The Practical Application of the Faith of Jesus – Wednesday Service

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The Practical Application of the Faith of Jesus – Wednesday Service

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[Music] praise God hallelujah let’s give God some praise oh Father we come before you and we thank you Lord for your spirit we trust you we lean we rely we depend upon you thank you Father that you will minister to us tonight we declare that no flesh will be glorified but all things will be done by your spirit father we declare that we are good ground and that the seed of your word will take root bring forth fruit that is pleasing and acceptable unto you we give you thanks we give you praise in jesus’
name amen amen God Bless youall yeah yeah yes praise God you may be seated pleasure to be before you guys tonight there we go all right uh giving honor to pastor and Pastor uh Taffy and always thanking God so much for them you know when we uh think about it they are always giving us something that we can eat on chew on grow thereby and uh you know you think about it look at your spiritual growth and be thankful for our man and woman of God God Amen praise God I really I mean that I mean that be thankful for our man and woman of God
because of not just they’re teaching but what they’re teaching and uh how it’s changing our lives and bringing us into a position uh of of personal more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and that’s one of the things that I want us to really really focus on it’s you know I’m I’m becoming more and more determined more and more conscious uh purposely conscious that Jesus is everything um you know I mean people say it you can say it religiously you know but I mean when you start getting the
revelation of him what all he is to us and when we understand that he’s everything I mean it other things just start dropping off you know what I’m saying you start you start casting cares your mind your mind doesn’t even go places anymore that he used to go because it’s like Christ is he’s slimming things down you know what I’m saying so when they talk about why there the gate uh that leads to destruction but narrowest way that leads to life you know that isn’t so much you doing a whole bunch of craziness and you
know you on the wide gate that’s that’s that’s not what it’s talking about narrow he’s saying it’s Jesus everything is Jesus and Jesus has already dealt with our sins he’s already dealt with our failures he’s already dealt with our emotions he’s already dealt with all of the things that we need and uh and once we just continue to come into that I think we will begin to understand the Simplicity of this Walk In Christ it’s like I you know I can see Jesus said man I’m not making it hard my goodness how
how much easier can I make it I’m not making it hard this this thing is really really easy because I’ve really done everything that needs to be done just trust in me so let’s go ahead on and get into this I’m I’m excited about this tonight I call this message the practical application of the faith of Jesus the practical application of the faith of Jesus now when we talk about practical we’re talking about taking that which is spiritual and actually living it out that’s that’s what we’re
talking about nothing deep on that we’re saying what you get seriously if you can’t live out what you’re learning then your learning is in vain if you can’t take the knowledge that you’re getting the understanding that you’re getting the Revelation that you’re getting and practically apply this in your everyday life then you’re missing the the vision of World Changers because that’s that’s part of the vision of World Changers but also it’s when God gave the vision of Jesus
he brought it into practicality he brought it into practicality by supernaturally getting on a woman causing her to be pregnant and Jesus came out in physical flesh and walked the word out now that’s the example that we’re to take God in us enabling us to walk out this word in everyday life when people see us they’re seeing Jesus now you know what some people get hung up on that no no well you know I mean I did such and such last night I he he knows it you know I I thought this the other day yeah
he knew it even before you thought it uh you know or you know I I acted and felt this in my heart he knows your heart he’s the one who put it in there amen so he knows all these things but when you see me you’ve seen the father and that’s that’s a bold statement because we don’t understand who we actually are there’s a statement that is said We are Becoming who we are think about that we’re becoming who we are we’re becoming who we are we actually are the righteousness of God
but our actions sometimes are becoming that we actually are uh the head and not the tail but sometimes our actions have to become that but you actually are that right now so if you had to stand and and before God and God says who are you you say I’m the righteousness of God you say good good son good good good so let’s get on into this so practical the practical application of the faith of Jesus practical we’re talking taking that which is spiritual and living it out taking that which is on the page and
putting it into motion it is not our faith but it’s Jesus’s Faith now let’s go over these things real quickly just to lay this ground work so that as we move on we’ll we will be building from something so Hebrews 12:2 we’re familiar with that let’s go there real quick Hebrews 12:2 and then I’m going to Galatians 2:20 we know that then I’m going to acts 3:16 y’all got it right so when I when I’m moving I I gave you I told you ahead of time so don’t say what you say past K I ain’t
saying it no more amen Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith think of this statement because in this statement how in the world did we make our individual manly Earthly Faith separate from him saying I’m the author of your faith I’m the finisher of your faith that means I did it that means I did it I did your faith looking unto Jesus the author and he is the finisher of our faith now even from that word finisher means even though your faith is complete because it is the it
is the faith of Jesus and it is a finished word it is a done work it is now but in your living it out and expressing it he says I am the finisher in other words I’m finishing it in you it’s it’s finished but in terms of your practical application of it you now you know I I wouldn’t even do a show of hands even if I did I’d raise mine as well but it’s like how many of us feel like we’re we’re not there yet because you’re not there yet okay I don’t care how long you’ve been saved I don’t care
how many scriptures you’ve learned I don’t care if you can quote the Bi Bible forward and backwards you’re still not there yet and as long as you in this physical body you will never be there yet when we are in this physical body we are always learning yes that’s why you you show me a preacher who gets up there and try to stand up there like he knows everything one of the things I appreciate about our pastor is he is very honest he tells you and lets you know so that you don’t even get on this false
belief that he’s perfect he’s like man don’t even come there okay God is finishing this in me but what what we mean by finishing is he is causing us to believe what has already been finished we’re coming to a greater belief what has already been finished he’s come when he’s doing that he is he’s increasing Us in this this convincing of that which has already been finished so Hebrews 12:2 says looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher he’s the start and he’s the finish of our faith who for the joy that
was set before him endureed the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of God he is the start and the finish of our faith let’s go to Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ lives in me the life which I not live in the flesh I live how by the faith of the Son of God so we realize that it’s not our faith that we’re living this life but it is the faith of the Son of God now I wanted to show you this scripture in the book of Acts the 88 uh 3rd
Chapter and 16th verse but I want to read it from the Amplified uh thec the AMC acts 3:16 AMC the classified Amplified version this is when the disciples were dealing with this man who they confronted that needed healing and they healed him in the name of Jesus but listen how they said he was healed and his name Jesus through and by faith in his name has made this man whom you see and recognize well and strong yes yes yes the faith which is through and by Jesus it is not his faith it wasn’t the disciples faith it wasn’t any of that it
wasn’t a perfect situation no he is healed and made strong through the faith which is through and by Jesus has given the man this this you all can see it I I just couldn’t I was this perfect soundness of body before all of you amen praise God all right so let’s move on so now when we talk about the practical application of Faith how do we get Jesus’s Faith yes you know yes by believing I mean God has already made made it available there’s nothing that we can do to change it to make it better to make it less we just
have to believe receive that which he has given us so we do that by there’s a changing of the mind and understanding that is not that is not our faith but it is his faith and we’re coming into that understanding so really it’s in in Simplicity without going into all the depth of the teaching pastor’s already done that we understand that when when it talks about our faith we understand when we say our faith it is the faith that was given to us by Jesus so any references to us our faith isn’t our
faith that we’re coming up with with a a man’s Faith a um worldly uh carnal type Faith No we’re talking about the faith of Jesus Christ so we realize that so how do I now possess take hold of use activate his faith by possessing him or him possessing us if you are born again there’s no additional action required let’s turn to First John 3rd Chapter 24th verse if you are born again how do I possess his faith by possessing him how do I possess his faith by him possessing us that’s how we possess his
faith if you are born again there’s no additional action required am if you’re born again you don’t need to do anything else to get Jesus Faith yeah but don’t I need to fast you know like for you know three days and and uh don’t I need to go up to Stone Mountain and you know uh and look out and see his glory and behold his Splendor and it wonder and all of that and don’t I need to be like the Monk and go into bed and you know no you don’t need to do all that all you need to do is to receive Jesus now
here’s the thing about receiving Jesus when you receive Jesus you receive his holy spirit when you receive his holy spirit you in turn have received Jesus it says beloved 3 excuse me 24 3:24 1 John 3:24 it says he that keepeth his commandment dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we know that he he Jesus hereby we know that he Jesus abides on the inside of us by what by by what oh y’all I’m sorry I thought y’all was thought y’all reading the scripture too by the spirit which he has given us
okay hereby we know that he abides in us how by the spirit that he has given to us when we have the spirit of God you now have Christ on the inside of you so it is something that God did during the Salvation process in that he allowed the spirit of God to come and to move into your spirit man when he came and moved into your spirit man your spirit man is a house much kind of like your your your body is but it is a spirit so he he’s not living in your physical Heart A lot of times we will say oh Christ came into my heart
and we’ll we’ll do this and that’s okay but what he saying is Christ came into your spirit we are a spirit we possess a soul we live in a body he came into that Spirit part of you and resided on the inside of you so now therefore we know that Christ is on the inside of us let’s go to uh Ephesians 3:17 we’ll look at that real quickly Ephesians 3 17 in the New Living Translation Christ is on the inside of us it says then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him your roots
will grow down into God’s love and it will keep you strong Christ will make his home in your hearts say Christ lives in me Christ lives in me he has made he has made his home is home in my heart in my heart Christ will not leave me Christ will not leave me he will not forsake me he will not forsake he is with me always with me always even until the end of the world even until the end of the world okay now simple question and I’m just going to you know stop my computer up here is talking to me because sure I understand because
thinks I’m talking to it I am not talking to you hold on okay let me get out of it and let me come back in all right had to get that Spirit out of it come on okay so so Christ lives on the inside of us just just simple bear with me a minute while we’re going through this simple stuff okay Christ lives on the inside of us now I say it’s simple and it is but it is highly important very important you’ve got to now see and believe that Jesus is in me okay Jesus is in me I want you to picture that God’s only son has moved on the
inside of you he’s there right now how long you’ve been saved 30 40 years 20 10 5 two a week doesn’t matter he moved in and when he moved in he said I am here now here’s the thing about this let’s go to Colossians the 2 chapter and the nth verse when he moved in he brought a bunch of stuff okay when he moved in he brought a bunch of stuff with him but not so much a bunch of stuff in terms of quantity and he did you know some some people move in they bring a bunch of junk okay we’re not talking about that
some of y’all probably might know about some of y’all might be hoarders and you might have a bunch of junk in your house anyway but when he moved in he brought with him the ability to have a bunch of stuff work stay stay with me on this he brought with him the ability to have a bunch of stuff okay one of those things is Faith so when he moved in you he brought with him his faith so now we have to begin to understand when Christ is on the inside of us what does that mean Colossians the 2nd chapter and the 9th verse and let’s
read this in the NLT 2 chapter n9th verse I’m sorry for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily for in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body okay now in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body we’re going to talk about Incarnation a little later on tonight before we close out and it’s going to be real important when Jesus came God used Jesus as a pattern for us God used Jesus as a pattern for he for what he was going to do God used Jesus for an example the Bible says I think
it’s in First Peter it said Jesus being an example that we should follow in his footsteps so now if God given us an Earthly example by taking Jesus who is a born of a virgin or Jesus the son of man also being the Son of God if God took the son of man and put himself in man and as he put himself in man he therefore said all my fullness is now in man all my fullness is now in man so now when Jesus who is God is now on the inside of us then what do we now say all the fullness of God is on the inside of me now y’all y’all need to think on that
for a minute now all the fullness of God is now on the inside of me we keep thinking that our faults and our failures and our sins and our mistakes and our mess ups are moving God out God’s like man are you kidding me when I move in that stuff that’s trying to come inside of you doesn’t get on the inside of you let me tell you something when the Bible was talking about the uh the Death Angel The Death Angel in the book in when it talks about the death angel in in the uh uh Israel in Egypt and the plagues were coming on uh uh
Egypt and the death angel came and the Death Angel could not go into the door of the Israelites why because they saw the blood same with you Christ is on the inside so now when sin is trying to come in and defile you it can’t because it sees the blood so see every time you think sin has defiled you it had sin hits the wall of and falls down sin comes up against the blood and it falls down the blood is already dealt with it that’s why when he says in in uh uh 1 John 2:2 that Christ is the perpetuation for our sins that word
perpetuation means also means Mercy it means substitute it means uh the stand in it but it means mercy seat so when the Bible says oh man Great Is Thy Faithfulness the steadfast love of the Lord it never ceases his mercies are new Every Morning When sin comes trying to condemn you it runs into the blood of Jesus which is your perpetuation or it’s your mercy seat so therefore When sin comes in and tries to condemn you the blood says Mercy’s already covered that Hallelujah it can’t penetrate we got to understand what it
means by Christ being on the inside of us he’s on the inside of us but also when God looks at us he looks at Christ and he sees the blood or he sees the mercy see and he says that is satisfactory for me therefore they’re good no Lord but I but I you know I did a big one last night ah you’re good oh Lord but I she made me mad and I start cussing H you’re good you know Lord I I shouldn’t have I I cheated on my taxes and you know CA I just needed a refund yeah you shouldn’t do that but you’re
good now y’all know we’re not justifying sin I’m just talking about the way it is with God you’re good you’re good don’t worry about that okay so now so when we see this Christ is on the inside of us the fullness of God is on the inside of us the thing that I want us to understand is that when Christ is on the inside of us the fullness of him came on the inside of us us Christ is not when we receive Christ we don’t receive parts of him we don’t receive like the faith part the love part The Joy part the the uh the
mercy part the the peace part no we receive all of him so Christ is not broken down into different parts he’s not many parts that make up one Jesus he doesn’t give us a piece of himself he gives us all of himself he doesn’t give us a piece of himself he gives us all of himself I want you to meditate on that for a little bit because I’m going to make a point with that he doesn’t give us a piece of love he doesn’t give us a piece of Joy he doesn’t give us a piece of Mercy he doesn’t give us a piece of
Peace he gives us all of it and when he’s given us all of it what he’s saying and go to um Colossians 3:11 I want to read this in the uh in the New Living Translation and then I want to read it in the mirror Bible Colossians 3:11 praise God all right so it says in this new life it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or Gentile circumcised uncircumcised barbaric uncivilized slaved or free Christ is all that matters and he lives in all of us so he’s saying no matter what your social status is no matter what your
gender is no matter what your political status is no matter what your religious status is no matter what all these statuses are it doesn’t matter because Christ is all and he’s in all of us now why is that important let’s continue on here in the mirror translation it says the revelation of Christ in US gives identity to the individual beyond anything anyone could ever be the revelation of Christ in US gives identity the revelation of Christ in US gives identity to the individual Beyond anyone anything anyone could ever be he’s
saying once we get an understanding of who Christ is on the inside of us it gives us an identity that is above the identity that you have now you keep referencing yourself and it’s fine African-American that’s fine or white or Caucasian that’s fine all of that is fine but there’s an identity that’s above that so then now when your racial identity starts holding you back you got to realize there’s an identity that’s higher than that when someone tries to use racism or anything like that there’s
an identity in Christ that is higher than that so we don’t go around saying because of this you keeping me down you can’t keep me down come on now Christ is on the inside of me and he has given me an identity Which is higher than that if you’re going to talk about my social status he said it’s it’s it’s above that if you want to talk about my financial status it’s above that if you want to talk about my pedigree it’s the it’s above that no matter where I am no matter where I fall Christ is above that so I’m
telling you quit sinking down here in all of this mess that we’re talking about day to day week to week month to month and you keep identifying yourself with that you had to let that mess go and identify yourself with Christ that’s where your true identity comes from so he said quit dealing with this Jew Greek this slave free you know quit dealing with this Rich poor quit classifying yourself and put yourself in Christ category the revelation of Christ is in us the revelation of Christ in US gives us an

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