Shalhevetyah: Flame of God | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Shalhevetyah: Flame of God | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
He sealed his love for you through death going. It’s a love unto death.
So that not even death can separate him from you and you from him In past ages.
The rabbis did not allow Jewish people to read the song of Solomon until they turned 30 years old.
It was considered an adult book, but but not just you think, because it has the essential that looks sensual, but it’s actually so spiritual when you take it into the realm of God and you, in fact, the rabbis considered it the holy of holies of the bible.
The song of Solomon is about a bride and groom, but ultimately, it’s about something higher.
The bride and the groom, Israel saw in the bride groom, God and the bride Israel, the church and they were right and the church sees it as messiah, The bride groom and the church, the bride.
And that’s true as well. Ultimately, it’s about God, the bride groom and you, the bride, let’s take it to the ultimate, sent me like a seal as a seal on your heart.
The bride is saying this to the groom, so represents the heart of the bride.
The church, or us, or each of us. Our heart to God.
So that not even death can separate him from you and you from him In past ages.
The rabbis did not allow Jewish people to read the song of Solomon until they turned 30 years old.
It was considered an adult book, but but not just you think, because it has the essential that looks sensual, but it’s actually so spiritual when you take it into the realm of God and you, in fact, the rabbis considered it the holy of holies of the bible.
The song of Solomon is about a bride and groom, but ultimately, it’s about something higher.
The bride and the groom, Israel saw in the bride groom, God and the bride Israel, the church and they were right and the church sees it as messiah, The bride groom and the church, the bride.
And that’s true as well. Ultimately, it’s about God, the bride groom and you, the bride, let’s take it to the ultimate, sent me like a seal as a seal on your heart.
The bride is saying this to the groom, so represents the heart of the bride.
The church, or us, or each of us. Our heart to God.

Our words to God sent me like a seal on your heart. So personal, your relation with God.
It’s gotta be personal. Can’t just be doctrinal or just say, I have the faith principles.
It’s about heart to heart. God has a heart and you have a heart and it’s like the heart of the of the bride.
The heart of you saying God, remember me, Don’t forget me. Don’t let my sins separate you from me.
I never want to be distant from you. I never want to be separated from you Deep down.
No matter who you are, your heart is longing for God.
You might have substitutes that took it away, but your heart is made for God longs to be with God.
And you know, I mean to get closer, get into worship. It’s not so much about trying to produce it.
It’s about taking away the other things that are taking up your heart. Your heart will naturally long for God.
In the bible there’s a word zero a You hear me sometimes say it on Passover.
The zero A say it zero.
It says in the bible that God created the universe through the zero to It says in the bible that he freed his people from Egypt.
But with with with power by the pharoah, it says he will bring salvation to the world and all the world will see it by the pharoah.
Then in Isaiah 53 it says, who has believed our report?
It talks about messiah prophecy of messiah, dying for our sins. Isaiah 53.
But it begins by saying, And to whom has the zero of the Lord been revealed Now, the word is translated as the arm.
It does mean arm, but it’s the arm of God.

And so what it’s saying is this, It’s saying that you want to see the arm of God.
First of all, it says that the arm of God through the arm of God through the zero of the world was created.
Well here in 73, it’s saying this is the zero, the one who dies for our sins.
And it goes with John which says all things were created through him the son.
And then it says by, by the Zero, he saved his people out of Egypt mighty Hand.
Well, that’s saying through messiah or through the sun and then and and and it says he he will through all through the Zero will make salvation to known to the world.
Well, we know that that’s true, messiah jesus. He’s the pharoah. So you want to see the power of God.
It’s not primarily in the Red Sea or the fires on the mountain.
You see it primary, you want to see the power of God. You see it on the cross.
The power of God. The arm the zero of the arm.
The mighty arm of God that saved you dying for your sins. That’s the power of God.
It’s the power of love. The Zero A is the love of God. The arm of God.
The power of God. There is nothing more powerful than the Almighty that he gave his life for you on the cross.
And so it’s an amazing thing.
If messiah is the pharoah, the arm of God and it says in Song of Solomon sent me as like a seal on your arm inscribed me on your arm?
Think about it. Now, messiah’s on the cross for you. He has your name on him.
He’s in your place, He’s dying as you. He has your name on him. And he was marked.
He was inscribed. His hands were pierced and his feet were pierced and his side he was inscribed Because of me and you.
He carries it. That’s the seal he carries that. And we don’t know that that’s ever gonna heal.
We don’t know that because when he when he rose, he could tell thomas. Put your your hand in here.
Put your hand in here. He he may be that way forever. He has sealed.
He has inscribed you on him close to your heart.
He says on your heart he had a wound that went right to his heart. That’s because of you.
He’s sealed. That’s inscribed with you. You’re joined to him forever. Joined to God inscribed.
Set me as a seal on your heart. As a seal on your arm.
So the bride groom inscribed us on his heart. And on his his hand on calvary.
You are joined so intimately with him. It’s a seal.
So it means remember that hebrew word also means to end to seal it. It’s over.
There’s nothing, you know the seal is he said. It is finished. It is sealed. Nothing can separate.
Isaiah 49 15. It goes with this verse where where God says, can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her woman?
The answer is, yes. Some can even these may forget, but I says, the Lord will not forget you behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands and calvary.
God engraved you on the palms of his hands forever. The most intimate intimate love permanent.
And look at the rest. Now, let’s let’s let’s you know that what we just said is all from not even a full verse.
That’s from like half a verse. Everything we just saw. That’s how how rich God’s word is.
But now to the next words for love is as strong as death.
Its passion is as unyielding as the grave. The bride groom, he’s dying on calvary for you.
That’s the bride groom. Love is as strong as death.
He’s living his life, he’s going to death because of love.
Because his love is so strong it goes to death. What is the cross love is as strong as that?
He gives himself in love. He matches God matches death with his love and more than matches it.
He conquers him. He sealed his love for you through death going. It’s a love unto death.
So that not even death can separate him from you and you from him. It is the ceiling.
Maybe you don’t feel loved? Maybe you don’t feel loved by people. Maybe don’t feel loved by God.
Maybe you don’t feel accepted. Maybe you can feel you should have been more love.
But you know what the truth is.
You are more loved than you could ever handle than you could ever fathom. It doesn’t matter.
It’s not about feeling whether you feel it or not, it’s not the point or even what God, what people have done for you.
It doesn’t matter. God loves you with a love that is infinite and forever.
I’ve loved you with an everlasting love he says.
And that love is sealed with a ceiling on his arm, on his heart on the cross.
There’s only one who gave his life for you. All the rest.
Don’t matter quite as much whether everybody rejects you. It doesn’t matter the one who matters, loves you unto death.
Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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