Thankful Friday Blessings August 30, 2024

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Thankful Friday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for another day of life. Your mercies are new every morning, and Your faithfulness continues to overflow. Thank You for creating me with every detail. I pray that my mind would be free of any self-doubt. I am Your unique design. Your word in Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” God, I will keep this word in my heart. My life matters. I am a fearfully and wonderfully made masterpiece. Teach me to fully embrace this truth and rest confidently in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Yet You, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, You are the potter; we are all the work of Your hand. -Isaiah 64:8

Prayer of the Day: 

Lord, You know that I struggle when making decisions. Please help me to be confident in You, to make decisions boldly, and to not second-guess myself or live in the constant fear of making a mistake, amen.

Thankful Friday Blessings August 30, 2024
Thankful Friday Blessings August 30, 2024

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, here I am once again, with my heart wide open, in need of Your strength to begin this new day under Your blessing. On this beautiful morning, I want to tell You that I love You and trust in You. At this moment, I open my heart to You and ask You to work within it. I give You endless thanks because I know You will continue to watch over me throughout this day that is beginning.

I do not want to let evil take hold of my heart. I do not want to be weak in the face of temptation, so I ask You to shield me with the strength of Your power. I need Your serenity so that I do not falter in the face of any adverse or challenging situation. Forgive my faults, and let the seeds of learning from them be planted in my heart. Allow these seeds to germinate and bear fruit. Keep all kinds of anguish away from me. Dwell within me always so that all those thoughts that lead me away from Your love may be banished.

This morning, I give myself completely to You. I praise You because You are good and because Your love never runs out. Fill me throughout this day with Your grace, and guide me so that the actions I take bring me closer to You. How good it is to know that You are by my side and that You do not abandon me. How good it is to feel the strength of Your love for me day after day.

Help me to be free. I want to live in freedom and act with the assurance of Your love and the light of Your Spirit. I can do all things through You because You give me the necessary abilities to face each day and every moment. My life is in Your hands. I entrust to You my actions, my thoughts, and what I carry in my heart. I entrust all my dreams to You. I want You to give me strength so I do not get discouraged and can achieve them.

Thankful Friday Blessings August 30, 2024
Thankful Friday Blessings August 30, 2024

Thank You, Lord, because in this moment, as I reflect, You give me peace and serenity so that I do not falter in any of my struggles. Thank You for holding me close to Your heart and making me feel that You love me and want the best for me. I will live this day with the assurance of Your presence and be ready to give my best to move forward.

Grant me the grace to recognize Your blessings in every moment of the day and to always thank You with a sincere heart full of gratitude. Bless all the people around me—my family and friends, those I know, and those I will meet along the way. Fill them with Your love and protection, and may we all work together to build a more just and peaceful world.

Lord, on this new day, I ask You to continue sustaining me with Your love and to keep showering me with blessings. I feel fortunate to begin this day with Your blessing, my Lord. Thank You for always being by my side, watching over me. Amen.

I commit to living this day with joy and hope, trusting in God’s presence and love at every moment.

Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with joyful shouts. (Psalm 33)

May the Lord bless us this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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