Your New Season with GOD – New Trees
Your New Season with GOD – New Trees
God plans for your plans and provision to be produced and supplied by the superior method of the spirit. That is, to be produced by faith from out of your spirit. Romans 12:2 says, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Lift up your head. There’s a bright day coming. Lift up your head.
There’s a breakthrough coming. lift up your head. Your miracle is coming. Lift up your head. Yep.
Your anointing is here.
When you ask god for something, the the gets glorified, Jesus gets magnified.
Cause now, you know, he is able to do exceedingly a budgetly above all that you can possibly ask or fake what’s happening in your faith starts dominating.
I’m gonna tell you what the holy ghost me to tell you, I need you to put a smile on your face and a dance on your feet because by the time you get home by the time you get home the time you get home, what you’ve been asking for, shall come to pass.
refused to die without getting everything that god has in mind for me.
I refuse to die. I refused to prove my eyes in debt.
I refuse to die until I lay hold of everything that God in mind for my life, I refuse to be alive with our relevance.
I must possess my possession for the Bible set up on my silence. This sir.
then talk to those?
That already have more. You wanna get out ahead in life?
Then art having fellowship with goals that are ahead of us.
Never be asking someone that’s in the back. Do you wanna be rich? Cherry.
You are talking with those workers. because if a pork
He’s not gonna have the answer.
Do you hear what I’m telling you?
Upside, we’re going to four d We’re going to whatever’s missing can be restored. Come on.
We’re going to win the devil shot in best shot.
You said try it try your best shot, and we’re gonna fix what’s broke. It makes no difference.
How bad it look everything that Satan did, god left no strikes. You don’t need to raise not nothing.
You just know the god that you serve. He will deliver them.
The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
I heard this voice. Don’t worry, William. You’ll be alright. world.
And I opened my eyes to look and see if anybody else heard that, and nobody heard it, but not only did I hear it, I saw it on like a a mark key outside of a movie house.
I saw the letters go by. Don’t worry, William, you’ll be alright.
And once I believe that, I thought saying everything’s gonna be alright. Watch it and everything turned around.
My relationships turned around. My body got mirac to sleep here. My performance went through the top of the ladder.
I’m telling you, oh, you
read this one word from god.
If you believe that and let that seed come in here, it’ll produce what it says.
We’re going to have to fulfill our dominion mandate.
Yeah. Okay. So it’s mandate. Mandate is something that you have to do.
Yes, sir.
When he said, let them have dominion he wasn’t suggesting this.
He was saying, you’re gonna have dominion over all the
earth. Yes.
Alright? Now with that, new trees.
And these new trees are going to have a new level of production.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And
and be able to produce or bring forth something by the superior method of the spirit.
Yes, sir. Yes.
When you’re dealing with 4 d
Yes. Yes.
you’re looking at something 3 d can’t see.
Yes. I’m on now.
Yeah. When you had 6 kings, uh, 2nd kings after 6. Yes.
And you had it where you had all these um, Syrian Army Surrounding him.
saw Syrian
Arm. — Carmen. Yes. What was he in? 3 d. 3 d. elijah saw what? Army.
Yes. What was he in?
4. 4
d. Now, the person in 4 d
That’s not right
now. Come on.
could stop anything that’s trying to happen to you and training.
And y’all follow what I’m saying?
I’m I’m saying to you that this is important.
Now if somebody around you don’t act like they want this, look the other way.
Don’t even don’t give them don’t give them a time a day because us not operating in 4 d has caused the enemy to do what he has done today.
And it is a mess, and we are gonna clean it up.
We’re gonna clean it up.
So my point to you is I’m I’m only telling you that because god made it so that we can move up to this next level and operate on this next level.
Yes. Now what happened to the man?
John chapter 5 Here was a man that sat by the pool of Bethesda. Yes.
And he had been there how many years?
38. 38
years. And in 38 years, him being there, what did they do?
Uh, they would come when the water is stirred they would come and try to get in the water first and whoever first got in the water, what happened.
They were healed. So he had been trying to do this for
years with no success.
So Jesus came to him and said, do you wanna be made home? Yes.
And he began to give excuses that somebody else is my problem.
I’m saying that’s what three d people do.
They they are quick to claim the victim and say, somebody else is keeping me from being at of success.
Amen. Amen. But if they get saved and get to be four
d, Can
nobody keep you because god is for you?
See, this this whole business about what the man is doing to me in all of that, that’s all three of these stuff.
But you need to tell them first that they need to get saved. Yes.
And what they get safe. Tell them they need to go around there and mister Bill Winch.
Now, I
I’m not I’m not trying to push my own But in Jesus’ name, I’m gonna tell him to cut that mess out.
That the man is not your problem Your problem is your big mouse and your problem is your brain.
And you let yourself say ignorant when god has called you to be smart.
Well, I’m preaching now.
And I’m saying that it’s time for the church to get beyond 3 d.
and get on up to
d. Stop the devil and take everything that he’s solar, including our cities, Now I’m going back over.
Alright. Now think about this.
Now in this new place of manifesting or embracing, uh, your dominion mandate, Jerry’s watch.
So I showed you where Jerry said something.
He said, uh, they were all speaking at this particular meeting.
And he said, who’s speaking after me? He said Charles is.
He said, well, I think I’ll take Charlie’s time too and laugh about it.
And then he start speaking Looked at his watch, looked like everything was okay, kept speaking, looked at his watch, everything was okay, looked at his watch, and his watch had stopped.
said, woah. He said, what time is it?
The moderator said, you have not only taken your time, But you’ve taken Charles this time. Yeah.
And Charles said, okay. I don’t need to speak.
I just wanna make wanna I wanna make one statement.
Jerry has trained his spirit to bring to pass everything that he says.
Now you think about that. That’s the way you were supposed to live.
That Adam was not supposed to be in the place of just running off at the mouth.
He was not supposed to be he was supposed to be in a place that whatever he said would come to pass.
Whatever he decreed, what happened. Amen. Same into this. Amen. No.
What was his were his hands used to do? His hands were used to gathering. Yeah. Yeah. What’s this?
His mind was made together. See, his spirit produces it. Yes.
And if it’s a thought, his mind gathers it. Alright. Alright.
Am I getting too deep? Alright. Just just here, I’m training you for the next level, say next level.
Folks, on this next level, you’re gonna be able to produce things that the the lord have mercy that you will become unstoppable.
Alright. Let me keep going here. Alright.
So this uh, the lord there’s a lot of examples I can give you.
But that’s Jared Watts. Let’s let’s go on down. Yes.
So now the seeds planting seeds of dominion planting seeds of dominion.
Now here’s a storm. It comes up.
She’s on the ship and he goes over to the other side to with the disciples, and a storm comes up.
Perfect storm, if you will.
And nobody and they they they knew they woke him up and said, Hey, you better get up.
We’re we’re about to die. Who would you think behind that storm trying to kill him?
I see.
It was a devil. Now you’re gonna have to stop the devil. Yes. because he can create a storm.
And watch this. Then, Jesus wakes up And he speaks to the wind and to the sea and says peace be still.
And there was a what? A great poem. Yes.
And the disciple says What matter of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him?
Watch this. Over in some
and 9, And I’m a have you read that. Ready? Read.
So that is called seed. Wow.
Look at Luke chapter 8 verse 11 very quickly. Alright? And look what it says. Ready.
Now, the parable is this. The seed is where the
Stop. the seed is the word.
Now, the way kingdom operates on another level is Mark chapter 4 and verse
since the c in the word, it says mark 4 14, the sower showing the work.
So my first step to getting dominion
Come on. — over a storm is that I’ve got to plant a tree, pardon me, a seed that will bring forth a tree of dominion.
I hear it.
Now now, y’all with me here? Now, I’m saying this because you make application.
Not only to that, you can make application to anything. Come on.
And I told you I had to sow a seed for my marriage. Here’s my woman.
And here, we got married. And after about 6 to 8 months, the enemy telling me you married the wrong woman.
She can’t cook like your mama. blah blah blah.
And so I went and got a book called praying god’s word. Go in my and look at that.
I got it on the desk there. Praying god’s word.
So I got the book and opened it to a w a prayer for my wife because I don’t need no prayer.
Can’t you see that? Agreed with me. Say yes, pastor. Alright.
In Jesus, let him.
Thank you,
man. But I begin to say father, I thank you that I my wife is a virtuous woman.
She always does me good as long as that’s life within her.
Brad advised god’s the gods of this content, self pity. She does not eat.
She gets up early, gets spiritual foods with the house. She designs her man’s a major attack.
She does not court neglecting her present duties by assuming others.
She opened her mouth with skillful and godly wisdom, and her tongue is a lost kindness She gives counsel and instruction.
And and the word is working, mind, and our merit, we’ve been transformed into the image of Jesus by the renewals of my I read that, and then tell them to tell me that ain’t true.
Why? Because in my mind, she didn’t act like that, but I kept praying that.
The sower so is the word.
And now I have a marriage made in heaven.
Now, why is it made in heaven? Cause they were kingdom seeds.
they came from the kingdom of god, and they will change anything
on the
earth’s face.
Now you can actually get seeds to stop a storm.
And the believers supposed to be able to imitate god.
Well, you can’t imitate god if you don’t have the image of god.
So these seeds give you the image of what god sees you operating like, and they produce a belief system that if you say it, god will back it
Say amen to this.
That’s the way this works.
Now what would it work with? It’ll work with storms? Yeah. What’s this? it’ll work with healing. Yes.
Go over to Matthew’s gospel
Are y’all here? Yes. And look at
and verse 18. Pardon me. Now, this is Jesus in his last message to his disciples. Ready? Read.
They shall what?
They shall lay hands on the sick and they might. No. No. No. No. No.
What did he say? They shall recover.
You see, if you got that in your believer, then every time they will recover.
Can’t you see? Look where he said a new chapter 4 and verse 4040.
Ready read. to check it out.
Good. Didn’t Jesus said the things that I do. You do too every time. Every time. Every time. Listen.
Why? Cause you don’t heal them. You lay the hand. but the healer is in you.
Say amen.
time. People in this church go lay hands on a
sick and every time. Every time. Every time in Jesus’ name, every time.
I don’t get what they got every time. Every time.
Say 4 d. 4 d.
That is 4 d operation. Well, I hope so. Hope so.
That’s going to one more. How about prayer?
Jesus said something about his prayer, And that was found in John chapter 11 in verse 41. Ready?
I hear him.
What? Always. You hear me always. Oh, shame. Yeah.
He didn’t never get up from prayer and hope to father hurting, and you should never get up from prayer.
The only reason you can get up from prayer and hope to father hurt you because you don’t have the tree.
because you never got to see. But today, I’m giving you the seed that every time you try
I said, every time you pray, his answer is yes and Amen. Paul Richard’s car.
Thank you.
This side coming alive be empty.
I believe it’s a 1,000,000 ads and 1,000,000 ads with each other.
Alright. Alright. Let let’s look at this.
Let’s look at first, Sean, and first, Sean chapter uh, 5 and verse
I want you to read that with me now. 1st, John, 514. Ready? Read.
All you got to do is play according to his will.
His will comes from that Bible, and his will also can be a word that god will give you.
Amen. God, when I first got born again, I didn’t know much.
I was listening to a guy named Charles Kemp, and I was also passing by this Catholic church because I live downtown, and I walked to IBM to my job and I was passed by this church, and I’d wait till they have between services, uh, I would go in there and get on my knees and pray, I didn’t know much about it.
but I was working. I was trying to work my faith.
And so forth, and I was praying because everything had gone wrong.
And that is why I reached out to Jesus to be saved. And he saved me. But watch it.
Then I’m praying, and all of a sudden, I heard this voice. Don’t worry, William, you’ll be alright. Woah.
And I opened my eyes to look and see if anybody else heard that, and nobody heard it, but not only did I hear it I saw it on like a a marquee outside of a movie house.
I saw the letters go by. Don’t worry, William. You’ll be alright.
And once I believe that, I start saying everything’s gonna be alright. Watch it and everything turned around.
My relationships turned around. My body got miraculously healed. My performance went through the top of the it.
I’m telling you, oh, you read his one word from god.
And if you believe that, and let that seed come in here, it’ll produce what it says.
Don’t worry. Everything for you is gonna be alright.
I don’t know what you’re going through, but it’s gonna be alright.
In Jesus’ name, Take his seats.
Toritz had talked COVID to come.
Well, I hear that in my spirit. Everything It’s gonna be alright. You’re worried.
Your worry is over. I’ll set everything for you in the sound of my voice.
It’s gonna be alright.
Blenced by today’s message, order new trees in its entirety.
to receive the full 2 part series available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 to order, contact us at
or online at Bill Winst dotorg.
Let this powerful series help uproot the negative trees and plant positive trees in your life to yield the fruit of god’s blessing.
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Operation 10 Cities a free 2 day mega event, greatness unlocked, with programming for youth and next generation leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs centered on community outreach, business and entrepreneurship, and faith.
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and ownership.
It’s a lot of single parents, like myself, is doing everything by themselves, and this actually is a big help.
Since these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take what they have to make it.
Some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes. And then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we appreciate the blessing.
Today, I am here because I would love to expand my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record expands will be the most powerful impact men in my life because I plan on getting my CDL so I can be a truck driver.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander Cacher, and I just won $10,000 here at our nation 10 city.
I’m Ria Wilson for Cutting Edge Global, and the church just won $20,000 here at race in Tennessee.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the world can produce. This is your seat.
The vision is when you
see on the
inside versus what you see on the outside and you chase it.
The guy is a part of every area of my life and things that I do.
He wants to make sure you’re always on the right track.
you give god access to all your life, not just part of it.
When I came here, I felt the presence of god. It was so powerful.
when praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your
Remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking
by faith.
There’s a breakthrough coming. lift up your head. Your miracle is coming. Lift up your head. Yep.
Your anointing is here.
When you ask god for something, the the gets glorified, Jesus gets magnified.
Cause now, you know, he is able to do exceedingly a budgetly above all that you can possibly ask or fake what’s happening in your faith starts dominating.
I’m gonna tell you what the holy ghost me to tell you, I need you to put a smile on your face and a dance on your feet because by the time you get home by the time you get home the time you get home, what you’ve been asking for, shall come to pass.
refused to die without getting everything that god has in mind for me.
I refuse to die. I refused to prove my eyes in debt.
I refuse to die until I lay hold of everything that God in mind for my life, I refuse to be alive with our relevance.
I must possess my possession for the Bible set up on my silence. This sir.
then talk to those?
That already have more. You wanna get out ahead in life?
Then art having fellowship with goals that are ahead of us.
Never be asking someone that’s in the back. Do you wanna be rich? Cherry.
You are talking with those workers. because if a pork
He’s not gonna have the answer.
Do you hear what I’m telling you?
Upside, we’re going to four d We’re going to whatever’s missing can be restored. Come on.
We’re going to win the devil shot in best shot.
You said try it try your best shot, and we’re gonna fix what’s broke. It makes no difference.
How bad it look everything that Satan did, god left no strikes. You don’t need to raise not nothing.
You just know the god that you serve. He will deliver them.
The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
I heard this voice. Don’t worry, William. You’ll be alright. world.
And I opened my eyes to look and see if anybody else heard that, and nobody heard it, but not only did I hear it, I saw it on like a a mark key outside of a movie house.
I saw the letters go by. Don’t worry, William, you’ll be alright.
And once I believe that, I thought saying everything’s gonna be alright. Watch it and everything turned around.
My relationships turned around. My body got mirac to sleep here. My performance went through the top of the ladder.
I’m telling you, oh, you
read this one word from god.
If you believe that and let that seed come in here, it’ll produce what it says.
We’re going to have to fulfill our dominion mandate.
Yeah. Okay. So it’s mandate. Mandate is something that you have to do.
Yes, sir.
When he said, let them have dominion he wasn’t suggesting this.
He was saying, you’re gonna have dominion over all the
earth. Yes.
Alright? Now with that, new trees.
And these new trees are going to have a new level of production.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And
and be able to produce or bring forth something by the superior method of the spirit.
Yes, sir. Yes.
When you’re dealing with 4 d
Yes. Yes.
you’re looking at something 3 d can’t see.
Yes. I’m on now.
Yeah. When you had 6 kings, uh, 2nd kings after 6. Yes.
And you had it where you had all these um, Syrian Army Surrounding him.
saw Syrian
Arm. — Carmen. Yes. What was he in? 3 d. 3 d. elijah saw what? Army.
Yes. What was he in?
4. 4
d. Now, the person in 4 d
That’s not right
now. Come on.
could stop anything that’s trying to happen to you and training.
And y’all follow what I’m saying?
I’m I’m saying to you that this is important.
Now if somebody around you don’t act like they want this, look the other way.
Don’t even don’t give them don’t give them a time a day because us not operating in 4 d has caused the enemy to do what he has done today.
And it is a mess, and we are gonna clean it up.
We’re gonna clean it up.
So my point to you is I’m I’m only telling you that because god made it so that we can move up to this next level and operate on this next level.
Yes. Now what happened to the man?
John chapter 5 Here was a man that sat by the pool of Bethesda. Yes.
And he had been there how many years?
38. 38
years. And in 38 years, him being there, what did they do?
Uh, they would come when the water is stirred they would come and try to get in the water first and whoever first got in the water, what happened.
They were healed. So he had been trying to do this for
years with no success.
So Jesus came to him and said, do you wanna be made home? Yes.
And he began to give excuses that somebody else is my problem.
I’m saying that’s what three d people do.
They they are quick to claim the victim and say, somebody else is keeping me from being at of success.
Amen. Amen. But if they get saved and get to be four
d, Can
nobody keep you because god is for you?
See, this this whole business about what the man is doing to me in all of that, that’s all three of these stuff.
But you need to tell them first that they need to get saved. Yes.
And what they get safe. Tell them they need to go around there and mister Bill Winch.
Now, I
I’m not I’m not trying to push my own But in Jesus’ name, I’m gonna tell him to cut that mess out.
That the man is not your problem Your problem is your big mouse and your problem is your brain.
And you let yourself say ignorant when god has called you to be smart.
Well, I’m preaching now.
And I’m saying that it’s time for the church to get beyond 3 d.
and get on up to
d. Stop the devil and take everything that he’s solar, including our cities, Now I’m going back over.
Alright. Now think about this.
Now in this new place of manifesting or embracing, uh, your dominion mandate, Jerry’s watch.
So I showed you where Jerry said something.
He said, uh, they were all speaking at this particular meeting.
And he said, who’s speaking after me? He said Charles is.
He said, well, I think I’ll take Charlie’s time too and laugh about it.
And then he start speaking Looked at his watch, looked like everything was okay, kept speaking, looked at his watch, everything was okay, looked at his watch, and his watch had stopped.
said, woah. He said, what time is it?
The moderator said, you have not only taken your time, But you’ve taken Charles this time. Yeah.
And Charles said, okay. I don’t need to speak.
I just wanna make wanna I wanna make one statement.
Jerry has trained his spirit to bring to pass everything that he says.
Now you think about that. That’s the way you were supposed to live.
That Adam was not supposed to be in the place of just running off at the mouth.
He was not supposed to be he was supposed to be in a place that whatever he said would come to pass.
Whatever he decreed, what happened. Amen. Same into this. Amen. No.
What was his were his hands used to do? His hands were used to gathering. Yeah. Yeah. What’s this?
His mind was made together. See, his spirit produces it. Yes.
And if it’s a thought, his mind gathers it. Alright. Alright.
Am I getting too deep? Alright. Just just here, I’m training you for the next level, say next level.
Folks, on this next level, you’re gonna be able to produce things that the the lord have mercy that you will become unstoppable.
Alright. Let me keep going here. Alright.
So this uh, the lord there’s a lot of examples I can give you.
But that’s Jared Watts. Let’s let’s go on down. Yes.
So now the seeds planting seeds of dominion planting seeds of dominion.
Now here’s a storm. It comes up.
She’s on the ship and he goes over to the other side to with the disciples, and a storm comes up.
Perfect storm, if you will.
And nobody and they they they knew they woke him up and said, Hey, you better get up.
We’re we’re about to die. Who would you think behind that storm trying to kill him?
I see.
It was a devil. Now you’re gonna have to stop the devil. Yes. because he can create a storm.
And watch this. Then, Jesus wakes up And he speaks to the wind and to the sea and says peace be still.
And there was a what? A great poem. Yes.
And the disciple says What matter of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him?
Watch this. Over in some
and 9, And I’m a have you read that. Ready? Read.
So that is called seed. Wow.
Look at Luke chapter 8 verse 11 very quickly. Alright? And look what it says. Ready.
Now, the parable is this. The seed is where the
Stop. the seed is the word.
Now, the way kingdom operates on another level is Mark chapter 4 and verse
since the c in the word, it says mark 4 14, the sower showing the work.
So my first step to getting dominion
Come on. — over a storm is that I’ve got to plant a tree, pardon me, a seed that will bring forth a tree of dominion.
I hear it.
Now now, y’all with me here? Now, I’m saying this because you make application.
Not only to that, you can make application to anything. Come on.
And I told you I had to sow a seed for my marriage. Here’s my woman.
And here, we got married. And after about 6 to 8 months, the enemy telling me you married the wrong woman.
She can’t cook like your mama. blah blah blah.
And so I went and got a book called praying god’s word. Go in my and look at that.
I got it on the desk there. Praying god’s word.
So I got the book and opened it to a w a prayer for my wife because I don’t need no prayer.
Can’t you see that? Agreed with me. Say yes, pastor. Alright.
In Jesus, let him.
Thank you,
man. But I begin to say father, I thank you that I my wife is a virtuous woman.
She always does me good as long as that’s life within her.
Brad advised god’s the gods of this content, self pity. She does not eat.
She gets up early, gets spiritual foods with the house. She designs her man’s a major attack.
She does not court neglecting her present duties by assuming others.
She opened her mouth with skillful and godly wisdom, and her tongue is a lost kindness She gives counsel and instruction.
And and the word is working, mind, and our merit, we’ve been transformed into the image of Jesus by the renewals of my I read that, and then tell them to tell me that ain’t true.
Why? Because in my mind, she didn’t act like that, but I kept praying that.
The sower so is the word.
And now I have a marriage made in heaven.
Now, why is it made in heaven? Cause they were kingdom seeds.
they came from the kingdom of god, and they will change anything
on the
earth’s face.
Now you can actually get seeds to stop a storm.
And the believers supposed to be able to imitate god.
Well, you can’t imitate god if you don’t have the image of god.
So these seeds give you the image of what god sees you operating like, and they produce a belief system that if you say it, god will back it
Say amen to this.
That’s the way this works.
Now what would it work with? It’ll work with storms? Yeah. What’s this? it’ll work with healing. Yes.
Go over to Matthew’s gospel
Are y’all here? Yes. And look at
and verse 18. Pardon me. Now, this is Jesus in his last message to his disciples. Ready? Read.
They shall what?
They shall lay hands on the sick and they might. No. No. No. No. No.
What did he say? They shall recover.
You see, if you got that in your believer, then every time they will recover.
Can’t you see? Look where he said a new chapter 4 and verse 4040.
Ready read. to check it out.
Good. Didn’t Jesus said the things that I do. You do too every time. Every time. Every time. Listen.
Why? Cause you don’t heal them. You lay the hand. but the healer is in you.
Say amen.
time. People in this church go lay hands on a
sick and every time. Every time. Every time in Jesus’ name, every time.
I don’t get what they got every time. Every time.
Say 4 d. 4 d.
That is 4 d operation. Well, I hope so. Hope so.
That’s going to one more. How about prayer?
Jesus said something about his prayer, And that was found in John chapter 11 in verse 41. Ready?
I hear him.
What? Always. You hear me always. Oh, shame. Yeah.
He didn’t never get up from prayer and hope to father hurting, and you should never get up from prayer.
The only reason you can get up from prayer and hope to father hurt you because you don’t have the tree.
because you never got to see. But today, I’m giving you the seed that every time you try
I said, every time you pray, his answer is yes and Amen. Paul Richard’s car.
Thank you.
This side coming alive be empty.
I believe it’s a 1,000,000 ads and 1,000,000 ads with each other.
Alright. Alright. Let let’s look at this.
Let’s look at first, Sean, and first, Sean chapter uh, 5 and verse
I want you to read that with me now. 1st, John, 514. Ready? Read.
All you got to do is play according to his will.
His will comes from that Bible, and his will also can be a word that god will give you.
Amen. God, when I first got born again, I didn’t know much.
I was listening to a guy named Charles Kemp, and I was also passing by this Catholic church because I live downtown, and I walked to IBM to my job and I was passed by this church, and I’d wait till they have between services, uh, I would go in there and get on my knees and pray, I didn’t know much about it.
but I was working. I was trying to work my faith.
And so forth, and I was praying because everything had gone wrong.
And that is why I reached out to Jesus to be saved. And he saved me. But watch it.
Then I’m praying, and all of a sudden, I heard this voice. Don’t worry, William, you’ll be alright. Woah.
And I opened my eyes to look and see if anybody else heard that, and nobody heard it, but not only did I hear it I saw it on like a a marquee outside of a movie house.
I saw the letters go by. Don’t worry, William. You’ll be alright.
And once I believe that, I start saying everything’s gonna be alright. Watch it and everything turned around.
My relationships turned around. My body got miraculously healed. My performance went through the top of the it.
I’m telling you, oh, you read his one word from god.
And if you believe that, and let that seed come in here, it’ll produce what it says.
Don’t worry. Everything for you is gonna be alright.
I don’t know what you’re going through, but it’s gonna be alright.
In Jesus’ name, Take his seats.
Toritz had talked COVID to come.
Well, I hear that in my spirit. Everything It’s gonna be alright. You’re worried.
Your worry is over. I’ll set everything for you in the sound of my voice.
It’s gonna be alright.
Blenced by today’s message, order new trees in its entirety.
to receive the full 2 part series available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 to order, contact us at
or online at Bill Winst dotorg.
Let this powerful series help uproot the negative trees and plant positive trees in your life to yield the fruit of god’s blessing.
Operation 10 city is a 10 city campaign, empowering communities of people across challenge metropolitan cities, throughout the US, restoring hope, providing resources, and imparding entrepreneurial education.
Operation 10 Cities a free 2 day mega event, greatness unlocked, with programming for youth and next generation leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs centered on community outreach, business and entrepreneurship, and faith.
Operation Ten City has impacted thousands to date in St.
Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, and Los Angeles with a singular to inspire people and communities to access true economic prosperity and self sufficiency through wealth building.
and ownership.
It’s a lot of single parents, like myself, is doing everything by themselves, and this actually is a big help.
Since these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take what they have to make it.
Some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes. And then, um, this is excellent.
Um, we appreciate the blessing.
Today, I am here because I would love to expand my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record expands will be the most powerful impact men in my life because I plan on getting my CDL so I can be a truck driver.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander Cacher, and I just won $10,000 here at our nation 10 city.
I’m Ria Wilson for Cutting Edge Global, and the church just won $20,000 here at race in Tennessee.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the world can produce. This is your seat.
The vision is when you
see on the
inside versus what you see on the outside and you chase it.
The guy is a part of every area of my life and things that I do.
He wants to make sure you’re always on the right track.
you give god access to all your life, not just part of it.
When I came here, I felt the presence of god. It was so powerful.
when praise and worship started, I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your
Remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking
by faith.