Imagine There’s No Heaven … It’s Easy If You Try – Kirk Cameron

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Imagine There’s No Heaven … It’s Easy If You Try

Imagine There’s No Heaven … It’s Easy If You Try
Is today all we’re living for? To get what we can get? If history is a big show, and therefore doesn’t really matter, then you are missing out on the whole point of why you are here! Just imagine all the things that had to happen in the past for you to be here right now. It’s a divine appointment by God Himself!

With a country divided, the Republican risk and morality being redefined, it’s time to gather round the camp fire, get back to basics, and spark the revival that this country so desperately needs.
This is the American Camp Fire in revive them with Cook Cameron.
Last night, we talked about how history is really not of of random events, but his story, god’s story, the autobiography of god laying out the life of the world and how he’s he’s making all things work together to accomplish god’s goals in the world on the earth what a more ex that’s such a more exciting way to look at history.
Isn’t it? I was bored with history in school because there was a bunch of dates and deadlines What does that have to do with me?
I’m here now. I wanna move forward into the future. Who cares about the past?
That was my attitude, but that’s not the way our founders looked at history.
they learned about god from history, and they learned about how he cared for them. Listen to George Washington.
This is out of the American covenant book. Listen to what George Washington said.
Remember, he was the 1st president of the United States and the commander of the continental army fighting against Britain in the revolutionary war.
And during those great battles, listen to what he said in one of his journals.
George Washington said, by the miraculous care of providence, that’s god, that protected me beyond all expectations I had 4 bullets through my coat and 2 horses shot out from under me and yet escaped unhurt George Washington said god cared for me during a battle.
I had 4 bullets shot through his coat.
I mean, how close do the bullets have to be to shoot through your coat and not get shot yourself?
And two horses shot out from underneath him, and he escaped unhurt.
He saw that as the providence of god protecting him so that god’s purposes would be accomplished That makes you feel invincible until god is done with you.
Doesn’t it? If that if that’s not an account of that, I don’t know what is.
But We have a different view of history that’s being taught to our kids today.
Often, we we there’s a whole grab bag of of ways of looking at history that it’s just a cycle that repeats over and over and over and over.
Uh, and and and one of the more common views is this view of the existential view of history.
That is that you and I exist at this moment. The past doesn’t matter.
The future is unpredictable, and all that counts is right now.
And kids are being taught this And god is being pulled out and they’re being deprived of the true perspective of history and the most exciting view of history.
And, uh, history is so important.
So many of our kids today are dragging through their social social studies classes They don’t understand that god is working all things together for good because of, uh, well, it’s under the banner of the separation of church and state.
Right? So the schools can’t teach you about god even though he is the author of history.
And so they teach this other view and kids see themselves as as really just these autonomous creatures. Right?
They’re they’re separate and it’s all about me and it doesn’t matter about these other people.
I’m just here to kind of have my experience and my expression and my identity and get what I can out of life.
And it’s sort of this selfish autonomous view, or they see themselves simply as the product of a random evolutionary process.
In in essence, they’re an they’re an evolved cockroach on the highway of life just waiting to get squashed by an 18 wheeler.
And so in the meantime, let’s just get what we can get and and and have as much fun as we can.
As the Bible says, in Ecclesiastes, eat drinking, be merry for tomorrow, we die.
Uh, the Beatles had a song that encapsulated this. Uh, you remember that song?
Uh, imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us.
above us only sky. Imagine all the people living for today.
so many people live like that. Right?
Like, there’s no future in heaven. There’s no hell.
There’s no consequence for my for for for for wicked evil people doing bad things just today.
That’s all we live for is today. Get what you can get.
it’s such a lame way to look at life, and it’s such an irresponsible way to look at history.
If history is just all about the crimes of humanity and a bunch of people who took advantage of other people.
You got this peep group of people who abused that group of people, and all of that was just a of history history was just a great big, you know, what show?
If that’s the view of history and therefore, it doesn’t really matter.
And if the future is just unpredictable, And therefore, you have no real hope, no real confidence that things are moving forward for a purpose.
You’re just stuck with this existential moment that says eat, drink, and be merry.
Do everything you can because tomorrow you’re gonna die, and it doesn’t matter.
You miss out on the whole point of why you and I are here.
And we also miss out on being able to take responsibility for the crisis that we’re in as our con as a country.
We wanna look and say, well, those guys are the ones who wrecked our our country.
Are the people in the past are the ones who made the bad decisions that got us where we are today.
Hold on. I think the most important lesson that we could learn from a providential view of his is that we are where we are today, not because of of those outside of the family of faith, who don’t believe in the providence of god, in the god of working who works all things together for good throughout history.
The ones responsible for the crisis we’re in today I believe the author of this book believes and our founders believe it is those within the family of faith who have forgotten our sacred covenant with god.
God has made a promise to us, a promise to every nation, not just America, not just Israel, but every nation who honors god will be blessed by god.
And we have the responsibility and the duty to pass this sacred covenant, these sacred promises, this sacred relationship with god that our founders had to pass that on to our children.
It’s the priceless treasure that will secure liberty and and victory in the future.
And we need to do that.
Just imagine all of the things that had to take place in the past for you and I to be here right now sharing this moment.
Think of the of the people who had to suffer and sacrifice for you and I to have a country like we have enjoyed, like our parents and grandparents have enjoyed.
Think of the things that had to happen in your past, in your recent past, that brought you to a place where you realized you needed god in your life and that you have no hope of saving yourself from the poor decisions that are so easy to repeat in the future, but god came crashing through maybe through a person through a through a set of circumstances, through a song, through, uh-uh, uh, an experience that you had at church, Maybe even this very gathering we’re having right now is providentially appointed to bring you to that place where you turn your heart to the one who made you.
I believe that. I believe us meeting right now is not happenstance, that it’s a divine appointment.
and that you and I have been placed here at this very moment by the supernatural, providential, hand of god.
for a very important purpose. You were made on purpose for a purpose.
Let’s ask god to remind us of that.
and to remind us to teach those things to our kids.
Our father in heaven We can get so caught up in the circumstances of today that we think that all that matters is today.
And we forget about all that you’ve already done for us and you forget about the promises of what you will do for It’s so easy for us to get upset and bitter and angry and have malice toward our enemies, thinking that they’re messing up the good plans, but, lord, you’re using them and everything that happens to accomplish your good plans.
God help us to forgive those.
who have hurt us and harmed us, help us, lord, to show patience and kindness to those with whom we disagree.
knowing that you’ve already forgiven us.
Because our failures are not final, We’re not defined by our past, and you’ve paved the way through forgiveness.
And that comes when we turn to you in faith.
And we trust in the one you sent to save us, Jesus.
atheist agnostic, Hindu Muslim, Catholic, Christian, whatever our background, it doesn’t matter.
we are creatures made in your image, and you sent all of us a savior.
Oh, god save us save our families, save our our communities, and save our nation. Oh god.
We need revival in this world.
Thank you that you’re working all things together for good for those who love you.
Give us faith. Give us courage.
and give us ears to hear you right now, god, so that we know what you want us to do.
in our humble little positions that you’ve you’ve given to us and where you’ve stationed us in your kingdom, show us what to do.
Help us be faithful. Amen.
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