The Battle of the Mind

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The Battle of the Mind

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When’s the last time you sat down? And you started thinking about what you’re thinking about.
Think about what I’m saying right now.
When was the last time you sat down and started thinking about what you’ve been thinking about?
And that’s my question. What have you been thinking about?
Whatever you focus on The most that has the most power and strength to determine your output.
So what have you been spending
most of your thought life with
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This is your world. It’s all a vowed to make it a better place.
Let every hard than me is now. Love
we are changed.
If you have your bibles, go with me to the book of proverbs.
Chapter 23 verse 7.
We’ve been talking about how to defeat the devil in your mind.
And today, our focus is going to be the battle of the mind.
The Battle of the Mind. Your Mind Is the Arena of Faith.
Your mind is where the battle takes place.
And the Bible says for us to be aware that we have an adversary who has come to kill, steal, and to destroy.
But Jesus says, I’ve come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.
For those of us who understand what Jesus has done and we understand the power of god’s grace, We are not trying to defeat the devil.
The devil has already been defeated. He is a defeated foe.
We are not trying to get the victory. Jesus has already obtained the victory for us.
Our job is to maintain what he has all ready obtained.
So this is not where, you know, I’m gonna wake up this morning, and I am going to defeat the devil and get the victory.
No. The devil is defeated, and Jesus is lord. Amen. The victory has already been obtained.
But we’ve got to understand there is strategy that’s formed against us, strategy to try to humiliate and undo.
He can’t undo what Jesus has done, but to try to to make a mockery of what Jesus has done, to try to get us to think that not done.
The greatest fear that a believer can have is the fear that what god promised won’t come to pass.
The fear of what god has done that he really didn’t do it.
And so his job, again, to kill still and to destroy, He he he wants to he wants he wants you to be miserable in every sense of the of the word.
The way he does it is through your mind, your will, your emotions, your mind, is the is the center point, the resting place of your emotions.
And so emotions will move you in a directions.
If they’re good emotions, they’ll move you in a in a good direction.
If they’re bad emotions, they’ll move you in a bad directions.
And I’m telling you, when you get emotional, if you don’t recognize that this is the enemy, enough to at least be quiet.
The bible says a man that can control his tongue can’t control his whole body.
There is a daily strategy to try to attack you in your mind that is real, that is serious And that is something we want you to look at today as we look at and evaluate the battle of the mine.
Uh, I subtitle this, watch out for the land mines.
The first place that your enemy will attack you is your mind.
Your mind is, it your, your, your soul is what we call it.
We we’ve we have, over the years, we thought the soul, we use the word soul and spirit interchangeably as if they are the same.
You are a spirit being. You have a soul. You live in a physical body.
That is the tri part being of a man, they anatomy of a man. You are a spirit.
So when you leave your body, the real you leaves the body, You are a spirit being.
Say hello. I am a spirit being. Now you possess a soul. Now your soul is interesting.
Your soul is made up of your mind, your will. See, you have a choice and everything.
Your will You just slip up in cuffs. You bait a decision to cuss.
Your mind, your will, and your emotions. Emotions.
Uh, and so the enemy understands how can I disrupt your soul, your emotions, your thinker, your feeler, your chooser?
That’s where he wants to make the impact to try to bring destruction in your life, in your thinker, your filler, and in your chooser.
Your mind is the arena of the battleground for your life’s output.
See, nothing just happens out here. Your, your mind is the arena.
It’s a battle for the output.
And if he can affect inwardly
in your mind, your will, and emotions,
he can also affect the output.
And so the battle’s not won once he gets out here.
You cutting somebody ain’t winning no battle.
The battle has already been won, and you got to maintain that up here.
Up here, he’s gonna tell you it has not.
And up here is where you got to over and over again said,
I already have the victory. I already am righteous. I already am delivered. Already have wisdom.
I believe what this is what it is.
It is it is believing that even when you’re looking at something that contradicts
that, You’ve got to know how to play this chess game in a sense.
And it’s h it’s up here. You’ll hear things that’ll move you emotionally.
Here are things that’ll anger you, hear things that’ll hurt you, hear all these kind of things, and you’ve got to understand that is an attack that has been launched against you.
That’s where it starts. The fear that starts when you go to a doctor’s office And
they got bad news, and, and they tell you
the bad news, because this is what they saw. This is what they diagnosed.
And everything about you was to settle for that, except you know something in here that he’s trying to change that if you’ll keep it, it’ll change the output.
Oh my god.
But if he can stress you in here, and that stress begins to transform into the physical body and into your emotions and into all of the outputs that come from what he can accomplish.
That’s the battle. That’s the battle.
And so you will lose or win in life based on how you handle and fight in the battle of your mind.
You will win or lose in life based on the how you handle and fight in the battle of your mind.
Please remember it, ladies and gentlemen. Please remember, nothing just happens. What’s already on the outside?
Look at the outputs you have already.
All of those outputs came as a result of the battle in the mind.
Now, so let’s go through it.
I’m gonna give you the warnings of some landmines some things you need to pay attention to.
And right here, he says in proverbs 23 and

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