in his heart, come on.
Proverbs chapter 23 verse seven. So is he, he knows you’re gonna bear the fruit of what’s in there.
It can’t come in your life without it being in there and it got in there some kind of way and we gotta watch what we hear, watch what we speak.
Come on now and what God is doing is he’s tutoring us into royalty.
Come on, you can live too high for disease.
That came out of spirit, man. I, I don’t know whether I can explain all of that.
Yes. No, no, no.
See, see and somebody is going to try to get you to get this victim thing And you get this victim attitude about you and what they doing to you and all of that guess what?
You will have much more of victim and what they doing to you and so forth. The man 38 years.
Jesus said, do you wanna meet and made?
Well, I’ve been here for 38 years and every time I try to come, somebody jumps in front of me.
See his attitude. Jesus said hush. I’m I’m talking about that.
If me, I said hush rise, take up your bed and walk.
See, I don’t even want to deal with your background.
Washington didn’t pull a single statue down.
He built an image inside of the black people and Watson made of millionaires in of things that were bad and worse than they are today.
Why? Because he said I’m building into them indispensable skills with undeniable value.
Say amen. Now God can bless that.
I’ll tell you when I went to God that, that night in Minnesota, I said, Lord, the people need a word, Lord and I’m crying and so forth thinking I’m gonna get God to sympathize with me.
He said, what are you doing? I said, I’m trying to get a word.
He said, is that the way you come to me?
I said, well, no, he said, will you come to me?
According to the word it says, come what bowl it. And I had to get on my robe.
He was always after Joseph’s robe. He was always ripping his robe off, man.
The Potiphar took that robe the devil if he could just keep that robe, but he couldn’t keep it because the robe was in his heart, man.
When that, when that royalty is in your heart, can’t nobody sink your boat. I don’t care who it is.
But here’s the key. The anointing flows through that royalty that anointing, that’s not my come on anointed and do my profits.
No harm, that anointing, but that’s what he wants.
And he is after that thing and a subtlety that you won’t hardly realize until that thing is off.
He is seduced that way. So you’re going somewhere.
Now, how rich do you supposed to be the?
Remember what he said?
Now in Romans chapter three and verse three, he said, what if some did not believe?
Does it make the word of God without effect?
He said, no, God forbid, let God, ye let God be what true and every man alive. Here’s the truth.
Here’s the truth. Here’s the truth. Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 12, here’s the truth.
And the Lord shall open up into his good treasure in heaven.
Give you rein in your land and season and bless all the work of your hands and thou shalt what lend to many nations.
That is the truth.
He could have easily said Thal Jess, he didn’t say Jess Land.
He said what he said to nations, you’re gonna have enough to help nations meet their budget.
Come on. Now see, wherever you go, the blessing makes you the wealthiest person there.
First Corinthians chapter three, verse 21 22.
Therefore, let no man glory in men for some things are yours.
Oh, that’s not what it said.
And then he goes on to tell you how much is yours.
Next verse, whether it be Paul or for the min gift, I’m yours.
That’s why somebody pulling out of me today. I said some things today.
I’ve never said before, why?
Because somebody pull it or the what or the world, the world is yours.
I said the world is yours. Life or death.
Death is yours. What does it mean?
It means that Satan can’t tell you when to die at home.
They just came out to the street. Amen.
Is this the right group?
I’m talking to let them have what come in here.
And I’m saying to you right now that you are royalty, that doesn’t sound like you are a victim that you are royal to.
So God is going to take you where his potential in you can be expressed, say amen to that.
Now he’s not testing you.
He is teaching you and by faith, we get this all done.
We’ve got to first change the image that we have of ourselves because you had a certain image.
You can’t live a certain way. I’m telling you if some drowned me that’s broke.
I want it fixed because I don’t plan to come in the house or be in the office or whatever every day and look at broke stuff because I don’t have a broke image, say amen.
So I want to make that statement again because this is a powerful statement that Jesus looked at the world through the eyes of the blessing.
You hear what I’m saying?
So when he looked at something he envisioned the way it should be and not accepting the way that it was as God sees you.
Now he sees you where you’re supposed to be.
They see you where you’re supposed to be one more place. Romans.
Romans chapter four, please. And verse 13 4, the promise that He should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the what?
Righteousness of faith. How about one more translation?
The new living translation, clearly God’s promise to give the whole Earth to Abraham and his descendants.
So the earth must be in the wrong hands.
And I just happened to be in air, say amen to that.
I’m an heir of who God and a joint heir with who?
The one thing that I really want you to get is I want you to develop the right image of who God says you are.
And then he tells Gideon uh thou shalt save Israel or whatever as one man, He’s going to defeat this enemy.
So he’s about to take Gideon into a fight.
Now, Gideon picks how many 1000 something like 30, 32,000 people, 31, people.
And God says you got too many for me.
Then Gideon drops him off and comes down with 10,000. And what does God say?
You’ve got too many for me.
So these are all the things that you can use as excuses. Well, my education.
Well, I’m black. Well, I’m, you know what I mean? All he gonna drop all that off.
He’s gonna let you come by all that. Then he got down to 300 people.
And he said, now with this 300, you’re gonna save a nation.
God is leading you into a fight. You can’t win.
Not without him. And folks there was a time that, that we, we said, we bless the food before we ate it.
Come on there when I was a kid, everybody went to church.
But somehow today we have dropped God off at the bus stop and we have proceeded on and we’re not winning.
And so we got to bring God back.
I, I I I said, we got to bring God back.
He’s gonna demonstrate himself through you because he wants people to see how he really is.
And there’s no coincidence that you’re in here.
Say amen to that I decree right now millionaire status in your life.
I just saying that because I want plenty to be in your life.
I don’t want you to be hurting for anything and you can have enough to help other people out.
I want you to see that you are not a victim and see if you start thinking right now, you see your loyalty.
Now you’re gonna start decreeing. I said, and the word of a king has power.
So I just released a blessing. I said, hey, we’re turning jails into boarding schools.
And when I said that I just release it by faith. Why? Because I’m gonna copy God.
I saw Jesus say take to a fig tree. No man. Fruit of you here after forever.
I saw him speak to a storm. I wanna imitate him. I’m gonna join there with him. What he got?
I got. Come on now. He’s my elder brother. He’s my Lord. He’s my king. But I’m a king too.
I said I’m a lord too.
Kings ruled by decree, lords ruled by ownership and God’s gonna give me the property.
He’s gonna give me the possession. What he needs wealth creating assets in the kingdom of God.
Why? Because we’re gonna be spitting out that money.
So we rebuild the South side, rebuild the west side and watch crime drop down to 2% and watch people get jobs again.
This is not no the dice. I sure hope they send me something, hope they send you something.
God already sent something. What I gotta do now is get a revelation of it inside.
So I’ll attract money so that money will come to me. That new idea will come to me.
I decree you’ll never be broke another day in your life.
I decree, come on, stand on the decree, I decree them billionaires and even billionaires that have been raised up in this church.
I decree I’m not decreeing something that hasn’t already been done in heaven.
Cindy Jacobs said that God is gonna have somebody in this church going to be on the Forbes list of the wealthiest people in Chicago.
Well, the wealthiest people are billionaire it tells me that wherever I go, if the blessing is on my life, if I just keep my coat on, I’m telling you money will come, ideas will come, businesses will be developed.
I’m saying our days are begging are over.
This is the time that the church is going to shift the culture of the United States of America.
I said this and that came from God.
This is the time that the church is going to shift the culture of the United States of America.
This is one nation whole earth is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.
I just heard God say this. Stop thinking, you are broke. That’s what he just said.
Stop thinking. I don’t know who you are. Stop thinking, you’re broke that.
He said that thought didn’t come from him. Get the thought, his thought.
He said, I made you one of the wealthiest people.
He said, just start getting something relate to something, do something to build that image inside of your mind because you’re gonna prosper as your soul prosper.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you were blessed by that exciting teaching.
Now let me say one thing here, God wants you rich. Now. Hold on now.
Hold on now because it’s amazing how the enemy tries to throw up some kind of thinking once we say that and make that kind of a statement.
But let’s let’s look at Jesus.
The Bible says, who was rich, became poor that you through his poverty might be rich. That’s what he said.
And so for us to do or receive what Jesus died to provide is honorable.
It’s not something to be dishonored. It’s, it’s honorable. The Bible says Abraham was very rich.
The Bible says Isaac was so rich until they asked him to go get out of the country.
Look at Joseph’s life. He got so rich until I mean everybody brought everything he he, he got everything that the enemy had or that the world had.
Now. I’m just saying that to you. Don’t, don’t turn off that statement.
God wants you rich, but he wants you with righteous works.
The rich righteous works, helping people um cur curing people um making it so people can hear the gospel, righteous works.
See, there’s a reason to be rich when I learned that my life took off and look where you’re now.
We’re just about all over the world. Why? Because I learned something that God wants me to receive.
What Jesus died to provide. Isn’t that wonderful? Get that teaching?
I’m telling you mind, your mind might be another way.
But let God have a chance to talk to your mind and transform your thinking so that you will never again work for money, but money will always work for you.
Isn’t that a powerful thing? This is Bill Winston saying until next time, keep walking by faith, the best was made for you, you don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven, how God has not brought you the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who, what?
Don’t let them talk you out of your property?
Don’t let them talk you out of your battle. Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you.
Your portion is big. Lay hold of the blessed life God has for you with Dr Winston’s series, joint heirs in this teaching, you’ll learn how consistent meditation of God’s word brings manifestation of the inheritance.
Jesus died to provide for you.
Order this four part series today on CD DVD or MP three, MP four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a special never before aired message to order, go online to Bill Winston dot org or call 1 to 807 119327.
Get this breakthrough series joint airs today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain positions and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it. Change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your Destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
Don’t you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth.
Jesus said, I’m come that you might have life and heaven house.
God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who we is.
Don’t let them talk you out of your property, don’t let them talk you out of your battle.
Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you. Your portion is big.
God is in me.
If he’s in me, he wants me to act like him because I’m technically part of his family.
Am I right about this and whatever Jesus got, I go and he says over in Psalm, I think 24 in verse one, he said that the earth is the whose lord and the what full is there and they, the world and they that dwell there in.
He said over in Psalm chapter two and verse eight, ask of me and I’ll give you the heathen for your inheritance and the out of most parts of the earth for your possession.
John Chapter eight and verse 32 here he is speaking to us and he says, and you shall know the truth and what will the truth do make you free?
So it’s interesting here that this is the truth. What is the truth?
The truth is the highest realm of reality.
After you leave truth, you come down to facts.
And when they came back from spying out the land of Canaan, here was the facts.
There are giants in the land, the walls are great.
Hey, we’re in our own side as grasshoppers. So are we in their side?
That’s a fact that all came from a natural mind.
The enemy wants you to reason not with God with what you’ve learned.
And that’s why he’s planted the spirit as far as our university.
Many of our universities or many of our colleges are concerned because he wanted to take that out.
But Harvard was started by ministers That that platform was over there.
It it wasn’t until something like the 1870, late, late 1700-1800.
Did they move economics out from under theology and moved it over here, under science. Look it up.
Princeton was started by ministers because they had the book in there this way.
They, they, this way Yale was started by ministers because they had, they knew without the blessing, they knew that.
But over time that enemy has tried to root out the word of God from every place and every industry.
Why? Because He wants to take over.
But God has sent the church watch this to take back every industry.
Praise God to take back the education system. Was this not to negotiate?
Come on now, come on. There ain’t no negotiating.
We going gangster. Do you hear what I’m saying?
We gonna be spiritual selves. Now this is the way it is gonna be that she shall live and not die, you know.
Thank you. Thank you that, yeah, you know, you don’t see it like that but I see it like this when, when, when, when, when uh Mordecai told us and I said, you got to go before the king.
I can’t go before the king, king hadn’t invited me.
If I go before the king and he’s not inviting me, I get my head cut off so forth and so on whatever.
And so he said, well, if you don’t go, God is gonna pick somebody up in, in your household is gonna be, you know, whatever and she get it fast in three dates, whatever.
And, and, and then put on her royal apparel that’s over in uh in, in to five and one through three and put on her royal peril.
And when we bought a royal throne, you, you follow what I’m saying?
She put on that robe, that royalty because that royalty is where the power flows it, it doesn’t, it doesn’t flow through a slave, it flows through royalty and God, I mean, each time he’s painting a picture, that’s why many times you see a uh a lion with a crown on because he’s bold.
He’s he, he, he’s not afraid of anybody. He, he, he can think for himself. Come on that.
I’m preaching on Wednesday nights and I went into this area called meditation and I said something.
I said, you don’t attract what you want. You are track.
Come on, help me what you are please. You are made that way.
See the enemy knows that he can work this system whereby he can put a certain belief inside of you and you just attract that stuff.
He didn’t have to manage it. You can manage it.
You get a woman.
I use the example that she thinks all men are jerks.
Guess what she gonna end up with? Jerk.
He told you don’t think that way.
He said, here’s the way you think Philippians chapter three of four and verse eight.
Here, here’s the way you think. Finally my brother and what sort of things are.
What true is it true that all men are jerks.
See, you’re not supposed to think that because he knows as a man thinketh in his heart, come on.
Proverbs chapter 23 verse seven. So is he, he knows you’re gonna bear the fruit of what’s in there.
It can’t come in your life without it being in there and it got in there some kind of way and we gotta watch what we hear, watch what we speak.
Come on now and what God is doing is he’s tutoring us into royalty.
Come on, you can live too high for disease.
That came out of spirit, man. I, I don’t know whether I can explain all of that.
Yes. No, no, no.
See, see and somebody is going to try to get you to get this victim thing And you get this victim attitude about you and what they doing to you and all of that guess what?
You will have much more of victim and what they doing to you and so forth. The man 38 years.
Jesus said, do you wanna meet and made?
Well, I’ve been here for 38 years and every time I try to come, somebody jumps in front of me.
See his attitude. Jesus said hush. I’m I’m talking about that.
If me, I said hush rise, take up your bed and walk.
See, I don’t even want to deal with your background.
Washington didn’t pull a single statue down.
He built an image inside of the black people and Watson made of millionaires in of things that were bad and worse than they are today.
Why? Because he said I’m building into them indispensable skills with undeniable value.
Say amen. Now God can bless that.
I’ll tell you when I went to God that, that night in Minnesota, I said, Lord, the people need a word, Lord and I’m crying and so forth thinking I’m gonna get God to sympathize with me.
He said, what are you doing? I said, I’m trying to get a word.
He said, is that the way you come to me?
I said, well, no, he said, will you come to me?
According to the word it says, come what bowl it. And I had to get on my robe.
He was always after Joseph’s robe. He was always ripping his robe off, man.
The Potiphar took that robe the devil if he could just keep that robe, but he couldn’t keep it because the robe was in his heart, man.
When that, when that royalty is in your heart, can’t nobody sink your boat. I don’t care who it is.
But here’s the key. The anointing flows through that royalty that anointing, that’s not my come on anointed and do my profits.
No harm, that anointing, but that’s what he wants.
And he is after that thing and a subtlety that you won’t hardly realize until that thing is off.
He is seduced that way. So you’re going somewhere.
Now, how rich do you supposed to be the?
Remember what he said?
Now in Romans chapter three and verse three, he said, what if some did not believe?
Does it make the word of God without effect?
He said, no, God forbid, let God, ye let God be what true and every man alive. Here’s the truth.
Here’s the truth. Here’s the truth. Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 12, here’s the truth.
And the Lord shall open up into his good treasure in heaven.
Give you rein in your land and season and bless all the work of your hands and thou shalt what lend to many nations.
That is the truth.
He could have easily said Thal Jess, he didn’t say Jess Land.
He said what he said to nations, you’re gonna have enough to help nations meet their budget.
Come on. Now see, wherever you go, the blessing makes you the wealthiest person there.
First Corinthians chapter three, verse 21 22.
Therefore, let no man glory in men for some things are yours.
Oh, that’s not what it said.
And then he goes on to tell you how much is yours.
Next verse, whether it be Paul or for the min gift, I’m yours.
That’s why somebody pulling out of me today. I said some things today.
I’ve never said before, why?
Because somebody pull it or the what or the world, the world is yours.
I said the world is yours. Life or death.
Death is yours. What does it mean?
It means that Satan can’t tell you when to die at home.
They just came out to the street. Amen.
Is this the right group?
I’m talking to let them have what come in here.
And I’m saying to you right now that you are royalty, that doesn’t sound like you are a victim that you are royal to.
So God is going to take you where his potential in you can be expressed, say amen to that.
Now he’s not testing you.
He is teaching you and by faith, we get this all done.
We’ve got to first change the image that we have of ourselves because you had a certain image.
You can’t live a certain way. I’m telling you if some drowned me that’s broke.
I want it fixed because I don’t plan to come in the house or be in the office or whatever every day and look at broke stuff because I don’t have a broke image, say amen.
So I want to make that statement again because this is a powerful statement that Jesus looked at the world through the eyes of the blessing.
You hear what I’m saying?
So when he looked at something he envisioned the way it should be and not accepting the way that it was as God sees you.
Now he sees you where you’re supposed to be.
They see you where you’re supposed to be one more place. Romans.
Romans chapter four, please. And verse 13 4, the promise that He should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the what?
Righteousness of faith. How about one more translation?
The new living translation, clearly God’s promise to give the whole Earth to Abraham and his descendants.
So the earth must be in the wrong hands.
And I just happened to be in air, say amen to that.
I’m an heir of who God and a joint heir with who?
The one thing that I really want you to get is I want you to develop the right image of who God says you are.
And then he tells Gideon uh thou shalt save Israel or whatever as one man, He’s going to defeat this enemy.
So he’s about to take Gideon into a fight.
Now, Gideon picks how many 1000 something like 30, 32,000 people, 31, people.
And God says you got too many for me.
Then Gideon drops him off and comes down with 10,000. And what does God say?
You’ve got too many for me.
So these are all the things that you can use as excuses. Well, my education.
Well, I’m black. Well, I’m, you know what I mean? All he gonna drop all that off.
He’s gonna let you come by all that. Then he got down to 300 people.
And he said, now with this 300, you’re gonna save a nation.
God is leading you into a fight. You can’t win.
Not without him. And folks there was a time that, that we, we said, we bless the food before we ate it.
Come on there when I was a kid, everybody went to church.
But somehow today we have dropped God off at the bus stop and we have proceeded on and we’re not winning.
And so we got to bring God back.
I, I I I said, we got to bring God back.
He’s gonna demonstrate himself through you because he wants people to see how he really is.
And there’s no coincidence that you’re in here.
Say amen to that I decree right now millionaire status in your life.
I just saying that because I want plenty to be in your life.
I don’t want you to be hurting for anything and you can have enough to help other people out.
I want you to see that you are not a victim and see if you start thinking right now, you see your loyalty.
Now you’re gonna start decreeing. I said, and the word of a king has power.
So I just released a blessing. I said, hey, we’re turning jails into boarding schools.
And when I said that I just release it by faith. Why? Because I’m gonna copy God.
I saw Jesus say take to a fig tree. No man. Fruit of you here after forever.
I saw him speak to a storm. I wanna imitate him. I’m gonna join there with him. What he got?
I got. Come on now. He’s my elder brother. He’s my Lord. He’s my king. But I’m a king too.
I said I’m a lord too.
Kings ruled by decree, lords ruled by ownership and God’s gonna give me the property.
He’s gonna give me the possession. What he needs wealth creating assets in the kingdom of God.
Why? Because we’re gonna be spitting out that money.
So we rebuild the South side, rebuild the west side and watch crime drop down to 2% and watch people get jobs again.
This is not no the dice. I sure hope they send me something, hope they send you something.
God already sent something. What I gotta do now is get a revelation of it inside.
So I’ll attract money so that money will come to me. That new idea will come to me.
I decree you’ll never be broke another day in your life.
I decree, come on, stand on the decree, I decree them billionaires and even billionaires that have been raised up in this church.
I decree I’m not decreeing something that hasn’t already been done in heaven.
Cindy Jacobs said that God is gonna have somebody in this church going to be on the Forbes list of the wealthiest people in Chicago.
Well, the wealthiest people are billionaire it tells me that wherever I go, if the blessing is on my life, if I just keep my coat on, I’m telling you money will come, ideas will come, businesses will be developed.
I’m saying our days are begging are over.
This is the time that the church is going to shift the culture of the United States of America.
I said this and that came from God.
This is the time that the church is going to shift the culture of the United States of America.
This is one nation whole earth is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.
I just heard God say this. Stop thinking, you are broke. That’s what he just said.
Stop thinking. I don’t know who you are. Stop thinking, you’re broke that.
He said that thought didn’t come from him. Get the thought, his thought.
He said, I made you one of the wealthiest people.
He said, just start getting something relate to something, do something to build that image inside of your mind because you’re gonna prosper as your soul prosper.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you were blessed by that exciting teaching.
Now let me say one thing here, God wants you rich. Now. Hold on now.
Hold on now because it’s amazing how the enemy tries to throw up some kind of thinking once we say that and make that kind of a statement.
But let’s let’s look at Jesus.
The Bible says, who was rich, became poor that you through his poverty might be rich. That’s what he said.
And so for us to do or receive what Jesus died to provide is honorable.
It’s not something to be dishonored. It’s, it’s honorable. The Bible says Abraham was very rich.
The Bible says Isaac was so rich until they asked him to go get out of the country.
Look at Joseph’s life. He got so rich until I mean everybody brought everything he he, he got everything that the enemy had or that the world had.
Now. I’m just saying that to you. Don’t, don’t turn off that statement.
God wants you rich, but he wants you with righteous works.
The rich righteous works, helping people um cur curing people um making it so people can hear the gospel, righteous works.
See, there’s a reason to be rich when I learned that my life took off and look where you’re now.
We’re just about all over the world. Why? Because I learned something that God wants me to receive.
What Jesus died to provide. Isn’t that wonderful? Get that teaching?
I’m telling you mind, your mind might be another way.
But let God have a chance to talk to your mind and transform your thinking so that you will never again work for money, but money will always work for you.
Isn’t that a powerful thing? This is Bill Winston saying until next time, keep walking by faith, the best was made for you, you don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven, how God has not brought you the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who, what?
Don’t let them talk you out of your property?
Don’t let them talk you out of your battle. Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you.
Your portion is big. Lay hold of the blessed life God has for you with Dr Winston’s series, joint heirs in this teaching, you’ll learn how consistent meditation of God’s word brings manifestation of the inheritance.
Jesus died to provide for you.
Order this four part series today on CD DVD or MP three, MP four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a special never before aired message to order, go online to Bill Winston dot org or call 1 to 807 119327.
Get this breakthrough series joint airs today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain positions and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it. Change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your Destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.