The Radical Gift from Heaven | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Radical Gift from Heaven
Message Of The Week – From the offerings and sacrifices of ancient Israel and the words of Leviticus, to Messiah’s atonement – a revelation that affects every part of your life and can change the way you live your life.
Monday, September 25, 2023 – The way of Always
1 Corinthians 15:57-58 TLV, “Thanks be to God who keeps giving us the victory through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. Therefore my dearly loved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord.” We’re called to be steadfast; constant in faith; immovable. Too often we’re moved by things that happen in the world. But here it says, “God’s going to keep giving you victory.” That’s the promise. If He’s always going to give you victory as you follow Him; then you can know that through every problem, no matter what the trouble or obstacle; you can excel in your work for Him. God wants you to become a steadfast person, always loving and faithful in Him. You have a Rock, so you can be like a rock. You have a God who’s steadfast to you, so you can be steadfast to Him. God’s immovable in His love for you. You have a steadfast promise. Become a steadfast believer. You have an immovable hope; become an immovable conqueror. You have an always God who’s going to always love you. That’s enough for you to become an always disciple.
This is speaking of the heart of sacrifice, which is sacrifice is a gift, a matana.
It’s a gift, but the sacrifice of Messiah is a gift, not from not from man to god, but from god to man.
We’re gonna see some of the most important central crucial and revolutionary truths of our faith.
Now question, when you came to the lord, did any of you make an attempt to read the Bible right through.
How many people just try that? Okay. And how far did you get? Yeah. Okay. Genesis is okay.
Genesis creation, Adam, Noah, Abraham, that works. Exodus first part, Moses, that kind of works.
Then you start getting into the instructions of the tabernacle, the sockets, and all those things, and it starts to break down.
If you can make it when your new believer survive, you end up in Leviticus.
Leviticus is kinda like you get hit by a train, if you will.
That’s my story, but you get you leviticus, it’s like this you get the sacrifices.
The that mean, you got the offerings, the all the but then you get the kidneys and all that.
It’s like It’s a mountain that few believers have ever crossed as new believers, you know, um, and has seen the debt.
Leviticus has seen the death of more bible reading plans by new believers than any other book.
And yet, when you look at the book of Leviticus to see what it really is, everything changes.
It opens up another realm. Colossians too. Don’t worry. You’re in Hebrews, but I’m gonna start.
Things which it says things which are only a shadow or a shadow of what is yet to come, but the substance belongs to Messiah.
He’s saying that all these things in the law, in the temple, the sacrifice, everything, was a shadow of the substance that was in Messiah.
Now look at Hebrews 8. Verse 3, for every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices.
So it’s necessary for this priest also to have something to offer to this priest, messiah.
Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest of all at all Since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law, they serve a copy and a shadow of heavenly things.
When Moses was about to erect the tent, he was told by god make it according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.
So colossians says that all these things in the law were shadows of what was yet to come in Messiah.
And here, this says that these things of the lord were shadows of things in heaven.
Hebrews 9 goes more specifically. Hebrews 9, verse 13.
For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer, Sprinting those who have been defiled, sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh.
How much more will the blood of Messiah who through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to god, cleansed your conscience, from dead works to serve the living god.
It’s saying the sacrifices here. Now it’s more specific. The sacrifices are shadows of Messiah.
Messiah is the ultimate the all the sacrifice in the book of leviticus in some way relate to him.
Now this that alone is radical.
No other faith speaks of a man being a sacrifice, much less an ultimate sacrifice.
For the rabbis, this almost seemed like blasphemy for Judaism.
And yet, this is the ultimate destination of Judaism of the Bible all leading up to it.
Messiah is the ultimate sacrifice. The book of Leviticus is showing all sorts of shadows about that.
And there were all sorts of different sacrifices. And and the rev their revelations of the 1 sacrifice.
They’re all different parts of the sacrifice of Messiah. It’s kinda like Messiah Picture in this way.
It’s like a beam of white light that goes through a prism and it breaks up and has all the colors of the spectrum.
Well, Leviticus has all the different sacrifices, the peace offering, the guilt offer, all the, but they’re all facets of messiah the ultimate sacrifice.
Now tonight, we’re gonna look at just one sacrifice, one aspect of the sacrifices, it’s gonna be one Hebrew word.
And it yet, this one Hebrew word, which is so simple It is so radical when we really get this.
I’m gonna read now, you don’t think you can just hear me. Leviticus 23. 1st 37.
These are the appointed times of the lord, all the holy days of Israel, which you shall proclaim as holy convocations to present offerings by fire to the lord, burn offerings, grain offerings, sacrifices, and drink offerings, each day’s matter on its own day.
Beside those of the Sabbath of the lord, and besides your gifts and your vote, your free will and votive offerings that you give to the lord.
Now one of the words there for the sacrifice of the lord is the word where it says your gifts in Hebrew the word for gifts here, the word right in he in Leviticus is the word matanote.
Try it. Matan note. Now you can you should kind of know this because it be or the basic, it comes from a word, and Matanah.
Okay. It’s a actually, Matan and Matanah both being get. Matan note means the gifts. Plural.
From this word, we get the, you know, this we get the the the we actually get the name Nathan, not Ton, comes from Ma’am, the word to to say, if you wanna say to give in Hebrew, the word is Na’an.
Na’an is to give god gave, Na’an, and Oheem, Na’an, he gave.
From that comes Ma’an is the gift itself and Plurro Matanu.
Now in in Matthew 5, the new testament word that corresponds to it, the Greek that corresponds to the Hebrews, the word, Doron, Jerome when he speaks of bringing your gift to god that stands for Ma’am or Ma’am.
Alright. Now This is a little different because some of the, you know, sacrifices it speaks of the substance.
1 is a grain offering or a or a drink offering or a an incense offering.
Others speak of the purpose, guilt, offering, sin offering, peace, or shalom offering.
Others speak of the man of sacrifice burnt offering, wave offering. But this is not speaking of any of that.
This is speaking of the heart of sacrifice, which a sacrifice is a gift, a Matana.
It’s a gift, but the sacrifice of Messiah is a gift from not from man to god, but from god to man.
So Messiah Jesus is the Matana. Say that, Matana.
From god to man, Mattana or Martin, not just from god to man, but from god to you.
So think of think of the what it says.
God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son is the giving.
So when Hebrew god, not taan, gave the Ben the son who is the gift. Hebrew prophecy.
Think what it says. For unto us, a child is born. On to us, a son is given.
He wasn’t he didn’t just live like we do. He was given Everything he did was given. We’re born.
He was given. Every moment of his life was given.
The atonement, the bro Bethlehem, the atonement, the cross, his death, his resurrection is given. Everything is Matana.
He is the Matana. He is given.
It was his mission to give himself because he the sacrifice. He is the matanam.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Glory Triggers X Sarah Jakes RobertsTháng 4 18, 2023