One Small Tweak | Joel Osteen

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One Small Tweak | Joel Osteen

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Joshua will put it this way. If you will meditate on god’s word, you will prosper and have good success.
Meditate means to think about over and over. Really, worry is meditating.
It’s letting the negative play again and again. Some people have this principle down. They’re professional warriors.
Problem is they’re meditating on the wrong things. They’re letting the negative continually play.
Why don’t you switch what you’re meditating on?
It doesn’t any more energy to believe that it does to worry.
This one small tweak can make a life changing difference.
Instead of going through the day, worried about your future, wondering how you’re gonna make it, a small tweak.
Father, thank you that you have me in the palm of your hand, I know you’re ordering my steps.
You said no good thing will you withhold because I walk uprightly.
Now instead of your thoughts defeating you, training your energy, limiting your future, you’re using your thoughts to encourage you, to empower you, to build your faith.
Joel, I’m worried about my child. He’s off course, running with the wrong crowd.
That’s why I can’t sleep at night. That’s why I’m upset. And I know that’s difficult.
I know how much you love your children, but worrying is not making it better.
Living stress is not helping him or you.
The reason you don’t have peace is your mind is state on the problem.
Your mind is state on what’s not working out.
God said, if you’ll make a switch, if you’ll keep your mind stayed on me, if you’ll think positive, hopeful, faith filled thoughts, then I’ll give you peace in the midst of the problem.
Instead of dwelling on all the negative, what might happen, why don’t you use that same energy to meditate on what god promised you.
Father, you said my children are mighty in the land. You said the seed of the righteous is blessed.
That as for me and my house, we will serve the lord.
Negative thoughts are going to come, but if you’ll learn this principle to erase and replace, you won’t give into the worry, the fear, the discouragement.
You wake up in the morning, thoughts sometimes whisper, it’s gonna be a lousy day.
Have so many problems. I don’t feel like dealing with these children.
You can either dwell on that, believe that it’s true, and you’ll go around discouraged, It’ll become a reality.
You’ll have a lousy day. But a better approach is to say, no, thanks.
I’m not gonna dwell on those discouraging thoughts. They came to my mind, but I know I control the doorway.
I don’t have to allow them in. I’m going to erase them and replace them with some better thoughts.
This is gonna be a great day. Father, thank you that I’m alive.
Thank you that you woke me up this morning.
Thinking that I’m healthy, thinking that you have a bright future in store for me.
What’s playing in your mind? What are you giving access to?
Halsted and Philippians, think on things that are positive, things that are wholesome, things that are of a good report.
You can’t think negative and have a positive life. You can’t think sickness and get well.
You can’t think lack and have abundance.
The battle is taking place in our mind, be selective of what you allow in.
Imagine someone showed up at your house knocked on your front door.
You opened it, and there was this stranger.
He was carrying an axe, a hammer, a rifle, a bag of poison, all these harmful, dangerous things.
You wouldn’t say, hey, come on in. Make yourselves at home. Good to see you.
Got some food in the fridge. You wouldn’t think twice. You would tell him you are not welcome here.
You need to get off my property. You would shut the door, dead bolt it, make sure that he left.
Well, your mind is your house. It’s where you live.
There’s nothing more valuable, more important, more sacred, Why are you letting destructive thoughts in?
Why are you letting fear roam around? Why are you letting worry have free rein? Why are you allowing doubt?
You can’t do it. It’s never going to work out to have a seat on your couch.
That’s your property. You have complete control over what you let in. No.
You can’t stop it from coming. It may knock on the door, but you don’t have to give it access.
Next time’s fear knocks, you’ll never get well. You saw the report this sickness is the end.
Why don’t you say no thanks? You’re not welcome here. I will live and not die.
God is restoring hell back unto me.
When fear knocks let faith answer, Next time, doubt shows up, and it’s too big.
It’s never going to work out. You don’t have the connections. Just say, sorry, doubt. You have the wrong address.
There’s no place for you here. When insecurity comes knocking, you’re not good enough. You’re not attractive.
You don’t have a good personality. Nobody wants to be around you. Don’t you dare let those thoughts in.
Your attitude should be get off my property You’re not welcome here. I know who I am. I’m a masterpiece.
I’m one of a kind. I’m made in image of god. I’m crowned with favor.
I’m wearing a robe of righteousness. I have been fearfully and wonderfully made.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
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