Why It Costs To Manifest Your Purpose
Why It Costs To Manifest Your Purpose
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Eve falls into this trap. And when she falls into this trap, she realizes that she is messed up, not just for herself but for all of humanity.
And what I love about this is when God discovers that they are no longer where they are supposed to be.
The scripture tells us that he is walking in the cool of the day in the garden Eve and Adam have fallen into a trap and God comes walking in the cool of the day.
I love this when I read it because as I was studying it for this message, I realized that God walked into the trap that Eve fell in.
Yeah, he fell in it, but God walked in it.
Eve stumbled into that situation, but God doesn’t sleep. Nor does he slumber?
Nor does he stumble into anything?
God says, if Eve has fallen into a trap, then she needs something powerful enough to walk into that thing that she fell.
And I wish I could say that the way that I studied it because there’s somebody who’s fallen into a trap who thinks that they’re in that trap by themselves.
But the moment that God knew that they were in a trap. He came walking in the garden.
Let me get down in this trap with you. Let me get down in this situation with you.
What I love about God is he doesn’t just leave you where you fail.
He gets down in that mess with you.
I know you didn’t think he was in there because you called it a praying grandmother.
But when you look back over your life, you’ll see that. God got down in that trap with you.
You called it a teacher who just knew you were special.
I call it God getting down in that trap with me. You call it a husband.
You call it a friend. I call it God getting down in the trap with me.
I fell in the trap.
But God walked in this thing with me because there are some traps that you fall in that the only way you can get out as if God gets down in that trap with you.
God, I can’t get out of this unless you get down in here with me.
God, I am incapable of getting out of it by myself.
So I’m gonna need you to get down in this track with me and he does that.
He does that for Eve. He gets down in the track with her.
And when he’s down in the trap with Eve, he assesses the situation because down in the trap, he’s got Adam and the serpent and Eve in the track.
And while they’re in the trap, God assesses the situation and that’s where that Genesis 3 15 comes in.
That I love so much when he assesses the situation.
He says the only way I can fix this is if I get Eve to produce seed and her seed has to crush the head of the serpent.
But, but the thing is that Eve doesn’t have seed in this moment, Eve is not pregnant.
So it’s not like God is declaring a promise that she actually has in her possession because sometimes God gives you a promise that doesn’t look like anything you have in your possession done.
God tells Eve your seed is gonna bruise his head, your seed is gonna crush this.
But God, I don’t have any seed.
This promise feels like a fantasy that I would be the one to start the business that I would be the one who would be able to break a generational curse.
God, you gave me a promise.
But that promise feels like a fantasy God that I would finally have my mind together.
God, that I would finally be the one who was able to go to school.
Now, I can’t even get accepted. I can’t even get alone into school. God, this promise feels like a fantasy.
God gives her this promise.
But I realized that part of the reason why he could give the promise is because he was gonna make Eve work with him to manifest it.
And all eve would have to do is put some skin in the game.
God would give her seed but he needed her to put skin in the game.
I love that term skin in the game. It’s actually an investment term.
When a CEO invests in his own company.
When he buys stock in his own company, it’s a sign of good faith for the company because it says if the CEO is willing to risk his own finances to be in the company, then I can support what the CEO was doing.
That’s why Jesus is the way for me because he messed around and wrapped himself in flesh.
The chief CEO, I don’t know if it’s anybody in here who needs to follow somebody who has some skin in the game, but he wrapped himself in flesh and said I can fix this.
I’m gonna put some skin in the game.
I’m not gonna make eve go up against this thing by herself.
I’m not gonna make Tanya go up against this thing by herself.
Jessica is not gonna have to face it by herself.
I’m gonna give her seed, but she’s gonna have to put some skin in the game too this time.
I’m not gonna do it the way that I did it before.
I’m gonna need some women who don’t mind putting some skin in the game who don’t mind saving up to come to Denver Colorado to come and receive.
Somebody told me last week I could have gone to Essence or I could have came here.
But I needed to have some skin in the game.
I needed God to know that I’m taking this thing seriously.
I needed God to know that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is that I’m willing to grow into the woman that he’s called me to be somebody’s in this room because they got skin in the game.
I can’t afford to lose my child. I can’t afford to lose my marriage.
I got too much skin in the game. I’ve invested too much in this business.
I’ve invested too much in my healing. I can’t afford, I refuse to lose.
I refused to lose. I went through too much. Hell, I went through too much struggle.
I’m not just gonna sit back and watch my life fall apart any longer.
I put some skin in the game for this thing. Yeah.
So ease. Put some skin in the game.
Well, I feel like God was calling me to do all while we were preparing for conference.
I kept thinking to myself.
God last year, this just came together and this year I’m having to fight to do it.
But God says this year you need to put some skin in the game.
I know this isn’t the sexy God that we like to talk about that would just bless you with anything that you asked for.
But there’s a level of glory that you can only access when you put some skin in the game.
Jesus was doing good when he was walking around healing and, and prophesying.
But for him to reach his ultimate glory, he had to get on the cross.
He had to crucify his flesh. He had to put some skin in the game.
He had to say I’m so serious about this that I’m willing to invest on it.
I’m willing to put my life in it.
Will you do it?
If it cost you, will, you do it. If it hurts you, will you do it.
If it stresses you out, will you do it? If the team falls apart?
And I said, God, I can’t go back to who I used to be.
So I’m gonna have to up and put some skin in the game.
God, I can’t go back to what I was. I can’t just stay here where I am.
I gotta put some skin in the game.
Turn to your neighbor say it’s time to put some skin in the game.
It’s time to put some skin in the game. It’s time for you to actually invest in yourself.
It’s time for you to actually take this thing seriously.
I know you wanted it to come to you easy, but it can’t come to you easy and it still be glorious and I don’t know about you, but I’m trying to produce something that has glory connected to it.
I need people to see me and say it ain’t no way that could have happened unless God got down in the mix.
I had to put some skin in the game, but he gave me some seed to work with.
I’m trying to take that seed and bring it to fruition.
I’m trying to take that seed and make it everything it’s supposed to be.
And that’s why I refuse to lose because I got too much skin in the game.
I got too many women riding on me.
I got too many family members who need to see somebody finally get their life together.
I got too much skin in the game.
Everyone else can quit and pack up their toys and go home good for them.
But as for me in my house, we gonna serve what God is doing around here because I gotta put some skin in the game.
It ain’t a hot girl summer, it ain’t a city girl summer. It’s a skin in the game.
So summer makes some noise in this place.
Everything else is I do what God will last.
I’m trying to do something that makes the earth. I do something. Purpose.
Put some skin in the no.
My daughters need me to put some skin in the game.
My neighbor needs me to put some skin in the game. I’m going back to school.
I’m gonna write the book anyway. I’m gonna start saving like the business is already a fortune 500 company.
I’m getting my body right.
I right, I’m getting my heart right cause I got skin in the game.
Let me go. And so.
- Just When you Thought it Was Over | Jack Hibbs SpecialTháng 2 12, 2023