The Blessings of the Plague | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Blessings of the Plague
Monday, July 24, 2023
The false prophet Balaam tries to prophesy against Israel but ends up speaking an amazing Messianic prophecy. He says, “I see Him, but not now. I behold Him, but not near.” I see Him, but not now. What does that mean? Balaam had a vision but he didn’t really know salvation. He saw Him, but not now. That’s the way most people see Messiah – as something that happened a long time ago, not really here and now but in the past. In the days of Messiah’s life, He was here and now to Mary and the apostles. That’s the only way to really know Him. The disciples and the first century are gone, but He remains here and now. The same Messiah then and there, is the One who’s here and now for you. The same miracles and power in the book of Acts, are here and now. See Him now. See Him today, this moment. Behold the reality of His presence. Receive His power. It will revolutionize your walk. Because Messiah will touch and transform your life here and now.
I was on a television program at the beginning of this the whole thing, the spring of 20 20, with other ministers who are being interviewed.
In the beginning, you know, it it was the beginning of the COVID, beginning of the lockdown.
And several of people on television, they’re prophesying.
God is gonna undo this right away, and or right away, and it’s gonna be great.
The economy’s gonna be great again. God’s gonna prosper you and all that. And it was around passover time.
And I was led to say on the air, I said, you know, the plague that came on Egypt and Passover, the point of the plague wasn’t to pray the plague away.
The plague had the purposes of god in it.
Which was redemption and freedom, which is much and more important than everything else.
Don’t despise the wilderness in your life, the hard times.
It is through that that god ex god fulfills his kong and even you’re on an accelerated program.
If you will seek god, you will grow even greater.
So we have to open ourselves up to think differently.
You know, you it’s like we it’s like you have to I have to get somewhere.
I’m in a traffic jam. You’re on you’re you’re stuck on Route 80, and you’re saying, what’s going on?
I’m stuck. I wanna get there, so I’m stuck. So but in god, you’re never stuck.
In the middle of that traffic jam, you have to think, wait a minute.
If god has me here in the traffic jam, I’m not stuck, because god is with me in my car.
I’m not prevented to, you know, it’s it’s like thinking my goal is to get there.
Well, yeah, it’s a little bit. That’s not your ultimate goal. Ultimate goal is to be with god.
His purpose is higher than getting to any place.
And so I’m not really stuck If I learned this, I’m not stuck.
Paul and silas were in a prison cell, were they stuck?
Physically, they were stuck, but they weren’t stuck from god’s will. They weren’t prevented.
I mean, they they they they might be thinking like, hey, I can’t I can’t preach in the squares.
I can’t minister. We can’t do this. We can’t do anything. They didn’t think that way.
They said, lord, wherever we are, you’ve got a purpose for this. And you will use it.
God wanted to do something with them. They weren’t stuck. They were moving. They were growing.
They were moving in god. They realized Paul Rose that we’re never stuck. I this I do, I press on.
Doesn’t matter if he’s in prison. I still press on on the journey. God was moving.
And so they started worshiping and praising god and giving thanks and rejoicing in their wilderness, And guess what happened?
Their wilderness broke open. A earthquake came. The purpose of god never stopped.
And because of that, it was recorded in the Bible, so you could be blessed.
If they never went to prison, you wouldn’t have that.
The wilderness is not a break when you go through a top dog.
It’s not a break from the purposes of what god has for your life. It’s not even a hindrance.
It was the purpose of god.
So when you’re in the next time, or maybe you’re in it now, say, lord, what do you wanna show me?
What? I’m open. It could tell me the purpose you have.
I wanna be I wanna be part of that purpose. I believe for redemption. You never stop, lord.
So I’m gonna follow you lead me even now. I’m not stuck.
You need to hold on to the fact that there’s a purpose. There’s a redemption. Lord, show me.
But I’m gonna go.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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