The Presence in Your Wilderness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Presence in Your Wilderness
Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
That was something else. In the wilderness was when they were journeying, they had a tent.
And that in the tent,
was the presence of god, the tabernacle. The tent had the presence of god. What’s that say?
When you think about a wilderness, you think about what’s not there. We don’t have we don’t have our comfort.
We don’t have our houses. We don’t have the food or supermarket. We don’t have it.
But we think of its absence.
But in god, in this, in the Bible, the wilderness wasn’t about his absence. It was about his presence.
Think about it. He didn’t appear to them in Egypt.
I mean, they saw his hand, but they didn’t see his glory.
He didn’t appear to them And now even when they got to the temple, when they got to the temple, they didn’t see, you know, it was all pretty much inside.
But when they were in the wilderness, they saw they saw the glory. They saw the cloud.
They saw the pillar of fire. He was dwelling when they saw Sinai light up.
And so, you know, here’s the thing.
In the wilderness, you may have there may be many things you don’t have that you want.
You may go through a tough time.
I don’t like that, but the presence of god is often more strongly felt.
If you go for it, often in the wilderness, the presence of god is manifested more if you don’t miss it.
In fact, he allows other things to be removed in your life so you’ll stop being distracted by them so you can come to his presence.
He’ll take away. He’ll allow certain things to be taken away because you were trusting in them that you were distracted on.
You never had time for god.
And now he says, I am now calling you to me in the wilderness.
In fact, I mentioned Richard Wurmbat. One of the first things that happened He said, lord, why?
Why are you I’m a pastor. I’m doing your will. Why do you have me in these chains?
And and he heard the spirit say because that’s the only way I could get you at my feet.
Because you’re running around in ministry so much. That’s all great, but you forgot something.
So I had to chain you.
We can lose god in all these things and even in good things, but that’s why we need the wilderness.
You’re in the wilderness drawn near to the presence of god. You’re going through a tough time.
Draw near. Draw closer to god. You’re gonna see him more. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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