How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Stop living life frantic and anxious, start flowing with God’s Spirit, and see divine results as you are led by His Spirit!

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About this episode

You are watching the sermon, Live Stress-Free By His Spirit, preached on Feb 26, 2017 by Joseph Prince.

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God wants you to live by the Spirit. Follow the spirit. He’ll tell you in everything. In life he will tell you. He will teach you all things. All things means not just spiritual things, things that do with parenting, things that do with your marriage, things that will do with your career, your business. All things is all things.

The Holy Spirit never drives you. He leads you. The Holy Spirit teaches us on the wavelength of peace. Peace should be our default mode. Always remember these people. God doesn’t guide a park car being led by the spirit. Rest is not inactivity, rest is Holy. Spirit directed activity at the end of the journey, A strength, a grace has been empath.

We’re touching on the subject of the wonderful person of the Holy Spirit. Say the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the divine. God hit the triune God hit three in one. God the Father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit. Now God, the Holy Spirit is very God, as divine as God the Father and God the Son.

But he’s not shy. However, he does not call attention to himself. He’s here to glorify one. And that’s Jesus. Can I have a good amen? The Holy Spirit’s role, his primary role is not even to reveal to you your sins. His primary role is to glorify Jesus. Amen. And Jesus said in John 16 that then he convicts the world of sin in the great singular. The word sin there singular.

And Jesus explains because they believe not on me. Alright? So the Holy Spirit convicts the world, and all of us have been convicted with that conviction of not believing on Christ. And then we see the beauty of Jesus, that God sent his son to die for our sins, and then we believe on Christ. Now, the Holy Spirit is not there to keep on reminding you of your sins.

He’s there to convict you of righteousness because Jesus goes to the Father and you see him no more, and then he convicts you that the prince of this world, the devil, has been judged, broken to pieces, judged. That’s the idea of the word there. Now, in a very indirect way, the Holy Spirit is still there.

Sometimes you see Pastor Prince correcting certain situations in church. That’s the Holy Spirit anointing me to correct. So when Jesus rebuked five out of the seven churches in Revelation, it is still the Holy Spirit. Amen? Definitely Jesus works by the Spirit, hear what the Spirit says to the churches. So there is correction.

I’m not saying there’s no correction, but that’s not the primary role of the Holy Spirit. The primary role of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus. John 16, he will glorify me. Jesus said, and he said this in the upper room, the upper room is the place of church truths. Many of us, we expound on the summon amount and that’s fine and good.

It’s still applicable for us. Today we expound on Matthew 24 in many places on prophetic truth, the second coming of Christ. And that’s really in place. But we fail to talk about the upper room discourse of Jesus, the sermon on another mount, the upper room where Jesus talk about nothing but church truths, truths that are applicable for us today in the church. Amen.

And over there, Jesus talk about a new commandment, which is love one another as I have loved you. We only have one commandment, and it’s not a hard commandment. It’s our new nature now to love. We know we have passed from death to life because we love. It’s like commanding someone who is very hungry. I command you to eat.

Now, how hard is that? Amen. It’s your nature. Is there someone in church you cannot shake hands with? Is there someone that you cannot say a greeting to? Do you have bitterness in your heart and you know that this is not your real habitat as a child of God? You know that you’re walking almost like a zombie because whenever you have bitterness, you’re not walking to your true nature. Your nature is to love.

Amen. So just enjoy that love. Enjoy loving one another. Then Jesus talk about another truth in the upper room. Jesus says, I will send another helper, John 14, I’ll pray the Father, he will give you another helper. Notice the word another in the Greek. It means another of the same kind, just like me.

I have been here when you are discouraged. I’m here to lift you up when you are set. I’m here to bring joy. When you are restless, I come to give you rest. Amen. When you are sick, I heal your sickness. I’m your great physician. I’m your shepherd. I’m your master. I’m your Lord. I’m your good friend.

Greater love has no man than this that a man laid down his life for his friends. I’m that friend. But listen, I’m going away, alright? But don’t be sad. I’ll not leave you offerings. I’ll send you another helper. The idea of another means, it’s as if you are getting Jesus again, but now in his unlimited form. Amen.

Jesus, when he was on earth, was confined to one place. Amen. But the Holy Spirit is not confined to one place. And that’s why the same miracles that was happening here just now, it’s happening. The other venues is happening over in America. Amen. In GRC is happening whenever you’re watching this broadcast, because there’s no time, no space, no distance in the Holy Spirit.

He’s Jesus unlimited. Amen. And the word helper in the great is the word para. Para para organization. Para in the Greek means alongside para. So para click, he’s called to be your friend. He’s called to be your helper. In fact, the old James says, I give you another comforter man in Hebrew, man. All right, someone’s name comforter. I’ll send you another man.

I’ll send you a comforter. Someone who will always be there to comfort you. Jesus says that he may abide with you for how long? Forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him. For he dwells with you and will be in you. He says will be in you because at the time, they have not yet received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which came on the day of Pentecost.

For Jesus said, when he’s abide abiding with you, he’ll with you forever. I will not leave you offerings. I will come to you. Amen. Also, in the upper room, we saw Jesus talking about the rapture. Praise God. He says, in my father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. Now, how did he go? Bodily or spiritually? Bodily.

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