Creflo A.Dollaer : Wednesday Service

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Creflo A.Dollaer  : Wednesday Service

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Praise God.
Father, we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your pressure Sheek.
Thank you, lord, that revelation knowledge will flow freely, uninterrupted, and unhindered by an satanic or demonic force.
Speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind. None of me and all of you.
It’s in Jesus’ name, we pray. Everybody said, amen. Come on.
Give the lord a big hand clap of praise.
You may be seated.
If you have your bibles, uh, we’re gonna be studying tonight, the book of John chapter 4.
You’re gonna really, really enjoy this Saint John chapter 4. And I wanna start off the night reading it.
I wanna handle tonight more scripture by scripture because this is pretty, pretty big.
Uh, John chapter 4 verse 1 says, when therefore, the lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made a Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John.
Boe Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples did.
He left Judea, and he departed again to Galilee.
So now he’s on his way where to Galilee. But he must need needs go through Samaria.
Now he didn’t go through Samaria because it would make the trip shorter.
He said, I’m on my way to Galilee, but the will of god is for me to go through Samaria.
There’s a divine appointment there. Now here’s what you gotta get as a child of god.
Is when god instructs you to do something.
And that’s the will of god for your life. You probably need to do it, amen?
But he will instruct you where geographically where to go.
I mean, yesterday, I was dealing with that, whether I’m supposed to go here, whether I’m not supposed to go there, and he will speak to you.
It’s it’s not funny, but and and, you know, I I went to bed last night saying, alright.
God, I I need to I need to hear from you.
I’m just focused, ready to go to sleep because I figured Gaut can really speak to me at that time.
And he just started pouring out all of these illustrations in the Bible.
And in my mind, I had the nerve to say, yeah, but lord, what do you want me to do?
And he says, I’m into you now.
I want you to look at these scriptures and see if god is talking to you.
He says, I, it is the will of god for me to go go, uh, to Galilee, but do it through Samaria.
Alright? He says then, cometh heat to a city, of the Samirians, which is called Shikhar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son, Joseph.
Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus, therefore, being worried.
Please note that he was worried with his journey, he sat, thus, on the well, and it was about the 6 hour.
They’re cometh a woman of the cemarian to draw water.
Now let’s pause here just for a moment. Couple of things about the cemarian.
Um, Jesus passed through Samaria because it was god’s will to have him, uh, interact with a woman there.
It was was more than the fastest track, like we said.
But there was something that was queen the Samaritans and the Jewish people, they didn’t see eye to eye.
There was strong racism there. Now the deal you have to deal with in every conflict is probably gonna be over politics.
Race, and religion. Okay? Those are the three areas of conflict.
And there was a huge conflict between Jewish people and Samaritans. They hated one another.
And that’s even translated all the way up to today.
So you didn’t you didn’t see Jewish people mingling with Samaritans and vice versa.
But now the issue here is that this woman was not only a Samaritan woman, she was a woman.
And in this sit in this situation, You’re gonna find out she offered Jesus a cup of water.
Had he taken that cup? They would have viewed him as unclean.
So you gotta ask yourself, why would you show up at the well to talk to somebody who is gonna who can mess your reputation up who could cause you to be unclean.
Even the disciples said, was shocked when they showed up and said, why are you talking to this woman?
She was she’s cast out, and she’s unclean. But Jesus oh my god.
In an amazing that god will send the grace his grace to anybody he wants to send it to.
Remember, Grace is a person. His name is Jesus.
And Grace showed up in the life of somebody who didn’t qualify.
Now later on, we’re gonna make a comparison between nicodemus and this Samaritan woman.
Because this is John chapter 3, and then right in John chapter 4, he’s trying to show us something, some similarities between those 2, and then there were some differences between those to.
Alright. So he goes on here and he says, um, verse 7, there come with a woman of the Samaria to draw water, and Jesus said, unto her, give me to drink.
For his disciples were gone away onto the city to buy meat.
Then say at the woman of Samaria, unto him, how is it that thou being a Jew Ask his drink of me, which am a Samari which am a woman of Samaria.
For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
So you get the picture of what’s going on here.
Jesus answered and said under her, if you knew the gift of god now he was referring to himself.
Jesus is the gift of god.
Jesus, whose grace, he’s the gift of guy, says, if you know, if you knew it’s the gift of god and who it is that’s saying, to the, give me to drink, thou would’ve have asked of him, and he would have given the living water.
Now we’re gonna break all that down tonight because I don’t know about you, but over and over again, people have taught and preached this, but they’ve not done it in in an area of gray space.
So I I made some notes. I wanna make sure I cover some of this.
Uh, the Samaritan woman considered ceremonially unclean, which we read there in verse 9.
And again, I already said to touch the cup, uh, offer to him would have made him unclean.
So Jesus had every reason to avoid this woman.
You know, you gotta watch out because save folks will give you every reason to avoid people.
They’ll say, don’t don’t go there. Y’all don’t know what they did. Don’t go there.
Y’all don’t know what they’re talking about.
And and we’ve created a society where it’s okay when somebody says, you know, that they’re gonna you you’re gonna look bad if you go there.
Alright. Now watch this. He says, uh, uh, and and and I wanna before we read into it, let’s let’s make this comparison between nicodemas and John chapter 3, and the Samaritan woman here in John chapter 4.
First of all, nicodemus was a powerful Jewish man, who had the potential to validate Jesus’ ministry.
Okay. You gotta understand. Yeah. We know who Jesus w it was now.
But back then, it was like, you know, he’s a prophet. Okay.
And so he could have validated his ministry, not that Jesus needed it. But nicodemus was educated.
Nicodemus was wealthy. He was respectable and all that kind of stuff.
The Samaritan woman, on the other hand, Jesus stood to gain nothing from bet the interaction with her to the the Samaritan woman.
Why would you show up? You you will gain nothing.
Jesus’ reputation could have been, uh, lifted up by nicodemas while his interaction with this American woman could have hurt his reputation.
And nicodemas had, um, he had the right the ethnicity.
He had the right, uh, group. They have right religion. He had all of the right things.
Of somebody that you would wanna hang around. You know, I thought about this the other day.
If a famous person got saved, you thought it was a big deal.
But if a per who’s just out in the street, got saved. You wouldn’t say nothing about it. Okay.
I just mentioned that. Okay. So we, you, you gotta watch that. You see what I’m saying?
Would you would you would you go out your way for a famous person that’s in a movie, but won’t go out your way for somebody that’s in the street.
We need we need to check that. Okay?
And so here’s this, uh, here are the similarities here between nicodemus and this woman.
Now both situations were inconvenient. Both of them was.
Nucadema is showing up late at night.
It it’s a it would be understandable if Jesus said this is not a good time.
It was both inconvenience. Then he interacts with this woman after a long journey, hot, exhausted, Thursday, he could’ve said, it ain’t it’s not the time right now.
Get give me a chance to arrest a little bit.
So in both cases, The similarities were it was an inconvenient time. He’s dehydrated.
Just finished this journey, but Jesus wasn’t concerned. Listen to me.
He wasn’t concerned about his reputation, nor was he concerned about his personal conference, uh, comfort because both naked bemis and the woman, they both needed him.
Both of them needed Jesus. Both of them needed the grace of god.
And Jesus wasn’t afraid to show up.
Uh, would you be willing to show up if your reputations on the line?
So you’re gonna have to learn that you’re gonna be talked about anyway, but you’re gonna have to make your mind up.
You’re gonna live by grace. Grace shows up in places where most people don’t think it should be there.
And you you gotta you gotta get ready for that.
And I feel like part of my my last day ministry is showing up in places where I’m not supposed to be there if everybody else then kick you out, call your dog, mess you up, dog you out.
I’m probably gonna be the one god call to say I need you to go there.
Because I’m I’m like, he is right now. I don’t care nothing about no reputation right now.
I don’t even care. Alright? But what I do care about is that I can be a carrier of god’s grace to get it where it’s supposed to be.
Yeah. Alright. Now listen to this. Jesus goes out his way for the Samaritan woman.
Now lots of Christians in today’s world are separated or separate Uh, well, let me say it like this.
And and I’m not being, um, rude, but people are desperate for validation. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
They’re and and I’m not talking about desperate for validation from church.
They’re desperate for to be validated by the world. You want somebody in the world to validate you.
And you’re in pursuit of that validation to the point where you might overlook the Samaritan woman type.
Okay. And so let’s go on here.
In verse 10, He starts dealing with this gift of god.
And like I said, he says, if you knew the gift of god and he was the gift of god.
And so what is he gonna be talking about here with this living water?
Wanna say this, and I’ll keep reading. Earthly things that you look to for satisfaction will never truly satisfy you.
That’s the living water. Okay? Now I wanna give you a illustration before I continue to read.
Most of the people, just like nicodemas, when he was talking about being born again, they they were taking it literally.
You gotta understand that this this setting is the setting here.
They They didn’t know what you and I know today. They took it literally.
You know, Jesus said, you must be born again, Nick. His name is and Nick Dean’s responded.
What do I need to go back into my mother’s womb and come out again. He took it literally.
Well, the same thing happened with this Samaritan woman.
When he she’s talking about drinking, living water, she thought it was, you know, you know, um, actual water that was coming out of the well, but that’s not what Jesus was talking about.
See, what he was getting ready to show this woman is that you can drink this literal water, and you’re gonna be thirsty again.
It’s almost like you’re out in the middle of the ocean. You’re out in the middle of the sea.
Into something, and you’re thirsty surrounded by water. You can’t drink. Oh, my god.
And if you’re thirsty, surrounded by seawater and you drink the seawater, then what’s gonna happen is gonna make you more thirsty.
And you’re just you’re trying to consume nothing that won’t sustain you.
Eventually drinking the seawater, eventually, it’s gonna lead to death.
So likewise, as you continue to seek earthly things and seek the things that the world seeks because you thinking that that water is better than what Jesus has.
And what Jesus has for you is the Holy Spirit on the inside of you that’s gonna lead and guide you.
He has the grace of god that’s gonna teach you and all these kind of things, but you prefer that other kind of water instead of drinking this living water.
And I’m talking about even physical water. You’re still gonna be thirsting again.
He says, but when you drink of him, then you will never be thirsty again. Praise god.
I now now let’s read on here. Well, I think we got the, hopefully, the foundation of all of that.
Want to make sure we got that foundation so we can dig into this.
He says, so the woman say it’s under him, sir, thou has nothing to draw with, and the well is deep.
So she’s still thinking it’s literal. Uh, from whence then has thou that living water.
So where’s the living water at? Okay. Alright. Now greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the whale.
And, basically, she knew he was greater because he’s got some water better than the water in Jacob’s well.
At verse 13, Jesus answered and said, on to to her, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, Jacob’s water.
But who’s ever drinking up the water that I shall give him?
I’m going to give him some water that he will never thirst again. I’m gonna bring satisfaction.
I’m gonna bring true satisfaction. And what I have to bring to your life you’re never gonna be thirsty again.
So I’m not talking about the water in the whale, baby. I’m talking about me.
I’m here to give you something to end your first.
Grace has come in your presence when you’re outcast and you’re thrown away and you’re sitting out here in this well in this hot day, and nobody cares anything about you.
And I just need you to to locate yourself.
I just need I need to figure out how to get you to just just confess and and to make Jesus the lord of your life.
Watch this now. So the woman said to him, sir, give me this water that I thirst not.
Neither, uh, come hovered again. So shout right at hunger. I won’t miss. Give me this.
And Jesus said unto her, Go call by husband. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him.
Look at him. Call your husband. See, he’s so wide. Call your husband and come hither. Alright?
And then Walmart answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said, you got that right.
Dow has well said, I have no husband. For thou has 5 husbands.
And he whom thou now has is not your husband, and that says, thou truly.
So you spoke the truth. So we’re dealing with truth now. Alright?
You’re ready to open up and get some things So the woman said it under him, sir, I perceived that thou art a prophet.
That’s all she knew. That’s the only way she could just just that’s the highest she could know or understand about somebody who did this.
I perceive that you are a prophet Our fathers worshiped in this mountain.
And you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.
So she’s still looking at places before Jesus died on the cross.
You had to worship here and worship there.
But verse 21 said, Jesus said, under her woman, believe me, This is it.
The hours coming when you shall neither worship in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem, you you to worship the file, but because you you worship, you know, not what we worship for salvation is of the Jews.
But the hours coming. Now here’s what Jesus was saying. I hadn’t died yet.
The new covenant hadn’t been released yet.
So this is a perfect illustration of him fulfilling the law and getting ready for that new and living way.
Yeah. I know they go to Jerusalem.
And I know they go to that mountain, but oh, you don’t understand, boy. The hour is coming.
Well, you ain’t got to do that no more because I’m gonna, through my blood, introduce a new and a living way.
And then he goes on, and he said, He said, uh, uh, for the father well, let me give birth to you, but the hour comes in and and now is when the true worshipers, true worshipers, true worshipers, shall worship the father in spirit and in truth.
True worshipers for the father seek it such to worship. People still don’t know what that is.
You’re still trying to make it about music and songs. Okay?
What happens when Jesus shows up after his death and after the cross? Okay.
What happens is is we can now get born again, and we can now receive the Holy Spirit.
Now that we have the Holy spirit on the inside of us, he can now speak to us on what he wants us to do and lead us and guide us.
Real worship is the individual that says, alright, lord. Here I am.
What do you wanna do with me today? Where do you wanna take me today?
He says, you ain’t gotta go to no mountain. You ain’t gotta go to Jerusalem.
The holy spirit’s gonna move on the inside of you.
And true worshipers are those who are born again as a result of the new testament. Praise god.
True worshipers are not somebody. Now that’s a true worshiper right, Decor. She’s so okay and saying.
Now true worshipers are, first of all, somebody who’s born again, and they carry the holy spirit.
And, you know, the Bible says, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water That’s what he said out of your belly.
So you gotta understand the living water is located in your belly. Well, who’s in your belly?
It’s the holy ghost that’s on the inside of you and out of your belly, living water is going to flow.
And you won’t have to depend on earthly thing because you won’t have living things flowing out of you.
You’re gonna have the fruit of the spirit flowing out of you. You’re gonna have wisdom flowing out of you.
You’re gonna have all these things flowing out of you and watch once you get the Holy Spirit and learn how to worship as a true worshiper.
The true worship worship him is Here I am, lord.
Do through me, and what what you want me to do? Here I am. We don’t practice that.
We don’t practice. You will go right back to worshiping god’s slow song.
And there’s nothing wrong with that, but you you’ll go right back to it.
I heard what he said, but praise god, come on. Let’s worship god.
You don’t come to church to worship god. You come to church to be edified.
You come to church to be built up.
When you leave the church as a result of you’re being built up, you leave preparing yourself to worship in your everyday lives.
But when religion hits in, it starts teaching you all of these little weird fables and you think your work you’re still thinking your worship is go to the church and worship.
That’s no difference in go to Jerusalem and worship. Go to that mountain in worship.
You don’t have to go to the dome into worship. You don’t have to go to Bible study to worship.
You can worship surrounded by a bunch of hellacious sinners asking god, what do you want to do?
While they first think you have living water that’s going on inside of you. Because everybody understand what I’m saying.
I apologize for, you know, Um, god is a spirit.
And they that worship him, must worship him in spirit.
We see you see how we take Trisha. We just say I’m over. We don’t look
at it.
We worship him in spirit. Alright.
So those are people who are connected to the Holy Spirit, being led and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Who is also called the spirit of Kamal Truth. Okay?
And they’re just they’re so many fables that exist in church that I I I I if if some of you who online, I think it was yesterday, I was talking about scandalous grace, and how people are outraged when they hear the truth about Jesus.
See, Grace is not a subject. Grace is not the curriculum. Grace is Jesus.
So whatever you say when people say, I don’t believe that grace message. You don’t believe Jesus.
Grace is a person. Not a curriculum. He is a person.
Jesus is the word wrapped up in grace and truth. Uh, nobody.
I I was doing some teaching today, and and nobody, nobody. Nobody is capable. Please listen to me.
Of delivering the gift of grace to anybody except Jesus.
You know, I and I’ll give you an example. You know, you ought to show grace. No. No.
You can show grace, but show can’t give it. Only him.
Jesus is the only one that can give that grace.
Nobody was even qualified to deliver this gift of grace to a bunch of sending people that should have went to hell.
But he showed up He wrapped himself up in flesh and carried with him the gift of this unmerited favor and he took your place in every judgment situation.
He shed his blood and says, I’m gonna give you something you didn’t deserve, you didn’t work for, you didn’t earn, I’m gonna give you grace.
And not only am I gonna give you grace, But I’m gonna put the spirit of grace on the inside of you to lead you in this grace life, to lead you in this grace walk.
And, and, and, you know, it’s it, I I guess it is what it is.
It’s, uh, you will see in a minute where they asked Jesus to hang around for 2 days. 2 days represents 2000 years.
It’s been about 2000 years that god’s been trying to get people to receive the gospel of grace.
And in every generation, there’s somebody like me preaching and teaching the gospel of grace.
I’m not the first one. And and let me tell you something. I’m not the only one. People getting this.
Yes, sir. People getting this. Now my microphone might be bigger than the guy who was before there was, uh, TV before there was internet, before all that stuff.
But you got to be you got to be you gotta be ready to, to have your rep reputation beat up that say no damage reputation so people don’t listen.
But you know what? When you live a life, organically real and not try to act like you perfect and you’re willing to share of yourself with people, that don’t even work.
No. Mo satan is losing the battle every single day.
Every single day because we have living water on the inside of you.
I know somebody online right now, you’re probably like, your whole worship thing has been looked at, the whole spirit thing, you know, you gotta, you gotta throw the song away that you wrote.
That ain’t gonna work no more. We just got to get away from these fables, guys.
And we gotta see this as a living part of our life, and a living part of our lives are the ups and the downs.
The living part of the Christian life is not just the ups It’s the downs.
In fact, you grow more with Jesus in the downs because he’s the one helping you in the ups.
You’re not supposed to be standing in the ups all the time.
That is that is, It’s just it’s it’s not it’s it’s that’s not how that’s supposed to go.
It’s it’s it’s how we used to say ill a phone.
It’s not supposed to happen like that. That that’s but I don’t know what it is.
It’s like you got some Christian waiting to see you on your down.
You it’s not falling as a part of walking.
Walking is a part of running And you gotta have both of them to accomplish the lateral ends of it.
There can’t be no ups if there ain’t no downs. Get rid of all the downs. What’s up?
You can’t define up without down. You can’t define good without bad.
Well, I can preach it like a minute. You can’t define it.
And so the Christian view has got to change.
And the grace of god is the is the sustaining safety net.
To let you know, like Micah, when I fall. I shall arise.
So this is a perfect illustration of g of gray showing up to somebody that was certainly not deserving.
And the way they they thought about women back there, certainly not why are you talk you gonna see what I mean?
Why are you talking to this woman? Who is, who, who is ceremonially unclean?
Do you know what you’re gonna do with your reputation?
So you when it gets like that, where you are more concerned about your reputation, you probably ain’t gonna be too much more good for the Holy Ghost for you.
I’m just telling you. I’m I’m I I I I am more free.
I had a situation. I came up yesterday, and I I called Tapp.
I said, uh, I talked to my niece, uh, she said, you you said, she said, Just like you reminded me about approval addiction, you don’t need nobody approval to do what god had already told you to do.
Don’t you know that? I said, okay. I got out talking to you later. Bye.
Are y’all listening to what I’m saying, man? This is the attack right here.
God tells you to do something.
And then somebody comes and try to, you know, say something to get you fearful about your rep and who you are and all that other kind of stuff.
And I’m a lot more polite these days at being free. I I listened to a old tape.
I think it was 1991. And I said something.
I’m like, oh, I was like, what do you think you could have said that a little nicer?
I’m bold and straight as a arrow.
You understand what I’m and it was your fault that you got offended. You know? Yeah.
I didn’t offend you. You got offended. I’m something. And then people are offended. It had that. You know?
I know. Watch this. He said the woman said, under him, I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ.
She knew about that. When he is come, he will tell us all things. She knew that.
Jesus said unto her, I, that speak unto the, I’m the 1.
I’m the one you talking about.
And upon this came his disciples, And they marveled that he would that he talked with the woman.
They were surprised. Uh, yet no man said what seek it thou, or why talk it thou with her.
They didn’t say that because they was barking up the wrong tree.
The woman then left her water pot and went her way into the city and said to the man, Now look at what god doing.
He’s working on what’s getting ready to happen. He’s getting ready to bring equality.
And on him, equality is gonna quote, So she goes and she says to the men, come see a man, which told me all things that ever I did.
Is not this the Christ. Then they went out to the city, and they came under him.
And in the meanwhile, his disciples prayed him saying, you know, master eat. This is so cool what he says.
But he said, under them, I have meat to eat that you don’t know about. Wow.
What you’re talking about. Therefore, say if the disciples went to another, hath any man brought him in in a e see, everything that Jesus was saying about stuff is to come.
They everybody took it literally. They didn’t take it as a this pro this revelation that’s getting ready to to the we he’s casting shadows right here, but they didn’t know he was the he was the shadow caster at the time.
Yeah. Alright. Now now watch this.
So uh, Jesus said in the mail, my meat, alright, check this market, put a star by it.
My meat or my nourishment to is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work.
He says, I’m nervous by doing god’s will and finishing his work.
I’m nervous by doing God’s will and finish this work. Nourishment makes you strong. Nourishment keeps you healthy.
He says, when I do god’s will and finish his work, I’m nourished.
And I
heard a spirit of god say, look at that now. Dude Godwil, finish his work. Be nourished.
God, brilliant.
Glory, be to god. So I I and I and I believe this.
I believe as you do god’s will and as you finish the work, you know, you are going to walk in this nourishment.
So now this is this is something else that was good.
Say not the And I’m gonna prophecy something to you. There are yet 4 months, and then come with harvest.
But I say under you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields for they are white, all ready to harvest.
When I first read this, I said, look at that. They’re they’re cotton over there.
They’re still there by the train?
And he that now watch this, he that reapeth receive his wages and gathereth fruit until eternal life.
And both he that soweth and he that reapeth, they can rejoice.
And herein, is that saying true? One soweth and another reap it?
So he’s talking about all the stuff that is. But what’s this?
I sent you to reap that whereon, you bestowed no labor.
Other men labored, and you are entered into their labor.
Think you understand what he’s saying.
He says, but the time you’re ready to call, you’re going to har harvest what somebody else planted.
You’re going to reap what somebody else sold.
He says, you think I need you to labor instead of harvest.
You see, he’s he taught me this grace company.
You think I you think I need you to labor in order to harvest, but I’m gonna do the labor and you gonna do the reaping.
I’m gonna do the labor and you gonna do the harvesting.
I’m laboring right now, but you gonna get the harvest this is this grace that is to come.
And you know what the problem is? We’re trying to labor and harvests. No.
Jesus, I’m gonna labor you do the reefing. Lord have mercy.
I declare in the name of Jesus. There are businesses that somebody else has labored to start.
And you’re gonna move right in and reap from what somebody else start. You’re gonna reap from other people’s wisdom.
You’re gonna reap from other people’s sweat. You’re gonna reap from other people’s intelligence.
Somebody said, but you ain’t got no degree, but they did.
I’m here just to harvest what they did to work on. Praise god. Y’all better take that.
Y’all better take that. So when the Samaritans were calm so this is big.
So when the Samaritans were calm under him, they besought him that he would tarry and stay with them in a boat there for 2 days, which is a signpost, uh, they were the lord as a 1000 years.
So that’s 2000 years, uh, that who may abode with them, this grace, Everything you see here, it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s this this revealing and this this coming grace that is coming.
And many more believe because of his own words and sayeth unto the woman, Now we now we believe not because of your what you said, but we have heard him ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Christ the savior of the whole world.
Now after 2 days, he departed hints and went to Galilee. Now this is prophetic.
So what happens after 2000 years? Okay. After 2 days, he departed, and he went to galilee.
For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.
Uh, I have seen that over and over again.
I I and and and College Paul and College Paul treating pretty good, but this is just as College Paul.
You know? Uh, but I I can go in another country somewhere.
And it’s so it’s so it’s so different.
The honor that you receive that you don’t receive in your own home.
And so that’s something you should know and not get offended by.
Then when he was coming to Galilee, the Galileeans received him.
Having seen all the things he did at Jerusalem at the feast, But they also went onto the feast.
Now see if you can pick it. So j so Jesus came again, uh, into the cana of Galilee.
So this is the same place we did his first miracle.
Where he where it says it, where he may water wine.
And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at compernium.
When he heard that Jesus was come out of Jada into Galilee, he went on to him and besought him that he would come down and heal his son for he was at the point of death.
Okay? Then Jesus said on him, except you see signs and wonders, he says you ain’t gonna believe because you come from the tribe.
It’s gotta see The nobleman said unto him, sir, come down air air my son or my child die.
Jesus said unto him, go go your way, your son, Livith.
In no big show, go your son, Livith.
And so the man believe the word, y’all get this.
It will no show, one no oil, one no after, you know, waiting for folks to follow on the floor.
He said, go your son live in. My god. We gotta start saying what Jesus said.
Go your son live it.
And the man believe the word that Jesus has spoken on to him And he went his way.
When Jesus speaks a raimer to you, will you be will you believe it? Will you believe it?
It’s the word that he’s asking you to believe. Would you believe it? Wow.
And as he was now going down, His servants met him and told him saying, thy son liveth.
So his servants said, met him and said, your son liveth.
Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend.
And they said to him, yesterday, at the 7th hour, the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was at that same hour in which Jesus saith under him, thy son liveth, and himself believed in his whole house.
This, again, the second miracle that Jesus did when he came or come out of Judea, uh, to Galilee.
This man had nothing sense to say, alright, now.
When he said it, I believed it, and it was done the same time. Alright. Now watch this.
He didn’t see it that day. He went at home to see it.
Well, just because he didn’t see it, it doesn’t mean anyone done.
You gotta start correcting your your believer. I believe god’s word now.
I don’t have to see it. I don’t need evident of what I say I already believe.
If I find where Jesus said it, I’m going to believe it Alright?
Maybe I’m not at home at the time. Or now watch this. This is important too.
Maybe you’re not where you’re supposed to be.
A lot of times, your manifestations take place where you’re supposed to be.
You gotta quit going around. Everywhere and learn how to be cautious about where you be.
Because your miracle and breakthrough gonna be where you’re supposed to be.
And you sound well, being something trying to protect your reputation instead of being where god told you to be, where god tell you to be.
Well, join changes. Well, I don’t wanna join world changes because that that that got prosperity preaches. Okay.
Well, it’ll be here. Why you’ll be somewhere else?
You better learn how to get to the Brooke that god called you to be at.
It’s just not a matter of what I can just join in at church this church make me feel good.
I and I like it, and they get out in the hour, all that wrong criteria for how to choose a church.
And the number one criteria should be, Laura, what do you want me?
We gotta start believing the word. We gotta start believing not not listen.
This is important too. How do I explain this?
I am not I I’m not saying not to believe the written word.
Okay? But I am saying is when god speaks a word to you, a Rhema word, Believe it.
It’s done. The date the the moment you believe that Raimo word, it’s done.
The moment you believe that Raimo word the thing that we dealt with is, well, you’re not meditating on scripture?
I believe that. And you’re still not understanding.
These are letters that was written, and the word of god is powerful.
And, yeah, you see wrapped this up up in word, and grace and truth came.
And that that is a level of standing on god’s word, believing it.
And, yes, it it’ll show up in your life. You keep it. You deposit in your heart. Yeah.
I am not saying that the the, uh, logos or written word can’t be manifested in your life when you believe it.
No. Because the word is his word, whether it’s written or whether it’s spoken is still his word.
Do you understand what I’m saying?
But I I I I would be I would be besides myself, not to say that there is something about Sitting and riding and walking, and
the lord said to you,
dude, this, go there, sit
and I’m gonna do this.
That’s the stuff we ignore most of the time, because it wasn’t in Elizabethian language, And he told you he woke you up saying, Pello, get it right now.
I need to go to this point, sit down in front of the corner such and such and such and so and then I’ll let you know, dude, when you get there.
Okay. God, I believe it. But a lot of people won’t.
They will go so far as to say, uh, something told me. And then you confused yourself.
Was that god? Was that me, or was that the devil?
And you and you make it so hard again.
That’s why we gotta have a intimate relationship with God. You you listen.
You you can you can jive your way through a lot of stuff, but not not through a real intimate relationship with God.
You can memorize the scriptures. You can quote them.
You can know how to do church and still don’t know how to do life.
And it it’ll be able to tell because you’ll be missing all of the the Raima guidance, the Holy Ghost guidance, because you still don’t know how to yield to him.
You still don’t know how to you know, talk to him because, you know, we’ve been playing the church game.
I am declaring and going all out on on gonna get church games and going against manipulation and going against pressuring people, we have moved our pool pit from Mount Sinai It is now located at Mount Zion where Grace is.
Mount Sinai is where the law was. And it it’s so important that we understand that.
And, This is a time where god is really gonna start speaking to you about doing stuff.
He’s gonna start speaking to you about doing stuff. You know what?
There’s a difference between being lonely and being in solitude. Some of y’all need to seek some solitude.
Solitude is being by yourself so that you can be open to turn off the noise.
So you can hear god. Some of y’all around too much clutter.
Just look at your life. You’re just doing too much. You you you’re just like, uh, married Martha.
Martha was in a in the kitchen. Getting upset at Mary. And Jesus commented there.
She has chosen the best part. Martha is trying to do something to please Jesus.
Mary is receiving from Jesus.
And we’ve gotta become people that receive from Jesus, instead of being so concerned about what we can do for him.
Jesus was like, I need you to sleeve. I need you to believe. Okay?
So it’s not not a bad thing for you to take a day and and and seek some solitude.
Turn the phone off, turn everything off, and seek some solitude.
Well, I don’t feel like getting on my knees. Ain’t nobody said you gotta get on your knees?
You can go you can go in there and and walk around the kitchen and wipe the counter off and and pray in tongues.
You can log in about 2, 3 hours of playing and pray in tongues.
You don’t even know because you ain’t keeping up with no time. It ain’t by no time no more.
You’re just spending that time fellowshiping with him, and then he starts he starts taking into a deeper and deeper and a deeper, deeper place.
When when god first called me 12, 13 years ago to start teaching on Grace, I thought I’m gonna surely run out of stuff to talk about.
I haven’t run I got so much to talk about, so much to look at, so
much to examine, so much to re examine.
I’m re examining, like, everything.
I’m reexamining all of the stuff that I’ve ever been taught. And I’m like, okay. Is that cool? Alright.
That’s cool. And I’m like, is that cool? That’s cool. I went to examine Tom.
People really saw like this and show me where to do that.
Is is it is it another language, like, different languages that were heard in the book of acts.
And the people that spoke those languages heard those languages or is it the blabble stuff we do?
I rec I rectified all that. I I needed to know. I I’m, like, god, talking to me.
I don’t wanna live my life in no religious fable. And then get to heaven.
I don’t waste all my life. Doing it wrong. I done did that one time.
I did that with religion. I ain’t doing it with this. It’ll be alright.
You hanging here long enough?
I got people coming to me all the time talking about what the law told me when you Dom post take off world changes.
Yep. Well, alrighty then.
Hey, man. Come on.
Give guys some praise in this building.
For some of you, that may be watching online or that may be in here today.
The word went forth and you were introduced for the first time to Jesus.
I believe that faith has come into you because it the Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god.
So you just heard the word, and now there’s something in you moving you.
There’s something in you, uh, prompting you.
Spirit of god knows how to win souls. Our job is to introduce you to.
He’ll do the rest. So if you’re out there and you hadn’t accepted Christ, as your lord and personal savior, you have from the day you take your first breath to the day you take your last, to make the most important decision you’ll ever make and as to make Jesus Christ the lord of your life.
So if you’re out there and you’d like, for that to be your case or to be your situation.
Repeat after me. Say, father god, I admit that I am a sinner.
Come into my life. Be my god. Be my lord. Be my savior.
I surrender my spirit, my soul, and my body to you.
Lead me guide me, correct me, teach me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
If you just said that prayer, then welcome to the bodyguard. Y’all make some noise for him.
Yeah. Welcome to the body of Christ.
We have a gift that we’d like to put into your hands. It’s actually a digital download.
If you text, I’m saved one word to 515 55.
Uh, we have a digital download that we’d like to get to you as soon as possible. Amen.
It is time for offering.
This is some this isn’t something that you have to do.
This is something that you what? Get to do. Amen.
So if you need to offer an envelope, please raise your hand.
If you’re, um, watching online, there are a few ways to give. Um, you can text world changers.
Plus the amount to 74483, or you can call 1866 477-7683, or you can mail it in the 25100 Byrd Ed Road, College Park, Georgia 30349 or any one of the websites, the world changes dot org, go to creflo dollar ministries dot org.
Everybody in here been served with a offering envelope? Alright. Let’s pray over the offering.
Father god, I thank you, lord god, for every sea zone.
And I thank you, lord, god, that it goes, and it grows, and it impacts millions, billions, trillions, trillions of people.
Across the world. I declare itself. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. Now I pray for you.
And let you go. Y’all ready to go home? I said you’re ready to go home. Alright.
Well, let’s let’s make sure we get your home right.
Father god, I pray a hedge of protection over each and every person in here and each and every person watching online, I declare lord god that they are protected, that they go home to a house filled with peace, Satan, it gives me great pleasure to remind you that you are a defeated foe and that you have no authority over their lives, over their children’s lives, or over their households.
I declare them whole. Nothing missing. Nothing broken. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. You are dismissed.
I love your world changes.
Are you ready to come Haffi Dollar will be joined by special guest, Andrea Crayton, Gregory Dicow, Bishop Clarence McLendon, Inkeech Johnson, Michael Smith, Hesiciah Walker, and Brian Courtney Wilson, July 11th through 13.
Don’t miss this experience that includes our annual mentality and ministers and leaders conferences, tax race life, to 51555.
Changing the world, everywhere I go.
the the world change.



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