Your Prophetic Future

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Your Prophetic Future

What’s in store for your future as a believer? Hope, assurance, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. That’s something to celebrate! Find out more about your prophetic future from Pastor Jack Hibbs in today’s episode of Real Life TV.

friends your prophetic future that is the title of our message today and frankly everyone should listen up because you might find great hope and knowing that Jesus Christ himself said that you and I need to be of good cheer in this world because he has overcome the world in the world you and I will have tribulation that is difficulty thank God he didn’t say in this world you will have the Great Tribulation but tribulation are the Troubles of life and that that is a great prophetic statement that Christ gives us you’re going to
have troubles in turbulent times in this world being a Believer that’s true since the beginning of time shouldn’t surprise us but know this that God has announced in advance that’s Bible prophecy that we are going to have tough days in this world even more so as we get closer to the end today you and I are talking about equipping one another in the word of God and embracing the promises of God so let’s grab Bibles and dive into a message listen specifically titled for you and I today your prophetic future
because friend if you know the Lord Jesus Christ your future is prophetic you have absolute hope absolute Assurance God will not abandon you so get your notes let’s get ready let’s dive in and listen to what God has to say to us today [Applause] we will see the opposition look at verse 31 says if God is for us who can be against us the first time I ever read that in the Bible this is how I heard it church if God is for us who can be against us I can tell you that’s exactly how I took it today in our Western World
we read it like this in the church if God is for us I guess nobody can be against me that’s not true that’s not what he’s saying well if God is for us and I’m a Christian everyone’s going to love me uh you got that wrong it’s upside down flip it around if God is for us it means the world is against you you understand that well can’t I be a Christian mind my own business and just be quiet about it and be under cover and then wind up just waking up in Heaven someday I’m not sure I don’t know about that I’d have to
speculate because I know this the spirit of God who’s inside the believer has stirring the believer up Christian listen I need you to be uh strengthened understanding where you and I live out in this world understanding that I have a Biblical worldview that you have a Biblical World viw about all things Joshua chapter 1 Joshua 1 verse5 says no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life who did listen who did God say this to excuse me who Joshua so my my question to you is this if God said this to
Joshua did he say to anybody else well as I was with Moses so I will be with you okay now we’ve got God saying it to who Moses and Joshua if God can say it to Moses and Joshua then that means God can say it to me do you see that can you grab the Bible and make it your own when he says I will not leave you or forsake you I believe that friends he will never leave me or forsake me and if I think he’s left me and forsaken me because I’m in the deep dark of Despair he hasn’t you can remind me if that time comes into my
life you can play this message over in my ears but have you ever sunk down so low that you can’t even get air into your lungs so to speak your chest is being so crushed by the pressure and drama the finances the health issues the demands that you can’t even breathe and God says wait a minute I will never leave you or forsake you but an awesome God be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them verse 7 only be strong and very
courageous God says look at verse n have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go and all God’s people said absolutely do you believe that I believe that I live by this I have to Jeremiah 1: 19 the prophetic word of God found right here in the Book of Romans chapter 8 Jeremiah 11:19 they will fight against you but they shall not Prevail against you for I Am with You says the Lord to deliver you Song of Solomon Beautiful Song of
Solomon Jews are not allowed to read song of Solomon till they’re 30 years of age because it’s too sensual it’s about married life did you know that now all of you going to go home today and read it Song of Solomon you have set me as a seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love is as strong as death God’s love for you is not only as strong as death the the word means final death is final God’s love for you is final death is Final in this world God’s love is final forever amen for you he
loves you you know when you get married by the way when you get married you don’t okay we’re going to get married so you’re going to make me the happiest guy in the world right have you ever heard that stuff you ever seen this in movies oh watch out when somebody says I just can’t live without you really that’s a lot of pressure God brings you together as a couple to make you an incredible holy instrument in his hands well I thought it was about happiness where’d you get that idea from this listen you want to hear about
Happ this has nothing to do with the Bible study right now we’re now we’re in a dangerous territory here you want to you want to be happy in a in the marriage in the any relationship you want to be happy because God invented relationships here’s the key to being happy serve the other one you were designed you and I were designed we get the greatest joy out of doing that’s why gave you that’s why God gave you hands to do stuff the greatest joy in the world comes from serving your husband or your wife
and when that happens God makes you more like him in service didn’t Jesus say that but we don’t want to hear it think of it you want to be happy yes I do then be a super blessing to your wife or to your husband and uh blessed is the marriage when both of the people are committed to Christ where they both Embark upon the same pursuit to obey God and to bless God I’ll be blessing my spouse oh Pastor our me or send me or pay the way to some an some place in South America where I can preach the gospel
where no man has ever been before give me a hatchet machete and a Bible and a canteen and I’m going to preach Christ if you pay for it what’s your wife think about this she doesn’t know yet God’s not calling you if she doesn’t know every man knows this and all the women remind us God didn’t tell me that listen when you’re married God’s going to speak to both of you what if he’s not you’re just going to wait because you can’t outweight God you’re just going to wait until you’re
both on the same page that’s free 2 Kings chapter 6 2 Kings 6:1 16 so he answered do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them God shows in The Invisible Realm the powers that are at your disposal in your defense as a Christian don’t raise your hand but are you a follower of Christ do you have you been born again by the spirit of God if you say yes then know this there’s an invisible Army that cannot be numbered that is at the dispatch of God for your protection no matter who is surrounding
you no matter what’s going on in your life Psalm 118:6 Psalm 118 verse6 tells us the Lord is on my side I will not fear what can man do to me you let that sink in for a moment and then third and final point is this verse 32 we will know his favor the prophetic truth of God’s glorification of Our Lives is this we’re going to know his favor verse 32 says and this is a tough one by the way you guys want to follow me with this this is re very very important stuff watch this it’s broken up in sections he
he who did not spare his own son that’s one part but freely delivered him up for us all that’s the second part third part is how shall he not with him freely give us all things let me read it again keep your eyes on the screen God the Father who did not spare his son God the son but delivered up God the son for us all how shall God the Father not with God the son notice unified also we will freely give us all things so what does that mean some people have taken this there’s modern-day quote theologians who who are
an absolute train wreck but they write books do you know what they use this verse this is what they say about this verse that that verse proves that God abused his son he who spared not his own son listen his son listen if his son was to be spared you and I would be lost in Hell forever Jesus and the father were in full agreement regarding his atonement at the cross it’s not a surprise the Bible says in the book of Ephesians it was an eternal plan of God Jesus was 100% God and 100% Man In the Flesh when that baby was born in
Bethlehem he was God and yet his flesh imagine his flesh everything that he that you and I experienced he had to experience to be our mediator the plan of God watch this the Bible announces to us that God delivered him up for us all did you know that the Bible teaches that Jesus took his flesh and brought it under subjection to the will of his father you say what minut I thought he was God he the whole act you’re thinking the whole Act Right the beating the crucifying the spitting upon I mean that’s just like he just it it was like
a movie right it was it was makeup because he’s the he’s the son of God it was just kind of baked into the cake it was easy for him because he’s God opposite because he’s God he’s absolutely pure and feels everything because he’s God he thans and feels everything that you and I feel and things that you and I are spared from feeling he didn’t he wasn’t spared from anything watch Jesus Takes the disciples into the Garden of Gethsemane and he says stay right here I’m going to go and pray over
here you guys pray I’ll be right back and he goes to pray the Bible tells us that he prayed and he sweat as it were great drops of blood he went back how many times did he go back to see how they were doing three times but before that last time came do you remember in the gospels Jesus is praying he’s praying and what does he pray father if it’s possible remove this cup from me who was crying out in that moment one 100% his Humanity was crying out father I see what’s ahead how do you see what’s ahead I’m God I know what’s
coming I’m the word I know what’s up next and my flesh is screaming I want out of this Imagine This Moment father if there’s any other way this cup can pass from me the cup of Salvation the cup of suffering for Humanity listen my friend if you think you’re going to go to Heaven by being some legalistic n poop or some super Saint are some oh aren’t you wonderful you are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the efforts of Jesus Christ himself because he’s the one that said if there’s any
other way for a man to get to heaven let’s see it and Heaven Was silent you know what you want know why silent you know father never answered him because the father had already given him the answer 30 years ago when he came into this world Jesus knew the scriptures and the heaven was silent an angel was dispatched to strengthen him at this moment I love listen I personally believe our Salvation was not decided at the cross I don’t believe it I believe our Salvation was purchased at the cross I believe our Salvation was
decided In The Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus then stood up woke the disciple up and he said come on let’s go and he walked right in to what humans thought were a trap Jesus walked right into it and what did he do he surrendered himself up and he was in control the entire time wasn’t he after the garden nothing but boldness and strength his Spirit was in command of his flesh and he laid down his life that you and I might have his favor he who did not spare his own son but delivered up for us all how shall he
not with him also freely give us all thanks how much does it cost freely and so I leave you with this thought Romans 8:28 you remember it all things work together for good to those who are called was Jesus’s life called all things work together for good to those who love God did Jesus love God all things work together for good to those who have purpose did Jesus have purpose then the Eternal truth that was revealed by Paul the Apostle in the Book of Romans 8 verse 28 and forward of course all of it but 28 onward it’s God’s Eternal truth you
understand that don’t you think for a moment that that Eternal truth is exactly what Jesus depended upon when he was in the flesh like you and I are now don’t you think that Jesus concluded what you and I are taught to believe and that is all things work together can you imagine the father saying to Jesus all things son all things are going to work together for good because you love me you’re called according to my purpose and Jesus goes to the cross as Victorious as Christ was so you will be it’s his
work Jesus gives us a warning in in Luke 12 and he says you know you got to watch out in in life you can as you get older in life and as you experience more of life you also learn from that you learn what not to do and you learn what to do and in life by Nature it’s a god it’s a rule of God you’ll start to acquire things you just do some of I’m not talking about hoarding I’m talking about you you’re smarter this time so you don’t make that mistake again you make sure you do it right and listen wisdom God blesses and
obedience God blesses so the Bible Jesus warns that there’s a man who was blessed by God and he had of these goods and the man said you know what I’ve got so much stuff I’m so rich I got to tear down the barn that I’ve got all my stuff in and I got to build a bigger Barn maybe a couple of them I’ll get some hangers down at the airport to put all my stuff in and Jesus said you know that man’s a fool he had no idea that while he was considering and carrying out these plans that his soul would be required of him
that night and of course Jesus announces lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven right so I want to ask you this question how rich are you well what do you mean Pastor on paper or what do you mean like now or when I die stocks or bonds real estate or Commodities what what be more specific oh yeah well here’s what I’m talking about how wealthy are you how rich are you this is what I mean how rich are you in forgiveness how uh how much grace is in your account today how much Mercy have you deposited in the bank
lately how are you building What about love how rich are you in the area of Love Are You wealthy as a lover of God as a lover of other people we go to Great Lengths in this world to make sure that the portfolio is well balanced and this and that avoid this the other thing and people miss the life of the spirit not knowing that there’s an eternal dividend paid to those who put their Treasures in Heaven if you have Treasures on Earth God Bless you that’s from God you use them to his glory but if you have no physical wealth
at all or all the physical wealth you can imagine it’s irrelevant compared to where we’re going when it comes to this how rich and wealthy are you in the area of mercy and Grace and love and forgiveness and patience compassion and Truth your prophetic future so I want to ask you this question are you willing to make a deposit in the bank of God listen a lot of uncertainty among the world markets today and currencies and stocks and all that stuff but listen God doesn’t want you and I to be uh penniless when it
comes to investing in heaven now listen you can’t buy your way into heaven God does not need your money God does not want your money he wants you to make a deposit into his bank account as it were with your soul Jesus died for you on the cross and he purchased salvation for you but it requires you investing in what he’s done you say what does that mean what do I need to do simply this put your faith in Christ Christ was rich but the Bible says for our sake he became poor he came to this world to take on
our poverty that we might receive his riches that were purchased by his own blood friends listen your legalism will not get you to heaven your morality will not get you to heaven the Bible makes it very clear that if those things mattered to God then Christ died in vain but thank God he didn’t you see what you and I need to do today is Bring Our Lives to him because he is the prophetic God he’s the god of the future here’s the thing he wants you in the future with him but you’ve got to choose he won’t bend your
arm he won’t make you say yes you’ve got to make a choice that’s how real love is is to choose to love God will you choose that today if you’re willing to do that how about this dear Lord Jesus you would say I’m praying in your name right now because I today Proclaim that you did die on the cross for my sins that you did resurrect from the dead and leave an empty tomb in Jerusalem that the Bible is true that you died in my place you Rose again for my justification and so I trust you Christ
I trust you Jesus and I’m going to give my life to you now and live for you if you’ve prayed that prayer we want to hear from you you can simply go to connect with us there and you can relate more and more to us at Facebook or Instagram or various platforms so please stand strong grow in Grace and we’ll see you again you are watching real life with Jack hibs America is facing unprecedented challenges and turmoil with threats from secular agendas widespread moral corruption and rampant violence
everywhere understanding Bible prophecy is more crucial than ever in what you need to know about the Rapture Theologian Charles ryrie explains the biblical Prophecy of the Rapture in simple terms clearing up myths and giving clear scriptural insights about the next event on the prophetic calendar Dr ryrie makes it easy to understand how these prophecies relate to current events and America’s role in them get your questions answered about this highly anticipated event with Charles ry’s insightful explanations what you
need to know about the Rapture will be sent to you with our thanks when you make a gift of any amount to real life visit your copy or now life is full of fear doubt and worry the more you listen to and see the world today the easier it is to feel hopeless and helpless amidst the confusion a voice of Hope has emerged the real life Network founded by Jack hibs the real life network is a free digital media platform void of the noise of secular media that attack people of Faith click on the QR code or sign up for free at
realwork tocom fast forward your [Music] [Applause] faith welcome to real life radio with Jack hibs God’s word never will return void God’s word is spirit its power and it has its effect God did not give us Bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us you are the light of the world Jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does that happen Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful non-nonsense presentation of
the Gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of Jack Hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to [Music] gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877 72346 again that’s 8777 2346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with Jack KBS box 1273 Chino Hills California 91709 your gift will be Faithfully put
to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ you will know real life
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