The Church Of The Last Days | Jack Hibbs Special
The Church Of The Last Days
What will the Church look like during the End Times? Will it influence the world or be influenced by the world? Pastor Jack encourages the Church to take a stand for truth in today’s compelling episode.
“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” – John 8:12
Well, just the other day, I saw some of the events of a hurricane and of a storm and everything was being shifted, everything was being disheveled and shaken up and people were grabbing onto things that would stabilize them.
And then I saw a picture of one of our U S navy aircraft carriers out at sea with an oncoming hurricane.
And this massive ship with thousands of people on board was just as though nothing was going on moving straight ahead without any effect as it were upon that ship in the midst of that storm.
It looked awesome. It was, it was a moment to look at and I want to encourage you today, friends that we’re living in an age with all of the storm taking place around us, with events with uh agendas and characteristics of things manifesting in our world of politics and economics and society that you might feel like you need to grab on and hang onto something right now.
Well, I want you to know that God wants you to be like that great massive aircraft carrier going through the storm stable in sick.
That’s how the church of Jesus Christ. Is to be in these days.
Don’t let the days de Cheval, you let these days cause you to be firm and fixed upon the rock of Jesus Christ.
That ship look like a lighthouse out at sea.
In reality, you and I are that lighthouse in Christ, Jesus. We can be immovable in these uncertain times.
That’s the promise of God’s word. That’s the certainty of God’s truth. You need not fear.
So friends grab your bibles, open them up as we’re going to be looking at the condition of the church in the last days and you figure out where you’re at and what you need to do to get stable.
I love the fact that Genesis chapter one verse one just absolutely without apology says in the beginning, God created, I mean, if there’s ever a mic drop, it’s one from heaven right there.
The God of the Bible is the great divine creator, Dr a wilder Smith, the great believer scientist who is now in heaven.
Seven, earned doctorates out of mining in Switzerland. Can you imagine that?
He said that God has given us two bibles that that man is without escaping the truth of God.
He’s given us two Bibles, one is printed on paper and for those who don’t have it that might live in the jungles of the Amazon.
He said, God has given them his creation.
God, the creator bears witness of the testimony of his very will of his power and of the fact that without apology, he is God.
And this God of the Bible is a prophetic God.
But we would say the God of eschatology, God knows the future and then all the way to the end of the Bible.
And the book of Revelation, there’s a similar mic drop moment that’s introduced in its revelation.
11, the revelation of Jesus Christ without apology. The answer is Jesus Christ. The answer is not in politics.
The answer is not in wealth. The answer is not an achievement.
The answer is not in some globalization like we learned last night or some great reset.
The answer is in Jesus Christ.
The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is all about mankind knowing Jesus Christ.
Jesus, his name means God saves or God’s salvation.
Christ, Messiah, the Messiah, the savior, the Christ of the word world, the Christ for us is none other than Jesus Christ.
And in revelation one verse 19, the scripture says, write down these things, John really two known to never forget.
But here’s the outline for the Book of Revelation, right? The things down which you have seen.
What have you seen John this far?
And it’s chapter one, the revelation of Jesus Christ, the nature of who he is church that applies to you.
And I you’ve seen this so to speak, right? You’ve seen Jesus in the scriptures.
He’s this one whose face is brighter than the sun.
He’s the one who’s gonna come back in the great second coming and establish his kingdom.
You read about him just now a moment ago and all of his grandeur, by the way, all of those descriptions, I love what I’m about to say next.
It’s not me saying that I’m just lifting it from the Bible.
He’s the first and the last that comes from the book of Isaiah. He’s the beginning of the end.
That also comes from the book of Isaiah.
Jesus Christ is none other than the Revelation of God in flesh. And he has a church.
He created the church and the church is a transcendent entity made up of people of faith who believe in him personally.
And that’s who I trust. All of you are right now here today and those that are viewing, write down the things which you have seen and that covered versus 10 to 20 in that portion of scripture.
The second thing is write down the things which are, that’s revelation chapter two and three.
The letters to the seven churches. If you haven’t read those, you need to read them.
But the things that are in John’s time watch this. This is fun.
When was the Book of Revelation written somewhere around 95 ish A D, right? So here’s the deal.
The things that have been seen is the Revelation of Christ.
Number two, the things that are started then and continue now to the moment we are living in those things that are revealed through the seven letters to the seven churches.
And then the third part, the third break of the Book of Revelation is found in chapter four, verse one all the way to the end of chapter 22.
And that is the things that shall be the future things. So Jack, why do you say this to us?
Number one is assurance Christ has been revealed and there’s no excuse for any of us to say today.
We don’t know who he is. The first chapter of the Book of Revelation.
It’s almost like God said, you know, maybe people won’t read it.
So I’ll put this part up front, maybe they’ll read this one part and they get it, or at least they see it.
Jesus is the one. Secondly, the things that are, is what you and I living through right now and I want to submit to you today that we are not only living chapters two and three, we are right at the end of chapters two and three.
And I think we can prove that in our study today.
Number one, write it down if you would, the church of the last days must be a church known for its influence of love.
We’ve got to be known as a church that influences by love.
You should write down love and let me explain and define what we’re talking about.
Not just the influence of love for love sake. Oh we have to love one another.
Wait a minute, stop talking like that. What are you talking about?
When you say love, we live in a day and, and age right now, people are not using the same dictionary anymore.
We don’t know what people mean. When they say God.
When somebody says, I believe in God, we have to stop his believers and say time out.
Can you define who you’re talking about? Because Al Gore believes in God.
I just heard him say it. Did you know that? Oh, praise the Lord. Al Gore is a believer.
Excuse me. Al Gore’s God is Gaia. Gaia, the goddess of the earth. That’s his God.
Gaia, ancient pagan God. George Soros believes in God.
George Soros said, if there was a God, I’m him. George Soros.
Wow, Shirley maclaine, she is she still alive? Is she alive? Anybody know? Okay.
Well, Shirley maclaine believes that she can be a God, right? Which has always cracks me up.
She’s standing on the beach in Malibu 2030 years ago and she’s going like this on her program. I’m God.
I am God. She said, and she said, just repeat it, I’m God.
And she wanted people to join in and say, I’m God, I’m God. And she’s standing there.
And I just, when I saw that, I just cracked me up because I’m thinking, how does that sound from heaven?
She’s saying, I’m God and the robe, the Malibu, the wind is blowing the robes. She’s makeup is perfect.
And I’m wondering if God’s going, what is that sound?
Gabriel, what is that? You don’t like? There’s nails on a chalkboard.
And can you imagine God looking over a cloud and he looks down on Malibu and there’s Shirley maclaine and he hears now the Bible says, God’s voice sounds like water’s great waters roaring.
Not like a mouse standing on the beach.
But everybody noticed with all the cults and all the new religions and the paganism.
And again, as we learned last night with the world economic form and Klaus Schwab, everybody gets to be God accept Jesus, right?
Isn’t that convenient? We are to be a church known for love and the love is to be defined by Jesus Christ himself.
God is love today.
When they talk about love, the world doesn’t know what they’re talking about until they are talking about a biblical orthodox understanding of who Jesus Christ is church.
Family. More than ever. People need to know that we are talking about the love of God and we need to speak lovingly but truthfully and the hostile world in which we live in.
Sometimes that’s lovingly but firmly. When something’s wrong, you need to say, listen, I love you and because I love you, I’m telling you right now, that is a dangerous path that you’re on.
We need to be very strong about that.
So the first thing I want you to realize is in revelation chapter two, the Bible says unto the angel of the church at Ephesus, write these things who, who holds the seven stars in his right hand and who walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands?
That’s the witness of the church. Nevertheless, I have this against you that you have left your first love.
Remember therefore, from where you have fallen repent and do the first works, the first works of love or else I will come upon you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place.
Unless you repent, I’m gonna remove your witness.
If you don’t wake up, verse seven, he who has ears to hear, let him hear what the spirit that is.
The Holy Spirit is saying to the churches and to him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
When Paul the apostle wrote his epistle to the church at Ephesus, they were a strong church.
You know, it is the book of Ephesians. They were a strong and mighty church.
Paul wrote that earlier and they were tremendous. You read that book regarding instruction on marriage, don’t you?
You read that book regarding raising up your Children.
It’s that book you go to when you learn about Christian armor and, and fighting the spiritual warfare.
It’s a, it’s a tremendous work.
But what happened years later, they drifted away, they were a church that got away from love.
They got away, first of all, for their love for God.
If we’re gonna be an operational, effective heaven approved New Testament Church, we’ve got to love God more than anything else.
Listen up team, you got to love God more than this world.
You gotta love God more than money.
You got to love God more than whatever, whatever it is in your life. You got to love God more.
I personally believe the greatest fence that you can build around your walk.
The greatest way that you can garrison your witness and your, your statement for Christ, your lamp stand is that we’re thinking about right now.
There’s thousands of lamp stands in here right now burning for Christ to protect that flame.
We could, we could wrap you in bubble wrap and we could build a wall around you and make a monk out of you that you’re a Christian.
But you’re just like this. You’re, you’re in a vacuum. But I don’t read that in the New Testament.
If you love God more, and we all need to ask God, it isn’t funny. God, I love you.
But every time, but when I say that, I feel like I don’t love you enough.
So please give me more love for you.
That’s like turning to your wife or husband and saying, can you love me more?
They can’t do that. But God can do that if today you’re saying you know what?
Maybe Jack, I think I might have left my first love.
In fact, I had to get drug here to this conference.
People brought me here and I was kicking and screaming.
Maybe you’re watching right now and you’re like, well, whatever, listen, God wants to take that, well, whatever.
And have you catch fire again for Jesus.
If you love him more, you won’t have to have bubble wrap and walls built around you.
You will be a new testament church in the 21st century that has galvanized to go out into this world of absolute darkness and insanity and affect this culture for the glory of Christ.
That’s who we need to be. No more.
Hiding no more, running no more, pulling the blanket over our heads and waiting for it to go back.
It’s not gonna be a hurricane like Ian. It’s not going to come and do its destruction and leave.
We’re living in dark days church and the only answer is for you and I according to scripture is to stand up and to resist evil.
We are commanded to do that and we need to be engaging in that, but it needs to be loving always, of course.
But I love the fact that it says here that Jesus holds the seven stars in his hand and that Jesus walks in the midst of the seven land stands.
It simply means this, that Jesus holds the pastors of those churches in his hand. I love that.
And he walks through the midst of the seven lamp stands, the seven lamp stands represent the seven churches of Asia Minor which each of them represent even in chronological order.
Watch this. Everybody. Am I going too fast?
Number one, it marks every believer at any given time of their season of life.
Any one of us could be any one of the descriptions of the seven letters of the seven churches.
So we need to be careful about that.
The second thing is this, it actually spans the book of revelation chapters two and three spans the history of the church age, these last 2000 years.
I have no doubt whatsoever that we are living as we’ll see as I end the message later that we’re living in a leo decision period.
But we are to be Philadelphians, right? Loving God.
We want to be careful that we don’t fall into the Ephesians model of having been so busy about ministry that we stopped.
Loving God. Ministry becomes a job.
Look, I’ve been doing this for over 32 years now and I still can’t say it, I can’t say on Monday or Tuesday morning.
Hey, Lisa, I’ll be right back. I gotta go to work. I can’t say it.
I think that’s an offense to God. Is it work?
Of course, it’s work, but it’s not work. It’s the church.
It’s a love affair between God’s people and God himself.
This is why we had to take such a stand against the government in this state because they don’t understand.
I don’t expect them to understand. Well, let me see if the church is essential or non essential.
That’s for you to figure out God has already made it clear. It’s the church of the living God.
He bought it with his blood. It is a living breathing entity. It’s not essential or non essential.
The church’s holy transcendent. It is absolutely awesome. But we must influence our culture with love.
But just know it’s a biblical love. It’s beautiful. It’s strong, it’s not weak.
It’s a love that tells the truth.
It’s a love that will invite people out of the darkness and into the light.
We’re a church of the last days. Oh, it’s so rough out there. Are you kidding me? Those are opportunities.
What’s coming next? What’s gonna happen next? I don’t know. He knows, I just know this.
I’m supposed to be known to be sharing the love of Christ with people and that evidence should be overwhelming.
The church of the last days must be a church known for its faithfulness to God, faithfulness to God.
By the way, as we look at this, it’s revelation chapter two verse eight and to the angel of the church at Smyrna, write these things, says the first and the last.
This is important, who was dead and came back to life? Hey, listen, if you’re involved in a cult.
Guess what? You need to know.
Our God is so awesome that he can die and come back to life for us.
Verse nine says, I know your works, your tribulation be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life.
Verse 11 says he wasn’t here to hear.
Let him hear what the spirit says to the churches and he who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.
In other words, if you’re born again, listen up everybody.
If you’re born again, remember you have to be born again into the kingdom of Heaven.
You all know that if you don’t know that Jesus said to Nicodemus, a Jew who was the chief teacher over Israel.
The guy Jesus said to him, unless you’re born again, you’re not going to enter the kingdom of heaven.
So first of all, don’t think that you’re Jewish, you’re gonna go to heaven automatically because your God wrote the Bible.
That’s not how you get to heaven by being Jewish. Thank God.
And don’t think because you’re a gentile, you get to go to heaven.
You gotta be born again. That call is ethnic free.
It’s a cultural free. That invitation goes to anyone who will have the ear to hear.
You must be born of the spirit. We say born again. The Greek is born from above.
You had an earthly birth. You need a heavenly birth.
So all of us were born once into this world.
But for those of us who have been born again, we only die once. Isn’t that cool?
If you’re not born again, the second death that holds power over you, you were born into this world.
You not only die physically, we all die physically unless the rapture happens. So we all die physically.
But for the believer, that’s all we do. That’s all we do tonight.
You’re gonna lay down, you’re gonna fall asleep for the believer.
There’s gonna come a day when your body, you’re gonna fall asleep and you’re gonna open your eyes and the next second you’re gonna be in the presence of the Lord.
Listen, how was that possible? Because listen, you were born twice.
So you only die once you were born into this world and then you were born into the heavenly kingdom by the salvation of Jesus Christ.
So when you die, you only die physically.
But if you’re not born again, listen, you’re born once and you have to die twice.
You die physically and then you die spiritually for eternity.
So friends listen, this is so extremely serious because the man Nicodemus who was the ruler and teacher of all of Israel, he came to Jesus by night.
There’s a lot to that. He didn’t come in the group that he normally trafficked in.
He didn’t come with somebody holding his hand, he didn’t bring any friends.
In fact, it’s quite possible that Nicodemus made sure that he came to Jesus by night so that nobody would recognize him.
He came knowing that he had to ask Jesus a question.
He said to Jesus, I know that you are a man come from God because nobody can do the miracles and the teachings that you do unless God is with Him.
And instead of Jesus saying, well, thank you Nicodemus for appreciating my hard work or the message Jesus wasn’t moved by flattery at all.
Jesus jumped as it were onto the spiritual throat of Nicodemus and said, Nicodemus, you’ve been born of this world through your mother, but you’ve got to be born a second time and that is of the spirit world.
You need to be born again from the spirit of God above. And that’s the question for you today.
You may be very religious and you may be very moral, but according to Jesus, you are lost without being born again.
John chapter three. So friend, please open up John’s gospel chapter three.
Read the Bible for yourself and ask yourself, are you born again? Have you encountered Jesus Christ? Personally?
Listen, I hope you’ve caught on by now that that’s what these programs are about to have.
You meet Jesus Christ personally. That’s why we are here and broadcasting to you for no other reason that we might populate heaven with people just like you.
So listen, if you want more information, you can go to Jack Hibbs dot com and find out more.
There’s a lot of teaching and for that matter, listen, you can go to any one of our social media platforms and sign up, it’s all free and you can find out what’s going on and how you can stay in touch with what we’re doing next for the Kingdom of God.
End Times prophecy. Have you ever found it puzzling in the book? Understanding End Times Prophecy?
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Now, understanding End times prophecy, this helpful resource will be sent to you in appreciation for your donation to real life ministries today to order your copy, visit Jack Hibbs dot com or call 877 triple 7 23 46 order.
Now, welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return. Void God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effect.
Mhm So I wanna encourage you to grab your bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us Bible prophesy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it.
And one of the great reasons you are the light of the world.
Jesus said you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re going to get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and free you.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
Will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways?
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Again, that’s 877 triple 7 23 46. And of course you can write us.
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- The Gathering Storm – Jack HibbsTháng 8 9, 2024