The Baby Called ‘God is With us’ | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Baby Called ‘God is With us’
So the problem or the challenge is how would this apply to Bethlehem?
Because because of because this is much later, how does it do that?
So how could it be that further when you read onward and I’m gonna, we’re gonna answer this.
So don’t worry. But here is Isaiah eight says it goes on more of the Lord said to me, take a large scroll and write on it with a man’s pen.
The words Maha maha Shala hash baz everybody. So I yeah, sounded just as good.
So I took a faithful witness recorded and says so it says then then it says it says I went into the prophetess and she conceived and bore a son.
So there it is the virgin or the woman conceives a son.
It says called the name of the child Maha Shala hash because it goes on now and now here’s the thing, this is the one where it says this child before they get to a certain age it’s gonna be a sign because God is going to take care of all these things.
Okay, so here is the the issue of the problem they’re saying, well well Matthew just took this out of context and use it.
But here’s the thing you can’t just take something on in the bible without context there.
But there’s a greater context. Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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