The Attractiveness of God’s Grace – Episode 3

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The Attractiveness of God’s Grace – Episode 3

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Preflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
It’s time for you to
Look at yourself and say
hodo, I think I am.
For without you?
I can’t do nothing.
And when you see people going through stuff, ask god to give you empathy.
Ask yourself, why are they there doing that?
Getting their shoes just for a
moment and wonder wonder what happened that bought them from being this infant child to killing somebody.
What trauma had to take place for them to be there?
And if empathy should show up. It should definitely show up from us.
The Bible says, allow room for the faults of others.
To live a life of grace, reunite, and reignite at grace life, the reunion from July 11th through 13th at the World Doman College Park, Georgia.
Ignite your faith with creflo and Taffy Dollar and an unmatched lineup of speakers, including Andrea Crayton, Gregory Dicott, Inkey Johnson, Mike Smith and Clarence McLendon, save your spot at the reunion, text Grace Life, one word, to 51555, or visit
This is your world.
Solis vowed to make it a at a place.
We are changed.
Satan is attempting a worldwide spirit of poverty.
You hear me.
The years that I tried to prepare the body of Christ in the area of prosperity was was always met with a demonic force
It’s here now.
What are you prepared to do? Who will you believe?
Because people that are possessed with mammon, they’re not gonna let you in.
What you gonna do? Where you gonna live? Where you gonna get food from?
You’re cool right now. It’s good right now. You’re trusting the system now, and all systems go.
I stand before you as a prophet of god telling you right now.
Please hear me Prepare now. Prepare like Joseph Prepared.
Do do what you have to do get before God. God show me what to do.
Show me how to walk. Show me how to trust in you, Hallelujah.
And that saying God that took care of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that saying God, that took a hundred year old man and a ninety year old woman and contradicted every natural law and caused an Isaac to be born.
Is ready for whosoever believe.
I believe. I believe.
When the heart finds all its satisfaction, in the things of god, and in his son, there is no need to condemn the pleasures of the world when my heart finds complete satisfaction in him.
God offers far better things in place of those which are to pass away.
Psalms 37 verse 1617 and NLT. Psalms 37 verse 1617 and NLT.
Man, I hope you hear me. This might be the most impact.
You know, god will tell me which is the, which was, which was the most important message I’ve been preaching for in my life, but this this this might be one of them.
1st 16 to 17 says it is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and rich.
For for the strength of the wicked will be shattered.
But the lord takes care of the godly.
There’s still a transference that’s coming.
The question is, are you gonna be in position?
Look at this scripture. Philippians
chapter 1, 23, 24, and NLT. Philippians chapter 1, 2324, NLT.
He says I’m torn between 2 desires. How long to go and be with Christ,
which would be far better for me. Did you see that? Do you see what Paul said?
It would be far better for me
to depart and to be with Christ.
You kidding me? Far better. Far better.
God said to me, he said, Son, It’s not a hard thing to pass over.
Passing over ain’t no hard thing. All you gotta do is make a decision. What you gonna do?
It’s not a hard thing. Paul said it would be far better.
But for your sakes,
It is better that I continue to live.
Amen. Yeah. Amen. For your sakes. It is better that I continue.
Talia, Paul saw a whole lot better for him.
But for you’re saying, there are people we’re gonna find out later in heaven.
People that came through this earth, the earth wasn’t even worried that they have them here.
Because you’re gonna you’re gonna find that the most important things, but world’s got it upside down.
What you consider the most important thing here on
the earth is not what god sees as
the most important thing in heaven.
You’re gonna find out that this word is the most important thing and that god sees in heaven.
And it’s the least important thing on the earth. Because after all, all those preachers want is your money.
A demonic slogan.
They could easily say it all Croda’s wants is your money.
They could easily say it all Home Depot wants is your money.
But it was all Preacher’s won’t is your money.
So nothing else mattered except the concern of do preachers have my money?
Well, you can’t you don’t have to worry about that here. Because we can’t afford it.
Our money’s working. Ain’t none left over for no preaching to be having.
You wanna go to the light company and and and and and and get on the phone and say, we’ve been to turn the on in the dome.
See how much money you gonna spend right quick.
But the demonic slogan has come upon the minds of so many people.
Maven and greed and fear. Why?
Because there’s a plan to drive you into poverty. Yeah.
A lot of worldliness in the church today is due to a failure to draw the heart of people to Christ by teaching and emphasizing his attractiveness that we find in grace.
It’s attractive. That I’ve been made the righteousness of God, not by what I did, but by what Jesus did.
That’s attractive. That all my sins have been forgiven past, present, and future. That’s attractive.
That Jesus will do the work in me if I believe it. That’s attractive.
That Jesus will change my desires and give me the power to do what pleases him. That’s attractive.
And because that’s not been heard and taught,
There was never the attractiveness found in grace.
Because of the condemnation that came from our preaching by shaming you and making you feel guilty and making you feel, uh, uh, shameful and condemned.
You you can’t look at me like, oh, that’s not the truth.
I know it’s the truth. I used to do it.
When offerings were low, Malachi 3 was my baby.
I had to go to Malachi 3. You cuss with a cuss.
You don’t rob god in the whole United States of America.
And you’ve not only robbed guard in town.
You are crooked offerings too.
Now let’s receive the offer and praise the lord.
But the attractiveness of grace is god says, I want you to be generous in your giving, but
I wanna make sure it come out of your heart. Not out of a threat.
And a fear and shaming you, shame on you, you gotta divorce.
Shame on you that you
missed it last night.
Shame on you. You still smoking cigarettes.
Shame on you.
That you didn’t show up for the Bible that’s sitting on Wednesday to help us feed the post.
Shame, shame, shame, shame. And you can take so much a shame before you just don’t wanna come near it no more.
Hey, man. You’re going to church?
I’m tired. I just you didn’t know what to call it, but what what it was, but I I just don’t feel like being ashamed, no more.
So I’m a just go and stay home with my shame for sale.
And I’m a sit in my shame. Wake up, man.
How many things that god has done right in your face?
How many people he saved and you know what they used to be like? You know where they came from.
And he saved them, and you
saw it. Okay. They may not be perfect and flawless.
Even though they got saved, but who is?
I don’t I don’t think it’s right for you to take a young man or a
young woman who’s struggling in their sexuality and condemned them to hell. And
I don’t think it’s right. I don’t care how much Bible you know.
I don’t care how long you’ve been in the middle of mem member of the church. I don’t care.
Because you’ll never know about it until they visit your front door.
I don’t think it’s right.
That’s not my god. That’s the that’s the that’s a religious god over there somewhere.
All I know is God can help anybody wherever they are, no matter what they’re dealing with, I trust in God.
I trust in god. And now we gotta learn how to trust god.
Why do you think that the journey means the journey can’t continue because you had a flat tire.
You got 2 spares in the truck.
Why are we so quick to do that to people?
As we stand up in our self righteousness, Well, I’m not that.
At least I’m not the worst they were. You know, they didn’t have 3 divorces.
I’ve been I’ve been with the same wife for 50 years. That don’t mean she happy.
What that mean?
I am preaching this sermon today like it is the last sermon I will ever have to preach to you.
I am preaching it today because I asked, as I was studying this, if this was the last sermon I preach, What would it sound like this?
Well, I don’t I don’t know about this church.
I I I don’t know if I can the the the the way he articulates and and and and the stuff that he says it’s too worldly.
Now you calling my sermon, worldly.
Good. Maybe you can understand it
with your worldly self.
Maybe I did like god did, bought the law on the level of man.
I’m trying to bring a sermon on the level of people who bat who’ve been in it by this world who have who have experienced oh my goodness.
The the trauma
of living on this planet.
The trauma of being homeless, the trauma of being a different color.
By church folks.
It’s just time for this.
It’s it’s time for us to wake up.
It’s time for you
to look at yourself and say
Who do I think I am?
Yeah. Pull it out. You?
I can’t do nothing.
And when you see people going through stuff, Ask god to give you empathy.
Ask yourself, why are they there? Doing that.
Getting their shoes just for a
moment and wonder wonder what happened that bought them from being this innocent child to killing somebody.
What trauma had to take place for them to be there?
And if empathy should show up. It should definitely show up from us.
The Bible says, allow room for the faults of others. No empathy.
God help us to have empathy. Help us to know that people didn’t just
they just weren’t born like that. Something happened.
Show me what happened. Show me how to address this thing.
Don’t let me show it
with this holier than not arrogant attitude
showed me how to be empathetic
and show me what to do.
I don’t know how many years we got.
Nobody knows a day or the hour.
But I’m telling you right now, don’t even ever ask me when you’re gonna retire.
It ain’t gonna happen.
I ain’t going I ain’t retiring. I okay. Well, I can answer that.
When will I retire when I leave? Wherever, we wanna hear somebody else.
We’ll go to another church and hear somebody else.
But as long as you call me out, you this is what I mean, I’m gonna be writing this bullshit.
Hang on, because the ministry in me hadn’t even started yet.
It’s all coming together. It’s just now coming together.
I’m not looking back at what happened 40 years ago. It’s just not coming together.
My brain had just closed that 30. And then it was getting cemented through my 30s.
And then my 40s, I would realize it that I don’t know as much as I thought I knew. I I had And in my fifties, I was just katana everything and was ready to quit it every time to look around.
But, oh, the wine is getting better and better and better. And better. You hadn’t even got started yet.
You hadn’t even got started yet, honey. The best is yet. To come.
And it’s it’s you got to stop this thing of, that ain’t what I wanna hear.
Like, it’s some type of uh. You know what I’m saying?
In like McDonald’s, have it your way.
It ain’t it ain’t a some stuff it ain’t about what you wanted here.
Some of the stuff, you just gotta sit there and take your medicine.
Some of the stuff is gotta be something you need to hear.
And then you go shop churches like you shop everything else until you can find something that, that you like.
For a minute.
I’m I’m free, man.
I love y’all, but ain’t no way in the world we’re going to heaven, and you accused me of not teaching what god told me to teach you.
You better be careful saying, well,
we never did learn that. I’m a be right behind that throne. Use a lie.
Now I wanna do something today.
I want you to prepare your offering.
This is really weird, but not not that weird.
I want you to look at Psalms, put it up on the screen.
Psalms 96 verse 78 in the new living translation. If you need an offering envelope, raise your hands.
Where is my offer? Oh, here it is.
Yeah. Taff and I were talking about this. Prepare why you’re home.
Worship Why are you home? Don’t have to wait till you get
when you start taking this seriously, Just like, man, this is this is vital part of my life.
Giving. Those of you who are watching through the stream.
I’m glad you had waffers in bed, but get up
and get your telephone so you can pay in our giving.
Somebody said waffle and COVID with creflo.
Then I said, it’s oftentimes.
They said, well, I guess there’s a year in another service.
Why has the enemy attacked this so much?
Because I believe it’s gonna be a major key
in what’s getting ready to happen.
Psalms 96.
Let’s look at it in King James First. 96 first, 7 through 8.
Give unto the lord, oh, you kindrance of the people.
Give unto the lord glory and strength. I’m like, okay. So what do we do?
We lift our hands up, What do we do? How do we give unto the lord glory and strength?
What does that mean? He says, give unto the lord glory due into his name.
How do we give unto the lord glory due into his name, bring an offering?
What? To for for me to give glory to his name, he says, one way to do
it is to bring an offering and then come into his courts.
1st 9? Coming to his courts and worship the lord
in the beauty of holiness referencing before him, all the earth, oh, worship the lord.
Now I get what he was saying. Giving is worship.
Somehow, I in my head, I was like, well, let’s do the altar call so we can get people saved.
He’s like, no, no, no. Why should me? Worship me. Give me glory.
Give me glory for what you heard.
Give me glory for what The spirit of god spoke through you, bring me an offering, and worship me, continue to worship me.
I want what’s in your heart, I wanna speak to you. I wanna be involved in your giving.
Worship me. Do you
know who god really is? In creflo dollars, 4 part series, the truth about god ways.
He highlights who god is and how his unique nature sets us free.
Under grace, god does everything apart from human merit.
Under grace, god first reminds us of what he has done in grace.
By grace, you’re already righteous. By grace, you’re already perfect. By grace, you’re already holy.
And now that you can see that it’s available to you by grace, then I’m gonna to appeal to you to live a life in harmony with what grace has already
This 4 message series is available for a love gift of 25 US dollars or more for CDs or 35 US dollars or more for DVDs.
To reach this series and discover god’s loving nature, call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit and click eStore today.
The countdown has begun.
The 2024 change
experience tour is headed to New York City, and the revival is set to be absolutely legendary with 2 amazing sessions in just one day.
Fall Ship, music, the word, bring your friends and family and experience it all on Friday, April 26.
You have to goal and experience it live for yourself.
Anytime we’re able to get together corporately and to be able to base in the presence of god, god will have an rotation, it will come on us.
So when we leave here, we won’t leave the way that we can.
Yeah. Anytime I get a chance to really listen to Omar, being a circus, you know, feeling nice in the guide, just when I put yourself in that kinda atmosphere.
I’m so grateful for the change experience.
Text changed 2024, one word, to or scan the QR code on your screen to claim your spot today.
Don’t miss out.
We must respond to the spiritual laws of god. A proven
principle task that I have operated in for many, many years
is the law of sowing and reaping.
Now when you sow into this ministry, you are sowing into good ground. Why?
You see, your seed is not wasted.
In fact, your seed is a twice sown scene, meaning that it’ll work in different places at the same time.
Your financial seed goes toward helping hurting people, both globally and within our local communities.
We thank god for your support.
You may support creflo our ministry’s outreach missions by calling us or visiting our website.
You enrich lives in ways you can’t begin to imagine. God bless you.
I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
And there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you wanna become born again and began an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus, I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me, heavenly father. I believe that Jesus is the son of god.
And that he died and was raised from the dead and has forgiven all of my sins.
And I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved. Praise God.
Now that simple prayer change your entire eternal destination, and we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
Because of you, creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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