Thankful Wednesday Blessings August 21, 2024
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Thankful Wednesday Blessings
Prayer of the Day:
Father, help me to pay more attention to You than I do to my problems. Help me be filled with joy as I trust You to take care of everything that concerns me.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7
Lord, this Wednesday morning I ask that I would not walk in fear. That I would not be subject to the fear of man, but I would walk in Your power, love, and self-discipline. Help me Lord not to partner with the lies of the enemy that would make be anxious or worry about situations.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Almighty God, as I begin this day, I look to the heavens, fully aware of the love You bestow upon me with every breath I take. You continue to grant me the gift of life, allowing me to press on in my journey toward Your presence.
This morning, I wake up with joy in my heart, assured that You are by my side. Your words remain faithful, filling me with the courage to move forward. My God, I stand before You to praise and bless You, to fill myself with Your strength, power, grace, and companionship.
Lord, I ask You to cleanse every stain of sin from my wounded heart. Purify me and grant health to my soul, for I desire to be a living temple of Your Spirit, worthy of Your dwelling within me. Fill me with strength to fight against temptations and stay by my side so that I may emerge victorious. Through Your mighty power, help me drive away the enemy, ensuring that nothing ever separates me from You.
Take my hands so that I may reach out to those in need of Your protection. Guide my feet to seek out my lost brothers and sisters along the way. Use my eyes to watch over justice and my mouth to speak out against injustice. I wish to move with freedom and live with the certainty that, if You are with me, nothing can separate me from Your love.
I praise and bless You because You love me unconditionally, offering me a life filled with happiness and love, free from fear. Thank You, Lord, for Your constant presence in my life, for Your inexhaustible love, and for all the blessings You shower upon me and my loved ones.

Lord, I ask that You continue to guide me, strengthen me, and never abandon me. I place my trust in Your power and grace, which never leave me. I pray for steadfast health to continue working toward my happiness. I firmly believe You are listening to my prayer, healing all that needs renewal.
Lord, make it clear to me that true happiness comes from remaining united with You. May this day be filled with blessings, where I feel Your presence in every moment, every decision, and every action. Thank You, Lord, for this new day and the opportunity to live once more under Your loving gaze.
My Lord, I place this new day in Your hands, trusting that Your will be done in all my actions. Amen. I will join a prayer group, seeking to grow in community, strengthen my faith, and especially my fraternal bonds.
You preserve my health and keep me always in Your presence. Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel, now and forever. Psalm 40.
May the Lord bless us today. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.