Your Spiritual Health | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Your Spiritual Health | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series healthy living, spirit, soul, and body.
Jesus didn’t come to save and restore only part of us. He came to restore our whole entire being.
We are spirit. We have a soul. We live in a body.
Each needs proper care in order for us to live in a healthy life. Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
Let’s look at 1st thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23. First, thessalonians 523.
And may the god of peace himself sanctify you through and through that is separate you from profane things make you pure and holy consecrated to god.
Everybody say, holy. Now that’s not h o l y. It’s w h o l l y.
Make you wholly consecrated to god and may your spirit and your soul and your body your spirit, your soul, and your body be preserved, sound, and complete and found blameless at the coming of our lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Now You are a spirit. You have a soul. You live in a body.
Like one of the functions of your spirit is your conscience. Your spirit is where you receive revelation.
That’s where you hear from god.
Your soul is your mind, your will, your emotions, all very important parts of our being.
And then there’s your body, the house that you walk around in. And all of those are important to god.
I think too often we think he’s only interested in our spirit and the spiritual parts of our lives and the so called spiritual activities that we engage in, but actually god is interested in and concerned about every area of your life.
There’s nothing about you that god’s not interested in.
I said there’s nothing about you that god’s not interested in.
He’s interested in everything. That concerns you, every single thing.
And he wants all of you every bit of you to behold and healthy.
Because really, to be honest, we can have one part of us that’s doing okay and 2 or 3 other areas that are all messed up, and we’re still not gonna enjoy life.
Amen? I mean, you can say you can feel good physically, but if you’re still hurting and wounded from things that happen to you and your childhood, and you’re angry all the time, then you still don’t have much of a life.
Now we can be sound spiritually.
Maybe we’re born again, and we’re on our way to heaven, but god wants more for you than that.
I’m gonna say something that’s kinda shocking.
I don’t think that Jesus came just to get us to heaven.
I don’t think that’s all he came for.
Now I mean, that, I guess, is the most important part, but he wants us to enjoy the journey.
He said, I came that you might have and enjoy your life.
And have it in abundance to the full until it overflows.
Now I was in church for a long, long time, before I learned anything other than just the spiritual part of life.
I learned all the church doctrine. I took instructions in the church. I I was born again.
I had received Christ as my savior. I prayed for my sins to be forgiven.
I knew I was gonna go to heaven, but every other part of me was a mess, just an absolute mess.
I was like, John, who gave the testimony earlier about the abuse and his childhood I looked on the outside, like maybe I had it all together, but there was a lot of stuff going on inside.
That nobody knew about.
And the sad thing, I think, was that I don’t remember in those years ever hearing a message about my thoughts, I don’t remember ever hearing a message about my emotions.
How many of you can bear witnesses that you you went to church for a long, long time maybe, and you never heard any of the things that were gonna help you in your practical everyday life.
You loved god, but you didn’t love your life.
And I just wanna be very clear tonight for those of you here and those who watch this by TV that Jesus came to make us whole.
Complete. He cares about every area of our body. He cares about how you think.
He cares about how you talk, He cares about your finances. He cares about your social life.
He wants everything in your life to be good.
And I’m gonna encourage you not to settle for half a package or a quarter of a package.
I’m glad if you’re born again and you’re you’re on your way to heaven, but I really want you to enjoy the journey.
That’s part of what I believe the call on my life is Yes. I love to see people born again.
We have lots of people born again, but I really like to help the Christian who is born again, but is still miserable.
Because it’s one thing to be a miserable sinner. It’s another thing entirely to be a miserable saint.
So Jesus came to make us whole.
Luke 1910 says for the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.
And I like that it doesn’t just say he came to seek and to save those who were lost but that which was lost, not just the lost person, but he wants to restore us to the original plan that god had for man in the garden before he got himself in trouble by doing what god told him not to do.
Now a couple of scriptures in Psalm that I love, they’re both in the same chapter, and they’re only 3 verses apart.
But I think they go together.
Psalm 635, the psalmist David said, my whole being shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips.
But I want us just to focus on that first sentence, my whole being shall be satisfied. Wow.
I wonder how many Christians can say that. My whole being is satisfied.
I’m satisfied, content.
But if you look at 3 verses down at Psalm 638, he says my whole being follows hard after you.
So you see, I think that if we want our whole being to be fully satisfied, then our whole being has to follow hard after Jesus.
Did they go together?
I don’t mean this to sound wrong.
I’m not talking about getting into works of the flesh, but I think in any area of life, what you get out of it is what you put into it.
And see, it it’s it’s foolish to think that you’re gonna have a great, intimate, close walk with god.
Never spend any time with him.
I mean, it it it’s just silly to think that everything is just gonna work out awesome for you if the only time you ever talk to god is when you’re in trouble.
But see, if he’s number 1 in your life, and you’re ready to dedicate all of yourself to him, which we’re gonna talk about here in just a minute, then you’ll come to the point where you can say my whole being is satisfied, and my whole being follows hard after you.
You know what? Being a Christian, I mean, a really victorious Christian is not a Sunday morning event.
You know, there’s no better place for us to be tonight than right here.
I mean, I just love the atmosphere when we get together.
The praise, the worship I mean, you you got entertainment right here.
You know, we’ll laugh. We may cry. We sang. We danced.
I mean, Why go out to a nightclub?
And I mean, certainly there are other things to do besides just going to meetings and going to church, but, you know, I commend you for taking a Thursday night Taser Confused.
This isn’t Sunday morning. This is Thursday night.
I think they told me there’s between 6 to 7000 people here on Thursday nights.
And to be honest, I don’t do anything fancy. I teach the word.
And so you came because you love the word and you love to worship.
And I’m gonna tell you something. That’s gonna bring great dividends in your life. Amen?
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you for now There’s another little scripture here that we’re gonna talk about for a minute, then I’m gonna ask you a question and see how you feel about it.
Romans 121.
Paul, I appeal to you, therefore, brethren, in view of all the mercies of god, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies.
I’ll go slow presenting all your members and faculties as a living sacrifice all your members and faculties, your mind, your will, your emotions, your feet, your hands, your eyes, as a living sacrifice, Holy devoted, consecrated, and well pleasing to god.
And then he throws this in, which is your reasonable, rational, intelligent, service, and spiritual worship.
So god’s saying, oh, and by the way, I’m not asking too much.
This is, like, pretty normal Christianity 101. Dedicate your entire being to god.
Sometimes in the morning, when I’m walking, I get up.
I spend time with God, and then I walk, and I like to pray while I walk and make confess the word and you know, whatever else comes to mind, then sometimes I’ll say, god, I dedicate myself to you today and I kinda go through the list.
I give you my mouth I give you my mind. I give you my hands. I give you my feet.
I give you my eyes. I don’t wanna look at anything you don’t want me to look at.
I don’t wanna say what you don’t want me to say. Now in my 106 percent successful all day? No.
But my hearts to get there And see, that’s what god loves.
He loves a person who has a heart that is passionate after him and who says I am not gonna quit and give up and just be kind of a half baked lukewarm Christian.
I’m gonna pursue you with my whole heart.
And I’d tell you the truth if Jesus came tomorrow, and you had not arrived at that place of perfection, he would not be the least bit disappointed in you because what he’s pleased about is that you’re pressing toward that place.
And so I’m proud of you that you’re here tonight because that tells me that you are serious.
Some of you took off work. You traveled. Some of you will get to be here the entire weekend.
And I’ll tell you that pays great benefits So I’m just gonna ask you.
Are you ready? There’s no point saying yes if you don’t mean it.
Are you ready to open your entire life to Jesus.
God’s word is filled with guidelines for good health, and anyone who follows them will experience good results.
So let learn to obey what he tells us with today’s resource offering.
Joyce’s book living a life you love and the Healthy Living journal will help us learn to take dollars or more or call toll free at 1807890089.
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