The Harbinger: The Ninth Harbinger: The Prophecy – Chapter 13

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The Ninth Harbinger: The Prophecy – Chapter 13

Is it possible…
That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?
That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?
That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?
That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

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Chapter 13, the ninth Harbinger, the prophecy, we walked down the marble steps and then along the reflecting pool, a question I said, breaking the silence, ask.
He replied, the ninth Harbinger is like the eighth and that it doesn’t so much concern a piece of the mystery of Isaiah 9 10.
But the whole, the whole prophecy, yes. But it’s different from the eighth.
In that the eighth speaks primarily of what is in the present tense.
And the ninth speaks about what would be in the future tense. Is that right? Correct? Why is that important?
The distinction because Isaiah 9 10 exists in two realms in one realm.
It’s the voice of a nation proclaiming a vow in defiance of God.
But in the other realm, it’s the voice of a prophet, the voice of Isaiah and of God speaking through Him.
It’s a prophecy and as a prophecy, it’s a judgment on the nation’s defiance and arrogance and a warning, a sign for telling its future.
It’s a message sent from God and in such a way as to fall on the entire nation so that all the people will know it.
So the ninth Harbinger is a manifestation of Isaiah 9 10 in the form of a prophecy as both a vow and a prophecy he said and given in such a way as to fall on the nation.
So then to fall on America, yes, we walked on for a time in silence.
As I pondered his words, then he came to a stop and asked me for the seal.
He had just given me upon receiving it. He began to reveal its mystery.
The ninth Harbinger, he said in the wake of the calamity, the nation issues its response in the form of a vow.
The vow sets the nation on a course of defiance, a course that ends in judgment.
The words of the vow become part of a prophetic revelation given to the nation as a whole, an indictment of its rebellion, a foretell of its future, a warning of its judgment.
The ninth Harbinger, the prophecy. Then according to the mystery, there would have to have been a prophetic word given in the wake of 9 11 to fall on the nation.
He didn’t answer but just kept walking a prophecy given but not by a prophet.
Still, he was silent and the words of the prophecy came true. He stopped. Look at that.
He said, pointing forward in the distance ahead of us was the massive dome of the Capitol building, the center of the American government.
He said, is that the place I asked? He didn’t answer but resumed walking.
We continued until we reached the foot of the Capitol steps where we came to a stop Noriel.
When do you think the leaders of Ancient Israel first uttered their vow of defiance probably right after the calamity.
And what would right after the calamity be with regard to America the time right after 9 11, like September 12th, that would be right after why?
On September 12th, 2001, he said the morning after the attack, the United States Senate and House of Representatives convened to issue a joint resolution responding to 9 11, it was to be the nation’s first official response to the calamity.
So it was here. I said the vow must be spoken on behalf of the entire nation here where the nation’s representatives gather the two representative bodies of the American Congress.
Here would be the most perfect place for it to happen.
The House of Representatives and the Senate and of the two, the Senate is the upper or highest of representative bodies and the highest representative of the highest body is the Senate, majority leader, the highest representative of the nation’s highest representative body in position to deliver the nation’s response to the calamity.
We began ascending the marble steps on the morning after September 11th, he said America would issue its response to the calamity in the form of a joint resolution of Congress.
The one appointed to present the nation’s response was the Senate majority leader the act would be critical for as a nation responds to a divine warning, its future is determined.
Finally, we reached the top of the stairs where the prophet continued his account.
The smoke still hovered over ground zero as the American government prepared to deliver its response to 9 11 before a nation and a world waiting to see what that response would be.
The senate majority leader made his way to the podium on the Senate floor to present it. Mr President.
He said I sent a resolution to the desk.
The assistant legislative clerk then read the document, a joint resolution expressing the sense of the Senate and the House of Representatives regarding the terrorist attacks launched against the United States.
On September 11, 2001, the clerk continued the reading of the resolution a condemnation of the attacks, an expression of condolences and then a call for unity, a war against terrorism and the punishment of those responsible for the attack and all who assisted them.
That would all be expected.
I said it would be said the prophet, but then the Senate majority leader began his address at the end of the speech would come the climax.
These are the words proclaimed by the Senate majority leader on Capitol Hill the morning after 9 11 to present and sum up the nation’s response to the calamity.
Listen, I know that there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation.
But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to all of us at times like this, the bricks have fallen down.
But we will rebuild with dressed stone.
The fig trees have been failed, but we will replace them with cedars.
I was speechless for several moments.
I don’t know what I expected to hear, but what I heard left me without words and with my heart racing, I was completely stunned.
The ancient vow had actually been proclaimed to the nation from Capitol Hill.
The vow of fallen bricks and sycamores had echoed through the halls of the United States Congress and all on the morning after 9 11, how I asked, how could that have happened?
How could it have happened with a vice presidential candidate or with a stone or the tree?
How could any of it have happened? It had to happen.
And so it did, but he was identifying America as a nation under judgment. Yes.
Unwittingly, the majority leader of the United States Senate was publicly pronouncing judgment on America blindly.
He replied, having no idea what he was pronouncing as far as he knew, he was only delivering an inspiring speech, but unknowingly playing his part in a prophetic mystery.
Yes. And so the words of the ancient vow were now officially joined to America at 9 11.
And just as Isaiah’s recording of the vow transformed it into a matter of national record.
A prophetic word for all the people.
So now the same words were now officially recorded in the annals of Congress as a matter of national record, but the senate majority leader wasn’t a prophet.
No. But you said it’s a prophecy.
How can someone who isn’t a prophet, bring forth a prophetic word in the gospel of John?
He replied the 11th chapter, the high priest Caius is recorded as saying it is necessary that one man should die for the people.
It was the beginning of the plot that would end with the crucifixion of the messiah.
But it was something else as well.
It was also a prophecy, namely that one man, Jesus would die for the people to save them.
Caius wasn’t a prophet, he was an ungodly man and yet he prophesized. It wasn’t the man.
It was the office he held.
He was speaking as the gospel puts it not of his own initiative, but prophesying by virtue of his office as the chief representative of the nation.
So the senate majority leader was prophesying by virtue of his office.
The senate majority leader was the highest representative of America’s highest representative body. By virtue of that office.
He became the instrument to represent the nation to speak on its behalf, to give voice to its response and to deliver a prophetic word.
So someone can prophesy without being a prophet. How does that happen?
The word is inspiration when a prophet speaks, he does so under the inspiration of the spirit.
But prophets aren’t the only ones who can speak or act under inspiration.
The Bible itself is called the inspired word of God because it was written by those under the inspiration of God’s spirit.
Not only by prophets, even those who have no idea what they’re doing or saying, even those who act and speak from other motives as did even a politician, well, meaning or not may speak under the inspiration of God inspiration.
I said, didn’t he use that word in the speech? He did?
He said, I know there is only the smallest measure of inspiration that can be taken from this devastation.
He used it to introduce the prophecy, but he didn’t intend to use it that way. Of course not.
He used it to mean this is for the purpose of inspiring you.
But the word means more than that, even in its most literal definition.
Inspiration from the Latin insat means to be in breathed or blown upon, blown upon by, by the wind, by the breath, by the spirit that which is inspired is God breathed spirit blown.
The word is defined as a supernatural or divine influence upon the prophets, the apostles and the sacred writers or upon men to enable them to communicate divine truth.
So the word has a double meaning, yes, just as the prophetic words of Caius had a double meaning that which he intended to say and that which he didn’t, what he didn’t intend.
That was the prophecy. So too, with the Senate majority leader, the message he intended to say was the following words are going to inspire you and that’s how most people would have understood it.
Yes, said the prophet, but then there was the message he didn’t intend to say, which was this?
The following words do not come from my own initiative but are of divine origin.
The same origin and influence by which the prophet spoke. What you’re about to hear is a prophetic message.
So even the word inspiration came forth by inspiration. Yes, that as well as the prophetic address.
What do you mean? I asked when you send a letter, you address it, you identify the one to whom it’s being sent.
So too biblical prophecies often contain prophetic addresses, introductions, identifying the one or the ones to whom it’s being sent.
It’s there in Isaiah’s prophecy. The Lord has sent forth a word to Jacob Israel, Ephram, Samaria, all the people.
So the prophecy is addressed to the people of Jacob Israel and Samaria.
But now the same prophecy, the same message is about to be given prophetically sent to a different people and a different nation, America.
Yes. So then it has to be readdressed.
The prophetic address has to be changed exactly he said, and so it was the majority leader omitted the original prophetic address that identified Israel as its recipient and put a different one in its place.
There is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to all of us at times like this.
Again, it’s a message of two realms and double meaning what the speaker meant to say was this.
There’s a passage in the Bible to bring comfort in times of crisis like this.
And of course, the Bible is filled with countless passages of comfort and encouragement.
But Isaiah 9 10 was not one of them. No said the prophet not by a very long shot.
So what he didn’t mean to say what he didn’t mean to say, but actually said was this, there’s a message from scripture now given and speaking to America, the message is a prophetic word of warning sent to a nation that once knew God and appointed to be given and to speak at this particular time.
The time when a nation is standing in danger of judgment.
And then after proclaiming the ancient bow, the Senate, majority leader added on his own words, the bricks have fallen down.
But we will rebuild with dressed stone. The fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.
That is what we will do. That is what we will do.
Just six words, but all that was needed to transform the vow no longer.
Was it an ancient vow of an ancient people no longer? Was it merely a quotation?
It was now the vow itself.
It was now the vowing the we of Ancient Israel had transformed into the we of America.
The act of national defiance was taking place not in the ancient capital of an ancient kingdom.
It was now transpiring on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.
The ancient Judgment drama was now playing itself out on the floor of the United States Senate and then the Senate majority leader brought it to its logical conclusion.
That is what we will do. We will rebuild and we will recover.
It was the final restating of the vow. That is what we will do.
In other words, America will do exactly as Ancient Israel had done in its days of judgment, which is the word that as in that is what we will do can only refer to the Ancient vow.
In other words, America would continue in its defiance of God in its departure from his ways and it’s refusing to hear his call to return only it would do so.
All the more America would follow the course of the ancient vow.
So Isaiah 9 10 is now being transformed into national policy.
You could say that and what happened after the vow was spoken.
I asked everyone was in full agreement.
He replied, they had no idea what it was, they had just heard.
No, they had no idea what had happened that which had gone forth from Capitol Hill was the proclamation that identifies a nation in rebellion against God.
And the pronouncement of judgment upon that nation. And what happened after that? What happened after that?
After that, it would all come true. It was a prophecy. It foretold the nation’s future course.
That is what we will do.
America would choose the same course as that of Ancient Israel and act the same strategy and walk in the same footsteps.
It was all prophesized on the very morning after 9 11, he spoke of the cutting down of the tree.
Did he know there was an actual tree cut down by the calamity at ground zero?
And that it bore the same name as the fallen tree of Isaiah 9 10.
No, he had no idea his version translated it as fig tree.
Nevertheless, it was the biblical shaka, the fig mulberry tree, the sycamore.
And even if he had known what he was saying, what it all meant, he could have had no idea that it was actually being fulfilled when he proclaimed the prophecy on September 12th, ground zero was still a disaster site and cut off from the public.
And it was only in later days that the story of the sycamore of ground zero would come out and yet he spoke of it.
Nor could he have known on September 12th that one day, a crane would lower a 20 ton gazette stone onto ground zero where the fallen bricks had laid.
That would come true. Three years after he foretold it and the cedar tree, I said there’s no way he could have known that a tree matching the biblical re tree would actually be planted in place of the fallen sycamore.
That too would only happen years later.
And only because someone decided to donate that particular tree, he couldn’t have had any idea.
And yet he prophesized that the one would be planted in place of the other.
It was all prophesized the day after 9 11.
It was all there and recorded in the annals of Congress for the whole nation to know the nation would respond to its calamity just as ancient Israel had responded to its calamity.
It would pursue a course of defiance on a path of judgment. I was silent.
The prophet paused before saying anything more allowing me time to process what I was hearing before showing me something else come Noriel.
I want you to see something.
He led me to the other side of the Capitol and pointed to a nearby building.
Do you know what that is?
I feel I should, what you’re looking at is the Supreme court, the highest court in the land.
And yet there sits a much higher court than this by which nations are judged according to a biblical requirement before a truth can be established or a judgment passed in a court of law.
The matter must be confirmed by two witnesses.
One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits by the mouth of two or three witnesses.
The matter shall be established. The principle of two witnesses applies first to the legal realm, but it can also be applied to the realm of nations.
In the case of America. The Isaiah 9 10 connection would likewise be established by two witnesses.
The Senate majority leader on the day after 9 11, he was the first witness.
Correct and the second witness, the vice presidential candidate, three years later on the anniversary of 9 11, both would speak the same words correct.
And both would bear witness of the joining of America to Ancient Israel and of 9 11 to Isaiah 9 10.
The one speaking of what would be and the other of what was that, the vow was being fulfilled and neither of the two I added had any idea what they were saying or what the other was saying or how their words were actually being fulfilled in reality.
No said the prophet which only further compounds the weight of their testimony.
And it was all set in motion on the very day after 9 11 here with a warning and the pronouncement of judgment.
The prophecy was proclaimed to the nation from Capitol Hill and it would all come true.
There was silence. The revelation of the ninth Harbinger was finished and I was still shaken.
This obscure mysterious prophecy had actually been proclaimed from the seat of the American government and the speaker linked it all to 9 11 that together with everything else, all the connections, all the twists and quirks the reenactments, the replaying the Ancient Mystery manifesting in America.
It left me shaken. I wanted to be silent to try to take it all in.
But I had the sense that if I didn’t say something soon he’d be gone and it would be the end.
It was the last harbinger. So I broke the silence. I have a question. Yes.
If America is following the same pattern as ancient Israel, witnessing the same signs uttering the same words, reenacting the same acts, responding with the same response.
Yes. How can it escape suffering the same fate? He didn’t answer.
So again, I spoke and if the proclaiming of the vow was just the first stage of judgment for Israel and not the last, then what about America?
What does the future Hold? Chapter?

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