What the Media ISN’T TELLING YOU About the 2024 Election | Lt. Col. Allen West | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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What the Media ISN’T TELLING YOU About the 2024 Election | Lt. Col. Allen West | Kirk Cameron on TBN

The government’s authority stems from the consent of those it governs, rather than being ruled by edicts, orders, decrees, or mandates. However, there is an opposing philosophy that elevates governmental institutions above individual rights, which aligns with ideologies like progressivism, socialism, Marxism, statism, and communism.

Alan, you have served our country in many capacities—from the military to Congress. With all you’ve invested in this country, could you share what the right to vote means to you?

“It means everything,” Alan responded. “I’ve been to many nations and combat zones to ensure people there had a chance to do what we often take for granted. In some American elections, like for school boards, voter turnout is less than 10%. I remember seeing Iraqis proudly display their ink-stained fingers after voting for the first time. We should take pride in our voting process and strive to be the global gold standard of representative democracy.”

As we approach elections, many feel fatigued from the political mudslinging and negativity. How can we encourage people to remain engaged instead of giving up?

“When you throw your hands up, you’re surrendering,” Alan said, citing Isaiah 54:17, which says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” He emphasized that when people resort to name-calling, they have no solid ground to stand on. He also referenced Thomas Paine’s 1776 pamphlet, The Crisis: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will shrink from duty, but those who make a stand deserve love and admiration.” Alan encouraged people to consider their children and grandchildren and to strive to leave them a better country.

Alan, many citizens feel overwhelmed by the number of issues to consider when voting. If there were one or two key issues, what would you recommend?

“I would suggest looking at the issue of life from a Biblical perspective. In Judges chapter 2, we saw the consequences when Israel turned from God to worship Baal. Among the gods of Baal was Moloch, associated with child sacrifice. Beyond that, consider issues like security—economic, energy, and border security. We’re a sovereign nation and a constitutional republic; protecting our borders is essential.”

Reflecting on past elections, it seems the political divide feels deeper now. Could some be profiting from this intensified division?

“You’re absolutely right,” Alan replied. “There’s a saying, ‘If it bleeds, it leads,’ and some in the media benefit from this division. Instead of highlighting common ground, they fuel discord and discontent. Right now, we’re dealing with two distinct governance philosophies. The United States was founded on individual rights, freedoms, and sovereignty—what’s now considered classical liberalism or constitutional conservatism, where individual rights are prioritized over governmental authority. This is a fundamental difference between two governing ideologies today.”

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