This One Encounter with the Holy Spirit Changed Me Forever | David Diga Hernandez
This One Encounter with the Holy Spirit Changed Me Forever
In the presence of the Holy Spirit, everything about your nature becomes completely transformed. This one encounter with the Holy Spirit changed me forever.
Jesus is saying to you what he said to Peter, “You’re looking at your flaws, but I’m looking at your potential. You’re looking at your dysfunction, but I’m looking at your destiny. You think you’re a mess, but what you can’t see is you’re a masterpiece. It’s not up to you to change yourself. Follow Me and I will make you. I will refine you. I will mold you. I will favor you. I will give you strength. I will give you wisdom. I will break the addiction. I will heal your body. I will open new doors. I will set you on a better path. I will bring out your talents. I will make you into the masterpiece that I created you to be.”
I often don’t even talk about this aspect of my testimony because I don’t believe in magnifying demonic power.
In fact, I believe in the church today that one of the bigger issues is not so much demonic oppression, rather it’s demonic obsession.
And sometimes we take on doctrines and theologies that so magnify the power of the enemy that we minimize the power of the Holy Spirit.
So I wanna remind you no matter what spirit is coming against you, there is no spirit more powerful than the Holy Spirit.
We have to stop talking as if we serve a little god and we’re facing a big devil.
Church, the scripture declares that when you resist the devil, he will flee from you.
The Bible doesn’t say that if you resist the devil, he fights, It says you resist the devil and he will flee.
That means she runs. Why? Because he recognizes that you finally know who you are.
We have Christians bragging bragging about their bondage.
While the lord knows that the reason the enemy attacks me so much is because he knows how anointed and a point and great.
I am. He can see my destiny. No, my friend.
The reason that he can keep you in bondage is because he knows that you’ve already surrendered that area.
Oh, I can hear a groan. I know we’re just on the right vein here.
And we magnify the power of the enemy.
But I’m not sharing this to magnify the power of the enemy.
I wanna share with you just how dark things were so that you can understand just how marvelous that light of the holy spirit truly is.
So my great, great grandfather was a warlock from Zacatecas Mexico.
He was also a politician, very wealthy.
People would come from all over the world, and he would place curses on people.
And they would also bring him the sick that he might heal them, but, of course, he used demonic power.
There was a report and we weren’t able to verify this, but there was a report from people in the era who said that he was able to call down fire from the sky.
Now, this was great demonic power, but again, I’m not saying that to brag.
I’m not saying that to magnify the power of the enemy.
We recognize that we are in a spiritual battle and that demonic power is real.
So that’s a part of the story.
Now people ask me often, David, do you believe in generation curses.
I believe that the enemy will strategize against families generationally.
And as he strategizes against families generationally, he recognizes what temptations work for that family.
And because of genetics, because of tendencies, because of social constructs, and the way that these individuals are raised from generation to generation, what work on the father will work on the son.
What worked on the mother will work on the daughter. This is why you’ll see generations of alcoholism.
Generations of drug addiction, generations of adultery. Why?
Because the enemy knows that if it worked on the previous generation, it will likely work on this generation.
But we have to get this picture out of our mind of a demon waiting in the corner of a delivery room to jump on to the child.
And that as soon as the baby’s born, it jumps on that child, and now it has it, and there’s nothing that can be done unless they solve some riddle.
So I believe in what’s called generational attack.
And if we respond to the attack of the enemy with disobedience toward god, then we have what’s called generational consequence.
He said, I don’t like to use the term generational curse because the term generational curse implies that there’s nothing I can do in my power to break it.
But when you recognize that it’s generational consequence, Then you begin to see that the choices you make determine how much the enemy can get away with in your life.
When you say generational curse, You blame your parents for your bondage, and that’s not biblical.
Guys, it’s not biblical. You point to the Old Testament scripture where the Bible talks about that generation being visited upon generation with that wrath.
And with that curse, what’s actually being talked about there is a nation that’s experiencing captivity from the surrounding nations such as Babylon.
And when that nation was disobedient toward god, they would go into slavery and therefore, their children would be born into slavery.
It’s not saying that if your parent’s sin that god’s gonna hold you accountable for that, nothing in the scripture like that.
In fact, it says just the opposite.
And so once you begin to recognize that its generational consequence and not generational curse, you realize that the choices you make determine whether or not you’re going to walk in the spirit or walk in the flesh.
The enemy will tempt you from generation to generation. Yes. The enemy will attack you from generation to generation.
Yes. But you do not have to walk in the same bondage that your parents walked in if you begin to follow Jesus.
It’s like we imagine that we have to solve some riddle, like in some scary movie where the demonic power can’t be broken unless they go far back in enough generations or read in some ancient book some code that finally breaks the power of the enemy.
My friend, you don’t need an ancestry dot come to be free.
You don’t need to go to the history channel and find out about your family.
You don’t need to go through documents and layers and layers of Genie in order to find your freedom, the scripture declares where the spirit of the lord is.
There is liberty. People say, brother David, what about the bloodline? What about the bloodline?
My family bloodline? My friend, what about the blood of Jesus that breaks him curse.
So don’t hear what I’m not saying.
I’m not denying that the enemy attacks generationally.
I’m saying that the way we think about those attacks have to change, have to change, and we have to align with what the scripture says.
But what’s happened in the church is that we’ve taken teachings from the occult.
We’ve taken teachings from new age practices We reverse engineer them, and then we call it deliverance doctrine.
We reverse engineer what the enemy says is true, and then we tried to apply it to a scriptural framework.
My friend, when you get saved and you come out of the occult, when you get saved and you come out of new age, You don’t take all the teachings from the occult, and you don’t take all the teachings from the new age.
You take just scripture. And then you look at what the Bible says about the this is why there’s so much confusion in this area, and this is why so many remain perpetually actually bound going from deliverance to deliverance when they should be going from glory to glory.
Now, again, this sounds a little bit different possibly than what you’ve been told, and I’m telling you this, it doesn’t necessarily contradict what we’ve been taught, but we have to change the way we think about the power of the enemy.
Power of the enemy is real. Yes. He attacks generationally.
Yes, there are consequences to sin, yes, we can open doors.
And by that, I mean, we can cause areas in our lives to come under the influence of demonic attack and we can make ourselves susceptible to to deception, by the way we live.
But we have to take what the scripture says and adjust what we think about the spiritual realm based on the scripture and the scripture alone.
The moment you begin to reach outside the scripture, now you’re beginning to take from other belief systems.
Why would you take anything from a belief system that was founded upon demonic deception?
Why would you take anything from the occult?
Why would you take anything from new age, reject it, and follow the way of scripture?
Now I say that because our family wrestled with this demonic attack like you wouldn’t believe.
My friend, I literally saw demonic beings in my room when I was a boy.
You wanna talk about demonic attack. I saw them.
Not in a person there in manifested form in my room. I would hear them whisper.
There was one instance where I at 3 o’clock in the morning, turned over from my sleep, and I saw sitting on a couch, three old ladies, And they were looking at me and whispering to each other about me.
I would see demonic manifestations faces in the wall.
Now, of course, my grandparents were Christians, My parents were Christians, but this doesn’t mean the enemy won’t try to attack your family.
Now whenever they would rebuke that power, it would break.
In fact, my parents rebuked it. They prayed with me.
There was an instance where I was insisting that my dad, when he was making church flyers, I insisted that he handed a flyer to the man that was standing in the corner.
Who I would often converse with, and I can still see him in my head right now.
And I will not describe him, but he he was just it wasn’t it wasn’t an imaginary friend.
It that this was someone I truly thought was there.
I would converse with this person often with his demonic entity.
And so once they realized what was happening, they prayed, and it stopped that level of demonic attack.
Yes. But it didn’t stop what was happening in me because I’d yet to receive Christ.
And so from the ages 7 to 11, the attack of demonic power began to intensify.
I suffered severely with depression and anxiety, and you asked my grandparents This was generational.
This was a generational attack, a strategy used against us.
And so because I had yet to receive the lord, this began to get worse and worse.
Until 1 week, my family went to a Bible conference.
Now if you’re a pastor’s kid, you understand that sometimes the family vacation doubles as the bible conference, and the bible conference doubles as the family vacation.
So this was bible conference slash family vacation.
And I remember standing in the back of the room as the people began to worship and I became upset, like, angry.
And I’m watching the people worship, and I’m thinking, god, I wanna be free like that.
Why is my mind so tormented? It was it was hellish. It was intense.
But what the enemy meant for evil, god turned around for good.
Because this attack pushed me toward Jesus.
Here’s something else I wanna say, and I wanna be very careful.
A lot of what I say, I’m asking that you listen carefully because it can be very nuanced.
And and and I don’t say that to boast.
I say that because I wanna be very careful with how I describe these things.
Um, just like I mentioned a moment ago curses and spiritual warfare. Yes.
Different than what you’ve been told, but not necessarily contradictory. It’s a challenge to think through biblical framework.
Instead of through what we’ve been told. And so I’m standing there.
The back of the room, and I’m upset.
I’m upset that these people are worshiping and rejoicing and that attack intensified to the point where I got desperate.
Now here’s what I was gonna say when I told you, please don’t hear what I’m not saying.
Desperation has its place. Desperation can serve good purposes.
But while desperation is a great initiator, it is not a great lifestyle.
Let me explain. Because what some of you might have heard me say was, are you saying we shouldn’t be hungry for god?
No. Hungry for god is one thing Desperate for god means you haven’t been in touch with him.
Desperate means I lack. Desperate means I’m without desperate means I’m in trouble.
Now will you face trial and tragedy and trouble? Of course, will you still find some desperate situations? Absolutely.
But the believer cannot be desperate for what he already has Hungry for god.
Yes. The difference between hunger and starvation. If I’m hungry for something, It’s because I’ve been eating.
I had breakfast, lunch, a dinner, hopefully, and the next day I’m hungry again.
But if I’m starving, it means I haven’t eaten in a long time.
That’s the difference between hunger and desperation. So we get that confused. Hunger, yes.
I’m hungry for you in worship.
I desire you in worship as the deer panted for the water so my soul long as after thee.
We long for him. We desire him, but we are not desperate in the sense that we lack him.
Now, at that point, I was desperate, and that’s why I say that desperate moments can push you into encounters with god but that doesn’t mean you stay in desperation because you have to begin to get things in order.
And so I began to just wrestle with the Holy Spirit.
Do you ever try that? It’s a losing battle.
And I know that I need to go talk to my dad and tell him that I need to get saved.
Now I knew Jesus, historically, I could have told you all the stories about him.
I knew Jesus philosophically, I could have told you all of his teachings.
In fact, as a child, I was taught to memorize the scripture. I went to a baptist school.
So a charismatic and a baptist school and there you have my life story pretty much.
And so I I had to memorize large portions of scripture.
I knew Jesus, of course, with his philosophy, his teachings. That was a part of me.
It was a moral code, a nice decoration that I wore.
Part of my culture and identity And I knew Jesus socially because my family knew him, but I did not know Jesus personally.
And here’s the thing.
This is why it’s so difficult for religious people to have encounters with god because in order to embrace the genuine, you have to admit that what you had wasn’t real.
An ego will keep you from doing that. What I had was superficial.
What I had was intellectual. But it was not true and deep and a part of who I was.
And so I call my dad into the room I said, dad, I wanna get saved.
I need Jesus. I I’ve not I’ve never been saved. I need to be born again.
And so we sit down in the hotel room.
Now if you ever been in a hotel, you know, some rooms have double beds. There were two beds.
On one bed, my father sat facing the other bed.
On the other bed, I sat facing my father. He reached his hands out.
I grabbed his hands. He began to pray with me what many would refer to as the sinner’s prayer.
Now, of course, in the scripture, we understand that there’s no such thing as the sinner’s prayer.
But I promise you in the scripture, you’ll find sinners who pray.
The Bible talks about confession being an important component of the salvation experience.
So, yes, that’s biblical. Uh, there’s a mean you say a magic word and then all of a sudden you’re saved.
There has to be something genuine happening there.
And so he begins to lead me in prayer, and I remember that I began to sense the love of god come over me.
And as he’s leading me in this prayer, I’m trying to say the words and and I’m praying, my mouth is shaking.
I’m crying so much. Tears are streaming down my face. I couldn’t even get the words out. I was sobbing.
But in my mind and in my heart, I’m declaring, and I’m calling out to Jesus to save me, to rescue me.
My friend, as he began to lead me in that prayer and as I began to surrender my heart, I began to feel the love of god envelop me.
I began to feel the peace of god call me.
I began to feel the joy of the spirit well up from inside of me.
And the moment that Jesus walked in every demon ran out.
Instant peace, instant deliverance.
Because where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty.
I experienced that touch of god on my life, began to walk with him, to know him, And for the first time ever, I knew in my heart, I met.
Jesus. And and we say that, and it can become cliche, but no, my friend, I met Jesus.
The son of the living god, the same who walked the shores of Galilee, the great I am, the one who walk with the disciples, Jesus, I met him, and I know him now.
I know Jesus. What a joy.
From that moment on, something began to transform in my heart.
There was a boldness that began to rise.
There was this hunger, this spiritual vitality, the breath of god, this breath of life, the wind of the spirit, if you will, that began to carry me.
And after this experience with meeting Jesus, I began to desire to know this person they call the Holy spirit.
Now let me be clear, Romans 89 makes it very, very, very clear that the moment you are born again, you have the Holy Spirit.
So what then is to be said of this experience that we see, for example, in acts 2, in acts 4, where spirit filled believers seem to receive again the Holy Spirit.
I like to use an analogy that how to encapsulate the teachings of scripture, and that would be to say that the holy spirit or the experience of his presence is both a well and a river.
It’s both an experience and a continual state of being.
At Salvation, the Holy Spirit feels you like water in a cup.
But for the rest of your life, the holy spirit will fill you like wind and a sail.
This continual infilling, ephesians 518 this continual empowerment, be filled.
It’s a continuation of that which you experience.
So the question isn’t, do I have the Holy Spirit the question should be, does the Holy Spirit have of your life, you surrender to him.
And I wanted this friendship with the Holy Spirit that so many had talked about.
I heard stories of preachers who would pray for hours, and I would wonder, what are you talking about for hours?
I really it was a it wasn’t like a cynical wondering. I genuinely wanted to know.
What do you talk to god about for hours at a time?
I had heard of other people’s encounters in his presence, and I longed for that too.
The fellowship of the Holy Spirit this oneness with god, this connection with the Holy Spirit, this having him as a friend for everyday living.
So determined to encounter the Holy Spirit.
I gave god somewhat of an ultimatum.
I don’t recommend you do this, and let me say this very clearly. This is my testimony.
This is not doctrine to follow. Okay?
I shut the door in my room right there at Nani Papiat Twin Palms Apartment that room that had that wasn’t really a room, but had to be closed off.
That room, I shut the door And I said to the lord, I’m not leaving here until I have an encounter with you.
I’m not going to eat. I’m not going to sleep.
Not until I experience the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit.
So I embark on this spiritual journey.
I begin to pray and pray and pray And I’m thinking, man, I must have been praying now for several hours.
I look at the clock and 10 minutes have passed.
So that first hour I’m praying, just standard prayers.
Talking to the lord. I set up my room just so. My ceiling light was on.
The ceiling fan was on so that the room could stay comfortable. My Bible was open. This was before Instagram.
My Bible was open picture perfect. I had music playing in the background, and I was ready.
I had set the mood. I was ready to encounter God. 1 hour went by.
I became a little discouraged because nothing happened.
You ever you ever get those situations where you hear of other people’s encounters, and then you go expecting the same and it doesn’t happen for you.
Do you know why sometimes that is?
Because an intense desire for an encounter with god or an experience, a spiritual experience can sometimes itself become a distraction from god himself.
You’re so worried about what you feel or don’t feel.
You’re so worried about what you’re experiencing or not experiencing, and you’re waiting for your feelings and emotions to confirm what you should already believe from scripture.
If you were to ask me in that moment as god near to you, I would have said no.
Because most believers live their lives, imagining that god is a million miles away, not recognizing that he’s in you.
Not about you getting more of a holy spirit.
It’s about the holy spirit getting more of you that comes by way of surrender. 1st hour went by nothing.
2nd hour, I begin to pray.
Now I begin to pray the spiritual warfare prayers.
And I begin to rebuke the spirit of this, the spirit of that.
The spirit of I can’t pray because I’m distracted. I cast you out in Jesus’ name.
I’m pointing at corners and talking to imaginary beings.
And if there was an adjective, I attached it to a demon and then rebuked it.
Yes. Spiritual warfare is real. Yes.
We sometimes wrestle against demonic powers. Yes. We ought to rebuke demonic beings. Yes.
We ought to this deliverance and exorcism. That’s for today.
And if you don’t believe that, then you gotta read the scripture.
But that wasn’t what I was facing.
You see, I thought I was fighting a demon at that time.
I didn’t realize I was actually fighting the flesh.
You see, You can cast the demon out, but you can’t cast you out of you.
The flesh doesn’t come and go the flesh shrinks and grows depending upon how you live your life.
And I was so in the flesh, I was relying upon my own strength.
That second hour goes by. Finally, the third one comes.
And now I begin to become a theologian.
All of the prayer techniques I had learned, all of the prayer books I had read, everything I knew about prayer I began to apply, and an hour goes by, and wouldn’t you believe it?
Nothing happens. It was at this point I really began to regret that ultimatum that I made before god.
I was like, lord, would you mind if I just took a nap?
But I persisted.
And then I reached for emotion, and I tried to manipulate god by way of using guilt into responding to me.
God, can’t you see me? God, don’t you hear me? And we do it all the time.
Church I read it in the comment section. I just know god’s not gonna do it for me.
He always ignores me.
And we think that god responds to emotions when actually he responds to faith and trust.
You see, 1st 1st thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 talks about the body, the soul, and the spirit.
Now as you begin to study the scripture, you’ll see that at least for the believer, the soul and the spirit aren’t necessarily perfectly divided with a bold and distinct line, like we’ve sometimes imagined.
I have those illustrations in my books.
I think thinking about the human experience in compartments like that can be helpful for understanding certain doctrines But, really, the soul and the spirit are somewhat blended.
It’s more of a gradient than it is a bold line between the two.
Especially if you read in the old testament, uh, about these concepts, you’ll begin to see that there’s more of a tie together than there is a separation.
And Jesus said in John chapter 7 verse 38, out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water.
And, of course, we know because the scripture plainly tells us that he was talking about the Holy Spirit.
So body’s sole spirit out of my innermost thing will flow rivers of living water.
Now I really wanna challenge you here with this because that which is born of the flesh is flesh That which is born of the spirit is spirit.
Lord, give us ears to hear nice to see.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
If you begin prayer from the flesh, you’re praying in the flesh, And many of us begin prayer and worship from the exterior instead of beginning from the spirit.
David, what do you mean by that? When we go to pray, do I sit?
Do I stand? Can I pace? Am I able to lie down?
Do you want me on my face? Is it disrespectful if I sit?
Do I have to pray out loud? Do I yell? Do I whisper?
Can I think my own thought When do I pray in tongues?
And by the way, can I think in tongues? Is that even biblical?
And we begin to try to connect with god from the exterior.
Now, again, don’t hear what I’m not saying.
When the Holy Spirit inspires you, it is true that sometimes from the spirit will be inspired worship that causes you to shout and causes you to dance and causes you to sing and causes you to jump I don’t care if you do cartwheels if it comes from the spirit, it’s worship.
And it’s a beautiful thing to see.
However, If you are trying to connect with god because of those things, you missed it.
This is why you can sing and you can dance and you can even do good charity work.
But the moment you begin to pray, your flesh start to squirm. Why?
Because prayer is the death of the flesh. And so now we sometimes pray from the outside.
We think we’ll be heard because we yell. Think will be heard because we cried.
Now, again, you can yell and you can cry if it begins from within.
But we do not pray to connect with god.
We pray from connection with god.
And that is the primary difference between praying in the flesh and praying in the spirit.
And so we try to we try to make for something that we think we’re lacking, like when you get a bad call and the call starts to drop.
And the other person on the other end, when you tell them, that the call is dropping.
They start to scream at you, but the issue is not the volume. It’s the connection.
And many times, we try to make up for with emotional and physical volume what we don’t recognize as spiritual connection.
And we pray from the exterior.
We shout to connect when we should connect when we should shout because we’re connected.
And then we try to reach for emotions which is what I was doing. Lord, don’t you hear me?
God, can’t you see me? My friend, I cried every 2 or I could cry.
My carpet was wet with tears. My physical body was tense.
Because I so wanted to encounter with God.
I wanted to experience what others had talked about.
Still, even after the 4th hour, nothing happened.
And I became discouraged. Now let me tell you what I did.
My friend, I finally gave up, but not in the way you might think.
I was empty of myself.
It took me 4 hours, but I finally got the flesh to be subjected.
Because at that point, my flesh was very strong.
4 hours of fighting this thing.
Exhausted of emotion, exhausted of willpower, exhausted of my own desire, exhausted it of physical strength.
That’s when the Holy Ghost showed up.
I was done. Now that’s the hard way.
The easier way is to just believe that he are already connected with him. That’s the ease.
That’s why I often tell people imagine how much heartache and time you would save in prayer.
If instead of begging god to hear you, you simply believe that he already did.
And so I was I was empty.
I lifted my hands, and now real tears began to flow.
And I said, lord, I don’t know how to pray.
I don’t know how to find Jesus.
Please helped me find Jesus.
And the Holy Spirit began to speak.
He told me to turn off the fan. It was distracting.
Turn off the light. For now, close the scripture.
A little uncomfortable with that. But you see, I had already read, like, 30 or 40 chapters of the Bible that day.
And I did so, and I’m gonna say something.
It’s gonna sound like I’m joking, but I’m being serious I had what I’ve I’ve coined this phrase, and I call it a religious OCD, where you’re obsessively compulsive over certain acts and you read the Bible, not because you wanna know him, but because you fear that you didn’t do your duty if you didn’t read enough that day.
You pray for hours, not because you love him, but because you’re afraid that you’re gonna be judged because you didn’t pray enough hours that day.
That’s not of the spirit. That’s where I came from.
So for now, close the scripture.
And then he said, turn off the music, and this was my genuine response, but you can’t move without the music.
How programmed I was. After a slight hesitation, I just obeyed.
And then I closed my eyes, and I just trusted him.
I didn’t try to conjure. We see, we, especially we as charismatic, and I’m a charismatic.
We as charismatic. We think we have to conjure things.
Conjure an atmosphere, conjure connection, conjure a miracle.
My friend just rest in what he’s done.
See, see, that’s the difference for these meetings.
You wanna know why the power of the Holy Ghost shows up so strong in these meetings?
It’s because people are led with truth to just yield to the spirit and let them do it.
It’s that fighting, fighting, fighting, And I closed my eyes, and the presence of the Holy Spirit filled my room.
It was as though the plan and mediocre settings of my bedroom had been lifted to a heavenly realm, and I didn’t work for it.
I didn’t work for it, and he wanted me to know that I couldn’t work for it.
When you’ve got nothing left, you’ve given all that you can give.
That’s when god shows up because he wants you to know who deserves the credit for it.
And so I’m standing there.
The presence of the Holy Spirit fills my bead.
I began to feel pulses of electric currents move up and down my body.
Heat enveloped me. A weight filled the room.
And I remember I felt as though I was standing in a wave of water.
And I felt the love of god fill my heart.
Peace, joy. It was euphoric.
This joy just it was like an explosion from my spirit just joy, and it billowed out over me.
And I didn’t wanna move in that moment because I felt as though if I moved, I might feel my hand brush up against his robe.
That’s how real the presence of Jesus had become.
I didn’t wanna open my eyes because I was certain If I open my eyes, I would see Jesus staring right back at me, and I didn’t wanna be startled and break that.
What I sensed in that moment lasted for just a couple of minutes.
But had I sought it for a 100 years, it would have been worth every second.
And that marked my life. As a result, boldness came upon me.
A ministry was birthed, not out of ministry politics and clever marketing, but out of an encounter with Jesus, a ministry was birthed.
I began to pray for the sick at my school.
Miracles were happening in the school.
I recall one such instance where a kid was being healed of psoriasis, people of god, we watched as the skin disease disappeared from his arm.
And and there was there was a skeptic watching.
He’s watching us like this with his arms folded, and he’s telling the his friends, something to the effect of.
This is all in their heads. It’s all fake.
And when I turned to explain to him that it’s the real deal, I felt a joltable electricity jump out of my hand, he hits the floor on a pile of bricks.
He gets up off the floor shaking his head going, this isn’t real.
This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t real.
That Thursday, he was in church giving his heart to Jesus.
The power of god began to move and overflowed my life.
I began to see miracles and salvation there was a new way of thinking that had began to clarify things for me, and I no longer looked at god as this angry person in the sky who wanted thing to do with me.
I knew that he was my father. I knew that he was for me. I knew that he loved me.
There was a joy over flowing, and it began to impact people around me.
And god took it from there.
Zechariah 1210, we see that the Holy Spirit helps us to pray.
John 1426, we see that the Holy Spirit helps to teach us the truth Galatians 516 shows us that the Holy Spirit is our power unto holiness.
Some of you are so afraid of losing the Holy Spirit for every mistake that you make.
But I promise you, god would not remove from you.
Your only chance for being holy as a punishment for you not being holy.
What am I saying to you that you can go on sinning by no means?
I’m saying the holy spirit faithfully abides with you to help you get it right.
John 424, we must worship in the spirit, and he helps us to do so.
Romans 15, he convinces us of our sonship. Galatians 35. He performs the miraculous through us.
2nd Corinthians 4 13. He gives you faith, acts 2. He gives you boldness. Romans 55.
He gives you a love for god and others.
John 1526 He points to Jesus, glorifies Jesus, testifies of Jesus.
Romans 826, he prays for you and is your mighty intercessor John 14th, 15th, 18.
He comforts you in times of heartache. John 16th, 7th, 11.
He’s heaven’s greatest evangelist, John 1412 and John 167, the Holy Spirit is the key, the secret to greater works, act chapter 10 verse 38.
He was the same spirit who empowered Christ.
My friend He’s the same holy spirit who hovered above the face of the deep and caused all things to come into existence.
He was the same holy spirit who inspired the craftsman that they might make those items for the tabernacle with excellence.
He was the same holy spirit who interpreted dreams, who inspired Psalms, who inspired the proverbs, who moved the prophets of all to speak the oracles of god.
He’s the same holy spirit who rested upon the 12 disciples, and the scripture says he dwells in you.
Stop talking to me about demons.
Talk to me about the power of the Holy Ghost.
Greater is he who is in me than he that is in the world.
It’s the presence of the holy ghost who abides in you.
And my prayer tonight for those present and those watchers is that you would come into an encounter with the Holy Spirit that would utterly transform you.
You don’t have to beg for it. In fact, even now it’s begun.
You sense that inspiration of the spirit. That’s what happens when the truth is preached. It liberates you.
Spirit brings liberation.
How many of you are ready for an encounter with the Holy Spirit?
Well, if you enjoyed that message and you think that others need to hear it, make sure that you leave a like to help spread the word and also make sure you subscribe to my channel to receive more content on the Holy Spirit.
Now let’s pray for you to have an encounter With the precious holy spirit, I want you to let your faith rise.
Father, in the name of Jesus. I lift that one to you now.
Who is hungry for a touch of your presence and power?
And precious holy spirit, I pray that even now.
You would cause them to sense the nearness of your presence.
Touch them with your power I pray.
Make your presence known in their life, in their mind, in their heart.
I want you just to begin to receive my faith, receive the touch of a holy spirit’s mouth.
Remember, he wants a friendship with you, even more than you want a friendship with you.
Holy Spirit is not just a force or a feeling. He’s your friend.
He can be known. Holy Spirit.
I consent your power Some of you right now beginning to sense the weight of that glory.
That’s the beauty of his presence. Thank you, Jesus. Touched our lives in a fresh way.
Now some of you may even be sensing right now like a heat coming on your body.
Or like electricity moving up and down. That’s the touch of the Holy Spirit’s power. Don’t be afraid.
Just receive that now. I thank you, lord, for the weight of your glory.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. I want you to say it because you believe it, say a man.
Well, I know that you love the precious holy spirit and I wanna invite you now to get involved with what this ministry is doing to help not only spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also the message of friendship with the Holy Spirit, closeness with the Holy Spirit.
Of course, I love to win souls. We love to see people come to Jesus.
But one of my great joys of ministry is introducing believers to the person of the Holy Spirit.
And so if you wanna get involved with what we’re doing, I wanna invite you to become a monthly ministry supporter by going to David Hernandez, a monthly donation of any amount will help us the events and media.
The contents free. The events are free, and it’s all donors supported.
So let the Holy Spirit speak to you about becoming a partner right now.
You can also give a single donation by going to David Hernandez Don’t dismiss yourself.
Don’t think it doesn’t matter.
I know that even in these times, many might be afraid because of the many things that they’re hearing in the news.
Or on social media. Listen. Every phase of life, every season, every year Every month really presents to us something that causes us to make a choice, faith, or fear There will always be something to fear.
There will always be nay sayers and doomsday sayers. We place our faith in the word.
We place our faith in Christ. And if we put the kingdom first, he’s gonna take care of everything else.
So take a step of faith and support this great work. I sure do appreciate you for it.
Again, partner by going to Give a single donation by going to david
And until next time, remember, nothing is impossible with god.