The Mystery of the Jubilee | Jonathan Cahn
The Mystery of the Jubilee
If you’re a regular follower of Prophecy Watchers, you know that we follow God’s calendar very closely. Throughout history, we can look back and see that many major events have occurred on Jewish feast days. It’s not a coincidence. God is paying attention and letting us know that He knows the future and He will bring it to pass exactly as His Word says.
We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think.
Welcome to
the program today, Monte Gonzalez here in Studio, but having by Skype, Jonathan Khan, and we’re gonna be talking with him about his tremendous new book, the Josiah Manifesto, But before we do wanna remind everybody about the October 5th through 8th conference that we just had, it was awesome.
And we had a great time with 24 different speakers.
And if you didn’t get a chance to be there, you can go to and still, uh, get access to the live stream.
Again, when you have 25 speakers, uh, talking about all the different topics, you don’t wanna miss any of them.
There’s over 45 different messages. Get keeping you up to date and all the things that are happening prophetically, which it tremendously is a is a lot for sure.
Well, Jonathan, welcome. Great to be back.
And so, uh, many of our people that are watching, they might not have seen the previous show that we did.
So maybe let’s give a little, little summary of what you covered on the last program.
Yeah. The Josiah manifesto, which is the late the latest book I’ve put out is about really is, I believe, god, I would tell you, what if god was showing us something where we are prophetically, where we’re heading, Uh, what’s been happening?
Is there a mystery that we’ve been all going through that goes back to ancient times that is there a calendar that’s so specific from god that actually gives the the the events that are have happened that are coming and gives the exact dates.
Um, and is there an answer is god actually pointing us to a blueprint, a, and answer a guide for how to stand for the end times, how to how to prevail, how to how to, thrive, really, and survive in the days what’s coming ahead.
Well, this is what the Josiah manifesto is.
Now we spoke last time we did we touched on the mystery because there’s all sorts of mysteries coming together and prophetic mysteries, you know.
So this is just a that’s just a quick overview, but that’s that’s kinda where we are.
You know, it’s interesting right now because there’s so many people talking about, uh, in the news, the the January 6th, the January 6th insurrection.
I put that in quotes, And but yet, you discovered something where there’s a connection between that and also Donald Trump.
with us. Yeah. First of all, there is a a mystery to Donald Trump.
It’s a lot of miseries, but one is that that he’s following not that he knows it, but he’s following the pattern, the template of the man called Jehu.
Well, just to set that stage, so Jay Hu was a wild guy unpredictable.
You never knew what he was gonna do next. Donald Trump. Uh, you never knew what he was gonna say.
He fought he was a fighter. He fought with every Donald Trump fights with everybody.
Um, and he he is unlikely man he’s used by god. We don’t even know where he was with god.
We don’t know that, but he was used by god, a jehu, to actually when the nation was falling from god to be to kinda to kinda come at that moment.
So he begins a race to the throne on his chariot.
It’s a the Bible says he drive he drove his chariot in his race like a madman.
And so Don’s rub begins his race to, you know, to the White House, uh, when Jayhoo, as he’s making his race, he makes an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land.
They back him up, and he actually may and so did Trump.
And he actually makes a an alliance Jay who with one man, a partnership, who’s a religious man, uh, and so did Donald Trump.
And then when when he gets to he gets to, um, you know, the almost to get to the throne, the last obstacle He stands it’s a showdown with him and the nation’s former first lady.
So what happened with Donald Trump? Same thing.
Everybody said Hillary Clinton was gonna but the the paradigm from the Bible said that the jehu was gonna prevail of not and the the former first lady’s gonna have a a political fall at at at the very least.
And so that’s exactly what happened. Then Jay who heads to the capital city with an agenda.
You know what his agenda was to drain the swamp. So you gotta cleanse the day.
Well, so did Trump But when when Jay who gets to the city, he sees a temple of bail, where they’re where they’re sacrificing children, you know, and so so Jay who has it destroyed has the temple.
So there’s a principle that when Jay who rises, the temple of bale falls. Well, you know what?
There actually existed a temple of bail has existed for it seems ancient time still was standing in in the Middle East uh, and you know what, Donald Trump began his rise in 2015 in the summer.
In the summer of 2015, the ancient Temple of Vale falls to the earth. Fall is collapses. The ancient temple.
When Jay who rises, the temple falls.
Now, this is actually gonna be prophetic to what is gonna happen in the reign in the time of Donald Trump and then after Donald Trump.
And so here’s the other side of it. That’s how his his his time began.
Jay Hu begins his rise with the temple of bail.
Well, Donald Trump’s uh, presidency also is that term ended with a replaying of something because there’s a template in the Bible where Jayhoo calls people together to the capital city.
They come and they gather around a great capital building. And as they are gathered around that great.
So that happened with Donald Trump January 6th. They gathered around the Capitol Building. Then what something happened?
There are proceedings going on in the in the in the capital building of Jeju.
And then and so with Trump, And then the the men of Jeju actually storm the building.
They enter the building while the proceedings are going on.
So January 6th at all, Now, there’s so much to this, but I’ll say just one thing.
At the end of that week of January 6th, the Capitol Police announced they may made headlines.
We’ve arrested on-site and they gave the number 80 people. They arrested 80 people.
Go to the Bible, and it says it gives the number of those it cites numbers of those who enter the building and they say it says, the Hebrew word means 80 people.
Same exact number. So this is the so so Trump’s beginning and end are both linked to the temple of bail, and that’s gonna be prophetic for what happened after after his his term.
Yeah. I mean, how do we how do we come up with this stuff?
I mean, and it’s amazing to me the the the corresponding, uh, numbers and dates and just It it reminds me of the consistency and then just the nature of god that god does not change.
His nature of holding people accountable is is there, but his it’s always with grace, but also to see the way that, again, Jehu, this this very enigmatic figure in the Bible for the book of 1st kings, you’re like, Where’s this guy coming from?
And and that god used him.
I thought that was the amazing parallel was that god used an unlikely person in the Bible to bring about his will.
And in the same way, we see how god was working in modern times, but you bring up in the book this idea of a strange object from the Middle East.
Let’s talk about that.
Yeah. Well, one of the things is that now think about this.
And this is, again, I started it in the paradigm, but it came true after and that’s why it’s in the Josai manifesto.
When that is this, jehu is linked to the pulling down overturning of the uh, temple of bail.
The temple of bail was the vessel in which they killed their children. They killed their babies. You know?
Well, today, the vessel the vessel that has been that has allowed the killing of babies was Roe versus Wade.
That’s the first vessel. Well, so what it’s saying right there is that this modern day jehu Trump is gonna be used to overturn Roe versus Wade because and he and and listen, whatever we think of Donald Trump, more than any other president, he was used to actually pull that down by the 3 supreme court justices he put in particularly the last one which was the deciding vote.
The thing is that so it’s like this war, the template is the war between jehu and the temple of Bam.
Well, interesting. Because when Donald Trump was rising to power, when when just before the election, in New York, a strange object appears.
And the object that appears is the arch of bail from the temple of bail that fell went Trump began his rise.
It now makes appearance in New York, his backyard.
And they I was listen, I went down there to witness it. We filmed it.
I mean, They had a ceremony in New York. They it was on city hall.
They had leaders of New York praising this whole thing. They had a sign that said temple of bail.
We recorded this. We actually put it on those videos so people could actually see for themselves.
So they unveiled it. They played the music a bell.
And so it’s a sign of this war between, you know, bail the spirit of bail in America.
And this Jay who, the spirit that’s going against it, and also the killing of children.
There’s a war over this right now, and there was a war over at them.
But here’s the thing, when later on, when Donald Trump begins nominating those people who are gonna pull down Roe versus Wade.
They’re gonna overturn this temple of bail. When he did Kavanaugh, there was all hell broke loose Capital Hill.
Do you remember? It was because it was over this.
This was over it was over the killing of the they knew what was that state.
But here’s the weird thing. When they were having those hearings on Capitol Hill and all hell was broken loo breaking loose over this, an object appears in Washington, DC.
It’s the same object. The arch of bail now appears in Washington, DC in front on the National Mall facing the Capitol Building.
So it it sounds like, you know, 2001, a space like this this monolith, but it’s like the war between jail and we’re still in that war.
These are there are real spiritual forces and we’re in that war right now.
Yeah. I I, you know, if you’re watching this, I hope you realize that, uh, we are absolutely in in spiritual.
If each 6 12, you know, says that exact thing that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against all these principalities and powers and and other spiritual beings and the wicked spiritual beings in the heavenlies, you know, to see to see this come back after so long, and and to see some of those ways our culture are gone, it it’s we shouldn’t even we’re shocked, but yeah, we’re not shocked.
But one of the things, uh, if you can at the moment, you mentioned filming this, but also one of the things that we haven’t really talked about yet was Give a background to not only do you have the book, but you have the DVD series where you show some of these things.
Yeah. This is what’s really exclusive and you cannot get this.
You know, the I mean, this is not you this is the this is the Josiah manifesto uncensored 8 DVD, 1 hour, DVD albums were all opening this up, not only the mystery, but things I could not put in the book.
So they appeared there nowhere else on earth.
They were in higher other mysteries as well that are nowhere else on earth and you also see it.
You’re gonna see the images of this.
What I’m we’re talking about, you’re gonna see it not and you’re gonna see it in real time.
And not only that, it has captured prophetic events, manifestations where actually uh, you’re gonna see it on film where it actually changed the course of America, but you’ll see the actual promoted event.
You’ll see what I just said.
You’re gonna see the unveiled the actual appearance of that arch in New York and the unveiling of it and the ceremony around it, you’re gonna see on this.
So this is exclusive. You cannot get it on Amazon. You cannot get it on a lot.
You cannot get it in any bookstore. This is very exclusive. You’re gonna be blessed.
You’re gonna you’re gonna get so much in this thing and you can show others as well.
It is the the Josiah manifesto uncensored 8 DVD Alma.
Yeah. Amen to that. Well, we’re gonna take a little break here where you can see how to get our magazine Again, these are the things that we’d we talk about in the magazine up to date, articles, theological things, prophetic events.
Take a listen.
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Well, welcome back. I do hope you get our magazine.
We’ll keep you up to date on on prophetic events and topics.
And right now, we’re talking with Jonathan Khan about his new book, the Josiah manifesto.
And, Jonathan, in the book, we wanna get right back into it because there’s so much here to cover.
You talk about the child of the Nile. Give us give us the information background on that.
Yeah. There is a principle in the Bible and it goes back to Moses.
And that is remember Moses, you know, was that lived at the time he was born during the first war against the little children, you know, at first known war that we had where Egypt was committing mass infanticide.
They were throwing the male babies into the Nile. And one of those babies at that time was Moses.
He was born right in the middle of the middle of the slaughter.
He’s put in the Nile too, but he’s put in a basket and he floats down and, of course, the prince of princess of Egypt takes him sees him, takes him in.
He becomes the son of the of the, you know, in the house of the pharaoh.
He ends up being the 1 who will break the power of Egypt.
He will end up breaking the power that almost killed him, that killed all those Hebrew babies.
In fact, it’s interesting when you for the for looking, you know, in bible study, interesting because what was the first plague?
The first plague was the Nile turns blood red.
Well, that goes back to when they killed the babies there, you know, at in, you know, in that Nile.
But also, what was the last plague? It was the death of the sons of Egypt.
Because they killed the sons of of Hebrew of the of Israel. So it’s amazing.
So it all goes back and you have one of those.
You have the baby actually now who’s leading all this And so the thing is that the principle is that a char that a child born in the midst of the slaughter will serve survive does not get not does not get killed.
Will become one who was used later on to overturn the very powers that brought the death.
And so could there be a child of the Nile to America?
And the answer is yes. And this is a baby who was born in the midst of that that that crucial 3 year period when the slaughter began and it was her name was Amy.
She would later on become uh Supreme Court Justice Amy Barrett Coney Barrett.
She would end up, you know, well, actually, let me say that when she was born, Roe versus Wade was actually in the Supreme Court.
So she’s already linked to the time of the Supreme Court. It’s there.
When she was born, it was right in between the two hearings of Roe versus Wade. Right?
Right in the midst of it. Wow.
And so she was destined to go to the Supreme Court, and she would be the one vote because Roe versus Wadey was one vote that overturned him.
One vote. It was her vote because she was the last one that Trump would nominate.
And so she’s the the American shot of the Nile and you know what?
Here’s the thi think about this as well.
She when did she over when did she cast that deciding vote?
She did it in her year of Jubilee. It was her 50th year when she cast the vote.
And when it was overturned, when when the ruling was then made known in in June, she was fifty years old.
There’s no accidents. So all this, I mean, even that, that you have a Jeju replaying, you have a child of not of the Nile replaying, and you have more than that.
You know, let let let’s step back for a minute because, um, obviously God used the word, you know, she’s destined, you know, which is is a good word.
It’s So god, what it shows us is that god is working, uh, not only behind the scenes in front of the scenes, but what what why is god doing all this and bringing it to light?
What what’s his what’s his whole goal here?
Well, one one god is the god of history. He’s the god of prophecy. He’s the god of human events.
And so he’s in it. The god of the Bible is alive and well.
You know, in the Bible, you see it. You know, it says this happened. He prophesied this. This happened.
This all fell together. Well, it’s still happening that, you know, what we’re taught the phenomenon we’re we’re talking about, I’ve been blessed to have any part in in in writing on it it’s it’s the same phenomena you see in the Bible, except it’s saying that he’s real, except you don’t have a Bible now necessarily saying, okay, look at here, look here.
But god is real. And so one thing is saying, god is in charge. God is on the throne.
And god’s ways will be done, and he’ll even work even through the evil of man and all that man does.
He’s his will will still will still be working out in the end.
So it’s telling you the reality of god, you know, of all things.
And And when you read when you also, when you see things like Jehu, that’s giving you an idea of where we are, like, what the issues are, because same issues.
When you see the child or not, you’re, you know, there’s an Egypt part here too.
There’s a there’s a temple of bail.
So it’s it’s giving us revelation of, you know, of where we are and where we’re going.
Yeah. Uh, Amen. So very well said, and, you know, for Well, at least for 50 years, people are praying as soon as Roe V Wade came in 1973, uh, you know, Christians recognizing this and others for praying, uh, against this, Talk about Dob, the Dobbs versus Jackson, um, you know, lawsuits.
Yeah. And how that was part of the mystery.
Yeah. Well, rover, you know, Robert’s Wade, you know, here’s the thing. What? It actually did not begin in 73.
You know what? It began 1970 the same year.
So so and not only that, it began when this woman went to, uh, a lawyer and they had the first meeting and it was in late January.
So what go go fast forward late January. What’s the Jubilee? Late January 2020, that’s when the play came.
So it was all it was a role versus waiting and then it became a lawsuit and was filed in March of that year.
March is when everything fell. So even that is part of So, you know, but but the jubilee is not just about coming returning, it’s about redemption, and it’s about nullification.
Okay? So so what happens is that that just as it happened through a case, Roe versus Wade, it was this case on the state level, then it was sent to the Supreme Court.
So there comes another case in the year of Jubilee of all these things in 2020.
Another case is also in the same place as Rover’s weight is sent to the Supreme Court Roe versus Wade was sent to the Supreme Court in 2020 in the summer.
Dobbs versus Jackson was sent to the Supreme Court mean, I’m sorry. In 1970 was over his way.
50 years later, 2020, Doms versus Jackson is sent to the court in the summer 50 years to the same time, same everything, and it’s gonna follow this amazing pattern.
This is now the redemption of the Jubilee.
Yeah. Wow. I mean, here we are.
It’s you know, I this has been a a very fun program because, again, we’re just scratching the surface.
And so if you’ve been intrigued by this or you’re you’re really shocked by it, uh, again, there’s more information certainly in the book and the DVDs that you’re gonna wanna see.
So, you know, in in the There’s 2 things in the in the in the calendar of of of Israel or or the Hebrew calendar.
You have different months different certainly they’re named different than our calendar, but You have Adar 13 and C Von 23.
Talk about that.
Yeah. Yeah. The, uh, Adar 13 that’s the day in the Bible that’s linked to if you’ll find it in the book of Esther, when hamon comes up with a with wants to destroy the Jewish people.
He comes up with a decree and he comes up with a date.
I mean, you know, with a date for the decree and the date to kill the Jews is a dark 13.
So this is the day of a decree is is gonna be issued to bring death and destruction to multitudes.
Okay? Uh, then so and then on the Hebrew calendar, you know, we wouldn’t know because it’s not our calendar in America, but it’s the 13th day of 12th month.
13th day of 12th month. Is day of an evil decree to bring death and destruction.
Roe versus Wade was heard before the Supreme Court.
The the the day of its hearing was and it would go for this would bring the vote.
This would bring the the the passage was December 13th. That’s the 13th day of 12th month of America.
And so that’s the day in the Bible that’s linked to an evil decree that to bring death and destruction.
Okay. So that’s the first But there’s another decree in the book of Esther, and that’s the reverse decree.
It’s the anti it’s the decree that’s gonna nullify the death and destruction decree, it’s gonna overturn it.
It’s gonna or it’s gonna nullify it and that’s the decree that was issued by Mordicai.
So you gotta and he issued it to undo to nullify what Hammond did the death and destruction decree. Okay.
So it’s a second decree. When was it? When did it go forth?
Well, the Bible says it was it it went forth. It was done on Cavan 23.
This is the 23rd day of Cavan. Okay.
Now that you may and the amazing thing is when you read Esther, you’re reading that that decree follows the same path as the 1st decree.
Like, it undoes everything. Well, so Dobbs would follow the same path as the as Roe versus Way.
We go through the same everything.
So just like that, But the day so it was issued was sent to the Supreme Court on June 15 2020, June 15th.
Alright. Anything significant? On the Bible’s calendar, it was the 23rd of Siobhan.
It was the day of the decree that will nullify the decree of death and destruction.
And so that’s exactly what it did.
That’s in
fact, let me let me tell you something, Madam, on that day, this is so much so that that day is actually ordained in the Jewish year for Jewish people to pray against evil decrees for them to be nullified.
And so Jewish people are praying all around in America and around the world to nullify evil decree as this next decree that’s on Siobhan 23 is going forward to nullify the evil degree.
You know, uh if you’re watching today.
Uh, I I hope you’re blown away by all of this because to me, it’s it’s it shows again the god of history, and we’re gonna we’re gonna take a little break here where you can see how to get Jonathan’s book in DVD and, again, exploring in this in much more detail.
If you’re a regular follower of prophecy watchers, you know that we follow god’s calendar very closely.
Throughout history, we can look back and see that many major events have occurred on a Jewish feast day.
It’s not a coincidence. God is paying attention and letting us know that he knows the future, and he will bring it to pass exact as his word says.
Jonathan’s new book and companion DVD set are full of intriguing connections as he allows us to look back and see Afesto is available in hardcover for your gift of $30 or more to prophecy watchers.
The 8 DVDs are available for your gift of $60 or more.
And as always, shipping is included anywhere in the USA.
For our international friends, please note that additional shipping fees will apply.
When you purchase both the book and DVD and the Josiah manifesto package for your gift of $85 or more, we’re going to send you some special DVD bonuses.
Jonathan’s live presentations from several of our prophecy conferences.
If you’ve never heard him speak in person, you’re in for a real blessing.
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Remember to keep our country in your prayers and keep prophecy watchers in your prayers with a worldwide television outreach.
We’re reaching into the homes of people who are looking for answers to the world’s confusion, and the Bible has the answers.
Through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thanks for watching today.
We’ll see you next time here, there, or in the air.
Well, welcome back, and I hope that you have opportunity to get Jonathan’s book. Again, tremendous.
It was a great read for me. Uh, it kinda blew me away.
Every every chapter, I I was blown away by something new. I was like, wow, even even here, even here.
So Uh, I’m just thankful that the Lord revealed this to you.
Let let’s talk a little bit more again, going back in our last few minutes here about the the the the sequence of events as it relates to the cases arriving at the Supreme Court.
Yeah. Well, you know, it wasn’t just that, you know, that that the case that would undo Roever’s weight went forth 50 on the jubilee in the jubilee in a year and time of Roe versus Way, 50 years later to the same time.
But when was Roe versus Wade received by the Supreme Court taken up by the Supreme Court?
It was in May of 1971. Okay. What’s the jubilee of that? That’s May 2021. That’s the 50th due.
Well, Dobbsburg Jackson was received in May of 71, the Jubilee of Roe versus Wade being received.
When was Roe versus Wade heard between before the Supreme Court?
Well, we said it was December of of 1971. Okay. What’s the jubilee? Was there a mystery here?
Pin points 202021 December. So that’s the jubilee of that when Roevers were with her.
Anything happened? Dobbs versus Jackson is heard before the Supreme Court on the jubilee of Roe versus Wade being heard of the Supreme Court.
And then, you know, someone else, remember when beef just before the the the ruling was handed down to overturn rose was away There was a big storm because it was a leak.
There was a leak, you know, in in leak. And we all had major. Well, you know what?
50 years before that, rowvert. There was a leak with Roe versus Wade, and it was just before it came out.
I mean, so even the leak is part of the mystery.
You know, to me that this is just, Again, I I we say it, and, uh, um, it sounds like a broken record, just uncanny of the way that these things are working out.
So talk about, you know, we can’t get into it all in this program, but got one more program we’re gonna do.
Kinda kinda give us, uh, direction of where we’re gonna be heading in the next program.
Yeah. And the l yeah. Well, in the next program, we’re gonna be we’re gonna be opening about a whole other mystery in this, which is the mystery of appointed days, how behind the days of what the shaking of of America where the days of these ancient days of god pinpointing each one.
We’re also gonna see an event. Everything come to come together.
It’s all gonna come together to 1 not only one day, 1 hour, one moment.
It’s gonna all come together and then it’s gonna open up the key, which we said, which is gonna tell us what do we do now?
Is there is there a message that god is giving us It’s the the mystery of the broken altar, the mystery of the trumpets, the mystery of Josiah.
What do we need to know for what’s coming and how to how to overcome in the days ahead?
Has god given house, a blueprint.
You know, amen and and, you know, Jonathan, if you will, you know, peep people watch it.
Maybe they just stumbled upon the program. They don’t really know much about it. You know, what’s what’s the message?
What’s the gospel here for for somebody just that is interesting, but they haven’t heard the gospel yet.
Well, god well, first of all, god is in charge and god is real and you say god is real and god loves you.
God listen, god the god of justice and the god of the universe also gave his life for you.
And the thing is that he said, you must be born again.
If you’re not born again, you need to be. He loves each. He loves you specifically.
He’s got a plan for your life. Specifically, but you can never know it without that.
You know, we talk about judgment on America.
There’s judgment on every life and that there’s either hell hell or heaven.
God doesn’t want you to go to he wants you to go to heaven.
That’s why he gave his life for you. He overcame death for you, and he’s saying, come.
You must be born again. It can happen with a simple prayer right in your living room.
Amen. Amen. And and for those watching today, again, if you haven’t put your faith and trust in Jesus, now’s the time.
We we’ve been hearing for the last, you know, 30 minutes about the way that god orchestrate his history, and he can do the same thing and wants to do the same thing in your life.
So appreciate you watching this week. As always, we ask you for your prayers for prophecy watchers.
There’s a lot going on here.
We’re excited for where god is bringing us and for us to have the opportunity to get the message out, like, again, today’s message with Jonathan.
So appreciate you watching. And make sure to catch us
- Saturday Blessings! January 6, 2024 💌🙏❤️Tháng 1 6, 2024