The Hetero-King & the Power to Defy the Devil | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Hetero-King & the Power to Defy the Devil
Message Of The Week – From the Book of Acts, an amazing phrase coined by a pagan and yet has everything to do with your walk – and even the cultures and times in which you live.
When the voice of the enemy tells you, given to that saint, given to that darkness, given to that fear, that hopelessness, that depression, that substance, you’re gonna say, I will not.
I will disobey you. The boss of use Hederas, you have another king.
Means you are what does it mean? Means means you are of another kingdom.
He said my kingdom is not of this world. Therefore, you are not your upper kingdom.
That’s not of this world. That means if he’s your king, that means you are not under this world.
You’re not bound by the world. You’re not subject to the world. You are not under the world’s dominion.
Yes. You follow things as much as it’s okay, but you’re not of it. You’re of another.
Another king. Another king that means you’re of an there’s another kingdom.
You are not any more of the kingdom of sin. You are not to give into it.
You’re not to let it rule you or command you, tempt you because it says sin is not to have dominion over you anymore.
Because you’re not under its dominion. You’ve got rights.
You got you got pay you got you have the rights. I’m a citizen.
Not of that dominion of sin anymore. I’m a citizen of the king, the other king.
You have the power not to because you’re of him. You are of the other king.
That means you are not to be mastered by anyone but him. You means you master.
It means you are not mastered by your problems. You master your problem by his power.
You are not mastered by the circumstance. You master the circumstance.
You are not of the dominion, the kingdom of circumstances anymore.
I’m not subject to you’re not subject to the law of sin and death. No.
I mean, you’re the body, the old world, the flesh is, but not you.
That means you are not other.
You see, is there anyone’s in Messiah, he, she is a new creation the old things have passed away.
You’re not under the dominion of your past. It is not to rule you anymore.
Whatever happened, good about You’re not under the the curse of this world’s under a curse.
You’re not under that curse. The flesh has his own thing, but you are not.
There may be curses around you. Curses that have affected your life.
Maybe right now they’re affecting, but you don’t have to you’re not of the curse anymore.
You’re the kingdom of god, which break slippers. You have the power to breakers.
You’re not above a fallen king, and you’re of a risen kingdom.
Now you can it can be translated.
Also, this word, the other king, heteros can mean a different king. Where’s that being?
You’ve got a different king. That means you can live different from the world.
You can live different from the way you lived before.
You could you could have a different identity from what you had before.
You you can live differently from what your past would have led you to do and what people expect.
You can react differently than anyone than a natural way to react, you can react different.
You can love your enemies because you’re different, and you can make a difference on this world.
So it also means opposite king.
So you can live opposite the way that the enemy wants you to opposite.
All hell is breaking loose, and you can rejoice. I can do the opposite thing. People hate me.
I can love them. I can do the opposite. The world persecutes people and they’re miserable.
The world presulates you. You can rejoice like the book of acts.
You got the power to do exactly the opposite of what you did before and what the world expects of you.
That same word, bustle use heteros can be translated the next king. Why? Cause he’s really the the king.
He’s really the first king. He’s the king. He’s god.
But the next thing because of the world’s view, he’s the next thing because they’re already serving something else.
Before you knew the lord, you were serving something else. That was your king. This was your king.
That was your king. Then he came in, and he became your next king.
And then he gave you a next life. He gave you another life.
And so he’s the next he’s only the king. He’s the next king. He’s the king who’s coming.
He’s the next king. He’s the next big thing. He’s the 1 his kingdom is coming.
And who will reign to the end. That’s why I wanna be with that king.
You see, even though it may look like as people are are not on the winning side around the world, There are the winning side.
He’s the next king. Yeah. And so all the ways of god are gonna prevail in the end.
Even if it looks unlikely, it’s gonna happen.
The way of love will prevail, the way of humility, the way of the lamb, the lamb will reign on the throne.
Yeah. So what does that mean? That you have the other king.
It means that no matter what’s going on in your life, what’s going on in the world, that’s not the final story for you.
Because you have something else. See, if you didn’t have them, everything would be it.
You know, pee in the world, they don’t have anything else. So that’s it. They have to react.
They have to live by have to be mama. There’s nothing else.
And you’re in a situation where there’s there’s no hope. It’s it. There’s no.
But in you, there’s never no hope because you always have something else. You’ve got the other king.
You’re not stuck with things as they are. You got another king. You’re not of it.
The the the end of the story for you is not the end of the story because you got the other king.
What else does it mean?
The book in the book of acts, it said that the disciples are going against the ways of Caesar because they have another king.
And that, even though it was a it was an accusation, it’s actually a secret.
See, sin wants you to obey it. How do you resist obeying sin by obeying the other king? Yes.
See, the greatest thing it’s not about what we’re against. It’s who we what’s who we’re for.
And by you get who you’re for, right, you get the first part, the positive, you’ll deal with a negative.
How do you defy hatred bitterness by submitting to the other king’s love.
How do you defy the prince Saudi’s war, darkness rulers by obeying the authority of the other king.
Moses could defy pharaoh because he knew he had just seen the other king.
Elijah could resist Jezebel and Ahab because he knew the other king.
Paul could resist the authority of Rome itself because he submitted himself to the authority of the other king Jesus.
Yeah. How do you say notice in? By saying yes to god first.
How do you say no to illicit pleasure by saying yes to the joy of the lord, which is your strength.
First, how do you disobey the lust of the flesh by saying yes to the power and moving of the spirit?
How do you overcome temptation of sin by being overcome by the presence and power of god?
You deal with every deal with bike first, getting it with the other king. Yeah.
You have a massive problem in your life. Don’t let it overwhelm you. Remember, I’ve got another king.
And he’s over this. And he’s better. The enemy’s trying to command you. Command your flesh. Make you fall.
You gotta fall. You fell before You’re gonna fall again. You’re gonna mess up.
You’ve been doing it for a long time, but you have the power now to defy that.
To say, no. I disobey you. What does it bother to say?
Submit to god, then resist the devil, and he will flee.
And you have the other king who’s got how much authority all authority.
So by looking at him so if you’re not looking at him, you think you don’t have any you look at him and you realize the world doesn’t have any authority.
No. It may look powerful that you’ve gotten zero authority. Come on now.
Because I had the king is here. Not not there.
So you can be able to say you got no authority over me.
You got no authority at all. Remember that. It means everything.
When the world tells you to give into darkness, you are just not fear at all.
I’m not I don’t fear that I have the king. You’re you’re not the king.
This is not this is not legitimate.
You’re to now tell it when you’re confronted by the world of flesh and the devil.
Whatever he’s doing, trying to do to you, you say no. I will not obey you.
I will not obey you anymore. You have 0 authority over my life.
Ah, because I am of the other king. I follow him only.
When the voice of the enemy tells you given to that scene, given to that darkness, given to that fear that hopeless is that depression, that substance.
You’re gonna say, I will not. I will disobey you because you have no authority Certainly over me.
I belong to the king of kings. He’s the only authority. Tell it to that sin.
Tell it to that habit. So you have no authority fear. You have no authority. I will not obey.
I’m not of you. I’m of the king. You have no authority that that habit. You have you’ve done this.
I I I I don’t know what I was doing that I gave into that. You have zero authority.
I’m now following the king. I’m free of you.
You have no authority over me anymore failure, discouragement, gloom.
You have no authority over me, lust, alcohol, drugs, substances, anger, bitterness, the past, shame, hurt wounds, lies.
You have no authority over me anymore. I will not submit you. I will not give in. I will not.
I will disobey. I will defy you because I am of another king who is so much greater and stronger and better than you.
I am free. I am blessed.
I am victorious, and I will overcome all things because I am um the there. Kate. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Tangled – Sarah Jakes RobertsTháng 5 19, 2023