The Blessings of Being Imprisoned | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Blessings of Being Imprisoned
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn
Richard Wurmbrand, pastor in pre war, Romania, he’s he was a successful pastor before World War 2.
Then one day, he’s walking the street after World War 2. The communist took over Romania.
And one day, a black car pulls up next to him.
Men jump out pull him into the car, take him away.
He would be imprisoned for his faith, uh, literally, I think, underground for 7 years. The wilderness.
He’s in the wilderness now. And yet it was through being imprisoned for his faith, through the wilderness, only through that, that he became the person god created him to be.
It prepared, I’m not for a ministry in Romania, he was a pastor, but for a ministry to the world, to the persecuted church all over the world.
The ministry goes on to this day. It changed him.
God made him a a giant out of him because of that.
Now with everything that happened in our lives, I’m sure we you wanted things to change fast.
When is it gonna be over? You know, first, it’s gonna be it’s gonna be 3 months.
It’s gonna be 2 months. It’s gonna be know, and and and just kept getting longer.
But maybe god wanted to do something with us through it because he does.
I’m not saying though it doesn’t matter. He says he worked all things for good for you.
Whatever you’re dealing with, instead of focusing on the challenge. Lord, What do you wanna do with me?
What do you how do you wanna grow me through this?
How do you want how can I become more like Messiah? How can this mold me? I’m saying yes.
Whatever it takes. I pray. You know, you pray. I wanna be more like you.
Well, that’s the time it counts. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Jack Hibbs Special – Jesus Is More Than Enough Part 01Tháng 2 21, 2023