The New Tower Of Babel – Part 2
The New Tower Of Babel – Part 2
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY
Hey, everybody. As you can see, I’m here with our good friend Charlie Kirk and we are getting into the second part of us looking at the Tower of Babel and how that equates to this modern age of ours in light of Bible prophecy.
What in the world is going on?
And so we’re looking forward to you staying tuned, letting others know that they can join us and study.
What does the Bible have to say to our current day, Charlie got love in the conversation and love and being here, Genesis 11 and all, actually the 1st 11 books of Genesis, right?
Speak a lot to our times and the distinctions that should dictate our reality.
I think everyone’s gonna enjoy incredible, enjoy this. Exactly.
There’s a reason why you cannot find America in the Bible.
It’s not written. How could it possibly be the greatest, most powerful, most wealthy, most free, most you fill in the blank.
How is it not written in the word? Well, guess what if it’s not written in the word?
And it happened, we’re the only a covenant nation, by the way in the face of the earth outside of Israel.
Israel has a covenant with God.
And our founding pilgrim has made a covenant with God, no other nation did this.
But we’re not specifically written in the Bible.
Here’s the point is that if, if America’s end is not specifically detailed, just like the birth is not mentioned, then could it be that God is saying?
I see what’s happening in Sacramento. I see what’s happened in Washington DC. But will my people pray?
Will the people of California?
Imagine if the good people in California decided I’m gonna do the right thing, imagine what would happen here and that can happen from state to state.
Look, the Lord’s coming back in his time until he does come back as believers.
We’re supposed to do the right thing and that right thing is what’s really a disturbance to globalism and global union is there’s this American thing, these people, they’ve got, they’re full of ideas, they’re full of ingenuity, they’re, they’re full of independence and we need to break that down from them.
And so, man, right now is trying to say we’ve got God on the ropes.
So what we’ll do is we’ll create a world economic forum and from that, we’ll redefine faith, we’ll redefine economies and we redraw the borders of nations and we’ll have groups come together.
Isn’t it interesting that the Bible told us 2000 years ago that there’ll be a gathering of leaders, world leaders book of Daniel?
So that’s 2600 years ago, Book of Daniel called them horns.
There’ll be a 10 horns, 10 leaders, 10 horns in the Old Testament always refers to kings.
There’ll be 10 kings in the last days and out of the 10 kings, there’ll be an 11th one that will rise up seemingly out of nowhere.
And the one that is called the 11th that comes out of the 10, he will destroy and he will take power.
And the Bible tells us that he will engineer a one world economy.
And you look what’s going on if you really want to get nations to this constant dripping.
We hear of what’s the word equity of the economic uh parity. Everybody’s the same equity, equity.
Think about that. How, how would you do that in the world?
You reset with one currency, that’s how you do it and, and that’s likely coming very soon.
You will see it about a digital dollar about unifying currencies. It’s very interesting.
The Chinese Communist Party came out and they said we don’t want to be the world reserve currency.
Uh leave that to America is the financial instability that unfortunately a lot of you and a lot of us, all of us are really going to experience together is by design and it’s by design from, from the last couple of years.
And this is a very important distinction. I think it actually should be rather freeing for you.
You look at all that’s happening. Who wants to be, you know, quote unquote king of the garbage pile.
You’re destroying everything. That’s so true in your wake, right?
It, it, it, it’s totally against reason, which is a gift from God as it says in Isaiah one, let us reason together, right?
You’re breaking the border, you’re breaking the economy. People are getting poor. 100 and 7000 drug overdoses every single year.
The leading cause of death for young girls ages 14 to 22 is suicide side.
We’re allowing this trans thing, which is just a total affront to the distinctions of man versus woman, which just drives me.
The whole trans thing drives me nuts. And this is spiritual that manifests temporarily in the physical. This is diabolical.
OK? And I did a whole thing today on my show and boy, you wanna get mocked by CNN.
You wanna get mocked by all the guy. And we said this on our show.
Honor to I I, by the way, one day they’ll realize I enjoy it a lot more than they do when they write up.
It. It’s, it really is great.
And as long as they quote me accurately when they don’t, that drives me nuts. That’s separate.
Uh You can say whatever you want, just don’t lie about me.
But the one thing I did get right about today is that I was talking about how witchcraft and the occult is a real thing.
And there are portals to darkness and you have to be vigilant about this and that.
I believe that there are leaders. They made fun of that. Oh, the mockery, Jack.
Who are you to say all?
I mean, uh because, well, it’s kind of interesting, they make fun of it because no one actually wants to say that out loud that we’re in the midst of the high, most consequential spiritual war, I think of a millennia.
Right. No one wants to say that out loud.
But then there’s the scientific materialists that will say, oh yeah, there’s no invisible realm or domain.
They call themselves atheist. They’re, they’re, they’re not, they just, you know, they, they’re lost.
But it’s really interesting though, Jack, there is no other way to explain the campaign of arson and destruction against our country other than diabolical, spiritually, dark influences that are fighting for Dominion over this nation.
And let me just add a little bit of a wrinkle to this and Jack, you can riff.
This is why I have lost my patience. I am now in a patient’s deficit. Ok.
So you say, how can I pray for you, Charlie, pray for patience of which I am. I am.
I’m taking out a loan on patience. OK.
With, by the way, I have plenty of patience for atheists, for secularists, for even some liberals.
I have no patience for people who call themselves pastors who won’t engage in the spiritual war that is happening around them every single day.
No patience. I’m done and I’ll just add one more thing to it.
I talked to a pastor the other day and I will not say his name and he says, I, he said it’s not, it’s not clear to me kind of what the way forward is.
I’m, he said, I’m gonna need more time to figure it out and I lost it.
I’ll be very honest right through to the spirit of self control.
I temporarily put that one on pause and um I, I, I, I acknowledge my sins publicly so you could pray for me and I repent.
No, I could have handled it better. I said really, you need more time.
Three years into a virus that we funded in Wuhan mainland China deployed on the entire world.
We put kids out of school and they’re killing themselves at record rates. Our border is wide open.
They shut down, they shut down schools and jail. Pastors keep strip clubs and marijuana, dispensaries and alcohol.
Uh alcohol stores open. They deem you not essential. We have abortion on demand.
We’re medically mutilating kids and you need like more time to figure it out like you should resign from the ministry.
Sorry, pal. That’s true. You don’t, you don’t repent of that. You don’t, you don’t repent from that.
That no absolute truth. You see, you see Jack says I don’t need to repent.
I just gave you a much nicer version. OK?
That it was, uh, it was, it was spirited. I think Charlie’s being hard on himself.
Look what Nehemiah did. He grabbed people by the beard and drugged them out in the street and kicked them out so I can do that.
Great. So 100% true if you stop and, and look at the issues that are happening for all of us.
I don’t care how young you are. I don’t care how old you are.
This is the first time in world history that what’s going on is going on at the same time globally.
At the exact same moment, what’s happening here is happening in Ireland. It’s happening in Mozambique. It’s happening in Peru.
The culture is under attack. All of a sudden people are waking up or falling asleep and they’re saying, um I don’t know if I’m a boy or a girl now, now it’s not nothing to laugh about.
It’s Satanic. Here’s the reason why this is exactly right.
It’s Satanic because why Genesis one God said I made you in my image, Satan knows this.
So he’s attacking and I’ll prove it. What’s the result when a child has been told to question their gender?
What is the result most often? Suicide, if not self mutilation, what’s going on here, Satanic?
And we don’t do anybody any favors by saying, oh, well, that’s good for you.
You know what we’re saying? We’re saying you can establish your own truth. Then I’ll have my truth.
You can, they can all have theirs and the other, that’s insanity. It’s demonic.
You said, how can that possibly be?
Jesus said that before he comes back, there’s gonna be a profound time of deception.
These are the doctrines of demons. You don’t have to guess. Wow.
I read that in my Bible that in the last days there’s gonna be doctrines of demons and, and in, uh, deceiving spirits.
I wonder what that’s gonna be like you’re in it. This is it.
I don’t believe that America’s hope and recovery.
If that’s what’s to happen is going to happen through any political power.
I’ve never believed that people want me to wear that badge. I won’t wear it.
Remember air uh What did I say? A long time ago?
The messiah is not going to be arriving on Air Force one.
Just know that and Jesus will never be on the ballot. Ok? He’s not running.
So here’s the thing until he does come back.
You’re supposed to do the right thing that’s called being a Christian that’s called shining the light, that’s called being salt.
You can’t sit it out if you’re an idol. Christian, a spectator Christian. That’s a serious problem.
You gotta change that you gotta get involved. I traveled the country and the people that I’m so inspired.
I, I was just saying this on the way over that never give up are California Christian patriots that you have every reason to give up and to be demoralized because you’re quote unquote outnumbered, understand you’ve already made a sizable and measurable difference and impact the other country, the other parts of the country in Missouri or Indiana, they’re profusely thanking you for being able to at least move over one chamber of Congress.
But again, it goes back to what I said, if you go through the subversion tactics that are being used against you, which I believe yes, are partly diabolical.
If you read the literature of the K GB agents that used to do this professionally, Yuri Beso was one of the most um public.
Yeah, we just, we, we’ve done plenty of podcasts on him.
He says a nation that will go from capitalistic or free to Marxist or unfree must go through stages and these stages are not mistakes, they’re by design.
That’s right now, understand his full time job, Yuri Beso used to go into countries like Rhodesia, formerly Zimbabwe.
He’d go into countries and try to turn them from a free society to a Soviet Marxist government.
That was his job. His job was to come in, do an analysis of the landscape, find out their weak points, find out how to destabilize them.
So it’s destabilization, then demoralization. OK. He said, destabilization is easy.
He said we could do that, you know, wreck a currency, destroying economies. And that’s that, that’s simple.
He said the part though that’s tough is breaking the resolve of the people that inhabit, the country are trying to take over.
He said that’s the challenge and so they had to work at it. How do you do it?
You take out leaders like James o’keefe, right?
You unfairly go after and put people in prison like what they’re trying to do right now to President Trump, right?
You shut up their voice, which is the censorship, censorship regime that we’ve seen, right?
You unfairly go after the businesses that are financing it, which is what of course they’re trying to do.
And more than anything else, you make the cost of believing, greater than the cost of giving up.
Meaning you make sure people suffer if they continue to believe the nation has any hope.
Also, you medicate the society that was part of it too, by the way, mass medication, which legalization of weed, all these antidepressants, all that stuff, which is that, that’s part of it.
And so then he says, look, if you’re able to get through the demoralization of the country is going to fall, you are living through a planned attempt to demoralize your opinion of America.
That’s right. I think it’s actually free to know that that’s what they’re doing to you.
Everything you see on TV, everything you see on social media, look through the lens of this is a planned attempt to get me to give up.
Am I going to do that? You might say, well, you know, we don’t get involved in politics.
You listen, what do you mean by that? Literally?
Honestly, you say that because you heard someone say that you don’t believe that you just, you don’t wanna get involved.
So you say that it’s like the pastor who says, I just preach the gospel when pastors tell me that I tell them you need to repent because you’re supposed to teach the full council of God after somebody’s evangelized, which is preaching the gospel.
Then you, the rest of the book is making disciples out of, out of them, how to live the life that you just now received from Christ.
OK? But see, we live in a culture where there’s a bunch of saved people and that’s as far as they’ve gone.
That’s if they’re even saved. And you wonder because if you ask them, how did Jesus save you?
What happened when you were saved? What does it mean? What did he do on the cross?
If you don’t know the answers to that, then it didn’t happen to you. Think about.
If you can’t define what you believe in, then what is it that you believe in?
So here we are. Uh we don’t get involved.
You have to get involved because the alternative is apathy. That’s what you’re saying. You are justifying apathy.
When God says I want you listen to this because you love me.
The world’s gonna hate you but don’t be bummed about it.
The world hated me before they’ll ever hate you. So let me ask you something. Are you hated?
I’m talking about in the world that you live in?
The people that you have influence over, do they hate you because you love God?
Do they hate you? Because they can’t rattle your cage? You pray for them, do they hate you?
Because when they’re sick you come and bring them soup.
Jesus said, if you love me, they’re gonna hate you.
Don’t, you wanna be like Jesus? I wanna be like Jesus.
But it’s really a strange thing because he was the most loved person that ever graced this planet at the same time, he’s the most hated.
How is it? Your name is not a curse word but his is now is the time for us to shine the glory of the kingdom of God.
We happen to live in America right now. We happen to have some freedom to do that still.
We don’t have the freedoms we had 10 years ago or five years ago. Do you understand?
We are gradually losing these freedoms? What will you do when the freedom is gone?
And your chance and opportunity is over? And you have no, no voice anymore.
You’re going to say, I wish I would have said something when I could have.
Now is the time I believe it was CS Lewis. I’m not sure.
I think it’s CS Lewis who said that I have found out in my life that the people who believe that heaven was the closest did the most in the world in the here and now what a motivator I could be in heaven tomorrow.
What that means is I wanna do everything I can. That’s right for the kingdom.
So that if he comes for us all or for my life, I will be getting caught being busy about my father’s business.
That’s what you want to do. That’s what we want to do together with you. Yes, please.
I’m gonna give two very simple action items that I’ve never shared at this church before.
It’s so simple. It’s do not lie and don’t let people lie to you.
Those two, those two things that it’s way harder than you think that right there would put you on an alignment politically, morally, don’t lie and don’t let people lie to you.
And I say, well, Charlie, I, I, I don’t let people lie to me. Wow. Ok.
You don’t let people in your local school district lie to your kids about sexual perversion.
You don’t let your relatives lie about God and Jesus and the Bible.
Do you stand up and say something with courage and boldness?
The most important one is, of course, first you not lying.
And the best way to do that is to follow Jesus because he didn’t just say true things.
He was the truth is the truth and he sets you free.
The society right now feels like it’s falling apart because of intentional demoralization.
But also because Satan, the author of lies needs to be able to channel deceit in every possible corner.
Our greatest weapon is the truth. Absolutely. And that means you have to be brutally honest with yourself.
Am I really doing enough to try to pass a free society on to my grandkids? Don’t lie to yourself.
Maybe, yes, maybe not. Am I really doing that?
And if the answer is yes, terrific answer for most people is no.
Am I really getting into uncomfortable situations to share the gospel every day with somebody? I don’t know.
Find a stranger. Tell them about Jesus.
You doing that every day, check out lines at the grocery store, taxicab drivers, flight attendants.
Hey, you’re having a tough day. Do you believe in Jesus? Oh, that’s too uncomfortable. You’re gonna see them again.
Why not? Are you getting a place of uncomfortability that, that kind of movement of evangelism of the spreading of truth?
I’ll tell you it, it’s, it’s an action item that all of us can do instantaneously.
So look, I get accused of a lot of things. I have plenty of enemies, Jack.
And sometimes sometimes I get criticism from other Christians and they say you’re hateful, you’re all this sort of things.
None of that is true. But I say, look, I have two rules.
I will not lie to myself and I will not lie to my audience.
And if that offends you, if that bothers you.
Then the truth bothers you and you got much deeper problems than that.
But what if I can do one thing for all of you tonight? I can hopefully inspire or encourage you.
You will be a happier, more joyful person, the more you speak the truth. That is so powerful.
100% true. Wow. What an amazing time of information and biblical instruction.
And I love that about the Bible. You should too. That’s why we’re coming to you on these broadcasts.
The word of God, consistent with the world around us at this very moment, the things that are happening now in our world have been prophesized in the word of God.
It doesn’t take a spiritual Einstein to figure out that as you look around to see what’s happening in our education, in our economy, in our politics, in our education, of all areas, spectrum things that are once stable are now unstable, things that were once defined and you knew them as one thing are now something completely different.
Evil is good, good is evil. What was for clarity is now labeled as confusion an amazing time.
But don’t panic. Don’t worry. The very Bible that Charlie and I were leaning to, to look at the world events around us, served us and serves us now, right?
And you as a lens. When we look through the world events through the lens of the Bible, we discover that God’s in control that nothing happening in the world around us is an accident that kings are installed and kings as it were, are deposed, you’ve got presidents rising and falling.
You’ve got prime ministers going up and going down, you’ve got governments coming together and as soon as they do, we’ve got governments coming apart.
Don’t lose heart friends. Jesus said that when he comes, it will be likened unto the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and as it was in the days of Noah and so as we’ve been learning from Genesis 11, we live in critical times.
We’ll see more of you and you can see more of us at Jack Gibbs dot com.
Until next time, God bless you. You are watching real life with Jack Hibbs.
There is a deliberate and dangerous movement underway to bring economic military and political power under the same umbrella of a one world government under the guise of world harmony, influential leaders from all over the globe are seeking to form a new balance of power in the world.
Many call it the great reset.
How does such a movement align with what the Bible says about the last days?
What are believers supposed to do about it?
Charlie Kirk answers these questions and more in his booklet called the Christian Response to the great reset.
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The Christian response to the great reset is our thank you gift for your generous donation to Real Life ministries today.
Get your copy at Jack Hibbs dot com or by calling 877 107 3 2046. Order.
Now, welcome to real life radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word who will return void God’s word is spirit. It’s power and it has its effects.
So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re going to get a lot out of it.
And one of the great things you are the light of the world, Jesus said you are the salt of the earth.
How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and through you.
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- The Spirit of Satanic…Tháng 6 18, 2023