Social relationship like this is ‘SIN’ | Billy Graham

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“Special Strength is Coming” from Billy Graham

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We’re living in a period when there’s a great discussion on morality in this country.
The young people of our generation are but just shadows of the older generation.
The sins of the fathers are being visited upon the Children.
The moral and spiritual decadence of adults is being reflected in an intensified departure from moral and spiritual values.
It’s the elders the older generation that prints and sells the pornographic literature that’s on the newsstands of the nation.
It’s the older generation that is setting a poor example in morality.
A growing number of college students do not consider that premarital relations i moral on the contrary, they do it not only as a natural expression of affection, but is a valuable experience in personal growth.
And today’s campus coach. Maybe tomorrow’s national morality.
In the 20s, our mother would wonder what should I tell my daughter about sex today?
The problem has changed. Is there anything left to tell her?
Our father took his son aside and said, son, don’t you think it’s time?
We talked about the facts of life? The son said, I sure do dad, What do you want to know?
one junior is quoted as saying, if a girl reaches 20 and she’s still a virgin, she begins to wonder whether there’s something wrong with her as a woman.

Now, sex here’s a gift from God and it’s normal to have sex hunger and God said sex within the bonds of matrimony is pure and holy and wonderful And the Greatest Act between two individuals.
What is God’s attitude toward this city even I know and am a witness say it the law, you hittin that parked automobile when you bought that magazine that you knew was wrong.
God saw it. Everything is open to him.
You haven’t hidden one single thing, not even your thoughts are hidden from God.
There is no sin that destroys the youthful glow in a man or a woman’s face like this sin, there is no sin that is more destructive to the total personality and all of life social relationships like this sin.
And yet God loves you and is willing to forgive and forget that you’ve ever committed this sin.
If you put your trust and your confidence in him, he was kind and loving and merciful to all of those that were willing to turn from it and he was willing to give them new strength and a new life.
And he’ll do the same for you.
You say, well billy, I’m a young person, I have got all this drive and energy.
What am I to do? The temptation itself is not the sin.
The thing that is the sin is when you yield to the temptation, avoid the wrong company and that means that some of you may have to break up with your boyfriend or your girlfriend and if you’re carrying on an affair that is not right.
You break it up now as an evidence of the fact that you’re repenting of sin, what a wonderful thing it would be to see bright, clean, disciplined young people marching for jesus christ throughout the country.
And then secondly, watch your eyes, make a covenant with your eyes tonight and say, oh God, I’m going to give my eyes to jesus christ.

Let him keep them from looking upon that, which is impure. Now, the first look is not a sin.
You can’t help the first look, it’s that second look that you can help the bible says evil communications corrupt dirty stories off color jokes are out for the person That wants to live a clean, pure life for Jesus Christ and when somebody else tells one in your presence, don’t laugh and that will be a rebuke to him.
You may be unpopular, but they will respect you. And then fifthly, watch your dress.
I know a girl who used to dress very provocatively.
She dressed, she said to knock the daylights out of the men, She received christ as her savior.
She said, I now dress as though jesus were my escort. What’s your recreation and your amusements?
What films do you see, what television programs do you watch? Let christ direct you in.
The most wonderful thing about being a christian young person is that you can have christ in your heart to help you through all of these things, constantly watch your leisure hours.
Show me a young person in his leisure hour and I’ll show you the type of young person he is when David was idle is when he got in trouble, keep busy and doing good things.

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