Thankful Wednesday Blessings December 25, 2024!

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Thankful Wednesday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day and for the gift of my life. Your word in Psalm 106:1 says, “Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Every day is a gift, and I don’t take this life for granted. Thank You for loving me unconditionally, even when I fall short. Please forgive me for my sins and help me to walk in Your ways. I am so grateful for Your mercy, grace, and the countless blessings You’ve given me. Thank You for being my strength and my hope each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Amen!

Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen! -Revelation 7:12

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, as I wake up to this new day and open my eyes, I thank You for allowing me to witness the wonders of Your creation. Enter my heart; I give You the first place in my life and desire for You to remain there always. Thank You for Your infinite love and goodness. Blessed are You, for despite my mistakes and weaknesses, Your love for me never fades. I ask You to transform me into a better person with a heart like Yours.

I want to live according to Your Word and teachings, Lord. As I begin this new day, I entrust myself to You to guide my thoughts and actions. I praise You today because I am Your creation, molded by Your loving hands. You have shaped my life with care and have given me every gift I need to be happy.

Heavenly Father, I want to prepare my heart to welcome the child Jesus as the commemoration of His holy birth draws near. Lord, here I am before You, ready to receive Your blessings that will help me make this day a testimony of Your love.

You are my shepherd, guiding me along safe paths, protecting me from fear and anxiety. I want my life to be a hymn of praise to You. For this, I consecrate all that I am and offer You everything I will experience today. Thank You, for in Your arms, I am always Your beloved and protected child, lacking nothing.

Let me remain in Your presence always, Lord. Extend Your healing hand over all of us who need You. Help me feel Your love, for I am important to You. You are by my side and will provide all I need to keep moving forward.

Hold me in Your arms this beautiful morning and inspire me to fulfill Your blessed will. May every day of my life be a testimony of Your love, a song of gratitude for all You have done and continue to do in me. Let me live in thanksgiving, recognizing Your goodness and mercy in every moment and circumstance.

Grant me wisdom to make the right decisions, peace in any situation, and strength during difficulties. Come, Lord, come and dwell in my heart so that I may reflect Your love wherever I go. Help me see Your presence in all of life’s manifestations.

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Jennifer Bunch - 2024-12-26 10:12:06

Prayer 4 a successful surgery on January 6; and a place to stay when I come out the hospital! Also grant me wisdom to complete my assignment that u have given me to start the Bunch foundation for the elderly; in loving memorial of Estelle Bunch! In Jesus name I pray Amen! 🙏 may God get the glory and honor 🎖! Peace i give just as I leave t

Jennifer Bunch - 2024-12-26 10:32:12

I pray for people everywhere that they turn from thier wicked ways 4 God to heal the land just as he said he would; in his word! If my people will humble themselves under my words; I will heal the land! God bless America ¡ if not we have not seen God\'s great tribulations! C19 was just a sample of his anger! Okay! That\'s folks need to cry to God now so that they can be saved and baptize 4 the remission of sins according to act 2v38 speaks it very plainly and clear okay! So I beg folks not to play and think that his words r not true! Nothing in his word is false okay! Better stop playing with the master and his plans that he has 4 his chosen vessel okay! I was a chosen vessel! Born 12/24/ 1953; but chosen at birth! Due to my mom put me up 4 adoption and God had Godly folks pick me out! God created me; and i was raised by Godly folks that only lived by the word of God! So I no that I or fool myself to think Any different 🤔 I couldn\'t go after stray if I wanted too! God won\'t let me! And I\'m so glad to be in that number okay! I got to clean my temple regardless; I can\'t do wrong and don\'t have no remorse about it! I must confess asap! I\'m so greatful 4 that! I\'m just like jona in the bible in Jesus name I 🙏 Amen!

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