You Need To Be Separated In Order To Fulfill Your Calling | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
You Need To Be Separated In Order To Fulfill Your Calling
Monday, September 11, 2023 – Messiah’s Olah
Proverbs 30:4 says, “Who has ascended into heaven and descended?” The word ascended in Hebrew is olah. The same root word is used in Genesis 22 when God tells Abraham to offer up his son as a burnt offering. The word for burnt offering here is olah. The olah is the whole offering because it ascends. Messiah is the One who ascends or goes up. It says throughout the gospels, He’s going up to Jerusalem. Do you know where He’s going to? The Temple on Mount Moriah, the same mountain that Abraham offered up Isaac. He’s going up to become the offering that goes up. That’s what it’s about. Messiah, the Son of God, went up by giving His whole life as an olah. By lowering Himself, He was exalted. If you want to go up in your life or ascend, then you need to offer your life, live sacrificially, give of yourself, die to your flesh. The way to go up is to give yourself completely to God, that’s the olah offering. When you give yourself completely, everything you do will ascend as an olah to the heavenlies. .
And it’s in the calling of the priest that the key to fulfilling your own calling is found.
If you are a disciple of god, which if you’re born again, you are, You want to fulfill your calling.
You should all have a burden. Lord, I wanna fulfill my calling.
Some of you may have an idea of what you’re calling is.
Some of you may not have such a clear idea, but you wanna fulfill it.
You might have the feeling that maybe you’re falling short of fulfilling it. Maybe it’s
not happening. You’re not really closer in it. Or there are things hindering you.
What if there was an absolutely certain way of fulfilling your calling?
Guarantee to bring you into what god has for you.
If you apply the key that we’re gonna open up today, it will unlock those purposes for your life.
Exodus 19 verse 5. Now then,
if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, Then you shall be my own possession among all the peoples for all
the earth is mine, and you shall be, to me,
a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, This is god on Mount Sinai.
And god, Mount Sinai, he’s speaking to
the nation of Israel, and he’s telling them his calling for the
Jewish people or the the Hebrews.
He’s singling them out among all the nations of the world to be his own possession, and it says to be a kingdom of priests imagine that.
A holy nation. Now he calls them out from the nations.
But now within the nation itself, he calls out a other people.
It says in Exodus 28 verse 1, then bring forward to yourself, your brother,
and his sons with him from among the children of Israel to serve as priests to me.
It goes on with their names.
It says, you shall make holy garments for Aaron, your brother, for glory, and for beauty.
So Moses is told to separate Aaron and his sons from among the children of Israel, those who are to be priests, that they may serve him.
So you got a priestly nation, a nation that’s called out of the nations, to be a priestly nation, a nation of priests, And then from that nation, he calls another people out of them who are to be the priest of the priest.
Now it says in Hebrews 5, for every high priest is taken from among men and appointed on behalf of men into the things pertaining to god.
you have another calling. You got Israel from the nations. You’ve got you’ve got the priest from Israel.
And then you have the high priest, one man taken from the priest
to become high priest. Now listen to what Peter says. About you. 1st, Peter, 2, verse 9.
He says, but you are a chosen people. You. This is you.
A royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for god’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the absolences of him who called you out
of darkness into his marvelous life.
For once you were not a people, but now you are the people of god.
Once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Where is that from? That is from Mount Sinai, what was given the calling to Israel.
It says you are chosen.
It’s a chosen. Holy nation. Holy nation.
Royal priesthood, kingdom of priests, a people for god’s own possession, both.
They in other words, the calling of Israel and Israel still has its calling, but the calling of Israel is now translated into the spiritual realm for your life.
You are now part of this spiritual Israel, and you are called to be a priest because if you are part of this nation, you are called to be a priest.
A kingdom of priests, a royal priesthood.
And it’s in the calling of the priest that the key to fulfilling your own calling is found.
With the call, notice a theme here. When god calls,
there is a separation. God called Israel. They had to be separated from the
nations to this day. All those things they do, it’s it’s it was all part of what god called.
And then from the nation, he calls the priesthood. They are now separated from their brothers and sisters.
And then the high priest is separated from them.
When you look at the great men and women of god in the Bible, you see a pattern.
The call Abraham has called Abraham. What’s up? What’s he gotta do?
He’s gotta get separate from the city of Earth. Separate from Babylonia.
And then separate from his father’s house, separation, and then he can enter into the promise on first he had to separate,
then he could enter in.
Joseph Joseph with his brothers. What happens? Great calling on his life.
He separated from his brothers and from his family, from his land separated cause of the calling.
It wasn’t because of their hate and jealousy.
That was used, but it was because of the calling of god to save Egypt to save his people to save the world in a sense.
He had to be separated first, first, the separation.
Moses call to delivery Hebrew, the Hebrews from pharaoh.
And first thing, he, before he can be he can be used to god,
he’s gotta be separated. He is brought into the wilderness, separated no longer a prince of Egypt, separated a shepherd alone, and then a burning bush and then he can fill his calling.
David separated from his brothers, the one who’s out there with the sheep, separated again on the run-in the wilderness lord writing the Psalms because he’s separate, then he can become king.
The prophets of god, Elijah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Isaiah, all separated.
God said to Jeremiah, I called you from your mother’s womb.
From my for you, I I called you then.
John Yonkinah, John the Baptist. He was the greatest one of call those who are called.
Separated. If anyone was ever separated, he’s right there in the middle of the wilderness, a voice crying in the world.
Separate so he could fill fill the calling of god. The disciples, they weren’t separate, but when
they were called, they separated. They had to drop their nets separate from the nets.
Leave their fishing boats, separate, separate from their father, separate, separate Matthew, separate himself from the tax table,
All of them, Sha’ul, Paul, the apostle.
He was part of the rabbinic world of Judaism back then and advancing and advancing and and in that world, but but god had to separate him.
And he used even his hate rid of this new movement to get him out by himself on Damascus’s road that he get he gets changed and he becomes the apostle to the world.
And when did the first mission to the world begin, which changed the history of the the world and you, acts
their team. Listen to what happens.
It’s an Antioch. It says while they were serving the lord and fasting, the Rua Khakodesh, the Holy Spirit said, separate, separate, barnabas, and saul for me for the work to which I have called them, for the purposes, to which I have called them.
They fasted and prayed,
laid their hands on them, sent them away.
The Holy Spirit had set apart barn separate barnabas and saul for the purposes that I’ve called them to.
And this would change the world, began with separation. And notice the words, separate, purpose, call. Purpose.
You have a purpose with god. You have a calling from god. Separation. It goes together. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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