The Full Meaning of Grace Pt.2 – Episode 4

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The Full Meaning of Grace Pt.2 – Episode 4

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Preflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
There’s nothing you can do to restrain god’s love.
The unrestrained operation of the infinite love of god that comes through Jesus Christ for mankind, especially
for those who say, god, I’m a
quit trying to make this happen on my my own. I’m I’m gonna depend on you, lord.
Now, I haven’t tried all the medical advice, but I gotta depend on you.
And I’ve tried all the experts dependence. I’m dependent you, and that unrestrained love shows up.
It is grace. This unrestrained love.
Believers are not under the law because the penalty has been paid.
Creflow and Kathy Dollar love connecting with you and understand the importance of using technology to do just that.
We’re constantly working to bring the gospel of Christ to thousands of viewers and followers all around the world, and we want you to get involved Follow us on Facebook, instagram, and x, and subscribe to creflo dollar ministries on YouTube for live services and more.
Together with you, we are making the word of grapes available throughout every voice of social media.
This is your world. Solas vow to make it a better place.
Let every heart of me is now.
are changed.
How how great thou art?
You see you seem you understand when I say, I I got to serve him.
I got to praise him.
I got to take all of the dog and night and the talking.
I got to take all of it, but look at what he has done for you and for me.
Look at what Jesus came as the compensation for what you couldn’t afford.
Even you going to hell would not have been enough to satisfy and pay everything that he did.
And I don’t understand people trying to talk about Jesus. Dog got Jesus. I don’t believe in Jesus.
He was just a man, but he was your pavement.
If it were not for Jesus, you would not receive the mercy and the grace and the love and the forgiveness That’s why your crazy will never be able to match his grace.
Oh my goodness.
Oh my god.
I’m not I’m not talking some doctrine or teaching for a debate.
I know this is true.
Have you ever had god to do something for you that you know you didn’t deserve?
Have you ever had god to open up a door in your life and you know it should have stayed closed?
Go, repeat it, god.
Have you ever had god save somebody in your only, and you they they were no good for nothing dirty, but he saved them anyway, sank to fiber.
See them with the holy cow.
And if that’s not enough, look at what is done for you.
Oh my god. Oh my god.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Just for a moment.
Could you just lift your hands Oh my god. My god. My god. Thank you, Jesus.
Apart from this perpetuation, there can be no grace of god towards men.
Subtract Jesus, subtract this perpetuation, this perpetutory death, subtracted There will be no grace of god towards men.
Love then did not disregard the law.
It satisfied its every demand, and it fulfilled and established it. And then it made it possible.
It made possible a new, new way of doing things, a new way for god to deal with those who by faith in this provision have established the law.
By faith in this provision.
Look at Matthew 517 through 18, sometimes misunderstood, but in light of this context, you begin to understand this.
Mathew 5 verse 17 through 18, he says, think not that I Jesus is speaking here.
He said, think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets.
I am not come to destroy, but to what? For fear.
For verily, I say unto you till heaven and earth passed, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till it all be fulfilled.
And now the Bible makes it clear that through this love, you fulfill all the law.
Because when you love, you won’t kill.
When you love, you won’t steal love starts working on you and working with you.
This new way is unrestrained love.
There’s nothing you can do to restrain god’s love.
The unrestrained operation of the infinite love of god that comes through Jesus Christ for mankind, especially
for those who say, God, I’m
a quit trying to make this happen on my my own. Um, I’m gonna depend on you, lord.
Now, I done tried all the medical advice, but I gotta depend on you.
I’ve tried all the experts depinions, I’m depending you. And that unrestrained love shows up.
It is grace. This unrestrained love.
Believers are not under the law because the penalty has been paid.
They are under grace, an entirely new and different method by which god deals with man Look at Romans chapter 614 again.
Can you see this? You’re not under the law.
Justice took place during the law. Things happened during the law.
Sottoman Gamora, what was the result of This justice not being satisfied.
Roma 614. For sin, shall not have dominion over you.
You are not under the law.
Because if you were under the law, sin would be dominating you.
You are not under the law, but you are under grace, which is why it’s so awesome that you’re not wanting to even do some of the things you used to do because you’re not under the law.
You you’re not being dominated by the past sins and and and lasciviousnesses of your past. You’re under grace.
New testament believers that get born again today are not under the law, the Mosaic law that is, uh, administered by rule keeping.
You are under grace And by the grace of god and the spirit of grace, the operation of the Holy Spirit will not administer the character of the 10 commandments into your life.
Because you’re no longer under the law. You are under the grace of god.
You are not under the law. Well, you know, well, we’re, we’re, we’re still under the 10 commandments.
You’re under the 10 commandments differently than they were under the 10 commandments.
They were under the 10 manments, and they had to satisfy this justice by trying to keep the rules.
You are under the 10 commandments being admissible by the Holy Ghost.
And, instead of you working for god, god’s working for you.
Changing you and giving you a desire to do what pleases him.
Because the righteousness of god has been working in you, and that righteousness in you, it it is now determining your behavior.
You’ve received, I’m a new creation I’m the righteousness of god.
And the day you accept your new identity, that new identity determines is your behavior.
And you look at a mirror one day and you say, oh my god.
The things I used to do, I don’t wanna do no more.
And it doesn’t happen all in one day because some of us hard headed and we have to go through a pressure cooker before we realize I need Jesus.
When justice has been satisfied, once and for all, grace becomes sovereign.
It becomes supreme, and it begins to reign on to eternal life and even in eternal life.
I’ll begin to teach you next week how grace is gonna reign in 3 seasons.
And one of those seasons is in the ages to come.
Do you know you being raised from the dead is an act of grace.
Do you understand, uh, taking off your mortal and putting on your immortality is an act of grace?
Glory, do you understand to be caught up to meet him in the air is an act of grace.
Do you understand heaven is an act of grace?
Grace ain’t stopping grace is gonna continue all the way on into eternity in the ages that are to come.
That’s why If you are so blessed to get any crowns or anything, the soul winner’s crown or whatever, you ain’t got no choice, but to cast those crowns at the feet of Jesus, because you know and your smart self ain’t responsible for none of it.
So let me tell you right now. Don’t put the crown on your head.
If you get a crown, cast it at the feet Jesus.
And let everybody in heaven know, I know that if it were not for Jesus on my side, I know that if he didn’t heal me, I know if he didn’t say me.
I know if he didn’t mature me. It wasn’t me.
So I cast my crowns at the feet of Jesus.
Y’all, excuse me, for Holland, but Thank you, Jesus.
Alright. You’re listening to me now. Alright. That was number 4.
Number 5, as we break this definition of this unmerited abounding provision, glory to god, of the operation, this this this this unrestrained operation of the infinite love of god that only comes through Jesus Christ.
Gotta get Jesus Christ now. The only company that ain’t gonna come to your fancy traditional religion.
The says your tradition has made the word of god of no effect.
You better know that Jesus is real and get to know him. No. Your tradition is gonna fool you today.
You die. And then you wake up and say, uh-uh, it was true. You better understand. God’s word is real.
You gotta ask yourself, if your tradition is so good, how come you still got so much hell in you?
You ain’t changed a bit.
You unforgiving, you mean, you got a bad attitude, and you go and then when it’s Sunday, you’re about your tradition.
Your tradition is making the word of no effect, and you walk around deceived under your bad tradition.
Did y’all did some dude on the news in in in one of the religions ain’t gonna talk about it, but somehow he baptized people the wrong way and say it instead of saying I baptized you, that we should have said, you know, instead of saying we baptized you, you should have said I baptized you and sent out a notice there about that you baptized.
You did it wrong. We gotta do it again.
Do you actually think that god gives a hoof about an hour away.
Well, my baptism didn’t take I had my wig on.
I should’ve taken it off. It it should’ve touched my real head and not a wick.
You you have Well, y’all not get a tattoo because you get a tattoo and you’re gonna go to hell.
Do y’all really think that god’s gonna keep somebody out of heaven because they brought on their arm instead of paper?
Of a matter with us. Full of religion. That’s what’s wrong. We don’t know god.
Because once you know him, the religion can’t stand up in the presence of the almighty god that saved you and raised you in Baptizer man who owed 30 something years ago, maybe, over the after when we’ve over there.
And, brother, Bob Watland, and some of my deacons that have gone home to be with the lord.
We baptized this one lady in the they found out the heat pump had gone out, so the water was cold.
And if we did it outside, it was gonna be cold anyway.
So we went ahead and and did it. And her dear sister came up.
Now you gotta read my lips on this. I can’t say it.
If I say it, y’all gonna say it’s gonna rim up their cussing now.
You know? And so she came and she said, oh, lord. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus. And I said I baptized you in the name of the father. Oh, Jesus side.
Oh, in the name of the son. Oh, Jesus. And in the name of Oligos, ah, Jesus.
And she went down. We put in the water and she came, but she said, ah, Now if you didn’t catch that, I can’t do that no more now.
Big and Bob looked at me.
He said, passing, you think we need to take them down one more time?
I don’t know if that took.
And at that time, I didn’t know nothing about risk, but I said, I don’t I don’t believe we do.
God will gonna have to clean her up, but that, anyway.
You can’t you can’t know god, thinking stuff like that, because when you start when you start knowing him and you’re talking to him every day and he speaking to you, and you’re walking with him, and you you sense this presence.
And, you know, that’s so easy.
You know, for some people, they sit and listen to me, but I’ve seen this. I’ve seen people supernaturally healed.
I’ve I’ve seen prayers answered. I’ve seen lives changed over these 41 years.
The stuff that I have seen, you you can’t convince me that he’s not real. You too late. Yeah.
And somebody say, well, how do you know he real?
Well, how do you know that your pound cake is a pound cake?
You went in the kitchen, you followed the recipe, and it produced what it said it would produce.
Well, I went into the spiritual kitchen, I took the word of God.
And I began to bait what this word says, and it showed up in my life, in the life of my family and I am convinced I have the right recipe.
If you don’t believe what I’m preaching, go and cook it for yourself, baby.
I just wanna pick this whole thing up and just throw I was like, why?
I just it’s just so we got that broadcast. He’s just good. He’s good.
He just He’s so good. He’s so good. I gotta blah blah, shut up up.
I ain’t I’m not gonna say I can’t take it, bring it on. Keep bringing it all up.
He’s so good. Woke me up this morning. Didn’t have to do it. Started me on my way.
Didn’t have to do it. I looked outside. It was a new day I’ve never seen before.
He didn’t have to do it. Blessed my family, blessed my wife, didn’t have to do it.
I’m still alive and well, hallelujah. He didn’t to do it. He didn’t have to do it.
But there’s nothing I can do to risk strain his love.
This gospel has got to be preached.
And I’m I’m willing to preach it no matter what it costs.
It might cost me some friends and My coughs missed my invitations.
Folks don’t want me to come preach at their church no more day.
They call me a hair taking all that stuff, but I I gotta preach it and and and when it’s all over with, then the law to let you know, it it’d it’d be alright, 40 something years ago, I was a part of all those movements.
A big part Thousands of people would show up in basketball arenas.
And I don’t even know how many thousands that showed up in Uganda.
It was like, bigger than a football game. And and I didn’t understand this.
And once I understand this, I’m like, log in Give me a do over.
I I’ve got it now. And you know what I got?
It’s it’s all about Jesus. It’s always been about him.
Alright. Let me get it together, boy.
I started to just fall out on y’all and just stay.
Just and then y’all, the one gonna do here on the ground.
And somebody say fall out too, I guess. Aye.
Let’s go to another slice of this definition. Here’s the 5th slice.
Grace is on behalf of man, especially all who depend on him and believe.
Grace is on behalf of man.
And when I say man, I mean mankind, I mean, woman, man with a moon, woman, man without a woman, man.
Grace is the operation of god’s love on behalf of man.
Now, this is pretty amazing here, because grace seems to be reserved for man only or man alone.
That’s interesting. Grace seems to be preserved for man alone.
Not angels? You know what hell is?
Like hell, was a part of god’s justice for for Satan and his angels.
And there’s a part of the atmosphere. I don’t wanna get in that right now.
That that’s holding certain demonic forces in chains.
It was not ever created for man.
This grace is only for believers in Jesus Christ. Alright.
Now go to go to Titus chapter 2. Let’s read the King James. Titus Titus chapter 2, 11, and 12.
I know that the Bible says that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world.
What does that mean? For everybody that’s ready to believe, Salvation is available.
It’s available for everybody to believe.
The only difference between some of us and people who are not believers you believed, and so grace is now for the one who accepted the gift and believe.
Watch this? For the grace of god that bringeth salvation, it has appeared to all men, people who are, are, are not saved This this grace has, has made salvation available for them, but they have to receive it.
They have to believe Because no.
Listen to what it says, then go ahead go ahead with these types too.
He says, this grace teaches us not the unbeliever.
It teaches us not the world. It teaches us. And that’s amazing.
Grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust.
How do you that, you know, on the grace you send when grace is what’s teaching you not to
send. Yeah.
Grace teaches us And the us is clearly referring to those who have received and believed in him.
Grace teaches us. 1 of the basic acts of god’s grace is to declare righteous the center.
That’s the basic act to to justify the center.
Now, let me give you proof of this from the scripture, uh, from the NLT.
Look at Romans chapter 3 verse 21 26 from the NLT.
1 of the basic acts of god’s grace is to justify the center. That’s what he wants to do.
But it doesn’t stop there at justifying the center. He wants to teach us.
Are you searching for a deeper understanding of god’s grace?
In the series, a deeper definition of grace Crefflow Dollar gives a solid understanding of our covenant and a true picture of our god.
Grace is the truth. Anytime you hear grace, It’s Jesus. Jesus is the source of grace.
The very same grace that brings salvation.
All so teaches those who are saved, how to live pleasing unto god.
Growth in your spiritual life can only come by grace. He will work out his plan for your life.
And you know what? He’s working out that plan right now.
All three messages in this series can be yours today for a love gift of 20 US dollars.
DVDs are available for a love gift 30 US dollars.
Be sure to visit and click e store, scan the QR code, or call the number on your screen to get yours now.
Hey, everybody.
I wanna give you a personal invitation to attend the Grace Life Conference of the reunion. July 11th through 13th.
Learning to live the grace life will address every emotional issue that you’re dealing with in your everyday life.
Whether it’s loneliness insecurities, love, self worth, belonging, it doesn’t matter. God’s grace deals with every human need.
You need to be at GraceLab 2024. It’s a reunion. It’s a gathering of believers and it’s freedom.
When people understand grace, they are empowered to change. So don’t miss this opportunity.
I’ll see you at Grace Life 2024 the reunion, July 11th through 13th.
Come prepared to get your wise answer the grace of god will change you forever. I’ll see you there.
We wanna be sure we are living according to what god has taught us about giving.
And we understand that giving and receiving is a spiritual law. It’s a reflex of god’s love.
And I’m so glad that Taff and I began to understand how to walk in this principle, but we give, not out of necessity, we give out of a cheerful heart, we give because we’re grateful and we’re thankful to what god has done.
You know, I I want you to pray about, uh, becoming a giver into creflo dollar ministries today.
And if this ministry has blessed you in any way, consider sowing a seed of any amount, and we will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your support, and god bless you.
Your financial donations into this ministry work all over the world to change countless lives if you’d like to support our efforts to save the lost.
You may call in or visit today. God bless you.
I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, and there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Citing intimate relationship with Jesus.
I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me. Heavenly father. I believe that Jesus is the son of god, and that he died, and was raised from the dead, and has forgiven all of my sins, and I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved. Praise god.
Now that simple prayer, change your entire eternal destination.
And we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
Because of you, creflo Dollar Ministries is finding a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners, and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.


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