You Are Very Powerful | Joel Osteen
You Are Very Powerful
What you’re up against may seem big, but God made you powerful enough to defeat it. His resurrection power lives inside you.
God bless you. It’s great to be with you today.
I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our youtube channel and social media and you can come visit us in person.
We’d love to have you be a part of one of our services.
But I’d like to start with something funny.
And I heard about this lady every day, she saw this old man sitting on his front porch rocking in his rocking chair.
He always said to be so happy.
And one day she got her nerve up and went over to him said, sir, I can’t help but notice you’re always smiling and always in a good mood.
Tell me, what is your secret for such a long happy life? He said that’s easy.
I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day. I eat nothing but junk food and I never exercise.
She said that’s amazing. How old are you? He said 26 don’t live like that. Here we go y’all.
This is my bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have.
I can do what it says I can do today. I will be taught the word of God.
I boldly confess, my mind is alert, my heart is receptive. I will never be the same in Jesus name.
God bless you. I wanna talk to you today about you are very powerful.
We all face situations that look too big. The opposition, too strong, the dream, too great.
The sickness, too bad. It’s easy to live with a weak mentality, intimidated like we’re at a disadvantage and this is the way Solomon probably felt his father.
David had just passed and David was an amazing leader. He had done great things. Now, Solomon was in charge.
He wasn’t a warrior like his father. He didn’t go around defeating giants and conquering armies.
He was suddenly thrust into this position. What he was up against seemed daunting overwhelming.
I’m sure he was tempted to shrink back. Think this is too much. I can’t lead these people.
But the scripture says Solomon took firm control of the kingdom for the Lord, his God was with him and made him very powerful.
And sometimes we see ourselves as limited, not enough, less than, but like with Solomon, the Lord, your God is with you.
He has not just made you powerful but very powerful.
What you’re up against may be big, but it’s no match for you.
The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you.
It’s a power so strong that it couldn’t keep Jesus in the grave.
A power so strong that a teenage shepherd boy defeated a giant, a power so strong that prison doors open for Paul and Silas.
A power so strong that a fiery furnace couldn’t burn three Hebrew teenagers.
A power so strong that the Red Sea parted for Moses. That’s the power that’s in you.
You are not ordinary, you are not common, you are very powerful.
Now, here’s the key how you see yourself will determine whether you see this great power.
If you think weak thoughts, insecure, intimidated, this problem is too big and I can’t accomplish my dreams.
I’ll never break this addiction. Then you are canceling out the power. You have to get an agreement with God.
I’m not looking at weak people. I’m not looking at average people.
I’m looking at sons and daughters of the most high God, strong, confident, anointed, favored resurrection power is in you power to bring dead things back to life.
You can accomplish your dreams. You can set new standards for your family. You can defeat that cancer.
You can break that addiction. You can end that dysfunction. It may stop some people but not you.
You are very powerful in the scripture. The Syrian army was trying to overtake the Israelites.
But every time the Syrians made a move, the Israelites knew exactly where they were going.
They stayed one step ahead and this happened again and again, the Syrian commander was so frustrated.
He was convinced there was a spy in the camp, leaking all this inside information and called his men together and questioned them.
One of the leaders spoke up and said, sir, it’s none of us.
There’s a prophet in Israel named Elisha, whatever you whisper in secret, he tells the Israelites.
The commander was so furious. He decided to go get Elisha.
You would think he would take four or five men, maybe a dozen at the most. Elisha wasn’t any threat.
He wasn’t in the military, didn’t have any weapons, but this commander was so afraid of Elisha that he got his whole army.
Thousands of troops, thousands of chariots all to capture one man filled with the spirit of God.
What am I saying? Even the enemy knows how powerful you are.
He can see that you’re not weak, you’re not average, you’re not lacking. How much further will you go?
How much more will you accomplish?
How many giants will you defeat if you’ll start seeing yourself for who you really are not just powerful but very powerful.
There is a force breathing in your direction, greater than any force trying to stop you.
There’s not a giant. You can’t defeat an obstacle. You can’t overcome an addiction.
You can’t break no weapon formed against you is going to prosper.
God has armed you with strength for every battle. He’s surrounded you with favor. Goodness and mercy are following you.
He’s going before you making crooked places straight. When the enemy comes against us one way.
God said he would defeat them and cause them to flee seven different ways.
He said he holds victory in store for the upright. There is a power working in you.
That’s not of your own ability. It’s resurrection power now, get rid of any weak thoughts, defeating thoughts.
It’s too much. I don’t have the connections. I’ll never meet the right person.
This dream is out of reach, have a new perspective.
This problem may be big but it’s no match for me. I am well able.
I am strong in the Lord. I can do all things through Christ though I am surrounded by trouble.
I will not fear though I am attacked on every side.
I will not be afraid for the Lord is my light and my salvation.
The Lord is the strength of my life. You’re going to tap into this power.
You have to think power, thoughts, inflation may be high stock market, shaky banks, having trouble, you could be worried instead, God, I thank you that you’re Jehovah Jara, the Lord by provider.
You said even in famine, I would have more than enough.
You said I would lend and not borrow that my cup would run over or the medical report may not look good.
Experts say you’re not going to get well, God, you said you would restore health back into me.
You said I would live and not die that with long life, you would satisfy me.
Maybe you have Children that are off course, doesn’t look like they’ll ever change. God.
You said as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord.
You said my Children will be mighty in the land that from generation to generation, we will tell of your goodness.
Learn to think power thoughts. That’s how you activate the power.
When David went out to face Goliath, he didn’t have a chance in the natural.
But David understood this principle that there was a force working for him that other people couldn’t see.
He knew that the Lord his God had made him very powerful.
See, our strength doesn’t come from just our own ability, our own willpower our own determination. That’s all good.
But you will face times where on your own, it’s not enough.
The giant is too big, the sickness, too strong, the trouble too great.
That’s when you’re going to see the Lord, your God empowering you, a supernatural force, enabling you causing you to go further to defeat giants, to accomplish dreams.
That seem impossible. When David saw Goliath, he could have thought, oh man, what was I thinking?
He’s twice my size. He has a full set of armor. All I have is this slingshot.
No, David looked at Goliath and said you come against me with a sword and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord God of Israel.
He was saying, Goliath, I may look small, but I’m not on my own.
There’s a force that you can’t see a power that’s beyond my own ability.
The Lord, my God has breathed his power, his favor, his anointing on my life.
Victory starts in our mind. You can’t think weak and be powerful. You can’t think limited and be strong.
You can’t think fear and have courage. Is your thinking, keeping you from being very powerful.
A wrong mindset, stopping the strength, the favor, the victory that belongs to you. Start thinking power, thoughts.
I am strong. I am well able. I am confident this challenge cannot hold me back.
I am full of resurrection power. I can run through a troop and leap over a wall.
If God before me, who dare be against me.
David went on to say Goliath this day, I will defeat you and feed your head to the birds of the air.
That’s how you activate the power, not by talking about how you feel, but by talking about what God says about you, not by thinking weak, defeated, can’t do it thoughts, but by thinking power thoughts.
And we hear these stories about David and stories about Elisha and think yes, they were powerful.
They did amazing things. But man, Joel, they were in the Bible, they were called, they were chosen, they were anointed.
Can I tell you you are called, you are chosen, you are anointed.
We see them as superheroes and yes, we honor them. We respect who they are.
But the truth is they were people just like you and me. They seemed ordinary.
They looked average yet they left their mark. They were chosen to live in their day.
You’ve been chosen to live in this day. I am looking at modern day David’s Elisha’s Ruth Sarah’s.
Why don’t you believe that you are very powerful that you were a giant killer?
That you are a barrier breaker. That you were a history maker. Too often.
We see ourselves as average and limited. Joel. I’m not powerful. I’m just ordinary.
The truth is some of the things you’ve been through should have defeated you.
If you were average, the dysfunction, the trauma, the loss would have taken you out.
The fact that you’re still here tells me that you are very powerful, that sickness couldn’t defeat you. Why?
Because you are so powerful that bad break the person that walked away.
The disappointment should have soured your life.
But look at you, you’re still standing, you’re not bitter, you’re blessed, you’re moving forward, you’re taking new ground that didn’t happen on your own.
The Lord, your God strengthened you when you were weak, he lifted you when you fell, he protected you in danger.
He favored you when it didn’t look good. He delivered you from greater enemies.
If you weren’t very powerful, you wouldn’t still be here. It wasn’t just your own might, your own strength.
It was the Lord, your God breathing on your life.
If you’re gonna reach your highest potential, you have to live with this mindset. I am very powerful.
I have the favor of God, I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome this bad break.
I can raise my Children to serve the Lord. I can leave my mark.
There was a lady in the scripture named Deborah.
She was living in a city that was overcome with violence and all kinds of wrong doing, gotten so bad.
You couldn’t even travel on the main road.
There was no order but God put a dream in Deborah’s heart to do something about it.
The scripture describes Deborah as a mother in Israel. This is significant.
It’s telling us that she didn’t have influence the resources. She wasn’t in the corporate world.
She didn’t have an impressive title wasn’t highly educated.
Plus back in those days, women weren’t in leadership like they are today.
They were pushed down and seen as secondary.
God could have chosen the king to do something about it or the governor city leader, a wealthy businessman.
Instead, he chose this mother and sometimes God will ask you to do things that seem over your head.
He’ll put dreams in your heart that you can’t accomplish on your own.
You don’t have the resources, the training, the connections, but God wouldn’t ask you to do it if you weren’t well able.
This is when you have to have the right mindset, not weak limited. I’m ordinary. I’m just a mother.
No. Turn it around the Lord. My God has made me very powerful. I’m anointed for this assignment.
I’m favored for this mission. I’m well able to accomplish this dream. A lot of times we discount ourselves.
I’m just a mother. I’m just a student, just a teacher, a businessman, a doctor, a plumber.
No, you’re not just anything. You’re a child of the most high God. He breathed his life into you.
He put his DNA on the inside. He’s crowned you with his favor.
You have royal blood flowing through your veins. Resurrection power lives in you.
Keep your shoulders back and hold your head up high. Step into that greatness that belongs to you.
But Deborah could have thought God, I can’t do this. I’m a mother. I’m not in government.
I don’t have anybody backing me up deep down. She understood this principle. I’m not on my own.
The Lord, my God has made me very powerful. The scripture says the highways were unoccupied.
The city was shutting down until Deborah, a mother in Israel arose. She stepped out in faith.
God calls things to fall into place and everything turned around.
How could this mother impact the whole city started in her thinking, she knew who she was.
She knew the favor of God was on her life. She saw herself not as limited but is very powerful.
What can you change if you start seeing yourself as very powerful. What addictions can you break?
What barriers can you overcome? What dreams can you accomplish? If you’ll get rid of weak, defeated?
I’m ordinary mentality and start seeing yourself the way God made you to be as very powerful friend of mine, struggled with an addiction for many years and he’d gone to rehab and support groups several times with no success.
And he’s a good man. He loves the Lord.
But he was always talking about how strong the addiction was and how he didn’t have the willpower.
And he was constantly down on himself, feeling guilty.
As long as you see the opposition as stronger, it’s going to limit you.
If you see the sickness, the debt, the trouble as more powerful, then your perception, how you’re seeing it is going to hold you back.
You have to make a switch in your thinking that greater is he that’s in you than what’s coming against you.
I’m not asking you to deny the facts. Just have a new perspective. This addiction may be powerful.
But I know my God is all powerful. This sickness may be mighty.
But I know my God is almighty, this obstacle may be high.
But I know my God is the most high.
The power in you is stronger than any power that’s trying to stop you.
My friend changed his perspective instead of seeing the addiction as being so strong, he started seeing himself as very powerful and thoughts told him.
Come on, you’re just wishing, you’re just hoping. You know, you’re weak. You know, you can’t do this.
You have to learn to talk back to yourself.
Don’t let the negative have the final say when thoughts tell you that you’re weak, just answer back. No thanks.
I am strong in the Lord. You can’t break it. No thanks.
I can do all things, not in my own strength but through Christ who strengthens me when this addiction is too powerful.
No thanks. Nothing can stand against my God. He always causes me to try out.
When you get in agreement with God, you see yourself as very powerful.
That’s what allows him to do great things. Today.
My friend is not only free from the addiction, he’s helping other people to get free.
It was a 10 year old boy that lived down the street from this big bully and the bully was always bothering him and making his life miserable and he’s trying to get his courage up to stand up against the bully, but he looks so big and so intimidating.
He couldn’t do it. Well, that Christmas, his father bought him a telescope.
He was so excited and one day he was out in the front yard playing with it, but he was looking through the wrong end.
He was looking through the big side.
His father came out and said, no son, you’re doing it wrong, turn it around and it will make everything bigger like it was designed to do.
The boy said, I know that dad, but right now I’m looking at this bully and it makes him so small that I’m not afraid of him anymore.
Maybe you need to turn the telescope around. You’ve magnified your problems long enough.
You’ve magnified the bullies, the giants, the addiction, the debt. No wonder you feel weak, intimidated.
Not able, you have to make the switch.
If you’ll change your perspective and start seeing things from God’s point of view, you’ll realize what you’re up against is no match for you.
It looks like Goliath. It looks daunting. The truth is you’re the one that’s very powerful.
You’re the one that has God’s favor. You’re the one that can defeat giants.
You’re the one that can break the addiction.
The forces that are for you are greater than any force that’s trying to stop you.
But the way this is gonna happen is if you keep your telescope turned around, you can’t go around magnifying all the negative.
You need to magnify what God put in you. He didn’t just make you powerful.
He made you very powerful all through the day that should be playing in our mind.
I am very powerful. I have the favor of God. I can do all things through Christ.
I am strong in the Lord. No weapon formed against me will prosper. I will defeat this giant.
I will break this addiction. I will leave my family better than they were before.
How many people go around thinking just the opposite man.
This problem is too big and I’ll never get, well, I can’t get out of this neighborhood.
I’m at a disadvantage. You can be very powerful and cancel it out with the wrong mindset.
This is what Gideon almost did.
He was hiding in a wine press, afraid intimidated thinking the opposition was too big.
God sent an angel and said, mighty hero. The Lord is with you.
You were to deliver the people of Israel from the mid unites.
God called him a hero while he was hiding. God called him mighty.
When he felt weak, he called him a deliverer, a history maker when he saw himself as limited, not able, God has made you very powerful.
The question is how do you see yourself strong, confident, favored or do you see yourself like Gideon?
These giants are too big. Can’t do it at a disadvantage. You have to turn that telescope around.
You’re making everything else so powerful. You need to start seeing yourself as powerful.
Well, Joel, you don’t know how I was raised and what I’ve been through this medical report doesn’t look good and I don’t have the funds to go to college.
This giant is too big. One touch of God’s favor can turn it around one slingshot and that giant is defeated, one mother with the favor of God and the city has changed.
You’re looking at how big your problem is. You need to start looking at how big your God is.
He said he’s with you and he has made you very powerful.
You are anointed, you are favored, you can defeat giants, you can change cities, you can take your family to a new level.
But even after the angel called Gideon, a mighty hero, Gideon started making excuses.
He said, how could this happen? I come from the poorest family. I’m the least one in this camp.
I don’t have the training. I can’t lead these people. His weak, defeated mentality almost kept him from his destiny.
He finally did what I’m asking us to do. He made this switch and saw himself as powerful.
He went out with the whole army, 32,000 men. He was feeling good.
But God said you have too many people tell everyone who’s afraid that they can go home.
22,000 men left now. He only had 10,000. He wasn’t feeling quite as confident. God said it again.
There’s still too many, all of them left except 300 men.
He was up against an army of thousands looked impossible, but they went out and defeated the mid unites with just 300 people.
God was showing us. You don’t need everything you think you need.
You don’t need all those people to be for you. You don’t need to come from a certain family.
You don’t need all that training. God has given you everything you need.
He’s breathed his favor on your life. He’ll cause the stone to hit the giant at the right place.
He’ll heal you from the cancer. He’ll break that addiction. He’ll send the right people across your path.
I know a man that was in a serious accident years ago and wasn’t supposed to live by the grace of God.
He’s alive, but he can’t see very well and he’s had to relearn how to speak and some of his other motor skills and since he couldn’t drive, he would take the bus to Lakewood every Sunday to always see him so faithful.
But when we moved from the other location, the bus route didn’t run from his house to the compact center where we are now and he was very concerned.
He, he loved coming and I said, don’t worry about it. We’ll have somebody come pick you up.
It’s no big deal. He said, no, Joel, I’m gonna get the bus route changed.
I’m gonna convince them to send buses by my house to the church being the great man of faith that I am.
I thought to myself, there’s no way that that’s like an act of Congress. You need lobbyists, money connections.
He could have thought like me too bad. What can I do? I don’t have the influence the funds.
I’m physically challenged, but he had a different mindset. He wasn’t a Gideon looking at what he didn’t have.
He was like Deborah, a mother thinking I can make a difference.
He was like David, this giant is huge, but I will defeat it deep down.
He knew the Lord, his God had made him very powerful.
He went down week after week to the public transportation meetings told them how he needed buses to run by Lakewood.
It just so happened that someone that loved Lakewood was on the committee.
God will always have the right people at the right place.
If you’ll just have the boldness to take the step of faith.
Two months later, he came in one Sunday morning, smiling so big. I’ll never forget it.
He said, Joel, I just got off the bus. They changed the route and brought me this morning.
I nearly passed out so often. We don’t realize who we are.
We see ourselves as limited ordinary when in fact, we are powerful.
One of the staff members at the Transportation Office told me that in 20 years that she worked there, she had never seen anything change like that.
And if you were to see this gentleman in the natural, you would think, hey, he didn’t have the influence.
He doesn’t have the funds. He’s physically challenged.
But God loves to take those who are underestimated those who others discount and calls them to shine brightly to make them very powerful.
I’m asking you get rid of excuses. Quit telling yourself why you’re limited at a disadvantage. Not enough.
Been through too much. Don’t go through life, not recognizing who you are. The Lord.
Your God has made you very powerful. You are strong, you are anointed.
You are favored, you can affect change, you can defeat giants. You can accomplish dreams. You can leave your mark.
When thoughts come telling you you’re weak, you’re not enough. You’re at a disadvantage. Just say no thanks.
You have the wrong person. I know who I am.
I am a child of the most high God and I am very powerful.
If you’ll do this, I believe and declare you’re gonna see giants fall, you’re gonna accomplish dreams that amaze you.
God’s gonna breathe on your life in a new way.
Favor healing breakthroughs, the fullness of your destiny in jesus’ name.
And if you receive it, can you say amen today?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins come into my heart.
I’ll make you my Lord and Savior.
If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again, we’d love to send you some free information on your new walk with the Lord.
You can text the number on the screen or go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church and keep God first place.
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We also want to take a moment and thank you for all.
You do to support the ministry with your donations and offerings. You help keep the ministry going.
When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
You’ll see his favor in new ways in your life.
I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
- Tongue Trouble | Joel OsteenTháng 3 23, 2023