It’s Time for an Upgrade – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer

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It’s Time for an Upgrade – Part 1

God can use the problems in your past to build you a future far beyond what you ever thought possible. Discover what’s possible for you! Watch this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.
“God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.”
― Joyce Meyer

Hi there. Welcome to Joyce on youtube.
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Thanks so much for joining us. Let me tell you something.
There’s two little words in the Bible that I absolutely adore and they’re called.
But God Joseph’s brothers hated him.
They sold him into slavery that he spent 13 years in prison for something that he didn’t do.
I mean, here’s a guy who seems to be trying to do the right thing and every time he turns around, he’s getting knocked down.
But the Bible says in acts that although his brothers hated him and all these things happened to him, it says, but God was with him and he found favor everywhere that he went.
Are you out there today? I want to tell you that no matter what has happened to you, you have got the edge today.
You know why? Because God is on your side.
If God before me, who can be against me, if God is on my side, whom shall I fear.
I’m one example, just one. And I’m sure there’s many others in this room.
one example of what God can do with a totally broken, messed up, seemingly hopeless situation.
If you just let him in and everybody say, and you will begin to learn what God wants you to do and do it.
You can have everything in your bible underlined in 3 colors but it doesn’t do you any good to know something.
If you don’t do what you know to do.
And the Holy Spirit has been given to us because we’re all different.
Well, we’re all gonna experience healing in a little different way.
Uh The Holy Spirit is the only one who knows when the time is right for us to deal with which issues in our life.
And if we will let the Holy Spirit guide us, he will show us one step at a time.
If you’re gonna start out on this journey, you might as well make a decision that you’re gonna have to learn how to wait.
Well, because it’s not gonna happen overnight. Matter of fact, I still am being healed.
I still am learning things on a regular basis.
And based on what I can find in the Bible, that’s gonna continue until the day Jesus comes to get us.
We have to be lifetime learners.
Your soul is that secret part of you, that inner life that only you and God really know anything about your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions tells you what you think, what you want and how you feel.
And we talk about our soul a lot.
Believe it or not, you hear people more than anything talk about what they want, what they think and how they feel.
I wanna think I feel, I wanna think I feel, I wanna think I feel and if that part of us is wounded and we let it run our lives.
We are in serious trouble because when you’re wounded, you don’t think right, you don’t feel right and you don’t want what’s right?
You can be wounded and all you want is revenge when that’s the worst thing in the world that you could spend your life working toward because it’s never going to get you what you think you want because what you want is righteousness, peace and joy and you can only get that from God.
So if your soul has been wounded through abuse, unjust treatment, rejection, shame, guilt, other painful things and you haven’t dealt with those things, then you are not functioning in a healthy and a normal way.
You may not realize you’re not. You probably are like me.
You think everybody else has got something wrong with them? Oh Yeah, that’s what we think.
What is your problem? You’ve probably heard me tell this, but it still amazes me.
I remember one day when I was praying for Dave to change God, you’ve got to change this.
I can’t live with this man like this. You have to change him.
God deal with him, change him.
And one day I was into pretty intense prayer about God changing day.
And I heard the Lord whisper, Dave is not the problem, but it really confused me because if it wasn’t Dave, I couldn’t imagine who it was.
I mean, look at me, I tell you, I did not have a clue.
I just, I thought when I walked away from my father’s house that I walked away from the problem, see, you can walk away from a problem physically but you take it with you in your soul.
And so you still have it until you deal with it.
Your secrets will make you sick man.
I was so messed up. Lord, I was a mess and I’m praying for Dave to change this inner pain that people carry around with them usually shows up two major ways.
It shows up is in relationships.
People that have wounded souls have a very difficult time maintaining good, healthy relationships.
Oh, you may find somebody that will put up with you.
But that doesn’t mean it’s a healthy relationship or it will show up in your physical body.
And I think there are more people that have real symptoms in their body that nobody can, you can medicate it and maybe help it but nobody can ever really.
I mean, you can medicate that symptom but the pain you have inside will just show up in another symptom somewhere else in your body.
Come on. I, I’ve been there, done that, you know, and you can go from doctor to doctor and then they’re finally gonna tell you it’s stress and that’s gonna make you mad because you don’t, it’s not stress, don’t you understand?
I’m sick and really you are, but it’s a sickness in your soul.
And the only way that your soul has of trying to yell, help me is to show up somewhere in your body.
So sometimes when you have physical things that nobody seems to be able to find a reason for come on, anybody go to the doctor over and over and nobody can figure out what’s wrong with you and you just think what is the matter with you people?
I heard here, I heard there. I have this, I have that. What do you mean?
There’s nothing wrong with me? Don’t you love the mystery illnesses? I get a lot of the mystery illnesses.
It’s like I have no idea what’s wrong with you. We’ve never heard of that.
We’ve never seen that and I’ve finally learned that sometimes it’s coming from something inside.
Let me tell you something.
I’ve come to the conclusion that in our society today, we are so far off, we don’t even know what normal should be.
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