Call A Thing A Thing – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Call A Thing A Thing
SJR was invited to speak at New Season Sacramento for their conference What Heaven Starts Hell Can’t Stop. You’re going to want to share this message with every person you know.
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God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
New season. Family makes some noise for the Lord in here.
I be grateful to be in their presence.
I know you had a, I know you’re trying to get home.
Just have lived up.
The name of Jesus have been waiting on the others and this room who’s in this room, what glory is assigned to your name?
What anointing is assigned to your name? I hear God saying I’ll fill it according to your expectation.
Who’s hungry in this place? It’s truly such an honor to be here.
Um Pastor Sammy, Pastor Eva, thank you so much for entrusting me with this incredible community.
Those of you here, those of you connecting with us online. Thank you.
I have to tell you, my husband comes back from new season.
I think he wants to move us to Sacramento.
Well, what is the weather like in northern California?
And who does the hair? Because I’m pretty sure we’re on our way.
Thank you so much for always being so gracious towards us. You’re stuck with us.
I just want you to know that I’ve been praying.
Can you just, I know you already said something about pastor but can you just give me me and just boost up my man for a minute because he just too good to me.
He just, yeah, a man.
He was trying to distract me though when I was praying, trying to get my number.
I tried to tell him I’m married. I ain’t even trying to fool with you like that.
I’m gonna tell y’all how to get invited places to speak.
Just keep inviting yourself every time they invite someone else.
And eventually I came every time P T preached, I think I only missed one Sunday.
I was like, if I keep coming, they gonna invite me.
Look at me, I’m kidding.
It’s the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in my eyes.
I have an assignment tonight.
It’s in Luke one verse 59.
My subject for those of you who enjoy taking notes is call a thing, a thing, call a thing, a thing.
Everybody who says something must have country parents like me because you just get to this point where you say call a thing to think.
I believe that’s where we are. This is not an unfamiliar text.
Zacharias, the priest has had a visitation from an angel who told him that his wife Elizabeth would become pregnant and he doesn’t believe that it can happen.
And so God silences his mouth when we find him in the text, he’s standing in the manifestation of that moment.
And I wanted to dissect what happens when heaven starts something that hell can’t stop.
But if you aren’t careful, you’ll stop it.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like we give the devil too much credit because he can only do what my God allows him to do.
I’m the one with free will, which means there’s some things that heaven wants to do in my life.
But I’m the one standing in the way when we find Zacharias in this text, it begins.
So it was on the eighth day that they came to circumcise the child and they would have called him by the name of his father Zacharias.
That is the custom of that time. His mother answered and said, no, he shall be called John.
But they said to her, there is no one among your relatives who was called by this name.
We’ve never seen this before. So they made signs to his father.
I’m gonna go above you and figure out if someone else will say it differently, what he would have called him.
And he asks for a writing tablet because his mouth is shut up and wrote, saying his name is John.
So they all marveled immediately, his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed and he spoke praising God, spirit of the living God.
Oh Gloria, you’re already in this place, God.
We thank you that we feel your presence.
We acknowledge that this is an assignment that this is not just an ordinary conference.
This is just not an ordinary service. God.
This is an appointment and we have checked into the room, search his Scott, confront a savior.
Help us to understand who we need to be, to get out of your way so that you can have your way.
God. I thank you for the gift of wisdom, revelation, inside clarity, prophecy, ah, glory signs and wonders will take place in here tonight because someone needs a fresh reminder of the power connected to heaven.
Hell, you’ve had your way too long.
We’ve come to serve you notice tonight that you can’t have our mind, you can’t have our family.
And if you’re clapping, my hands will run you out of the room, then I’ll clap my hands until you run out of the room.
If lifting my voice will run you out of my finances, then I’ll up my voice and run you out of my finances.
I came to partner with heaven because heaven has an assignment.
So God, I thank you for the release. Connected to this moment. Have your way.
Great God that you are in Jesus name. Amen. And men.
Thank you all for standing with me. I know your feet hurt.
I love you.
I pay people to do that everywhere I go.
It just makes me feel good. Worship was so good to me.
Worship was so good that I forgot I couldn’t sing.
So I’m trying to remember where I started if I asked you what is the number one issue in a relationship?
In a relationship? Anyone, it could be marriage, it could be with your parents.
What is the number one issue in a relation? Scream it out. Communication.
Communication is the number one answer.
When anyone asks about, what is it about a relationship or a marriage that makes it challenging.
The answer is always communication.
It means that it’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.
And it’s not just how you say it either.
It’s what you look like when you say it unfold them arms.
OK? It’s the way your eyes roll in the back of your head when I’m trying to prove my point or my favorite one is this where it’s like just keep talking and I’m gonna just pinch my nose because it’s bleeding from all of my defensiveness that is just flowing out of my veins.
It’s not just the verbal communication. It is the non verbal communication.
It’s what you don’t say, but find a way to say through your body language.
And eventually everyone knows this that if you can’t find a way to communicate, you stop using words.
Eventually you give up on the non verbal communication too.
And the people in their relationship just become actors playing a role moving around all of the things they know they should say.
But can’t say when we find Zacharias in Luke one, it is not what he is communicating that is an issue.
To be honest. It’s not even his non verbal communication.
It’s what he no longer says anymore. Although he keeps showing up.
Does anybody in this room know what it’s like to keep showing up?
Even though I can’t say the words that I need to say.
I can’t pray, the prayers that I need to pray. But I just keep showing up.
I’m in this relationship, but I don’t know how to communicate the words that I’m trying to say.
I’m serving in church. But I don’t even know if I can communicate with God because the truth is sometimes we get better get bitter when heaven doesn’t start something.
When we think it should have Zacharias in his relationship with God.
He’s still functioning in his role.
But heaven didn’t start something that he just knew heaven could start.
It’s one thing when you’re asking God to do something that he can’t do.
But God, it’s in your nature to heal God, it’s in your nature to deliver God.
I’m not asking you for anything.
You made these promises that you would open up the windows of heaven and pour me out a blessing that I don’t have room enough to receive.
But sometimes I got room. Hello. Hello. You missed a spot.
I got a little room here, but he stays in position and he keeps serving even though heaven didn’t start what he thought it should have started.
He’s working in this temple because he recognizes something that we have to learn whenever we’re in this moment with God where we thought heaven would start something.
I thought I would have the job. I thought I would have the family.
I thought the ministry would have taken off. I keep hearing everyone else’s testimony.
I thought the book would be produced, but he keeps showing up in, he keep serving.
And I used to judge Zacharias for this moment in the text because I wondered, how could he not understand that the angel was saying something that was true.
But I recognized that he had been a little desensitized because he was still waiting for what he thought heaven should have started a long time ago.
But I feel like the fact that he stayed in position was something.
I think the fact that he kept showing up and that he kept producing and he kept serving what God was doing in the earth was a sign that God, even if you don’t do it in my time, it doesn’t mean that I’m gonna let down what you gave me to take care of.
I wish I could talk to somebody in here tonight.
If God would have done it when Zacharias wanted it, it would have been good, but it would not have been in God’s will.
And sometimes what’s good is not always in God’s will.
But when you wait on the Lord, you get good and God at the same time.
You see, I didn’t want, just want a good man. I wanted a good man that God sent for me.
I didn’t just want a good ministry. I wanted a good ministry that had God’s oil on it.
Is anybody saying that I can do good?
And God at the same time, I don’t wanna just settle for good.
Why would my God have me settle for good?
When he said that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
So yes, I’m gonna wait and I may let good pass me by because God is better than good.
And when that God thing steps into the room, I can do good and I can do God, I can make good music and it can sound like God, I can write good books and it can sound like God.
I don’t have to put myself on clearance. When God gave me a vision, he didn’t tell me to settle.
He didn’t tell me to back down.
God says I’m gonna give it to you and you’ll know it’s me because it’ll be good and it’ll be God and there will be no doubt good.
And God good. And God can, we have testimony service in here for about five seconds. Has anybody waited?
And when they waited, they didn’t just get good. They got good.
And God, I waited for a church and God brought me the new season because everything else was good.
But there was something about good. And God, my God still does miracles.
My God still moves. I call him the living God because he does good.
And God at the same time, I don’t want good.
If it’s not God, I don’t want it. It may be a good deal.
But if it ain’t God, I don’t want it. I want good. And God, someone else can take good.
I’ll wait a little bit longer for God because I recognize that when God gives it, no one can take it away from it.
I feel like preaching in here tonight.
You see if you just give me good, you may take good away from it.
But if God gives it to me, he only upgrades me.
He only upgrades me.
Has God ever taken you from good to great, from great to God. From great to divine Zacharias.
I don’t know who you are but I hear God saying stay in position.
I know you’ve been waiting a long time but don’t leave the temple.
I know you’ve been waiting for that child to turn around but don’t leave the temple.
I know you’ve been waiting to pop off but don’t leave the temple.
You gotta stay in position because the angels are coming.
I feel like heaven is getting ready to, I gotta be here cause heaven’s gonna start something.
I’m coming to a conference on a Wednesday night because I feel like heaven is about to start something.
I got off an airplane because heaven’s trying to start something in Sacramento who’s in this building, who’s in this church?
Heaven’s trying to start something with. Start it. God start it. God start it.
God start it. God start it. God, I don’t need a benediction. You can get it started right now.
I don’t need another word. You can start it before you get home.
It’s already started before you clock in tomorrow. It’s already started before you can even get them on the phone.
It’s already started. Who’s got expectation in this place?
Heaven, heaven has decided to start something and Zacharias is in position, but he doesn’t know how to respond because all while he’s been in position, he’s been rehearsing all of the reasons why it can’t happen.
Uh uh See, it’s one thing to be in position.
But what you feed yourself when you’re in position makes all the difference about how the word hits you.
Because I might respond with doubt.
Like when God says I’m gonna help you save your marriage.
When God says you can recover from this, there’s restoration connected to this sometimes God says something.
But because I’ve been rehearsing all of the ways it could go wrong.
I don’t even know how to respond. When Heaven starts something.
God does Zacharias a favor.
He shuts his mouth because if the power of life and death is in the tongue and I’m decreeing life into your situation then heaven could start it, but you could stop it because of what you let come out of your own mouth.
That was such a word for me because though I was studying Zacharias, I was thinking about Elizabeth and how God was getting ready to start something for her too.
But she was connected to someone who could stop it based off of what he spoke.
But aren’t you glad we serve a God who will silence the voices of those who could sabotage what God wants to do in your life.
That’s why you can’t be worried when people start talking about you because God will silence their mouth on my behalf.
You see when heaven starts something, hell can’t stop it. Rumors can’t stop it. Gossip can’t stop it.
Who I used to be can’t stop it.
Elizabeth didn’t even know that God was manufacturing her a miracle and protecting the miracle at the same time.
You see, God’s not just gonna give you a miracle.
He’s gonna protect the miracle until the miracle gets to you.
I wanna talk to somebody who feels like they lost their time.
I hear God saying you didn’t lose your season.
I was protecting your miracle so that it could take root in the right season.
I couldn’t just give it to you until I made sure the wrong people wouldn’t speak into it.
When Elizabeth gets this miracle, Zachariah can’t even talk about it because God prepared a way for the miracle to live.
God’s not gonna let someone else’s unbelief affect your belief. No, no, no.
I’m preaching better than you clapping because you know those friends and you know those family members who will tell you, why are you going to that church on a Wednesday night?
Why would you dream of doing something I’ve never seen before.
Why would you keep showing up when God hasn’t blessed you yet?
But God says, I’m gonna help you nurture what I give you by removing those who will kill what I gave you.
I said, God’s gonna help you nurture what he gave you by removing those who would kill.
Somebody needs to thank God that they walked away.
Somebody needs to thank God that you can’t hear their voice no more.
I can’t even hear what you used to say about me.
I can’t even hear how you used to talk about my craft. Talk about my art, talk about my ministry.
I can’t even hear you. I can’t even hear you. I can’t even hear you no more.
All I hear is heaven. All I hear is miracles. All I hear is faith. All I hear is breakthrough.
I don’t care what the doctor said. Sometimes you gotta tell the doctor.
Hold on, I need to hear another voice. Hold on, teacher. I need to hear another voice.
Zacharias silenced, unable to speak into this thing.
So he can’t sabotage this thing.
Wanna talk to somebody who sabotaged their destiny with their own mouth.
Because this part of the text reveals that just because you didn’t have what it took back then doesn’t mean that God won’t give you another opportunity.
Now. I didn’t have the kind of faith back then.
I didn’t know what I know now, back then.
And if we’re honest, sometimes we beat ourselves up because I couldn’t be the partner that I know I could be now and I couldn’t be the parent that I know I could be now.
But this text reveals that heaven restarts too.
Oh That’s somebody’s word right there that I’m gonna give you a restart that I’m not just gonna let heaven start something that I ended.
But if you’re still here, heaven still wants to give you a restart.
Heaven still wants to give you another chance but not the you, you used to be.
I wanna talk to your doubt that makes you believe you’ll mess it up.
And I wanna rebuke that right now in the name of Jesus, you are not the same person.
You don’t have that same fear. You don’t have that same insecurity.
And even if you do, you got something more powerful, you got the spirit of the living God down on the inside of you.
And when you’ve got that down on the inside of you, it doesn’t matter what you said back then.
All that matters is what you’re willing to say.
Now, I know you spoke some things over that child.
What are you willing to say? Now, I know you spoke some things over yourself.
What are you willing to say?
Now you spoke some things over that ministry over that marriage. What are you willing to say?
Zacharias is standing in this moment?
Well, God’s gonna give him another chance to speak again, but he’s got to be willing to call a thing.
Yeah. So when they ask Zacharias, what do you want me to do with this thing that is being developed?
What am I supposed to call this thing?
Don’t call it little, don’t call it small.
Don’t call it something that may or may not be a thing.
I don’t know what it is.
Don’t call it just dipping my toe in to see how I feel about Jesus.
Call a thing a thing.
Make a declaration about what this is even if no one else around you understands it because those who are around said, surely you’re not gonna call this baby John.
There is no John in your family.
But Zachariah’s had been silent long enough for his faith to be perfect.
So when God finally gave him an opportunity to speak again, God, oh God.
So I don’t know who you are, but God says, I’m gonna give you an opportunity to speak again.
And this time when I give you a chance to speak, let it be a reflection of what I’ve been whispering in your ear.
Let it be a reflection of what I’ve been developing in your spirit. Let it sound crazy.
Let it not make sense, but let it prepare the way for the Lord.
You won’t get it until after the fact.
But I got something to do right now and God told me to call what he’s doing in my life to call a thing a thing.
Who are you in this place?
I hear God saying no more straddling the defense that Heaven wants to start something.
And you are the only thing standing in the way. Call it what it is. Yes, I was drug addicted.
Yes, I was pro Yes. I’m a teen mom and I’m also a pastor. I’m gonna call a thing.
I’m gonna call a finger thing because God touched me and God transformed me and God told me to call it what it is.
God, I call it, know you and who I am. Mention of you in my prayers.
I’m ready to call this thing.
I’m ready to call it what it is.
I’m stepping in the ministry. I’m working on my marriage.
I’m going back to school. I’m calling a thing a thing. I’m an artist.
I’m calling a thing a thing because it’s what God gave to me.
I’m gonna call it what heaven calls it.
What does heaven call you buy?
Does what you say, match what heaven said.
And if you have to choose between the name that you’ve known or the name that God called you to answer to what will you choose?
Zacharias write it down with the tablet when he finally comes into alignment with what God calls it.
It’s a mouth is released to speak again.
There was a breakthrough when calling the thing, the thing, I don’t know who you are, but I hear God saying that your breakthrough isn’t at the conference.
It’s in your mouth that the breakthrough, it’s not in the job, it’s in your mouth.
It’s not in the connections, it’s in your mouth.
I hear God saying that you’re calling yourself broken, but I call you healed.
Are you willing to call a thing a thing? I hear God saying that you’re calling your self damaged goods.
But God says that you are more beautiful than anything I’ve ever created. God says you’re fearfully and wonderfully made.
Can you match what heaven says about you? I wanna give somebody 10 seconds to open up your mouth.
Time when you speak. I want you to call a thing a thing. It holy.
I call it restoration. I don’t call it going backwards. I call it being in a cocoon.
God, I’m gonna call this thing a thing. You called me to be a deliverer.
Don’t sleep on myself any longer. God, you called me to break a generational curse.
I’m gonna call a thing. I feel like preaching in here. I feel like preaching in here.
I feel like preaching in here. I feel like you better preach in here.
I feel like you better open up your own mouth.
I’m gonna call this thing.
What God told me it is.
Oh Jesus change my language.
Glory changes your language.
Encounter changes your language, daring to open up your mouth. I know you don’t feel worthy.
I know you don’t have it figured out yet, but there’s something about encounter that makes you certain, there’s something about encounter that changes the way you show up.
I know I’m young but I’m ready. God, I know I’m old but I’m ready. God.
I know I’m right in the middle of my game. God. But I’ll pull out.
If you tell me to God, I’ll move to another field.
I’ll go to another city because I wanna call this thing a thing.
And I have to tell you new seasons.
I felt prophetically that God is waiting for those who will echo what he said.
If you had to label this season of your life, maybe it shouldn’t be confusion.
Mm And don’t you dare call it depression.
I wanna call it what heaven calls and heaven says I have a reason to live.
And heaven says that if I’m here, that I’ve got purpose and heaven says that it will restore what the Locusts have eaten us.
What heaven says, I didn’t say that.
Heaven said that if you got it from me, don’t take it to the bank, but if you get it from heaven, he’s got a history of showing up over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
My God still showing up. My God still doing miracles. God still breaking change. My God still creaking generational curses.
God still pulls down straw holes. That’s what I know about him.
I know he’s a miracle worker.
So it’s not just a miracle for the person.
I know it’s a miracle for me too.
I want to pray with you.
You’re in this room, you’ve joined us online.
You can be a part of this moment too.
And you know that you’ve been saying all of the wrong things and you know that you stopped speaking a long time ago because all you could think of were the wrong things and it’s been a long time since you’ve been able to access what God says, what God has prophesized.
I wanna invite you to come down to this altar.
I believe that what God wants to do is to loosen your mouth.
I believe what God has decided to do in this place as we kick off this amazing conference is to put you in a position where you can actually open your mouth to receive the declarations and then prophesy them over your own life.
I don’t care if it’s just one person I want you to meet me at this altar, my taxes that immediately, immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed and he spoke, praising God.
I want to read it again.
It says when he got home, his mouth was opened, did it say when he got home or did it say immediately, immediately say it again, immediately say it again, immediately.
When’s it gonna happen? When’s it gonna shift? When am I gonna get my breakthrough?
When am I gonna change my language? When is the transformation coming? When is the miracle on the way?
It doesn’t have to wait 10 years. We don’t have to wait another year.
We don’t have to wait another six months.
I hear God saying that if you open up your mouth, you can get it right now.
I hear God saying that if you open up your heart, it could happen for you right now.
I wanna hear the sound of someone opening their mouth at this altar.
Can you pause the music for a minute?
Heaven is listening. Heaven is listening for your sound.
If you can’t say anything at all, I dare you to just say Jesus, I dare you to just say Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus.
You are my Savior, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus.
You’ll teach me how to walk in this season, you’ll teach me how to talk in this season.
Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus. What was heaven trying to start? Heaven?
Was trying to start you. Heaven was trying to start you.
Heaven says if I start him, there will be breakthrough on earth.
If I start her, there will be breakthrough on earth. Heaven, heaven is listening. Heaven is listening. Heaven is listening.
Heaven is listening. It said that he opened his mouth and started praising God.
I started praising God. He wasn’t upset that God kept him silent for nine months.
He wasn’t upset that God allowed him to miss out on being an active part of the pregnancy.
He wasn’t worried about what was He stepped into the gratitude of what is now God, we can talk about everything else later.
But right now, I wanna thank you for another change. Chance to speak.
I wanna thank you for another chance to prophesy. I wanna thank you that you’re still giving me opportunity.
I wanna thank you. That word is still showing up Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Jesus.
Glory to your name. Father Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, open our mouth.
Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Jesus won’t pray with you.
Yeah, God, glory to your name.
God, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
I gotta stop. I gotta stop. God.
There is no one like you and we have searched all over.
Still haven’t found anybody greater. We don’t always understand your ways.
We don’t always understand your timing, but God, you keep chasing us down. God.
I thank you for every household, every mouth represented at this altar, God, you and you alone know what has kept their mouths bound.
You know, the heartbreak, you know, the disappointment, you know the pain.
You know better than I could ever know. God.
You see them, you hold them in the palm of your hand.
And God though it broke their heart and it caught their tongue.
It didn’t take their soul.
So God, I thank you that you’re already restoring in this moment, God, I thank you that you’re already given breakthrough in this moment, God, I thank you that victory is already happening in this room.
God, I thank you that before they even get home, that you’ve already decided that there will be glory after this, there will be glory after this.
Not another devil, not depress and spell, there will be glory after this.
And because we believe in your glory, we say that all of your promises are yes and amen that if I’m still here, there’s still glory that if I’m still here, that heaven is still wanting to start something.
So we come into alignment with what heaven wants to do and we repent for standing in the way.
Thank you for another chance. Thank you for breakthrough. Father.
Take this word and allow it to take root and to produce fruits.
Fear can’t have this word doubt can have this word God.
May they rehearse it over and over again. May they water it over and over again?
Any time negativity starts speaking, may they call a thing a thing?
May they rebuke it in the name of Jesus? May they send it back to hell where it came from?
Unleash their tongue in the name of Jesus? Satan? I rebuke you.
You have no power here who the son has set free. God is free.
Indeed, I declare freedom in Sacramento. I declare freedom in California. Freedom, freedom, free.
Why please the sons and daughters? They got the proper.
So in the last days I’ll pour out my spirit and my sons and daughters will prophesy, they’ll open their mouth.
If we’re gonna stand up to this thing called life, we’re gonna have to open up our mouth.
If we’re gonna stand up to this break up, we’re gonna have to open up our mouth. Who are you?
If we’re gonna stand up to this bankruptcy, we’re gonna have to open our mouth.
If we’re gonna stand up to this sentence, we’re gonna have to open our mouth, open your mouth, open your mouth, open your mouth, started praying, started prophesying.
We receive this word in jesus’ name. Can I hear you say?
- October 28, 2023! God’s Messages!Tháng 10 27, 2023