Thankful Tuesday Blessings December 17, 2024!

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Thankful Tuesday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day and for giving me the strength to start this week strong. I give my anxiety and fear to You. Your word in Philippians 4:13 reminds me that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. I’ve been in the most difficult season of my life, but I trust You completely. With 15 days left in this year, I’m so thankful that You’re providing me with supernatural strength to face each day. Even when it feels hard, I know You’re walking with me and carrying me through. Thank You for being my source of strength, my refuge, and my hope. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. -Hebrews 6:19

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the immense love You show me in this new day. Waking up alive is Your miracle of love. Embrace me tightly and never let me go. I do not want to stray from Your arms because in them I find the inner peace I so deeply need.

Lord, You alone are worthy of all honor, and I know with certainty that You hold my hand and help me rise during difficult moments. Cover me with Your mantle so that I may feel the security and peace that come from Your presence.

Today, I thank You for placing loving people in my life—those willing to share their lives with me. I ask that evil does not take hold of my heart, nor that I grow weak in the face of temptation. Strengthen me, Lord, with the power of Your might. Give me a firm heart to resist the attacks of evil, and let me never lose the trust and confidence I find in Your Word.

I give thanks for my family and for all those who stand by my side, supporting and guiding me on this journey. I am grateful for their love, patience, and understanding, for they are instruments You use to show me how much You love me.

Thank You for my friends—for every smile, every word of encouragement, and every embrace. Thank You for the moments of joy and even for the challenges, for they allow me to grow and draw closer to You.

Lord, I praise and bless You for this new day and this special moment of prayer with You, my Savior. Help me to remember that the grace that sustains me, the gift of life, and everything I possess are because of Your infinite mercy.

Let every living being praise Your name. May everything around me glorify and honor You. Thank You for walking with me throughout this day, for guiding my steps, and ensuring that everything unfolds according to Your will. I trust in Your mercy and Your power, Lord. I am convinced that You go before me, clearing the path.

Deliver me from all feelings of fear, any sense of anxiety, and every manifestation of pessimism in my heart. My God, I praise and bless You. I offer You all my love and thank You for the countless blessings You have given me throughout my life.

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