2 minute Prayer for Guidance Psalms 2

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Chapter 2

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Psalm 2:1 – This verse is from the Psalms, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is describing the response of the heathen (nonbelievers or those who do not follow God) and the people to God’s rule and authority. They are raging, or showing violent anger, and imagining a vain thing, or coming up with empty and foolish plans.

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Psalm 2:2 – This verse continues the description of the response of the heathen and the people. The kings of the earth and the rulers are taking counsel, or discussing plans, against the Lord and his anointed, or chosen one.

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Psalm 2:3 – In this verse, the heathen and the people are trying to break free from God’s rule and authority by breaking their bands, or chains, and casting away their cords, or ropes.

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Psalm 2:4 – In response to the rebellion of the heathen and the people, God sits in the heavens and laughs at their efforts. He views their rebellion with derision, or contempt.

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Psalm 2:5 – God speaks to the heathen and the people in his wrath, or anger, and vexes them with his sore displeasure, or intense anger.

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Psalm 2:6 – Despite the rebellion of the heathen and the people, God has set his king, or chosen leader, on the holy hill of Zion, a place of great importance in Judaism and Christianity.

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Psalm 2:7 – In this verse, God declares a decree, or official statement, that the Lord has said to the speaker of the Psalm, “You are my Son; this day I have begotten you.” This verse is often seen as a reference to the relationship between God and Jesus Christ.

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Psalm 2:8 – God tells the speaker of the Psalm that if they ask, he will give them the heathen for their inheritance, or possession, and the uttermost parts of the earth for their possession.

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Psalm 2:9 – God tells the speaker of the Psalm that they will break the heathen and the people with a rod of iron, a symbol of strength and authority, and will dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel, or clay pot.

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Psalm 2:10 – In this verse, God advises the kings and judges of the earth to be wise and be instructed, or taught, by him.

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Psalm 2:11 – God commands the kings and judges of the earth to serve him with fear, or reverence, and to rejoice with trembling, or fear and awe.

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Psalm 2:12 – In this verse, God advises the kings and judges of the earth to kiss the Son, or show respect and submission, lest they be angry and perish from the way, or be punished and lose their place in God’s kingdom. Those who put their trust in God, or rely on him, are blessed.

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