Jonathan Cahn: Warning for Election Day & Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting
Warning for Election Day & Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting
“A pre-Christian civilization may produce a Caligula or a Nero. But a post-Christian civilization will produce a Stalin or a Hitler. A pre-Christian society may give birth to barbarity. But a post-Christian society will give birth to even darker offspring, Fascism, Communism, and Nazism. A pre-Christian nation may erect an altar of human sacrifice. But a post-Christian nation will build Auschwitz.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Return of the Gods
― Jonathan Cahn, The Return of the Gods
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
This is Jonathan Cohn. We are standing at a most critical moment in a short time.
America will be deciding its future.
It is undoubtedly the most pivotal election of our lifetime and never in our lifetime has this nation been as divided as it is now.
We’re standing at a crossroad and a precipice.
We will either extend a window of time, an extension of grace to return to God or we will shut that window and seal our nation’s departure, its fall, its apostasy and its progression to judgment.
Beyond that, as America enters this election, it is so profoundly divided that the very fabric that holds it together is now in danger of unraveling those of you who have read the harbinger know of the biblical template of national judgment that first comes a strike on the land and then a span of years for the nation to return to God.
We have been in that window of time since 9 11.
In 2019, I saw the signs that the window was in danger of ending and that 2020 would be a year of great shakings and dark events and that the dynamic of judgment spoken of in the Harbinger would resume.
That’s why I knew I had to write The Harbinger two to warn of where it was all going.
And now we’re approaching the moment of decision in regard to the critical issues.
The choice has never been this stark.
We have one platform and one agenda that aims to uphold the life of the unborn and we have another that has pledged to expand their murder to strike down every restraint on their murder and to compel every tax paying American to participate in their murder by paying for it.
We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to uphold biblical morality concerning marriage, gender sexuality and another that has pledged to advance a radical agenda against the word of God.
We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to protect the right of parents to educate their Children according to their choice and God’s word and another that seeks to remove that right and force the indoctrination of our Children against the ways of God.
We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to protect religious freedom against that which would seek to end it and another that threatens to eliminate it.
It’s not an exaggeration that if the second agenda and party take control of the government, it will ultimately mean that the existence of Christian schools, colleges, education ministries and churches will be endangered.
It will mean the blood of the unborn will be free flowing and with your forced participation, with your hands covered with blood, it will mean the enshrinement of evil as good and of good as evil.
It will ultimately mean the persecution of God’s people and the ceiling of the judgment of this nation.
So I have three things to say and I say them not as representing any ministry or congregation, but simply as a watchman.
# 1, it’s not about people, personalities or parties.
It’s about the issues and the issues could not be any more clear or stark.
If you cast your vote for an agenda, that means that one more drop of blood, the blood of the unborn will be shed, your hands will be covered with that blood.
If you cast your vote for an agenda that will work toward the ending of religious freedom and the gospel going forth, that advances what is clearly against the word of God and opposes that which is of the word of God and indoctrinates our Children to do likewise that I cannot see how you will not be complicit in and partaking of the ushering in of darkness and subject to the judgment of God that is to come in this life and in eternity.
Number two, if you are a child of God and you do nothing to stop the darkness, then you are as the watchman who sees the sword coming and stays silent.
God says their blood shall be upon your head. You are the light of the world.
If you do not shine your light into the darkness, then you cease to be that light.
If you have the chance to vote for light and against the darkness and you do not, then how will you not be held accountable and responsible for what happens next?
You will also stand before God.
And on that day, you do not want their blood to be upon your head.
Do what you have to do, vote to defend the defenseless to save the lives of the unborn.
Vote for the gospel to go forth for the window to remain open for the next generation, for the good, for the ways of God.
And number three, no matter who you are this moment, November three will be critical in determining the future of America and the world beyond voting at the ballot box.
The most powerful thing you can do, we can do is to vote with our prayers in the presence of God.
Therefore, I am compelled to call for a day of prayer and fasting on the exact day, November 3, 2020, November 3 is election day.
Let us also make November 3rd, God’s day, the day of prayer and fasting millions of us joined together on the day of the return one month ago, according to second chronicles 7, 14 and in movements of prayer since then, let us now commit to seal it all on November three, spread the word tell your friends, tell your pastors, commit that day in your homes on your jobs in your churches, in your fellowships, to humble yourself, humble ourselves, to pray and to seek his face and to turn from our evil ways that He will hear from heaven and answer our prayers.
Let us pray that in all these things, the will of God be done and that he will elect to government, those of his choosing.
And that no matter what, no matter what it takes, that revival will come to this land.
America will be deciding its future.
It is undoubtedly the most pivotal election of our lifetime and never in our lifetime has this nation been as divided as it is now.
We’re standing at a crossroad and a precipice.
We will either extend a window of time, an extension of grace to return to God or we will shut that window and seal our nation’s departure, its fall, its apostasy and its progression to judgment.
Beyond that, as America enters this election, it is so profoundly divided that the very fabric that holds it together is now in danger of unraveling those of you who have read the harbinger know of the biblical template of national judgment that first comes a strike on the land and then a span of years for the nation to return to God.
We have been in that window of time since 9 11.
In 2019, I saw the signs that the window was in danger of ending and that 2020 would be a year of great shakings and dark events and that the dynamic of judgment spoken of in the Harbinger would resume.
That’s why I knew I had to write The Harbinger two to warn of where it was all going.
And now we’re approaching the moment of decision in regard to the critical issues.
The choice has never been this stark.
We have one platform and one agenda that aims to uphold the life of the unborn and we have another that has pledged to expand their murder to strike down every restraint on their murder and to compel every tax paying American to participate in their murder by paying for it.
We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to uphold biblical morality concerning marriage, gender sexuality and another that has pledged to advance a radical agenda against the word of God.
We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to protect the right of parents to educate their Children according to their choice and God’s word and another that seeks to remove that right and force the indoctrination of our Children against the ways of God.
We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to protect religious freedom against that which would seek to end it and another that threatens to eliminate it.
It’s not an exaggeration that if the second agenda and party take control of the government, it will ultimately mean that the existence of Christian schools, colleges, education ministries and churches will be endangered.
It will mean the blood of the unborn will be free flowing and with your forced participation, with your hands covered with blood, it will mean the enshrinement of evil as good and of good as evil.
It will ultimately mean the persecution of God’s people and the ceiling of the judgment of this nation.
So I have three things to say and I say them not as representing any ministry or congregation, but simply as a watchman.
# 1, it’s not about people, personalities or parties.
It’s about the issues and the issues could not be any more clear or stark.
If you cast your vote for an agenda, that means that one more drop of blood, the blood of the unborn will be shed, your hands will be covered with that blood.
If you cast your vote for an agenda that will work toward the ending of religious freedom and the gospel going forth, that advances what is clearly against the word of God and opposes that which is of the word of God and indoctrinates our Children to do likewise that I cannot see how you will not be complicit in and partaking of the ushering in of darkness and subject to the judgment of God that is to come in this life and in eternity.
Number two, if you are a child of God and you do nothing to stop the darkness, then you are as the watchman who sees the sword coming and stays silent.
God says their blood shall be upon your head. You are the light of the world.
If you do not shine your light into the darkness, then you cease to be that light.
If you have the chance to vote for light and against the darkness and you do not, then how will you not be held accountable and responsible for what happens next?
You will also stand before God.
And on that day, you do not want their blood to be upon your head.
Do what you have to do, vote to defend the defenseless to save the lives of the unborn.
Vote for the gospel to go forth for the window to remain open for the next generation, for the good, for the ways of God.
And number three, no matter who you are this moment, November three will be critical in determining the future of America and the world beyond voting at the ballot box.
The most powerful thing you can do, we can do is to vote with our prayers in the presence of God.
Therefore, I am compelled to call for a day of prayer and fasting on the exact day, November 3, 2020, November 3 is election day.
Let us also make November 3rd, God’s day, the day of prayer and fasting millions of us joined together on the day of the return one month ago, according to second chronicles 7, 14 and in movements of prayer since then, let us now commit to seal it all on November three, spread the word tell your friends, tell your pastors, commit that day in your homes on your jobs in your churches, in your fellowships, to humble yourself, humble ourselves, to pray and to seek his face and to turn from our evil ways that He will hear from heaven and answer our prayers.
Let us pray that in all these things, the will of God be done and that he will elect to government, those of his choosing.
And that no matter what, no matter what it takes, that revival will come to this land.