God’s Ways vs. Man’s Ways
God’s Ways vs. Man’s Ways
Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding.
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo dollar Ministries.
coming up next on changing your world.
God is so far from the thought of repayment you know, you are you’ve been good, so he’s gonna do something good to you to pay you for being good.
That has that is not his way. That has never been his way. But us humans
had kinda made it like that. And his waist was much higher than that.
creflo DollarMinistry annual revival of Van Hood is back, and it’s time to release the weight of Van Hood.
We’ll cover issues that weigh on men.
from all walks of life, the trap of emotions, self preservation, the false balance of mentality to 51555, scan the QR code on your screen or visit creflodollarministries.org.
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This is your world. So let’s vow to make it a better place.
Let every heart
We are changed.
We started this some weeks back with talked about god’s ways versus man’s ways.
And we have to know this.
because we keep trying to bring god down on our level.
And he ain’t coming. He came down on our level when he bought Jesus.
Yeah. Who was touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but not so we can stay at that level.
but to come up to where we need to be.
And so I need you to listen, man. Uh, I need you to listen.
I let let me start off with this.
There’s one thing god instructed me to begin to do everywhere I go.
life, once you get born again, you get on a journey.
life is a journey. Life, that spiritual life, your saved life is a journey.
Uh, I may have mentioned this to you before, but it’s like if you take a road trip from Atlanta to LA.
It’s on a you you’re on a journey. Okay?
And there will be different things that may come up and you’re you’re you’re you’re off the path, and it may take some time to get back on the path.
You may be on your way to LA from Atlanta, and you’re gonna have to have a pit stop.
You might have to stop and get some gas or retire. There are
there are a lot of
things that could happen on the way to the journey.
But nobody is there to condemn you to hell just because you took a wrong turn, just because you had a flat tire.
just because it was necessary for you to get a refill, nobody’s gonna condemn you to hell.
And yet, as Christian people,
we don’t understand that this life is a journey. And on this journey, you’re gonna fall.
You’re gonna say the wrong things. You’re gonna make the but that doesn’t mean condemn them because the journey continues.
And you know what’s great about the journey is Jesus is going on a road trip with you.
Not to beat you up But to say to you, okay, I gotcha.
Let’s get back on the journey here.
Oh, okay. No problem. You need a refill? I’ll go ahead and fill you up again.
you need a, you need a, um, you need your wheels aligned. I’ll align you up.
You you’re out of balance. I’ll give you a balance.
There’s nothing wrong with all the any all the all the stuff that happens in our lives on this journey, it’s like god says, that’s the that’s the stuff that’s to be expected on the journey.
Why do we get on this journey and don’t expect for anything to show up on the journey?
So it’s alright.
You don’t spend 2 years in condemnation because you had to fill up.
You don’t spend 10 years in shame because you you had a flat tire.
You’re gonna get fat tires on journeys, but it’s okay because Jesus is your road dog.
Nope. No. No. I’m, you know, the dog park. God.
That’s the illustration. You know? I’m forgetting, Jesus.
We gotta start thinking like that.
So what happens sometimes is, in real life, you mess up.
It took you probably 30 minutes to mess that up, and you spend 10 years being condemned by it.
He says, stop doing that. You want a journey? We still got a ways to go.
Nobody has time for you to sit at the rest station for a week.
Nobody has time for you to sit there pitting yourself for another week.
You had the flat tire, change the tire, and get back on the road.
You might be tired. Take a nap. Get back on the road. That’s how life is.
So shake off all the things you’ve encountered, and thank god that today, you are still on this journey.
You’re still on this journey.
So stop beating yourself up. Stop stop beating yourself up and stop beating one another up.
That’s how god’s looking at it. You’re on the journey. your kid first start walking?
Your kid’s gonna fall. That’s what happens on the journey of learning how to walk.
When he falls, you don’t beat his brains out and speak all kinds of crazy stuff to him.
You ain’t no good. You fail. Now don’t don’t fall no more if you follow him. Nobody does that.
Everybody understands. This is for a time. You wear a pepper for a time.
How many of you know if there’s a problem if you’re still wearing a pepper and you’re
You’re on a journey.
Now god has a way of doing things.
And human mankind, natural man
has a way of doing things.
And we need to see the difference.
Cause too many times, we’re coming up with ways of saying, God just like this. Nope.
Look what he says here. Romans 55 verse 8 and
Isaiah, thank you. You can tell I’m excited.
For my thoughts, are not your thoughts.
Neither are your ways, my ways.
See it the lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, heaven’s ways are higher than the earth.
God’s ways are higher than your ways. He says, so are my ways higher than your ways?
and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.
And there is no instance in that’s that this is more true than in the connection with promptings to proper conduct.
There’s no instance where this is more true than in connection uh, 2 proper conduct.
So we look at your conduct and you look at how you have chosen to conduct conduct and carry yourself.
And god is saying my ways are higher than your ways where this is concerned because under grace, god does everything apart from human merit.
When I use the word merit, I’m it it’s it really means being good to deserve a reward.
So so god does, under grace, everything apart from, influencing you to, uh, to to to to do something in order to deserve, uh, a reward.
And so under Grace, he does everything apart from that. He’s not doing anything.
Under Grace, uh, he does everything apart from any thought of repayment.
So god, under grace, is not trying to do something because you’ve been good so you deserve a reward.
We may not do that. I’m a be good so I can deserve a reward.
God is so far from that. God is so far from the thought of repayment.
You know, you are you’ve been good.
So he’s gonna do something good to you to pay you for being good.
That has that is not his way. that has never been his way. But us humans
have kinda made it like that. And his waist was much higher than that.
he cannot offer his blessing as an inducement or influencing someone to do something.
He can’t offer his blessing He can’t say I’m gonna bless you if you do this.
He he he’s he’s not saying he can’t say I’m gonna bless you if you’re good.
He cannot say I’m gonna bless you If your behavior lines up right, then I’ll and bless you.
God god can’t do that. his blessings, he cannot offer his blessing as an inducement, nor can he offer his judgment as a threat to encourage godly living.
So he wants you to you he wants you to live godly, but he can’t use the blessing to get you to live godly, and he can’t use judgment to threaten you, Tilly of Godly.
He can’t do it.
And I am telling you all my life I’m thinking that’s how it worked.
I go to church this Sunday, god gonna repay me.
But let me get a raise. How many y’all thought that?
Raise your hands or or come up and let me catch that line to ever lie to you.
And I guess that’s why it’s taken me so long to preach this because this goes against everything that we heard about god.
Now it is true that what I just said, it’s true for humans.
If you do good,
I’m gonna do something to reward you.
If if you do good, then I’m gonna repay you for doing good.
That’s that’s our way. But what’s gonna happen now, I’m gonna judge you if you don’t do good.
But then we do that with our kids.
If you if you if you if you if you if you act if you act right in school, I’m gonna do you good.
But I’m a threaten you if you don’t act
right in school.
That’s our way. and somehow we have made our way god’s way.
And that ain’t god’s way.
Oh, Jesus. Everybody’s still on a bus with me now. We you’re still on a bus with me.
You’re still on a bus with me. Alright.
Therefore, under grace, under grace, god first reminds us of what he has done in grace.
And then on the basis of that, He he he appeals for a life of of godliness with that in mind.
In other words, god God has this work of grace.
He reminds of of his grace, and he reminds us of his mercy.
And then he makes an appeal for us to live godly.
But not without us understanding his work of grace.
Let let me let me show you the the phrase that god gave me to to to pull all this together.
it may help you. I wrote it down. I was so excited about it.
I signed my name just in case.
I leave it back in 100 years later, so nobody else won’t have to struggle with what I’m getting ready to preach, and it’s no longer struggle, but here’s what he said.
God will not make an appeal when I when I use the word appeal, he won’t appeal to you to to to say, alright.
You need to live godly. or, or, or, alright, you need to present your body, uh, as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto god.
Alright. You need to treat everybody. That that’s what I refer to as an appeal.
So I I’m gonna use the word appeal this morning, the appeals that god make.
He appeals to you, to live wholly, appeals to you, to do right, appeals to you to do that.
But, but he, he never appeals to you. Here’s what he says.
God will not make an appeal without first providing mercy and grace for our failures.
Oh, boy.
So so what what what he what he means there is I’m not asking you to live right until I first of all, have a work of mercy and grace for when you don’t live right that day.
So now all of a sudden, you’re not too afraid to accept that appeal because the threat of me not being able to do it has been taken away because he said before I ask you to live godly, notice my mercy and grace is at every beginning of every appeal that I have asked you.
So I went and checked that out. I said, oh, yeah. And I started seeing it.
I saw how we skipped, we skipped the mercy and grace part and went straight to the appeal, little godly, but god says, no, no, no, I won’t ever request for you to do anything without, first of all, recognizing my work of grace
in being able to ask
you to live this way. So don’t be afraid that you can’t live this way because I’ve already worked this thing out for your bad days.
Thank you, love. Yeah. I know. I know. I got my hankets. I only got my hankets repaired.
It ain’t it ain’t time. We’re gonna cry in a minute, babe. I got I got one for you.
Right? Now why’s this now? But man’s ways are not god’s ways.
In general, man clings to the idea that benefits always come because of good conduct And man’s ways are that losses come because of bad conduct.
So man’s ways are, alright, these good things showed up because We did some good.
Uh, this bad thing showed up because we did some bad. That’s man’s way.
losses and rewards based on our conduct, with no consideration of the grace and mercy that has been put in this place.
Natural man always feels that he must contribute something to earn god’s favor.
That’s what church has been like for some of you for the last 10, 20, 30 years.
natural man natural man saying, and based on church, and based on pulpit, and based on sermon natural man says, I got to contribute something in order to get god’s favor.
And if I don’t contribute something, I can’t get god’s favor.
And and and and the poor pits of the world.
This is what you have to contribute to get god’s favor, but you have to understand.
You did not contribute anything at the beginning of god’s favor.
God’s favor was god’s idea, not mine, not yours.
Think about this.
Think about always thinking I’ve got to contribute something. I gotta go.
I think it it it’s it’s
it this whole contradicts everything. If you have to contribute something to
get god’s favor, it’s not a favor.
How is it a favor if you had something to do with getting it?
It’s left.
I contributed nothing
to get born again, except I believed. I believe this way.
A lot of gifts that you’re walking in now, you keep trying to find where your contribution made this happen.
That is not god’s way.
its man’s way.
God’s method under grace is seen in Jesus, dealing with that woman taken in adultery.
Let’s look at that. John chapter 8 versus 3 through
And describes and pharisees brought on to him a woman, taken in adultery.
I mean, in the very act
of adultery, They bought the woman sheets and all.
Ain’t no, we think she in adultery.
And when they had set her in the mist, they say unto him, Jesus, master This woman was taken in adultery in the very act.
Now because they’re trying to they’re trying to trick Jesus because Jesus is supposed to be there fulfilling the law.
And according to the law, this should be this woman’s last day.
Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned.
But what do you say?
They’re trying to trip Jesus up. watching. This is why he might came.
This, they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him.
But Jesus stoop down And with his finger, wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
He was egging them. You understand what I’m saying?
I ain’t got time for this tom foolery.
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself and said under them.
Okay. And I like this because he can’t go against the law because he had come to deliver people from the law and he couldn’t deliver them from the law unless he operated and fulfilled all the law.
So what do you say? So he didn’t say Don Stoner.
Here’s what he said. He lifted up himself and said unto him.
He that is without sin among you.
let him first cast a stone at her.
And he again stooped down and rode on the ground.
Somebody said, do you know what he was writing? No. I don’t know what he was writing.
And you don’t either. So don’t get don’t get them and get a preach.
Don’t get a preaching sermon talking about what Jesus was writing. you know, the day that he would re no.
You don’t know. He was he might have been doodling, because that’s what you do when people talking to
him foolery. You’re just like,
He says, alright, fine. I’m not telling you not the stoner.
Here’s all I’m saying. He didn’t buy any any one of you who don’t have sin
in your life. Go ahead.
And the bible says the older people left first because they knew they had a
whole bunch going on. The older people just got on out of their life.
Man, let me let me go.
The younger people thought they had hope, but they eventually left too.
And they which had heard it being convicted by their own conscience, they went out 1 by 1, beginning at the eldest, even until the last
And Jesus left her alone. And the woman standing in his mess
when Jesus had left lifted up himself and saw none but the woman He said unto her, woman, where are those dying accusers?
Had no man condemned me?
She said, No man, lord. Jesus said under her.
Watch this. Neither do I condemn thee. This sin of adultery will not condemn you.
What you did deserved death and condemnation, you should have been condemned to death because you broke the law, and the law said you should be condemned to death.
But in the he said, but mercy
has come before you today.
Jesus full of grace and truth. and I forgive you.
Now take this mercy and this grace that you’ve received today and go and send no more because grace has come on to you.
Now it’s possible for her to actually walk without sitting and doing this again because before there was no mercy and grace, there was just the threat of death.
And people telling you, you’re going to hell for this, and you’re going to hell for that.
But now I see mercy, I see grace, I see Jesus.
I see that I can do what I didn’t think I was able to do before because his way showed up, and he reversed
what was supposed to happen under the law. Oh.
And that same thing going on today. We still trying to
send folks to hell when we catch them in stuff.
Do you know who god really is?
In creflo dollars, 4 part series, the truth about god’s way He highlights who god is and how his unique nature sets us free.
Under grace, god does everything apart from human merit.
Under grace, god first reminds us of what he has done in grace. By grace, you’re already righteous.
By grace, you’re already perfect, by grace, you’re already holy.
And now that you can see that it’s available to you by grace, then gonna try to appeal to you to live a life in harmony with what grace has already done.
This 4 message series is available for a love gift of 25 US dollars or more for CDs or 35 US dollars or more for DVD.
To receive this series and discover god’s loving nature, call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit creflodollarministries.org and click eStore today.
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When you think about what coulda happened to me.
What should have happened to me, and now look at what’s available to me.
That’s enough for me to summer right now all by itself. I gotta give him the glory. He saved us.
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Everything in god’s kingdom works by faith.
Now I remember when Taffy and I started giving, it was a painful thing to give because we didn’t have much at all financially.
However, we made a decision to be givers.
And one of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible is John 316, God so the world that he gave.
Therefore, as Christians, we give, our giving is an expression of our love.
And when you support creflo dollar ministry, financially, you are giving to our efforts to spread the gospel all over the world.
And in addition to helping millions who are hurting and have vital physical needs.
Pray about what god would have you to show at this time.
We wanna thank you in advance for your support.
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God bless shoe.
Because of you, creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners, and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.
- The Prophetic Warning of John Winthrop | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 3 24, 2023