Desire of Ownership – The Dominators
Desire of Ownership – The Dominators
David heard with his own ears the threats of Goliath against Israel and said, “This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands and I will strike you down and cut off your head,” (1 Samuel 17:46). David took dominion over the enemy, defeating him and an entire Philistine army. As believers in Christ, we carry that same authority and power today. Dr. Bill Winston’s new series, The Dominators, will empower you to frustrate every attack and win every battle facing you.
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministry partners and viewers, doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
Contact us by phone at 1 807 75439443 or submit your prayer request online and Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry, we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
You are royalty, say I’m royalty and that means you can decree a thing and it shall be a step.
Now, you need to get your mouth working and your heart believing.
Because if you believe in your heart and say with your mouth, you will have whatsoever you say church is the most powerful institution ever that come into the earth.
Say amen. After you lead, there won’t be anything like you.
So you are it run through a troop leap over a wall.
We are here to dominate the system of education, the system of economics, the system of political system and the religious system.
We’re here to dominate all of those. Yeah. Say amen to that.
Now, I’m saying that because this, now it doesn’t matter what color you are here is Joseph.
Look at Joseph, now he’s taught by God and look at Genesis chapter 41 and starting at verse 38 we’re gonna read that and I want you to see what it says here about Joseph.
Ready read the spirit.
Course, right? Oh OK.
Oh That the other one and the party.
Yeah. Stop right there. This is Joseph. Look at Daniel.
Daniel chapter one verse 20. I’m only telling you this is because the enemy wants that word of God out of your life.
He wants you not to come to church. He wants you not to learn this.
He wants your kids to go to a school that uh that is so far from the Bible to let neutral genders in there.
Why? Because they are being controlled by the spirit of this world, by the God of this world.
And I’m here telling you you have come in to dominate.
You have come in to rescue people from this demonic system and make it so that they can know the truth and live in God.
God has chosen you to do that. He said you didn’t choose me.
I chose you. I mean, I told y’all about my, my, my story of being chose when I was unsaved and me and, and, and, and Eldridge and, and Joe were at, you have a little party and we were standing together.
I thought we was all real cute and so forth and we’re standing, you know, profiling and, and, and so forth and, and then a young lady is looking at me and I caught out the corner, my eye, you know, because my peripheral is real good and I was kind of and, and, and uh I look at her head on, I just talk to them and I said, let me see if she’s looking at me or maybe it might be Joe.
I might be out. I said, let me, let me just back up a little bit.
So I, I took a few steps back, got to see, you know, just real peaceful.
And then I glanced up at her and she was still focusing on me.
I went back to them and said, boys look like I’ve been chose, look like I no, hey, participate, you’ve been chose, he chose you, your name chose him.
All right.
So what am I saying?
All these systems have been dominating this world system and now we’re in town and we’re coming to dominate.
We are coming to take over, say amen to that before we leave this earth, we are not going to leave this earth with back rent, going to leave this earth, owning the complex.
Say amen to that in Jesus name I command right now that people glo it to God.
Can I say it? Some people listening to me right now in three months time you’re gonna own a complex in Jesus name.
I’m, I’m saying it, man. I’m, I’m putting it out there. All right.
Shut up about that. Yes.
See somebody said, oh, I wonder what is he talking about? OK. All right.
In second kings chapter seven, didn’t the prophet say something? They were in starvation. They had nothing.
They were just even thinking about cooking and, and killing and eating babies because they thought their lives were washed up and they weren’t gonna survive.
But a man of God came up and he said tomorrow, he didn’t even say in three months.
He said tomorrow about this time it’s gonna be plenty and it’s gonna be cheap.
Say a meal with God. All things are possible if you’ll just believe I am a believer.
Nara, Dara in the name of Jesus. All right, let’s keep going here.
So next, if we look at this whole idea of having us having the kingdom and we having a type of self production.
That’s with the king in the kingdom within us. Self production.
And I’ve been teaching that one of the biggest reasons for poverty is not that people don’t have a job that doesn’t make much or so forth and so on.
But one of the biggest reasons for poverty is the absence of self production.
And when a kingdom comes, you’re a self producer, say to them inside of you is a production center.
And so what happens with God? He knows he’s putting you in a world that is hostile to him.
And so he put you in this world so that you won’t have to beg for anything.
So, so here um you take the desire that you have and get the word and plant the word in your heart.
So whatever desire is planted in your heart. Now, what is your heart?
It’s a spirit man. But who else is in there with you? God is in there?
The holy Spirit is in there.
So once you make a request of your desire and plant it in your heart, then you sleep and rise night and day.
Now see some people said, well, you know, I heard that pastor preach this way back when well, why you to still have all them bills?
What that can I get? Can I go? I can get real personal with that?
Great. Yeah, I better teach it.
My wife said I better teach it.
Now the Bible talks about over in uh having, having heard the word but, but, but not being a doer of the word, am I right about that?
And this person will forget what they heard. So I’m saying, Amen.
You, you gotta be a doer of what I’m teaching you. We gotta dominate folks.
We’re running out of time here. Mark chapter four and verse 26. Let’s just start there. Ready. Read.
Always I see. Yeah.
Stop, stop.
Now he knoweth not how let me read the next part for the earth. Bringeth what forth fruit.
Come on of herself. Now, stop right there. All right. Now, what am I saying? I’m saying?
But you have to put something in to get something out. You.
So let’s try that again. You’ve got to put something in to get something out.
Now, the biggest reason for poverty is the absence of self production.
So I’m a self producer. That’s what I do. I produce. Say Amen to that folks change your paradigm.
You’re not going to get that job there so that they can take care of you.
You’re going to get the job to take care of them. Yeah.
Is that, am I right about that? See, that’s a sweat.
See, because you’re already rich. Let me try it over here.
Fred Rich part of your inheritance.
So sleep and rise I day. Now what’s happening?
The the soil is acting uh in production and the seed that you’ve sown it’s causing it to grow.
You know, it, not how you don’t need to know how.
And so what you gotta do is make sure you put it in there.
Like I said, back when I was a kid, uh they had telephone posts and I guess they didn’t have the preservative that they soak them in before.
It was wooden posts wouldn’t uh steel like a lot of the cities, but it was wooden.
And what happened was they put the pole in and in some years they’d take it out and you’d see the bottom of it.
It’s all rotten and so forth. And the reason why is because the soil tried to grow it.
So it, it tried to grow it because it doesn’t know anything other than to grow and, and notice here’s a poll.
It didn’t tell the difference between a pole and a poll.
B And so my point here is, is you got to be take heed what you hear here because if you saw the wrong thing, then you gonna produce.
Say yeah. And so you’ve got to watch your mouth because the pressures of the world are designed to get you to.
So something that you don’t want and you’re gonna have to discipline yourself to sew only, but you want to come to bed.
Now, Jesus is the bride groom, who is the bride?
The, the chart? We’re the bride.
Jesus is looked at as a male with a seed and we’re looked at as a female.
Now, I ain’t getting freaky. Now. This is it here. I’m trying to give you a principle right now.
Just listen at this. But we’re like, we’re, we’re the bride, we receive the seed and the idea about the marriage supper hadn’t taken place yet.
And that’s why we can look at Mary because she wasn’t married yet, but she received c and brought forth a baby.
And I’m saying, I don’t know what you need in your life. Go got seeds for you.
He’s ready to plant. Say it.
So look what it says in James in chapter one and verse five, look what this says.
Ready read. Thank you.
Stop. All right. So if you need wisdom, wisdom, why?
Because I want to solve a problem because I need to get these needs met because I need to feed this multitude because I so forth on if any of you like wisdom because I wanna help the company that I’m working at.
And all you have to do is ask of God.
Look what it says in Luke chapter 11 in verse 10.
Stop everyone that asks what but see, he’s not turning you down.
He’s not turning it down.
Now, when your spirit is in you with God’s spirit, what happened with the request is that you call for the answer from the spirit of God.
You put a demand for the answer that you need for that situation.
And this is what Proverbs 20 verse 27 says, look at that ready.
So can’t you see what he’s saying?
He is saying your spirit is gonna be like a light bulb going into the library of God’s spirit and find a solution for getting you out of this debt.
One week. You, you don’t need to wait a long time.
You have Dominion over time. I’ll try that again.
You have Dominion over time over in second glory to God and Mark chapter seven and starting at verse 25.
What I’m saying is you don’t need to take centuries to come out of that mess.
You can get out my next tooth. Ready.
Read baby.
Awesome. All these now stop right there. She was a Greek.
She came to Jesus and Jesus said, no, no, no. I’m gonna put it in my own words.
I’m trying to save some time. It’s not your time. But she said, wait a minute now.
She said, he said, this is a children’s bred. But she said, well, wait a minute.
Even the dog, the rooms that fall on the floor that the Children have wasted.
He’s a woman for this saying, go that way your daughter’s healed.
Now, I’m here to tell you right now what happened to that is she was a Greek that wasn’t her time.
The Bible says in Romans chapter one, I’m not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone.
That belief to the Jew first and also to the Greek. It wasn’t the Greeks time.
It was the Jews time because of faith.
She moves and took time and put time where she wanted.
And I’m saying you can pay them debts off when you wanna pay them off, you can move time and close in on the devil.
You don’t have to wait, give God praise, praise God.
Don’t you let the devil tell you you got the weight.
Your weight is in Jesus name.
I said your weight is in Jesus name are y’all with me.
This is your season. This is your time. And what’s it?
You are royalty, say I’m royalty and that means you can decree a thing and it shall be a staff.
Now you need to get your mouth working and your heart believing because if you believe in your heart and say with your mouth, you will have whatsoever you say man, I’m preaching better than you saying amen.
This must be the suburb. Alright. Sure.
Oh I’m preaching too hard done that Santa.
Well, somebody is grabbing it now.
Hold God, I’m praying something in your life.
You’re about to experience the best season of your life.
Sit out, sit up, sit up, you gotta say is this I received that and Jesus name, that’s it.
Something just happened. I said so a breakthrough just took place.
All right, let me, let me, let me continue here.
We on another level. I said we are on another level.
Don’t look for any evidence. Come on, don’t look for the dog to bark the spangled banner.
All you got to do is look for Jesus. He’s coming over to God.
He’s got your inheritance and you’re about to get it right now in jesus’ name. Ok.
Let me finish. No, no, no, no, no.
I don’t care what university they came from.
If they haven’t been trained biblically, if they haven’t had this, they can’t beat you.
I said they cannot beat you. You gonna be 10 times back in Jesus name.
You’re gonna leave all others far behind. This is your time.
You’ve been broke long enough. This is your season of increase. You’ve been living from paycheck to paycheck.
Those days are over in Jesus name.
Well, I trust that you enjoyed that teaching.
Now, that’s a powerful teaching. It’s called the dominators. Now, that’s you ever heard of the Terminator?
You ever the Terminator? Well, we are dominators.
We have coming into this world system to rescue lost souls from this, this demonic world system.
I mean, the enemy has been controlling this thing now, it’s our turn.
We’re here to take over, not take sides, take over now. Not only are we gonna rescue them? What’s this?
We’re gonna erase all traces of what the devil has done in their lives. Isn’t that powerful? Praise God.
Get the teaching, the dominators. It’s a powerhouse. Hallelujah.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we’ll see you next time and until then keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message.
Order the dominators in its entirety to receive the full teaching.
This three part series is available on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four to order contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
As believers in Christ, we carry authority and power.
This dynamic series, the dominators will equip you with the weapons needed to win every battle and live a victorious life on this earth.
I can’t thank Doctor Bill Winston enough for being a blessing in my life.
I am so glad I decided to partner with this ministry. In 2018.
I was drowning emotionally and financially, I was often filled with anxiety and fear.
I went to see my doctor and she referred me to a psychologist.
Now, the psychologist was booked for the year and wasn’t seeing new patients. So I turned to my Bible.
I often found myself reading for hours.
A few weeks later, I was in the hair salon and heard my style was listening to a minister.
I turned to her and asked, who is that? He is bold.
She replied, Doctor Bill Winston, you can find him on youtube.
Before long, I had listened to all of doctor Bill Winston’s teachings on youtube and was hungry for more.
I began donating to the ministry and then became a partner. Why?
Because I was getting so much out of doctor Bill Winston’s teachings. My soul was prospering.
I no longer felt fearful. I was filled with joy and peace.
Late 2019, the devil stepped in and tried to invade my body with cancer.
But God said otherwise, I stood on God’s word in Matthew 15 13, I went with the surgery to, you know, appease my doctor.
The pathology report came back negative. No cancer was found in my body.
Before long, I was out of debt, house, car doctor bills and many more bills all paid in full.
Since partnering with your ministry, I have paid off close to $1 million in debt again.
Thank you for your ministry. You have truly been a blessing in my life. Thank you partners through your support.
We are transforming lives and teaching people how to use the word to manifest the best of God in their lives.
Not a partner. Sign up and become a partner at Bill Winston dot org slash partner or call 1 807 119327.
And together, let’s make an impact on the world that cannot be erased.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
Contact us by phone at 1 807 75439443, or submit your prayer request online and Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the fateful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believer’s walk of Faith broadcast.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
Contact us by phone at 1 807 75439443 or submit your prayer request online and Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry, we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
You are royalty, say I’m royalty and that means you can decree a thing and it shall be a step.
Now, you need to get your mouth working and your heart believing.
Because if you believe in your heart and say with your mouth, you will have whatsoever you say church is the most powerful institution ever that come into the earth.
Say amen. After you lead, there won’t be anything like you.
So you are it run through a troop leap over a wall.
We are here to dominate the system of education, the system of economics, the system of political system and the religious system.
We’re here to dominate all of those. Yeah. Say amen to that.
Now, I’m saying that because this, now it doesn’t matter what color you are here is Joseph.
Look at Joseph, now he’s taught by God and look at Genesis chapter 41 and starting at verse 38 we’re gonna read that and I want you to see what it says here about Joseph.
Ready read the spirit.
Course, right? Oh OK.
Oh That the other one and the party.
Yeah. Stop right there. This is Joseph. Look at Daniel.
Daniel chapter one verse 20. I’m only telling you this is because the enemy wants that word of God out of your life.
He wants you not to come to church. He wants you not to learn this.
He wants your kids to go to a school that uh that is so far from the Bible to let neutral genders in there.
Why? Because they are being controlled by the spirit of this world, by the God of this world.
And I’m here telling you you have come in to dominate.
You have come in to rescue people from this demonic system and make it so that they can know the truth and live in God.
God has chosen you to do that. He said you didn’t choose me.
I chose you. I mean, I told y’all about my, my, my story of being chose when I was unsaved and me and, and, and, and Eldridge and, and Joe were at, you have a little party and we were standing together.
I thought we was all real cute and so forth and we’re standing, you know, profiling and, and, and so forth and, and then a young lady is looking at me and I caught out the corner, my eye, you know, because my peripheral is real good and I was kind of and, and, and uh I look at her head on, I just talk to them and I said, let me see if she’s looking at me or maybe it might be Joe.
I might be out. I said, let me, let me just back up a little bit.
So I, I took a few steps back, got to see, you know, just real peaceful.
And then I glanced up at her and she was still focusing on me.
I went back to them and said, boys look like I’ve been chose, look like I no, hey, participate, you’ve been chose, he chose you, your name chose him.
All right.
So what am I saying?
All these systems have been dominating this world system and now we’re in town and we’re coming to dominate.
We are coming to take over, say amen to that before we leave this earth, we are not going to leave this earth with back rent, going to leave this earth, owning the complex.
Say amen to that in Jesus name I command right now that people glo it to God.
Can I say it? Some people listening to me right now in three months time you’re gonna own a complex in Jesus name.
I’m, I’m saying it, man. I’m, I’m putting it out there. All right.
Shut up about that. Yes.
See somebody said, oh, I wonder what is he talking about? OK. All right.
In second kings chapter seven, didn’t the prophet say something? They were in starvation. They had nothing.
They were just even thinking about cooking and, and killing and eating babies because they thought their lives were washed up and they weren’t gonna survive.
But a man of God came up and he said tomorrow, he didn’t even say in three months.
He said tomorrow about this time it’s gonna be plenty and it’s gonna be cheap.
Say a meal with God. All things are possible if you’ll just believe I am a believer.
Nara, Dara in the name of Jesus. All right, let’s keep going here.
So next, if we look at this whole idea of having us having the kingdom and we having a type of self production.
That’s with the king in the kingdom within us. Self production.
And I’ve been teaching that one of the biggest reasons for poverty is not that people don’t have a job that doesn’t make much or so forth and so on.
But one of the biggest reasons for poverty is the absence of self production.
And when a kingdom comes, you’re a self producer, say to them inside of you is a production center.
And so what happens with God? He knows he’s putting you in a world that is hostile to him.
And so he put you in this world so that you won’t have to beg for anything.
So, so here um you take the desire that you have and get the word and plant the word in your heart.
So whatever desire is planted in your heart. Now, what is your heart?
It’s a spirit man. But who else is in there with you? God is in there?
The holy Spirit is in there.
So once you make a request of your desire and plant it in your heart, then you sleep and rise night and day.
Now see some people said, well, you know, I heard that pastor preach this way back when well, why you to still have all them bills?
What that can I get? Can I go? I can get real personal with that?
Great. Yeah, I better teach it.
My wife said I better teach it.
Now the Bible talks about over in uh having, having heard the word but, but, but not being a doer of the word, am I right about that?
And this person will forget what they heard. So I’m saying, Amen.
You, you gotta be a doer of what I’m teaching you. We gotta dominate folks.
We’re running out of time here. Mark chapter four and verse 26. Let’s just start there. Ready. Read.
Always I see. Yeah.
Stop, stop.
Now he knoweth not how let me read the next part for the earth. Bringeth what forth fruit.
Come on of herself. Now, stop right there. All right. Now, what am I saying? I’m saying?
But you have to put something in to get something out. You.
So let’s try that again. You’ve got to put something in to get something out.
Now, the biggest reason for poverty is the absence of self production.
So I’m a self producer. That’s what I do. I produce. Say Amen to that folks change your paradigm.
You’re not going to get that job there so that they can take care of you.
You’re going to get the job to take care of them. Yeah.
Is that, am I right about that? See, that’s a sweat.
See, because you’re already rich. Let me try it over here.
Fred Rich part of your inheritance.
So sleep and rise I day. Now what’s happening?
The the soil is acting uh in production and the seed that you’ve sown it’s causing it to grow.
You know, it, not how you don’t need to know how.
And so what you gotta do is make sure you put it in there.
Like I said, back when I was a kid, uh they had telephone posts and I guess they didn’t have the preservative that they soak them in before.
It was wooden posts wouldn’t uh steel like a lot of the cities, but it was wooden.
And what happened was they put the pole in and in some years they’d take it out and you’d see the bottom of it.
It’s all rotten and so forth. And the reason why is because the soil tried to grow it.
So it, it tried to grow it because it doesn’t know anything other than to grow and, and notice here’s a poll.
It didn’t tell the difference between a pole and a poll.
B And so my point here is, is you got to be take heed what you hear here because if you saw the wrong thing, then you gonna produce.
Say yeah. And so you’ve got to watch your mouth because the pressures of the world are designed to get you to.
So something that you don’t want and you’re gonna have to discipline yourself to sew only, but you want to come to bed.
Now, Jesus is the bride groom, who is the bride?
The, the chart? We’re the bride.
Jesus is looked at as a male with a seed and we’re looked at as a female.
Now, I ain’t getting freaky. Now. This is it here. I’m trying to give you a principle right now.
Just listen at this. But we’re like, we’re, we’re the bride, we receive the seed and the idea about the marriage supper hadn’t taken place yet.
And that’s why we can look at Mary because she wasn’t married yet, but she received c and brought forth a baby.
And I’m saying, I don’t know what you need in your life. Go got seeds for you.
He’s ready to plant. Say it.
So look what it says in James in chapter one and verse five, look what this says.
Ready read. Thank you.
Stop. All right. So if you need wisdom, wisdom, why?
Because I want to solve a problem because I need to get these needs met because I need to feed this multitude because I so forth on if any of you like wisdom because I wanna help the company that I’m working at.
And all you have to do is ask of God.
Look what it says in Luke chapter 11 in verse 10.
Stop everyone that asks what but see, he’s not turning you down.
He’s not turning it down.
Now, when your spirit is in you with God’s spirit, what happened with the request is that you call for the answer from the spirit of God.
You put a demand for the answer that you need for that situation.
And this is what Proverbs 20 verse 27 says, look at that ready.
So can’t you see what he’s saying?
He is saying your spirit is gonna be like a light bulb going into the library of God’s spirit and find a solution for getting you out of this debt.
One week. You, you don’t need to wait a long time.
You have Dominion over time. I’ll try that again.
You have Dominion over time over in second glory to God and Mark chapter seven and starting at verse 25.
What I’m saying is you don’t need to take centuries to come out of that mess.
You can get out my next tooth. Ready.
Read baby.
Awesome. All these now stop right there. She was a Greek.
She came to Jesus and Jesus said, no, no, no. I’m gonna put it in my own words.
I’m trying to save some time. It’s not your time. But she said, wait a minute now.
She said, he said, this is a children’s bred. But she said, well, wait a minute.
Even the dog, the rooms that fall on the floor that the Children have wasted.
He’s a woman for this saying, go that way your daughter’s healed.
Now, I’m here to tell you right now what happened to that is she was a Greek that wasn’t her time.
The Bible says in Romans chapter one, I’m not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone.
That belief to the Jew first and also to the Greek. It wasn’t the Greeks time.
It was the Jews time because of faith.
She moves and took time and put time where she wanted.
And I’m saying you can pay them debts off when you wanna pay them off, you can move time and close in on the devil.
You don’t have to wait, give God praise, praise God.
Don’t you let the devil tell you you got the weight.
Your weight is in Jesus name.
I said your weight is in Jesus name are y’all with me.
This is your season. This is your time. And what’s it?
You are royalty, say I’m royalty and that means you can decree a thing and it shall be a staff.
Now you need to get your mouth working and your heart believing because if you believe in your heart and say with your mouth, you will have whatsoever you say man, I’m preaching better than you saying amen.
This must be the suburb. Alright. Sure.
Oh I’m preaching too hard done that Santa.
Well, somebody is grabbing it now.
Hold God, I’m praying something in your life.
You’re about to experience the best season of your life.
Sit out, sit up, sit up, you gotta say is this I received that and Jesus name, that’s it.
Something just happened. I said so a breakthrough just took place.
All right, let me, let me, let me continue here.
We on another level. I said we are on another level.
Don’t look for any evidence. Come on, don’t look for the dog to bark the spangled banner.
All you got to do is look for Jesus. He’s coming over to God.
He’s got your inheritance and you’re about to get it right now in jesus’ name. Ok.
Let me finish. No, no, no, no, no.
I don’t care what university they came from.
If they haven’t been trained biblically, if they haven’t had this, they can’t beat you.
I said they cannot beat you. You gonna be 10 times back in Jesus name.
You’re gonna leave all others far behind. This is your time.
You’ve been broke long enough. This is your season of increase. You’ve been living from paycheck to paycheck.
Those days are over in Jesus name.
Well, I trust that you enjoyed that teaching.
Now, that’s a powerful teaching. It’s called the dominators. Now, that’s you ever heard of the Terminator?
You ever the Terminator? Well, we are dominators.
We have coming into this world system to rescue lost souls from this, this demonic world system.
I mean, the enemy has been controlling this thing now, it’s our turn.
We’re here to take over, not take sides, take over now. Not only are we gonna rescue them? What’s this?
We’re gonna erase all traces of what the devil has done in their lives. Isn’t that powerful? Praise God.
Get the teaching, the dominators. It’s a powerhouse. Hallelujah.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we’ll see you next time and until then keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message.
Order the dominators in its entirety to receive the full teaching.
This three part series is available on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four to order contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
As believers in Christ, we carry authority and power.
This dynamic series, the dominators will equip you with the weapons needed to win every battle and live a victorious life on this earth.
I can’t thank Doctor Bill Winston enough for being a blessing in my life.
I am so glad I decided to partner with this ministry. In 2018.
I was drowning emotionally and financially, I was often filled with anxiety and fear.
I went to see my doctor and she referred me to a psychologist.
Now, the psychologist was booked for the year and wasn’t seeing new patients. So I turned to my Bible.
I often found myself reading for hours.
A few weeks later, I was in the hair salon and heard my style was listening to a minister.
I turned to her and asked, who is that? He is bold.
She replied, Doctor Bill Winston, you can find him on youtube.
Before long, I had listened to all of doctor Bill Winston’s teachings on youtube and was hungry for more.
I began donating to the ministry and then became a partner. Why?
Because I was getting so much out of doctor Bill Winston’s teachings. My soul was prospering.
I no longer felt fearful. I was filled with joy and peace.
Late 2019, the devil stepped in and tried to invade my body with cancer.
But God said otherwise, I stood on God’s word in Matthew 15 13, I went with the surgery to, you know, appease my doctor.
The pathology report came back negative. No cancer was found in my body.
Before long, I was out of debt, house, car doctor bills and many more bills all paid in full.
Since partnering with your ministry, I have paid off close to $1 million in debt again.
Thank you for your ministry. You have truly been a blessing in my life. Thank you partners through your support.
We are transforming lives and teaching people how to use the word to manifest the best of God in their lives.
Not a partner. Sign up and become a partner at Bill Winston dot org slash partner or call 1 807 119327.
And together, let’s make an impact on the world that cannot be erased.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
Contact us by phone at 1 807 75439443, or submit your prayer request online and Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the fateful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believer’s walk of Faith broadcast.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.