God’s Ways vs. Man’s Ways – Episode 3

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God’s Ways vs. Man’s Ways – Episode 3

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Preflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
Jesus said John 3 17, for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world.
But that the world through him might be saved, but it’s not gonna be saved through condemning them.
Oh, lord. Oh, lord. Uh, did y’all y’all know where I got to go, right?
He he didn’t send Jesus to condemn the world because you can’t get saved from condemning the world.
Why the that woman who was calling an active adultery, she can’t stop sending through condemnation.
And we still condemning people when they come to church and thinking they gonna change.
The West Coast was a first off, and they did not disappoint.
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To make it a better place.
Let every heart uh,
We are changed.
Let’s look at something here.
Romans chapter 12 in verse 1. Romans 12 in verse 1.
If it is, please, god to be careful to appeal for godly living because his own work of grace, it’s not necessary as a duty or responsibility.
For believers to to for believers to do likewise.
I saw myself sitting down here and talking you through what I just said. It went over my head.
It’s something that I’m like, okay.
Now if it has, please, god, to be careful to make an appeal for godly living, And he makes that appeal because of his own work of grace, is it not necessary as a duty of risk or responsibility, but by his grace, shouldn’t the believers do the same thing god just did?
Live a godly life based on my work of grace, not based on your duty or responsibility.
Well, shouldn’t every believer say
I am gonna live a godly life? Based on his grace and mercy,
and not as a duty or responsibility.
I’m gonna live a godly life based on his grace and mercy.
And not as my church responsibility as a good Baptist.
I’m gonna go and send no more because he forgave me.
Because he couldn’t he didn’t condemn me.
And I’m gonna do it not because I’m gonna do it as a duty, not because I’m gonna do it as a responsibility.
But he did what he did based on grace and mercy, and I’m gonna live godly
based on grace and mercy.
Quit making it your duty and allow the love that you’ve received to flow out of you and say, I do this because I’m in love with someone who did not condemn me when I should have been condemned.
You got that?
Years of careful observation by many people by all of you.
What it shows and reveals is the common practice of using god’s appeals but entirely neglecting his work of grace as the basis for those appeals.
Living a godly life.
We preach that, but we do not bring into focus. Look at this.
Go to Romans chapter 12 verse 1. Look at this.
He said in verse 1, and here’s what we’ve here’s what we hear.
Present your bodies of living sacrifice. Holy and acceptable one to god, which is your reasonable service.
That’s the appeal.
But you completely skipped what he provided at the beginning.
I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercy of god.
Present your bodies of living sacrifice.
Present your bodies of living sacrifice? How?
By the mercies of god, by the mercers of god present your body as a living sacrifice.
By the mercy and grace of god, do this.
Live holy uh, live live and acceptable life under god by the mercy of god doing, not by your duty, and even not by your responsibility.
But by his mercy, I present my body to god.
And you can tell that Good looking woman?
You look good, but you’re not good enough for my salvation because I know somebody who loves me more than you ever will be able to love me, and I choose him.
Now you’re in a want to place.
I want to. I want to.
I want to say no to this. I want to say no to that.
I don’t wanna do this thing because everybody’s doing I understand everybody’s doing it, and I know it’s a lot of fun because I used to do it.
But but he has moved on the inside of me. He had rearranged my furniture.
The couch used to be here, but it’s in a garage right now.
Don’t know what he’s done, but I just don’t want that no more because I’ve encountered a love and a mercy that blows my mind.
I can’t even figure it all out. And I want to.
That’s what he’s wanting us to get to.
He wanted us to get to the place where we’re living the life as a Christian, knock offs we have to, or we’ll get burned up in hell.
Yes, sir. But it’s mercy.
And his grace compels us.
I want you god. I want you.
Not because I’m a go to hell if I don’t serve you. I want to serve you.
You’ve you you blow my mind. You you forgive me when I wouldn’t even forgive myself.
How many have ever been to a a thing or whatever in your life?
And god was like, sin, I’ve already forgiven you. I need you to forgive you.
Now, no, why are you sitting here right now?
You need to look in the mirror every day, and you need to say, look in the look at yourself in the mirror, and you need to say, I forgive you.
I know it sounds dumb, but something weird happens when you look in the mirror at yourself and you’re talking to yourself and looking at your reflection and you say to yourself, I I forgive you.
And then he starts working in you.
And I can’t explain. I don’t have the intricate details of how he does this, but he gets the change in your desires and replacing those desires.
And and and and he and you’re not afraid to do this thing because you’re no longer, uh, uh, uh, uh, approval addicted.
You’re, you’re, you’re not concerned about what everybody else is thinking because you’re just so into him.
You’ve never met nobody like this before. You you thought you had good religion.
It turned out to be kinda sour. And you’re realizing I know him. I I know him intimately.
I I know him personally. His mercy is blowing my mind. The that I should get.
I don’t get the good that I don’t deserve.
I get. I I I got to get to know him more. I got it. I want him.
I want him. I want him. I don’t look outside to see if it’s raining before I come to church.
I got to get to church because I wanna join others in his presence, and, and I wanna praise him, and I wanna shout unto god, and I wanna serve him.
And when I leave home, there’s not a big temptation motor temptations become a teeny weeny temptation because his love and mercy is so bigger than the temptation.
I wanna live for him. I wanna live for him.
Uh, Uh.
See, some of y’all y’all some of y’all know what you’re talking about.
You’ve been there. Do you know what he talking about?
Mike, you know what he talking about. Don’t you?
You know what I’ve nobody talked about.
I’m I’m good.
Let him preach to me. I’m I’m receiving this
Yeah. Test testify, brother. I think y’all got testified. I’m good.
The a clear presentation of the mercies of god.
Has a basis for
the appeal is rally heard. Presentcha. Presentcha bottles that live in sacrifice. We hear that one.
But I beseech you by the mercies of God.
To do this, Not as her duty, not as her responsibility, but by the mercy of god.
If in presenting your body as a living sacrifice, if something were to go wrong, there’s mercy there.
The wrong you did, you don’t get the wrong you deserve, you don’t get because it’s a journey.
And yet,
the Holy Spirit calls H chapters
coming to Romans, to be devoted to telling us of his mercy before he calls the appeal to be made.
The same is true of all of god’s appeals. Mercy, grace.
So most Christians consider god’s appeal for life pleasing unto himself entirely apart from the particular work of grace to which he relates each appeal.
This at least partly explains the present low spiritual level on which most believers live.
God’s appeal have no force when his mercy and grace are ignored.
And we see the spiritual level today. It’s low.
Be because we got all these things we’re telling people they’re supposed to do without explaining to them There’s safety in the appeal.
There’s safety. In the appeal.
As god’s way of mercy and grace are omitted.
This is why you can’t do it no more, to omit his mercy and grace It is natural that man’s ways of contributing something to earn god’s favor, his grace, and his mercy All of a sudden, now we substitute the grace and the mercy that we omit.
And then we put in its place our
works to try to get it.
What we got to do to try
to earn it. We replace his mercy and grace with our self dependence of all the things that we can do.
We replace this mercy and grace with our contributions.
Of how god gonna be good to us.
And as god’s basis of mercy and grace, his works of grace, for an appeal are disregarded.
The service that follows is often done in dependence of yourself. Man.
Now listen to this.
That is so true.
Uh, go to go to John 37 team, but before you go to John 3 17, and I I hope hopefully, I can say this again.
When god gave the law, the law and man’s way go hand in hand.
You didn’t get that.
Man says you got to do this in order to get that. Very today.
Our whole society says that. So there’s the law.
The law that came by Moses says the same thing. If you do this, Then you’ll get that.
It It came from a it came from a divine
plane to a human plane.
So that god, god came from a divine plane in Jesus to a human plane.
I’m like, why?
So that I can take
the human from the human plane to the divine plane
so he can see my mercy and my grace.
That’s man’s way of doing it. The law is man’s way of doing it.
But grace is what god does. Grace is not what I do.
Grace is not what you do. Grace is what god does.
Now uh while god is very concerned about keeping the lives of his people free from worldly things, his approach is way different from condemnation.
Jesus said in John 3 17, for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world.
But that the world through him might be saved, but it’s not gonna be saved through condemning them.
Oh, lord. Oh, lord. Did y’all y’all y’all know where I got to go. Right?
He he didn’t send Jesus to condemn the world because you can’t get saved from condemning the world.
That’s why the that woman who was caught in an active adultery, she can’t stop sending through condemnation.
And we’re still condemning people when they come to church and thinking they’re gonna change.
Through condemnation. Nobody changes through condemnation. Amen. Not for the better that is.
They may change for the worst, but nobody came.
It ain’t gonna do you no good for you to to to to condemn sinners that come to your church.
You do understand that. Right? Nobody you they’re not gonna change?
A drug addict’s not gonna change? Somebody’s struggling with this sexuality.
I’m not gonna change because you decided to condemn them and then get a big amen from the church that’s not gonna change them.
They’re just not don’t come no more. Because nobody is going to change through condemnation.
I don’t care what you think about it.
Well, I’ll tell you what. I just don’t believe y’all to live like that. Yeah.
But you still ain’t gonna change. God knows how through his mercy and grace to change how people live.
But you’re trying to rest the thing And you don’t know how deep that thing is that that caused them to live the way they live.
You don’t even know what they have gone through.
The hell that put them in that situation requires some mercy and grace to get them out of that situation not condemning.
Oh, god, Taffy.
What was after you were saying the other day? We, and they make me off time to say this.
It was just so good. My wife had just been Oh, my god. That was so good.
I never ever thought about it.
She said, we put so
much attention on the married life, that we have failed the single life.
In the church.
We put so much emphasis almost like we’re trying to get somebody to give us a blow pop because we we got married.
Oh, we’re married. And the whole thing was like, you know, go to school, uh, graduate, get married, and I couldn’t attest to this.
I felt like I couldn’t even enter into ministry I had to get married first, you know, in inter in interdimensional, because you don’t dare go into ministry as a single person.
Being single is where you learn how to live a godly life with the mercy of god.
And if you learn how to live a godly life by the mercy of god when you’re single, Then when you get married, then 2 whole married people, and got to hear so much about marriage, because they learn how to live life under its merchant grace when they were single.
We treated marriage like it was a solution to all the problems you have in your singleness.
And then you get married with that, And which been encouraging you tapping out what’s supposed to be no merit at no 20 something years.
Oh, we ain’t no nothing. So I encourage these kids.
They come to me 22? Well, you think I need to get get get what’s the thing I need to do tonight?
You need you to learn about your singleness. You need to discover who you really are. Right.
You need to see what you really got.
See how you what you do in the middle of some precious situation.
Don’t be be going into marriage, and you don’t know how you’re gonna act with another single woman.
Don’t be don’t don’t find that out after you say I do.
But nobody felt safe doing that because I’m like, I didn’t know if I had known that there was some mercy and grace there.
But I thought getting married was gonna rescue me And now I’m encouraging people.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve you’ve been told that you’re not complete. Until you find y’all. What is it?
Find y’all?
Well, I can say something about Bo and his, but I ain’t gonna say that.
You you were told that you were not gonna be whole until you found found your other half.
That’s right.
That should’ve let you know something was wrong now.
If you need another half and you’re a half, then you a half a man and a half a woman?
You’re supposed to be a whole man and a whole woman getting married.
And then you got a whole marriage. Yeah. But we should have been preaching to you
Developing wholeness in your singleness.
Learning how to depend on god in your singleness.
Do you know who god really is?
In creflo dollars, 4 part series, the truth about god’s ways, he highlights who god is and how his unique nature sets us free.
Under grace, god does everything apart from human merit.
Under grace, god first reminds us of what he has done in grace.
By grace, you’re already righteous. By grace, you’re already perfect. By grace, you’re already holy.
And now that you can see that it’s available to you by grace, then I’m gonna try to appeal to you to live a life in harmony with what grace has already done.
This 4 message series is available for a love gift of 25 US dollars or more for CDs or 35 US dollars or more for DVDs.
To receive the series and discover god’s loving nature, call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit creflodollarministries.org and click eStore today.
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The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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