How to Mature in Your Emotions – Episode 2

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How to Mature in Your Emotions – Episode 2

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
And you gotta be ready as a Christian
to demonstrate emotional maturity. So don’t try to avoid the ugly.
You’re right slap dabbing in the middle of the ugly.
So be be mature enough in your emotions that those emotions won’t find a trigger that leads you down the negative path.
Hey, everybody. I’m standing in the world dome.
We are getting ready for the reunion. Grace Life 2024. Now you should have registered already.
If you
haven’t, do it now. Watch this.
Now now now now now.
Why? It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn how
to live the grace life.
It will make a mark
in your life that’ll never be erased. Let’s register right now.
Grace life is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
See see, this series is gonna be trying to
help you to learn how to
live. Living. That’s when you get god’s best when you learn how to live instead of religion where you’re going to close and ask for your desire and then come out looking for
it. I I don’t wanna do that anymore. I wanna learn how to live with him,
and I and I wanna live him with him being my side partner.
I wanna live with him with him doing the work through me. Here’s here’s my relationship with god.
Here’s my body. Obviously, in the physical world, you need it to do some things.
Maybe you don’t, but here’s my body. What do
you wanna do through it? Amen. IIII
try to I keep trying to get you to work with me, and you keep trying to convince me that I just wanna work through you.
Come on, lord. Work with me. No. I don’t wanna go. I wanna work through you.
You’re trying to get me to yield to you. Uh-uh.
I want you to yield your body to me, and I wanna work through you.
I wanna speak through you. I wanna operate through you. I wanna bless through you.
I wanna do so much through you that your whole being starts getting used to my presence.
But that ain’t gonna happen if you keep praying,
come on, Lord. Work with me. Work with me. Work with me.
God, like, I’ve been
working with you. You ain’t changed yet.
And then he says, you can’t do this, so I’m a work through you.
I don’t know.
Some sometimes I think I’m going to a place where I’m gonna look back 1 day and wonder and see if I understand what I’m saying because I wanna dig deep on this thing.
And flexibility is is as a part in my emotional maturity.
And so at least I know that this is something I can begin to believe God for to help me to be more more more flexible.
Now look at this. For King James, uh, version, uh, first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 19 through 23.
Now here’s what he says. Now listen to this. See if you can spot the flexibility here.
For though I’d be free from all men, Jesus speaking, though I’d be free from all men, yet have I made myself a servant unto all.
That’s flexible, isn’t it? Why? That I might gain the more.
And unto the Jews, he said, alright. Well, this is Paul. Yeah.
Unto the Jews, he said, I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews.
That’s flexible, isn’t it? To them that are under
the law, I became like those who were under
the law that I might gain them that are without the law.
And unto the Jews, I became a Jew that I might gain the Jews, and to them that are under the law as under the law that I might gain them that are under the law, verse 21.
To them that are without law, I became 1 without law being not without the law of god, but under the law to Christ that I might gain them that are without law, 22.
To the weak became I became as weak that I might gain the weak, and I and, uh, and I made all things to all men that I might, by all means, save some, not everybody, but save some.
And this I do for the gospel’s sake that I might be partakers thereof.
Paul said, for the sake of the gospel, I will be flexible.
For the sake of the gospel, I will be flexible that I might win some.
He says, oh, I know I’m not gonna win everybody, but I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna allow my emotions to mature enough so that I can be flexible.
There are preachers in the pulpit these days that they’re not trying to be flexible, you know, for the sake of of of of excellence in the ministry and for the sake of being strong leaders.
No. You you know, you
you know, if you decide to do that, you
can’t get in front of
the people and change your mind. If you said that you can’t get
in front of people, you gotta be flexible. You gotta be flexible.
If I preach something and I realize, dude, that’s that’s harmful, that’s wrong, uh, that’s misleading, Be flexible enough to
change it so you can win somebody.
But you can’t be, like, unwilling to adapt.
Am I willing to adapt so I can win some?
What we practice is the marrying of methods. Are you married to a method?
And so God can’t deal with you on nothing else because you’re so married to that method.
You’re the guy that think he can only open a blind eye by spit.
God’s got a million ways to open somebody’s blind eye because he’s flexible to that.
And I’m learning that as as a as a minister of the gospel, how important it is to yield to the transformation.
There’s a huge transformation that’s happened in in our society. Okay?
I’m not talking about, um, you know, getting in agreement with something that’s wrong.
Uh, I’m talking about looking at what’s happening. You know, words.
You can take a word that was used in 1946 and use the same word today,
and it has a totally different meaning.
And so if the preacher doesn’t become adaptable we had become adaptable and flexible with social media.
I couldn’t stand it, but it was just too big to ignore. Okay?
Uh, you know, I didn’t wanna be the last person on the earth to stop selling cassette tapes.
You have to be flexible. Things have changed.
Are you willing to be flexible? And I think that’s a part of emotional maturity.
I think that’s a big part of it to to to to to be able to make some of those changes, and and we’re still making them.
And I’m still growing, and I’m still trying to see the areas where I need to even be more flexible with certain things.
Even how I preach sermons and and and and to talk to you on a level of where things are right now today.
I don’t need to talk to
you from, you know, 103 BC. You you don’t even know
what I’m talking about 103 BC. And you gotta be ready as a
Christian to demonstrate emotional maturity. So don’t try to avoid the ugly.
You’re right slap dab in the middle of the ugly.
So be be mature enough in your emotions that those emotions won’t find a trigger that leads you down the negative path.
Yeah. And you’re a good person and you love god, but you’re ending up in jail because you lost it.
Well, I appreciate how she spoke to my wife or how he spoke to my wife.
Brother, a lot of people cussing your wife out on on so
What you gonna sit there and go through all of them? I know you live it.
I’m coming to see you. Now you lying because
you don’t know where they live at.
Right. Emotional maturity. Emotional maturity.
And I think a part of that me me maturing emotionally is also me accepting this place of yielding to transformations, to different situations, and this is what’s happening right now.
It’s not compromised. I know it it seems like a real thin line. We’re not compromising anything.
We’re just making our mind up that we’re gonna be emotionally mature, not to let all those other things cause us to reject being adaptable to the nasty situations that may come our way.
And adaptable doesn’t mean join the nasty. Adaptable means your nasty is not going to compromise my emotions.
Does that make sense? It’s not gonna compromise my emotions. Okay?
This is gonna be interesting. Okay. So let’s look at this, uh, first Corinthians 1033.
First Corinthians 1033. The scriptures really do speak for themselves.
Yeah. So you see how these different points are gonna be tying into emotional development.
So I know that I’m emotionally mature when I see flexibility growing in my life. Okay?
You’re never gonna be flexible to the junk.
You’re you’re gonna be flexible in the things of god and flexible enough to allow him to show you the adjustments you need to make in order to minister and deal with those situations.
Okay? I have to say that, and I I’m constantly working on, uh, trusting God to help me to give utterance to a thing.
That’s why you hear me say things, like, over and over again from different perspectives so that, hopefully, I can cover every perspective in the room.
And then there’ll still be somebody on social media that’ll hear it this way when I meant it that way.
And then that’s when I say, well, maybe God will give me something later on down the line to to kinda help out in that.
Now verse 33 says, even as I please all men in all things even as I please all men in all things, he says, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many that they may be saved.
Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit.
So I I’m I’m now I’m I I wanna become flexible there.
I don’t wanna just do things to seek my own. Okay?
I wanna do things to seek for somebody else in their life.
Profit just for myself versus profit for somebody else that they might be saved.
So what can I do to profit somebody else’s life so they can be born again?
What can I do to profit somebody else’s life so they can benefit in the things of God? Okay?
That may mean, uh, I may have to be kind when they’re not.
I may have to be forgiven, uh, forgiving when certain things come their way. Yeah.
All of these things, am I willing to do that?
I may have to show grace when I’m not really interested in showing you any grace at all.
I wanna ghost you. Leave me alone. Get out of my life. Go away.
That’s that’s definitely immature.
So I am saying to you, I’m saying you emotional maturity is really gonna be demonstrated when I can adapt to the wrong coming my way instead of the good coming my way.
It’s easy to chill with the good that’s coming your way, but that’s not real the way you live right now.
There’s a lot of bad coming your way, and and as Christians, we like to avoid it like it’s not there.
Hide from it. No. I I wanna I wanna adapt to it.
And and it it’s just many opportunities where I have an opportunity to, um, you know, I’ve had several opportunities.
People were saying ugly things about me, and I and I and I say something nice to them.
Or you know? You know? I get blasted in the media a lot.
So I don’t catch all of it, but the little I catch, I’m like, alright, god.
So how do you want me to handle this situation?
Sometimes he says, a lot of times he told me back then, you’re not ready to handle anything.
Just be quiet. In fact, God went so far 1 time.
I was in Washington, and he said learn the vocabulary of silence.
See, that’s how emotionally immature I was.
Don’t say none and make it worse than what it already is. Just learn the fact.
And what I learned is even by me being silent, god was being flexible enough to do things even when I thought I was the 1 that had to do it.
And then I I’m like, somebody says that had happened. I’m like, God did that. You know?
So all of the things that may happen to you are are hurt in a relationship.
Are you willing to be flexible enough to say, I’m not gonna retaliate based on what you did to me based on I’m not gonna retaliate emotionally and in a harsh wrong demonic way.
I’m gonna retaliate and be flexible enough to retaliate in good. Okay?
I’m gonna do you good and make you happy. Now I don’t wanna do him good.
I wanna do him bad like he did me. That’s that’s an emotional, immature person.
That’s and that gonna that’s gonna get you in trouble all the time.
A marriage that could have stayed together and a marriage that would have stayed together if you were emotionally mature enough to be flexible.
But most of the time, it’s like, no. You hurt me. I wanna hurt you.
You made me feel bad. I wanna make you feel bad.
That’s those are immature kids having a little playground fight.
And I think if anybody needs to mature, it needs to be the church of Jesus Christ.
We have to mature in our emotions. We have to mature in our emotions.
So are y’all are y’all getting this?
I know this is the first first series, but um, so let’s look at, uh, I think we got time.
Let’s start the second phase of this. How do I know the Bible facts about flexibility?
So all of this is on flexibility. So here’s what we look at about flexibility.
We are to core chorus we are we are to correspondingly adapt to change in situations and conditions?
That’s kinda what I’ve been talking about. But can you adapt to change in situations and conditions?
Ecclesiastes 301 says, to everything, there is a season, and there is a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Can I adapt to the seasons? Matthew chapter 9 verse 14 to 15.
Matthew chapter 9 14 to 15.
He said in verse 14, then came to him the disciples of John saying, why do we and the Pharisees fast often?
But thy disciples fast not.
In verse 15, and Jesus said unto them, can the children of the bride chamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?
But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then they shall fast.
He says, let’s make some adjustments here.
They’re not fasting right now because of what they’re going through, but when they finish, then they’ll fast.
Let’s make some adjustments. Let’s be willing to do that.
And then I love Luke 9 Luke 9, uh, and 3 and then Luke 22.
Watch what happens here in Luke 93.
Jesus was talking to his disciples getting ready to send them out 2 by 2.
And he said unto them, take nothing for your journey, neither the stage, nor the script, neither bread, neither money, neither have 2 coats apiece.
So he’s given them the instructions. Don’t take anything for your journey, and he was very specific.
Don’t take your purse. Don’t take money. Don’t take bread.
Don’t take anything because he’s trying to show them I can take care of you. Alright?
You’re gonna see a lot of the a lot of this this this scripture in the in the upcoming weeks.
And then the Luke 22 and 3536, it goes along.
It concludes what happened here in Luke chapter 9 and 3.
Luke 22, 35, and 36, and he said unto them, when I sent you without purse and script, without shoes, he asked the question, did you lack anything?
And they said nothing. They said, you sent us without anything, and we lack nothing, lord.
Then said he under them, but now that you know I can take care of you, he that hath the purse, let him take it, and likewise, his script take it.
And he that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy 1. We gotta be careful.
You know how we take things out of the bible out of context and we turn them into tradition?
You know? And somebody get up and say, Jesus says, when you go on a journey, don’t take nothing with you.
Okay. But then he came back after the journey. He said, well, did you lack anything? No.
He says, now all the stuff I told you you couldn’t take, you can now take it.
That’s amazing to me. That’s how we get involved in so much bad teaching is because we get hooked up to 1 perspective without reading long enough.
So notice this was Luke 9.
If you stopped at Luke 15, you would have never got the conclusion of Luke 9. And that’s what
I’m trying to show people. Read things in context. Context is king.
Don’t go off running off like you got this big revelation and and and no. No.
Because Jesus here is demonstrating. Look at look at the flexibility.
I told them to do this this time, but now that they know it’s me, I’m flexible, man.
Go take it and put it all up. He didn’t, you know, start some religion that says, now everybody got
to suffer for the rest
of their lives. Nobody can never have no more food. You’re gonna be barefooted all your life.
Don’t have you can’t have no money or nothing.
He says, you now know that I can take care of you. You can pick all that up.
Thank God he’s flexible. Hallelujah. I thank God so much that he is flexible.
And sometimes, some preachers and some people don’t think he is.
I mean, I can think of a lot of doctrines that have have have, uh, gotten started over just not reading the whole context.
And it’s like, man, you know, that ain’t good.
You know, the Bible says if your eye offend you, you know, pluck it out.
You better read the rest of that.
If you’re hand defeated, you chop
it off. You better read the rest of it. Ain’t it amazing though?
Even if you don’t read read the rest of
it, you ain’t plucking your eye. Now what’s that? You ain’t you ain’t cutting your hand off.
What’s that? You said you really believe this bible, but ain’t no hands been cut off by mistake or nothing, and then no eyes been plucked out.
What’s up with that? See, we gotta we gotta really ask ourselves, do we really believe what we think we believe?
Because deep down inside, you know there’s something else to this.
I may not know it right now, but there’s something else to this. God is flexible.
It’s like, dude, it’s like, you know, somebody says, well, you you know, you gotta go to hell.
Oh, what are the reasons they send people to hell? Just all kinds of stuff. You know?
You you’re gonna go to hell if you don’t come back to church after the COVID thing.
You’re gonna go to hell if you get a tattoo.
You’re gonna go to hell if if
you have a bad day.
For real?
You think we have that type of stiff neck god in heaven?
You’re saying you’re gonna hell.
You think that that 1 bad day is gonna be the whole you just gotta know God is like much deeper than that.
I just know he’s much deeper than that. I just know I know him now, so I
know that for a fact.
But he’s much deeper than what the church gives him. Come on.
Uh, you got saved, but you didn’t get baptized. You ain’t gonna make it in.
Are you serious?
Seriously, think that god’s gonna have a line for people to get in and a line for people who got tattoos.
They ain’t getting there because they wrote on themselves. For real? And there are people
you know, there’s a line for ladies who wear dresses and a
line for waiters who would wear pants.
And the boys with the pants, that line’s gonna do a little circle and go in.
You’re gonna have a a sliding board right into the fiery furnace.
It’s just I can’t hardly it’s just it’s just
it’s just it just bugs me.
And when I was teaching on tithing, people thought, well, we ain’t gotta give no more.
I ain’t never tell you not to give no more.
In fact, I never told you you didn’t have to give 10% no more.
I told you there’s a better way of giving.
There’s a more successful way of giving out of your heart, giving generously unto the lord without the fear of having a curse over your life because you didn’t give like the Old Testament priesthood was ordered to give.
Yeah. And your curse would’ve cursed. Seriously? You take the curse.
Now you you put it back on. You take it. You put it back on.
That sounds like a double minded god who’s not flexible.
You’re trying to say god compromises his word.
No. I’m not. God doesn’t compromise his word at all, but he did make it clear that through the blood of Jesus, we have a new covenant.
We have a new way of dealing with man. He’s flexible by pure fact.
He took you out of the old testament where there was no hope. Yes, sir.
And gave you a new testament where he would show up and do things you couldn’t do.
In the Old Testament, you worked for God. In the New Testament, he works for you.
Look at our flexible God.
Did you know your emotions determine your level of victory?
In Creflo Dollar’s 7 part series, how to mature in your emotions, emotions, he identifies the key to unlocking a successful life through maturing spiritually and emotionally.
An emotional mature person will work towards a better understanding and a course of action moving forward.
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It’s when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are.
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Hey, everybody.
I’m standing in the World Dome.
We are getting ready for the reunion, Grace Life 2024, July 11th through 13th.
Now you should have registered already. If you haven’t, do it now. Watch this.
Now now now now now.
Why? It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn
how to live the grace life.
This is my 3rd time out here at Grace Life Conference.
I’m coming all the way from Nigeria with my kids. This experience has been life changing, life transforming for us.
And why I do this all the time is because there is nothing like being here in person.
That connect is everything.
It will make a mark
in your life that’ll never be erased. So come on. Let’s register right now. I know you can do it.
Come on. Right now. Register. Right now.
Grace Life 2024, the reunion is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
Kreflo Dollar Global Missions helps people all over the world receive healing and wholeness in every area of life.
For example, we help those in need in our communities, those trapped in the sex entertainment industry, and children in orphanages and refugee camps.
When we meet the physical needs of those hurting people, it gives us the opportunity to share the gospel of grace with them.
So I wanna thank you for helping us reach millions with the gospel.
Log on to our website to see all the work we do at Creflo Dollar Global Missions.
Thank you for your support.
I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
And there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you wanna become born again and begin an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus, I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me. Heavenly father, I believe that Jesus is the son of god and that he died and was raised from the dead and has forgiven all of my sins.
And I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved. Praise God.
Now that simple prayer change your entire eternal destination, and we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
Because of you, Creflo Dollar Ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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