The Power to Fulfill Your Calling | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Power to Fulfill Your Calling
Powers of the Spirit
There are many ideas of what it means to live in the Spirit or be Spirit-filled – but what does the Bible say about living a Spirit-filled life? And what does it say about the powers of the Spirit? Discover what the true Spirit -filled life is and how to live it.
Monday, October 23, 2023 – Collaborating With Your Enemy
The story of Chanukah is about the takeover of Israel and the Temple by a foreign power. But that’s not the whole story. Long before the nation was taken over and the Temple defiled, there were those of Israel who began imitating the ways of the gentiles, brought in the foreigners, and collaborated with the enemy. The enemy wouldn’t have gotten into the Temple if it weren’t for those who opened the doors and led them in. The desecration of the Temple happened because the high priest guided the enemy into the Holy Place. The real enemy of our souls cannot have a victory over God’s people unless we let him. The enemy cannot stop you, defile you, plunder you, or oppress you unless you let him. Don’t let him. Every time you give into sin, you’re collaborating with and aiding the enemy of your soul to wage war against your soul. In God, you’re on the winning side and you can’t help but win unless you allow the enemy to win. Stop giving into sin. Why should you aid your enemy? Instead, aid your Friend and you’ll win.
Now something that’s a key that’s crucial here. What was happening in the book of acts?
In the book of acts, the spirit was moving and the gospel was going forth.
The going forth of the gospel was the center of the god’s will, the will of god.
So put this together. The spirit of god is connected to the will of god.
The spirit of god wills the will of god.
So the spirit of god gives you the power to do the will of god that you could not do before.
It’s god’s spirit. The power of you know, when it says I can do all things, it doesn’t mean do crazy.
They are things that make those. It means I can do all things that are the will of god.
Whatever the everything that god has asked of you, everything that god has required of you, everything that he’s called you to, you might say it’s so high.
You have the power says I will put my spirit within them, and I will cause them to walk in my ways.
The spirit of god gives you the power to overcome anything you have to do to fulfill the the calling of god, the power to love, the power to repent, the power to overcome, the power to open up that that door, the power to minister everything you’re asked to do.
Whatever you need to do, lord, it’s above me, but by your spirit, do it through me.
Give me the give me the anointing. The spirit and the will of god go together.
What that also means is the more you walk in the will of god the more open you will be to the anointing and empowering of the spirit of god.
If you’re not if your life is so out of god’s will, you cannot expect the anointing of god.
But the the good news is you can get it. Get into that.
Whatever you have to do, whatever’s in your life, that’s not the will of god. Get it out.
Whatever is not in your life that god’s called you, that you haven’t begun to start to start doing it.
And open yourself up for the anointing. The center of god’s will is the great commission.
The more you get into the great commission, there’s an there’s there’s a power of the spirit. No accident.
The power of spirit comes they go out. They can’t go out without that power.
The more you see so so get yourself into, well, I’m not a I don’t share.
I’m I’m not an evangelist. Just start spreading the word. Start spreading god’s love. Start spreading. Start ministering.
If you’re not ministering, get in.
If you’re not part of the act of great community, become part because that because god there’s an anointing of the spirit that will spill into every part of your lives.
That’s why on mission trips, it’s often that people become like superheroes.
A pipe seem, a power comes upon people timid people who wouldn’t think of become powerful and miracles follow often.
We’ve seen that again and again on missions. Get into ministry. If you’re not, get into the great commission.
Get into the purposes of god, and god’s power will get will be in you.
Now now now remember the the link, I I said at the beginning, one of the definitions of the of these things is is potential.
Potential. There the the spirit of one of the powers of the spirit is to expand your potential and to fulfill the potential you have.
It’s no accident that the priests were anointed before they could minister.
The anointing represented the spirit god has given you a calling.
He gives you the spirit to fulfill that calling. Go by the spirit.
You will fulfill your calling. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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