Answer By Your Spirit – Living In The Fourth Dimension Vol. 3

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Answer By Your Spirit – Living In The Fourth Dimension Vol. 3

Living in the Fourth Dimension, Volume 3, by Dr. Bill Winston, will assist you in discovering that you too were created to live in the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is the unseen realm of the supernatural where signs, wonders and miracles consistently occur. We, the Church, are to bring forth the provision, solutions and strategies of heaven to a hurting humanity from this supernatural realm.

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
You’re entreating. You’re not gonna get the blessing of 40.
When you’re entreating, you will not have the menion, so you gotta watch yourself and see.
Are you in three d or are you in four d?
God is gonna use you to do things that you never thought you could do because he’s not gonna give you understanding just with your mind.
He’s coming in with your spirit. Revolution gives me keys. See, there’s a key to that infirmity.
There’s a key to the marriage problem.
And you can get a key from god if you belong to god. He’s calling on you.
What are you doing about that? God, we’re waiting on you. Here’s what god said. Fix it.
Something happening on your neighborhood. Fix it. You’re in four deep. Words, man. Words. Words.
Speak words over your finances. Speak. Big words over your account. Big words over your business.
Big words over your marriage. Big words. You see, we’re trying to everything done in three d.
Folks, you are no longer in three d.
I came to announce you are now in four d in Jesus’ name.
If you’re in three d, you’re not gonna get the blessings of four d.
When you’re entreated, you will not have dominion over the fish of the seed.
Now, are you following So you gotta watch yourself and see, are you in three d or are you in four d?
Because if you’re envious of me, you’re in three d. You can go in the Bible.
It’ll tell you where you are. The Bible is a mirror. Yes. And it’ll check you out.
You know, if you’re going out somewhere at night, you wanna check yourself out.
You go in the mirror check and see if your do is right and everything and so forth.
And then you come back by it again.
You know, you haven’t gone anywhere yet, but you get the mirror and you check yourself out again.
I’m just saying, keep that Bible and keep checking yourself out to see if you, in fact, walking in the things of dominion in 4 deep.
Next, Satan wants to get the word of god out of the church and out of the world.
Yeah. Okay. He’s after removing the word from the face of the planet. That’s what he’s after. Alright.
Now why is this? What what’s happening here?
Because the word of god is the manual that we need.
To actually operate this body in this us to do.
The word of god, you need it.
Now, notice over in 2nd kings chapter 22, And look at this script job here, verse 8, Freddy Reid.
And he’ll call the high priest said unto Shepherds, described I have found the book.
Stop. Stop. I found the book. I have found the book. Forward to god.
They were renovating the temple, doing some repairs, and so forth.
All of a sudden, one of them found the book. The book was covered up.
He had found the book, took it to the king. He came to saw it.
He stripped his clothes. He’s read the book. They don’t he saw how far they were from the book. Yeah.
And and strip the code.
The book says, over in the book of acts, everybody that got saved, got filled with the holy ghost.
But my church don’t teach on that. They need to find the book. The book, the book has been hidden.
The book has been hidden. It tells me how to baptize. It tells me sowing and reaping.
It tells me you, somebody got to find the book.
The book’s been hidden, and many of us came from churches where we do it this way.
Our church don’t do that. Your church don’t have the book. This is the book. Yes, sir. Yes.
Say amen. We have found the book. You need the book.
The book tells you how to do things. You can’t go anywhere with god without the bubble.
You don’t have the book. You don’t know what’s real. You don’t know what’s true.
Now, the enemy has tried to get them to have, the be word averse.
That means averse dislike. Mistaste. I have a distaste for the word.
Oh, not not me and y’all can’t tell that.
But my point here is that’s what people do to come to church for a chill god of this taste for the word.
Oh, it it it’s it’s alright.
If you teach them, that’s that that they can eat sweets all day. That’s okay.
But when you tell them about fornication, all about Shandah, when you start telling them about abortion, come on.
When you start telling them about loves your enemies. When you start telling about, so give your ex husband.
Then you tell them about, they don’t want the book. Don’t make me preach this.
They don’t want the book.
So now You need the book.
This book not only a constitution, it’s a manual.
What I have here is I have my flight manual for the airplane.
I last flew. Now we are transitioning uh, to F 15th then, but we there’s a last plane I I I flew.
Alright? And I started out with a little propeller airplane called we called T41 T stands for trainer, 41, and then I went up to the next level And that was a t, um, 3037.
And that was the Tweedie bird, and that didn’t go supersonic.
But then I’ve qualified in that and went all up to the next level, T Thirty 8.
And that was that was supersonic And then I went on up, yeah, to the F Four.
Now, it’s interesting, uh, it they call it F 4df4d. I went to 4d.
Sit out. Sit out.
What am I telling you? Now, I’m ready for war.
That’s the airplane I went to Vietnam.
And that’s that’s the one Uh, nothing else could carry me there. Come on, John.
At that time, to fight a fine find this one. No.
My point here is, notice the manual I had to learn this.
I had to learn the how to start one of the hardest things to do with the jet is started.
You gotta it’s a procedure.
You gotta follow through the procedures because what you could do is you let the EGT or the engine temperature get too high before you pull the throttle and and and put all that fuel in there, that thing will blow up.
And so for so you gotta know in the manual how to start this.
I said, you got to know in the manual how to start this.
You need to get this Bible and figure out how to start your work.
No. No.
You gotta figure out if you do certain things, this was gonna happen to you. You can’t get revenge.
You can’t be envious. You can’t say, there are some do knocks you can’t do in here.
You’re gonna short circuit yourself if you do that.
But you gotta read the manual, or you gotta have a teacher, somebody to teach you this.
And sometimes they come to service and wanna be entertained. Come on.
Take our young people and put a lot of in the air and put some flashing lights, think that’s gonna do it.
They need to be taught. They need to know that what the consequences of certain things are gonna be in your life.
And when they don’t know it, that’s why a bunch of them are getting killed.
My point to you is some body got to find the book. Get the book out.
If somebody don’t like it, let them do something else.
But we’re gonna get the bump, and we’re gonna go by the bump.
And it says for you to get filled with the holy ghost, it says for you to do things in prayer.
Come on. And just so you don’t forget when you get in the cockpit, you can’t take that big manual in it.
But they got some called a checklist. The checklist for the F Four D.
And and and for he so they the checklist.
I gotta go to the checklist in starting the engine and pre fighting the engine and the takeoff role.
And so I gotta go through the checklist. This is what’s in the airplane. Yes. It’s a checklist.
So, uh, his, uh, favorite saying of pilots, if all else fails, open the book.
I’m saying in your life, if money is failing, open the book.
If your marriage is in trouble, open the off.
It ain’t not it ain’t this is not hard.
It’s that the enemy wants to wipe the book out of the earth.
But you are the ones god has elected for this hour.
You’re the government that he’s depending on that you’re gonna take this book throughout the world.
You’re gonna take this book in places that don’t even want this book. Say amen.
I know you can’t have a big book, but the word have I hid in my heart?
That I might not sin against you.
You start doing that and that anointing will flow through you.
Come up out of you, and sickness can’t even dwell in you in jesus name.
Saying we have found a buck.
When he brought you in the earth, he gave you a manual.
Yeah. Yeah.
He said, now, live by this. This is to tell you how you work.
It’s all in the manual. Same into that.
Next is demonic theft.
Satan comes according to John chapter 10, says seal, come on, seal.
Kill and to what destroy. Now, notice this stealing This is demonic theft.
Same into that. Amen. Alright.
So now Satan comes to try to get us as people that we will not understand or have the image or desire for ownership.
Now they tried to get them out of the out of Egypt and he got them out.
But that’s as far as they went. Yeah. This is 1st crowd.
Now god said, wait a minute. That I’m gonna take you in Decatur.
Now this was not a suggestion. This this this was mandatory.
Amen. And you’ll look over here in numbers chapter 14, 28, 231, you’ll see that he told them if you don’t go, I’m gonna take your kids.
Yes, sir. Watch this. And you’re gonna die in the wilderness.
So taking canan is not an option. Amen.
See, you think it’s all for you. It’s not all for you.
You are the distribution house.
You’re gonna turn back the money. I don’t need it.
You don’t need it. All these broke folks in Detroit Are you following what I’m saying?
That’s called religion. And religion will steal from you.
Religion had a man who had been by the pool of Bethesda 38 years.
And Jesus got the man here.
He walked right around the corner, and they said to this, what are you doing with your bed?
It’s the 7th thing. They weren’t concerned about this man’s healing, religion ain’t concerned about you getting healed, religion ain’t concerned about you getting rich, religion and concerned about you finding a mate, religion wants to dog you out.
And I’m telling you, your days of being religious Uh, Jesus didn’t say nothing about religion.
He said that that that I’ve come that you might have fights And number of religious leaders, he didn’t pick none of them, and he turned over the money changes that they were using to get the people’s money.
Religion will take your money and leave you with nothing.
Now, what religion will try to do now, this is too hot for you.
I understand you’ll be back next time. But but, see, I’m I I come in high.
That’s that’s in in fighters in fighters in Vietnam.
That’s what you do. Uh, uh, uh, Raymond 2, uh, Rainbow 2 4, I’m in hot.
That means you’re about to do something. I said, when I come in, I’m coming in.
We thought to make some changes in the church in the name of Jesus.
And what am I saying?
I’m saying, I understand holiness and righteousness and all of that, but don’t let the devil deceive you because he’ll make you get a counterfeit say amen.
And then it’d be hard to receive truth and hard to move any further. Same in.
Thank god for your love in Jesus. But loving Jesus is not the only thing.
You can love Jesus and be rich.
You can love Jesus and be healed, healed, You can love Jesus and be healthy.
You can love Jesus and be a physician. You can love Jesus and be the president. You can love Jesus.
Come on. God say forget not all his benefits.
So this ownership so he tried to take away the image of ownership, Satan, and then try to take away the desire for ownership.
Yeah. See, the Bible says when desire comes, it’s like a tree of life. Design was a strong thing. Amen.
And that’s why that man 38 years by the pool of Bethesda, Jesus asked him.
He’s trying to get a desire up. He said, do you wanna be made?
Oh, well, uh, every time I come, does discrimination suit cuts come from 44 and I’ll never make it to my destiny.
He said, well, rise. Take up your bed and walk. Say amen. Amen.
That man took up his bed and walked and then religious leaders closed in on it.
That man who was blind over there in John chapter 9, Jesus put a clay on his eye or whatever he told him to go wash in the pool of salome, he washed and came back seeing and they put him out of the synagogue.
That’s what religion will do for you. Yeah. Religion doesn’t have any testimonies.
There ain’t no testimonies or miracles because there ain’t no miracles with legitimate religion.
Miracles are with righteousness. So this holds idea about ownership.
Now ownership, you gotta know what it is.
Because I believe people, some people have been a miss misunderstood or miss have misunderstood what ownership really is.
I said, well, now who owns your own car here and hands will go up?
I said, excuse me, is there a mortgage on it right now? Well, yes. Uh-huh.
Well, you don’t you don’t own it. Uh, who owns their own home? Her hands go up.
Oh, is that mortgage? Is that mortgage on that? Yeah. You don’t own it.
Uh, who are you folks saying I can go down the line. Yes. Get on on it.
But god promised you, you’d be an owner.
He didn’t he didn’t call you to rent. He called you to own.
Come on now. He didn’t call you to lease it.
He said, I want you to own it.
See, if you’re not excited about that, Your mind has been affected by this demon that’s tried to tell you, uh, it’s okay if you just do that.
No, it’s not okay. Do you realize when you got everything paid off, something happens to you inside?
Cause you no longer got tied to the devil.
Something happens to you inside.
You want you want you are gangster like you never. Bye.
Are you following what I’m saying? Something happens inside when all credit cards are paid.
Uh, something happens inside when the mortgage on all three of your properties and paid off.
Something happens inside when your three cars into the right a pain.
Uh, soup that happens when you’re walking with an outfit that’s paid off.
From now on, you can just repeat this after me, paid in full in Jesus’ name.
Everything will be paid off. I said everything will be paid off.
This is your father’s house. This whole earth belongs to god and his children.
So my last section is entitled taken all back.
I said, taken all back.
Now, understand for you to possess something, you will have to see it first.
That’s called the law of possession. When you don’t own something, you won’t have to say something.
You will have to do something. And I’m saying to you right now, speak to those bills. Say something.
Don’t look for your mind to agree with it.
In the name of Jesus, I right now call this building paid in full in the name of Jesus, deteriorated, go away.
He told most, uh, uh, Joshua, look what it said.
Joshua chapter 6 verses 1 and 2. Joshua chapter 6 verse 1 and 2.
He told him not only to see it, but to say it and do something, ready, read.
Now Jared Claude was greatly shut up. Because of the children of Israel.
None went out and none came in.
And the lord said unto Joshua, see I have dibed into thine man Jericho, and the king thereof and the mighty men of ballast.
And he shall contest the city. All ye men abhor and go round about the city once.
Thus shall thou do 6 days.
Now, listen, he’s giving them instructions how to transfer what he sees.
And I’m telling you what I’m saying to you is don’t look for nothing natural that will suit your mind because god said this, that he, he says, his ways are not our way.
And, anyway, he wants to get the glory for everything you do.
So he’s gonna tell you to do something that the natural can’t do so that he can get the men all the glory for it.
And and so for So what had happened, then I’m saying to point out those bills.
But this time, he’s telling Joshua, won’t you remind you around the city?
And I want you to march around it how many times? Same time.
And I want you to do that in the 7th day when you march around it, have the Rams horn to blow.
And when it does, tell everybody to shout.
Now, can you imagine transferring a whole city into your hand just because you shouted.
You need to give god a shout, but it’ll take place. It’s time to up.
You don’t work hard enough and come and shout.
It’s coming into your hand.
If that building is coming down, that city is coming into your hand.
That healing is coming to you right now in Jesus.
Hello. This is Bill Winston.
I wanna tell you about 4 d. Praise god.
This is a new series of teachings that I put out they’re talking about how you can live on another level.
I mean, I understand the 3rd dimension in time, space, and matter. I understand that.
That’s where all the problems are. That that’s where all the confusions are. Go over it to god.
We wanna take you to another level. That is 4 d. This is above time space and matter.
You see, a lot of times, we haven’t applied 4 d to our business or 4 d to our relationship.
These teachings tell you how. When Jesus turned water into wine, hey, 4 d.
When Jesus went out Peter and caught all that boat sinking net breaking load of fish in 1 afternoon, 4 d.
I’m saying 4 d is for me. And it’s for you too. You need to get the series of teaching.
It is new revolutionary. It’s not coming out of your head. Is coming out of your spirit.
Powerful teacher, the 4th dimension, glory to god. Ms. Bill Winston said, get it right away.
We love you and keep walking, I think.
If you’re intriguing, you’re not gonna get the blessing of 40.
When and Treaty, you will not have dominion. So you gotta watch yourself and see, are you in threed?
Are you in 40? God is gonna use you to do things that you never thought you could do because he gonna give you understanding yes with your mind.
He’s coming in with your spirit. Revelation gives me keys. See, there’s a key to that infirmity.
There’s a key to the marriage problem.
And you can get a key god if you belong to god. He’s calling on you.
What are you doing about that? God will wait you, here’s what god said. Fix it.
Something happening on your neighborhood. Fix it. You’re in four d. Word words. Words.
Speak words over your finances. Speak speak words over your bank account. Big words over your business.
Big words over your marriage. Big words.
You see, we’re trying to get everything done in three folks, you are no longer in three deep.
I came to announce you are now in four deep. In Jesus,
Limiting in the 4th dimension, volume 3 is available in its entirety.
On CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4.
To order this 4 part series, contact us at 1800 711-9327 or online at
Looking for an even deeper revelation then order the 4 d next level bundle, which includes today’s series and 3 additional series at a special discounted price.
In the four d next level bundle, you’ll learn the powerful truths that Jesus paid the everlasting price to put his world and the 4th dimension back into our jurisdiction, and we now have access to god’s wisdom and power.
When believers learn how to operate in the 4th They are untouchable, uncursable, and unstoppable.
Hello. This is Bill Winston. I would like to share with you but changed my life.
And that was when I came to the lord, when I confessed Jesus as lord in my life, I switched kingdoms.
I came out of the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of his just son and look what god has done.
Now, I’m saying the same thing that happened to you. I don’t know where you stand.
But I do know this. God desires that all be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
All you have to say is lord Jesus, I ask you, come into my heart.
Live your life in me and through me forever, and he will.
So right now, receive him into your heart as your new lord and savior, and I guarantee you Nothing will be the same again.
I want you to get my book. It’s called Born Again in Spiritville.
Now, you can download it free of charge. It’s for you. It’ll tell you what the next steps are.
This is Bill Winston saying, God bless you, and keep walking by faith.
Now remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking
by faith.

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