The Wheels Of Conviction | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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The Wheels Of Conviction

So when you think about God’s truth and God’s word, what do you expect from it? Our God is radical.
You look around at the creative universe and it is radical. It is awesome.
But God’s word has to deal with something in our lives and that is sin and there are things that must take place and one of them is something that is becoming increasingly impossible to say.
But we’re going to say it. And that is the conviction of sin, more specifically in our message today.
The wheels of conviction without conviction, there can be no realization that sin is in our lives.
And you are about to hear my friends listen up, you’re about to hear a list of sins from the bible that every one of us, if we’re honest, are guilty of by either action or by thought and you’re gonna have to please endure this list to find out why on the other side, jesus is so precious to us who believe and it’s my prayer as you hear this message.
Instead of getting up and walking away, instead of turning off the broadcast, that you actually double down and listen and be honest with yourself because what you’re gonna hear, you’re gonna kick against.
But if you’re honest, you are going to take note that what is going on is something that is inside of you and God wants to deal with it.

So listen, when paul discovered that he was the son or a son of the law, meaning he had come to the age of knowing he was confronted with truth today.
Many of you are gonna be responsible.
Once you hear truth, you may not hear it on any other program like the one you’re about to hear now.
But the moment you hear this truth, you too will become a son or a daughter of the law meaning I now know what it says and I am convicted about its righteousness.
Oh God! In heaven, what do I do? So stay with us?
Please be intellectually and spiritually honest with yourself and with God, hang on. Because here we go.
In Judaism in paul’s day when a child was born from the beginning, listen, the baby is born and many jews do this to this day, the moment the baby starts to breastfeed after birth, the mother will not say what she says until she, I guess women, you know how, when the baby starts to actually intake milk, you know this, we don’t know us guys.
And so when it happens, the mother knows and so notice the position of the baby.
The baby’s ear is closest to the mother’s mouth.
Babies nursing mother detects he’s eating, he’s being comforted. His tummy is being filled.
He’s he’s this is great and that’s when she says in hebrew, the Lord, he is God the Lord, he is God the Lord, he is God is that precious.

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So from from paul’s moment of nursing.
He had heard the Lord he is God all the way up until the age of 12, he was in a certain category of teaching in the traditions and in the scriptures to the age of 12.
You want to know what’s important about the age of 12. In first century Judaism.
Was this at the age of 12, you now become the son of the law.
You had a son of the Law Party, kind of like a 13 year old. Now what?
Bar Mitzvah or Bob Mitzvah for the for the young lady. And now he’s 12.
And he’s now the son, a son of the law, which now he studies other portions of scripture.
And this is what most scholars and historians understand. Are you guys getting this? It’s kind of fun.
I love this stuff. It’s this okay, I’m 12, I’m in class. What’s up? Okay, get out your pen.
Here we go, thou shalt thou shalt not covet. And he says what?
And it’s believed from that moment, from the age of 12 to who knows what Paul’s age was when he was converted, that the wheels of conviction began.
How about you? A lot of people by the way confused this reality with teen rebellion.
They start thinking, wait a minute.
I know I know this, I know that and they start having emotions and they start making decisions And instead of making decisions on facts, they make decisions on feelings and emotions.
We, again, psychologists say, Oh, he’s in a state of teen rebellion.
The Bible says he’s come to the age of accountability.
It’s not 13, it could be 11, it could be 17. It’s the capacity of the child.
He or she doesn’t matter.
But when they begin to push back from your faith, that’s the time when you get your good close friends and fast and pray because your son and your daughter is now walking away from your faith, it’s gonna happen.
It’s like a spaceship disconnecting from the booster. It’s got to happen. It’s got to happen.
They can’t live under your faith forever.
But then they come to this place of their own thinking and that’s where all of your years of prayer and and bible and life and consistency and Children’s ministry to help and all that goes to work and the kid has a struggle.
What’s the struggle? They wake up to the fact I’m a sinner and I want to do this now and I can if I want to, what am I gonna do?
They got to choose their will has been brought to the place of decision.
Just like satan as Lucifer, just like adam and Eve just like you and I remarkable were illuminated the reality does that to us.

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And so because he didn’t know anything about the law.
When the law was made known to him, he found out I’m a covetous person.
He got nailed by the 10th commandment and the bible tells us that when the commandment came.
That is the light bulb picture this, the light bulb in verse nine turned on over his head.
Sin revived notice Sin was always there. It just popped up and said, I’m in control now.
And he said, when that happened I died, I died, wow.
I want to give you this quote. It says there we get.
I think we’ll have it on the screens. No pastor would want to admit what I’m about to say.
But unless you understand the purpose and the function of the law of God, there is no possible way for you to understand the purpose and function of salvation.
The cross of jesus christ in the empty tomb.
There’s no possible way for you to be saved by having your sins forgiven unless you understand the law.
Think about that. Oh! Please forgive me for what? Right? Think about it.
Okay, listen, my son wants to be baptized or I want to be baptized for what?
Uh go to heaven. Right wrong. Answer.
It is a pastor’s job to make sure that the congregation under his teaching knows that without faith in jesus christ, it is impossible to enter the kingdom of heaven.
It’s a fact. Have you experienced the rescuing from the law? God’s Law is awesome.
Pure and amazing. But God’s law because you and I can’t meet its requirements. It has condemned us.
And when we hear this, it kills us.
And yet this is exactly how the path of life must proceed.
We must understand that we are lost without him before we can be found in him.
Maybe this will help because think about it when you were young, you thought the world was your what?
Oyster I was gonna say, it’s fruit salad or whatever the thing is, okay, the world is your oyster.
What? I don’t get that. Who likes oysters? What’s that’s like a curse?
Oh the Pearl, See, I don’t like that.
Um So here you go, Galatians, chapter five verse 16.
Now, let’s just place ourselves into this. I say, then walk in the spirit capital s Walk with God.
Walk with jesus in your heart, in your life and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Stop right there. The Holy Spirit puts the law inside of you, he does it and he activates it so that you actually wind up doing the impossible because you can’t do it.
But the Spirit of God begins to do it in you. Amazing. That’s that born again experience.
And these are contrary oh sorry, verse 17, For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
And these are contrary to one another. That’s how you know, you’re a believer, are you at war with yourself?
That’s there’s there’s two realities fighting inside of you So that you do not do the things that you wish verse 18, but if you were led by the spirit, you are not under the law.
Now, the works of the flesh are evident.
This is the world, this is the this is what the the unbelieving world lives for, which are number one adultery.
You know, adultery is adultery is where both of the people are married to other people.
But they’re in union and sex. They’ve had they’ve committed the greek word por nia.
It doesn’t mean that they had um make sure there’s some young faces around here.
It doesn’t mean they wrestled all the way.
It means that they they entered into an activity that even though they didn’t wrestle, they did other things.
You know what I’m saying?
Things okay, the bible calls that adultery one, both can be married or once somebody’s got to be married, It could be both or one if it’s the one he’s not only she’s not only committed adultery, it falls under the realm of for fornication.
When two people who are not married before the eyes of God, they’re experiencing or they’re engaged in what is known as fornication by the way the four of these are sexually based unclean nous lewdness.
And verse 20 talks about really something that encompasses everything. Idolatry.
Idolatry is a very highly passionate driven form of covetousness. Sorcery is a weird word.
We see sorcery, but in the actual greek language, it’s far McKay where you get the word pharmacy, pharmaceutical, but the word means two to bend your mind to to ingest something that changes your way of thinking.
Things like this, I can’t cope. It’s too much I need a drink.
So okay listen if you’re not a christian drink away buddy.
Right let’s be honest if you’re not a christian, drink up for tomorrow you die eat drink and be merry, right?
Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. Go ahead.
If you’re a christian, that’s why God gave us prayer. Give me a beer.
Give me an ear No pray christian. Are you stressed? Call out to God.
Are you stressed? It’s not gonna kill you. I’m gonna take a pill. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Get on your knees. Get on your knees literally get on your knees, lift your hands, pour out your concern to him, pour out your concern.
That’s why in my office I told you before I have incredible I’ll show them to you someday prescription pads like a doctor’s office.
You can’t tell the difference. Looks like a real doctor.
I could probably go to jail for a life. They look real.
But if you look real close it says for example you know amount of refills and I have take your medicine.
Don’t miss this thing. And all of these promises that are written on this pad are based upon the word of God right?
And I give them give them Ephesians five and psalm two and then I sign it and put their name on.
Here you go. I’ll show it to you someday I just have to remember why because that’s the real fix.
That’s the real prescription that you and I need.
So now watch, see even right now the spirit of God is starting to hit some of you and you’re going wait, what are you saying here?
What are you saying here? I’m not saying anything, I’m just telling you what the bible says, hatred.
We live in a hateful world contentions.
Best way to remember contentions is this person that has contentious uh spirit about them.
They get to fight with everybody about anything.
They’re going to fight with an aunt and they’re just everything is what isn’t a nice day?
Why is it nice? It’s like man back off who you telling to back off, It’s just like calm down.
Don’t tell me to calm down.
You know those kind of people, They’re horrible jealousies, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions.
Dissensions people who just cause divisions everywhere they go, they just leave a wake of destruction.
Heresies, envy murders, drunkenness, revelries and the like of which I tell you beforehand.
Just as I told you in the time past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God, that’s called heaven.

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You’re not going if that’s how you live Now listen in a crowd this size or maybe somebody’s watching on tv before they turn off the channel, they’re like get the remote, turn that off.
Why? Because the spirit of God took the word of God and got them. Why would he do that?
Because he loves you. He loves you. You guys, reality exposes.
Look at verse 10 exposes you and I to the real you, you know you have an M. R. I.
Machine. You ever seen how those things work? You feel completely fine.
Doctor says you need an M. R. I. I feel fine. Let’s do an M. R. I.
And you do an M. R. I. And it reveals stuff inside of you.
God’s word does that Third and final point. We end with this.
You guys, verses 11 and 12 and that death stands waiting at your door.
Just when you thought it was over. The fact is, Oh, you know what?
I lived my life, I’ve come to the end. Just when you thought it was over.
I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to see this as pastors, we see this, I’ve lived my life, I’m fine.
I’ve handled everything my way, me and frank Sinatra and you know, as long as they still have that in them uh, there, you just have to wait, they haven’t suffered enough.
And then you come to a point where it’s just really tragic for the family and for that individual.
When you as a minister, you’re, you’re dealing with the family and if you see you see the individual go one way or the other way, there’s no middle ground.
The individual double down and die cursing God isn’t that funny. Die cursing God, die cursing the one.
They do not even believe exists.
They slip into a crisis eternity called hell because that’s where they wanted to go.
Or there are those who are fighting against God and they start softening up as the pain increases and they wind up bowing their knee and they’re in the heart as it were.
And they accept the Lord, the power of that.
Death knocks using your sin.
Remember that the older you get and the closer you get to death and if you have the grace of God to extend you a time to contemplate, you would want to repent of your sin because death knocks on your life locks on your door.
Sin took advantage by the commandment and deceived me, sins, deceptive friends.
Just take a bite eve. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
And the bible says when she saw that it was good to look at and good for her life and tasty she took of it and by it killed her.
Death knows that you’re not perfect.
Death knows that just swirl in your mind. You’ve never believed in God.
You’ve fought against God all your life, God that you don’t believe in.
But now the hour has come and you don’t have to do listen, lisa’s dad when he was dying at USC a believer, the whole room is full of believers were all in there was amazing.
He’s dying. He’s got his air on his, you know mask.
we’re all like standing around, we thought we were doing pretty good.
But he takes his mask off and goes, can’t you guys sing a hymn or something? Sing some hymns?
So I don’t know if the cancer killed him or the sound of our voice killed him, but I’m kidding of course.
But you know, I remember one of the doctors saying he’s, you know, we’ve seen this happen before.
He should be gone by now. It’s like he’s waiting. I mean, these are God moments. Nobody can explain.
This should be dead, but he’s not dead. Why?
Because his oldest son is getting a late flight out of Spokane to get down to see dad before he dies.
It’s bigger than that. The oldest son needs to make up with the next oldest son.
So the oldest son shows up, he’s the last one to finally get their shows up and her dad says to the older one, make up with your brother, Give your, give your heart to christ.
And that it’s like a joseph moment.
You need to make up with your brother and you need you need to come to christ and they had a sweet moment together and then dead.
Well not dead. He just moved to heaven. But that’s quite remarkable when death comes knocking.
What are you gonna do? So there’s this shocking reality that came to paul, that without christ, he could not be saved.
That the commandments that he thought would bring life actually where the very things that showed him that he was condemned to death and listen, according to the law.
When God gives the law, it shows us the reality of our sin, which shows us that we are in a chorus of path to death and the reality rings true here, That death actually nails you to the grave, death, does that, but can death be broken?
Well, that’s why Jesus came when you wake up to the realization, my morality is not going to get me into heaven.
My goodness is not gonna do it.
My religious affiliation, the group that I am hanging out with is not going to get me to heaven.
What do I do to escape the name? Tales of death and the grave, Jesus came.
In fact, the Book of colossians tells us that Jesus christ nailed our sins over his head to his cross, which was the accusations.
And when christ died on the cross.
Listen, not only were your sins forgiven, but the nails of death that held us to the grave were broken and we can be set free from what God has done for us.
That’s why jesus can say to us, don’t let your heart be troubled, believe in God believe also in me.
Why? Because there’s liberty, there’s freedom, there is peace.
Friends listen, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but religion or the law legalism, the cult group or even a very bad church you’re in cannot save you.
Only listen. God’s Word can save you. Go to Jack ibs dot com.
There we hope to lead you in deeper truth, studying the Word of God.
Together you’re watching real life with Jack hips.
Where did life come from? It’s one of the big questions.
Right, is there a creator or are we here by random accident in his book?
He who thinks has to believe a e wilder smith takes a look at the origins of life Using a unique allegory, a plane crashes in a remote corner of the earth where a group of primitive humans have existed for centuries, untouched by outside influence.
When the rescue expedition encounters this unique group of people, a fascinating dialogue develops, giving rise to debate about creation and the creator walk the path of reason, using logic and sound judgment in this intriguing one of a kind book he who thinks has to believe will be sent to you as a thank you gift for your generous donation to real life ministries today.
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Now, welcome to real Life radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s Word never will return void. God’s word is spirit, its power, and it has its effects.
So, I want to encourage you to grab your bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s Word.
God did not give us bible prophesy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it and one of the great you are the light of the world, jesus said you are the salt of the earth.
How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and free you.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world.
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