The Prodigal Son in the Cosmic Realm | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Prodigal Son in the Cosmic Realm
Instead of looking at it from a point of view of doctrine and theology, we’re gonna open up how the Lord himself revealed it in a story And the scripture.
If you have your bibles, you can open now Luke 15 and he said this, a man had two sons.
The younger of them said to his father.
Father give me the share of the estate that is coming to me.
And so he divided his wealth between them. This is the parable of the Prodigal son.
Amazing because it’s universal relates to everybody but the name Prodigal son, what does it mean?
Prodigal comes from a latin word, Pro day Gerry, which means to drive away meaning reckless, I’m driving away money, I’m spending, I’m recklessly wasteful.
The Prodigal son goes to his father and says, Father give me my inheritance. Now there’s something strange here.
Imagine going to your parents and saying while they’re alive and saying, I want my inheritance right now. That’s strange.
But just as strange as the father gives it to him.
Now, the parable is of a cosmic significance dimension.
The Prodigal son is ultimately a picture of all of us. The father is a picture of God.
So this is gonna be a picture of salvation.
And but if you became a child of God, when you were born again, you become a true child of God.
When you’re saying, so how does it start out that the Prodigal son is already a child of a child of the father.
Well, we are all born in the image of God. There is we are made for sun ship.
So there’s something there Man was made to be a child of God. We are all that way.
But so in some ways you can look at this as the fall of man, Man.
The the sun departs from the father. The only way God is spirit.
The only way to become a true child of God is to be born of the spirit.
Just just natural born of God. Born again. Were born in the image of God.
But we must be born again to become a child of God. Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn.
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